
  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pagi yang cerah menyelimuti Borobudur.
    En: A bright morning enveloped Borobudur.

    Id: Candi megah berdiri kokoh, menyambut matahari pagi.
    En: The magnificent temple stood firm, greeting the morning sun.

    Id: Di sana, di bawah naungan pohon besar, Rina dan Arif berdiskusi dengan semangat.
    En: There, under the shade of a large tree, Rina and Arif discussed with enthusiasm.

    Id: "Arif, kita mulai dari mana hari ini?
    En: "Arif, where should we start today?"

    Id: " tanya Rina sambil membuka buku catatan kecil.
    En: asked Rina while opening a small notebook.

    Id: "Mulai dari lantai dasar," jawab Arif sambil tersenyum.
    En: "Let's start from the ground floor," answered Arif with a smile.

    Id: "Biar wisatawan bisa melihat relief dulu.
    En: "So the tourists can see the reliefs first.

    Id: Nanti kita naik bertahap ke atas.
    En: We'll go up gradually."

    Id: "Rina mengangguk setuju.
    En: Rina nodded in agreement.

    Id: "Benar.
    En: "Right.

    Id: Relief di lantai dasar sangat menarik.
    En: The reliefs on the ground floor are very interesting.

    Id: Banyak cerita yang bisa kita jelaskan di sana.
    En: There's a lot we can explain there."

    Id: "Mereka mulai merencanakan rute tur.
    En: They began planning the tour route.

    Id: "Setelah selesai di lantai dasar, kita bawa mereka ke Arupadhatu," lanjut Arif.
    En: "After finishing on the ground floor, we can take them to Arupadhatu," Arif continued.

    Id: "Di sana, pemandangannya luar biasa.
    En: "The view there is incredible."

    Id: ""Tapi kita harus hati-hati," tambah Rina.
    En: "But we have to be careful," added Rina.

    Id: "Tangga ke atas sedikit terjal.
    En: "The stairs going up are a bit steep.

    Id: Kita harus pastikan semua wisatawan aman.
    En: We need to make sure all tourists are safe."

    Id: "Rina dan Arif adalah pemandu wisata yang berdedikasi.
    En: Rina and Arif are dedicated tour guides.

    Id: Mereka selalu berusaha memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi wisatawan.
    En: They always strive to provide the best experience for tourists.

    Id: Hari ini, mereka berharap semuanya akan berjalan lancar.
    En: Today, they hoped everything would go smoothly.

    Id: Saat matahari mulai memanjat lebih tinggi, wisatawan mulai berdatangan.
    En: As the sun climbed higher, tourists began arriving.

    Id: Rina dan Arif menyambut mereka dengan senyuman.
    En: Rina and Arif welcomed them with smiles.

    Id: "Selamat pagi, selamat datang di Candi Borobudur," sapa Rina dengan ramah.
    En: "Good morning, welcome to Borobudur Temple," greeted Rina warmly.

    Id: "Nama saya Rina dan ini Arif.
    En: "My name is Rina and this is Arif.

    Id: Kami akan menjadi pemandu Anda hari ini.
    En: We will be your guides today."

    Id: "Mereka memimpin rombongan menuju lantai dasar.
    En: They led the group to the ground floor.

    Id: Rina mulai menjelaskan cerita di balik setiap relief.
    En: Rina began explaining the stories behind each relief.

    Id: Wisatawan mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
    En: The tourists listened attentively.

    Id: Tidak ada yang ingin melewatkan satu detail pun.
    En: Nobody wanted to miss a single detail.

    Id: Setelah beberapa waktu, mereka mulai naik ke lantai berikutnya.
    En: After a while, they started to climb to the next level.

    Id: Arif memimpin kali ini.
    En: Arif led this time.

    Id: Dia memberi tahu wisatawan tentang sejarah candi dan berbagai aspek arsitekturnya.
    En: He informed the tourists about the temple's history and various architectural aspects.

    Id: Ketika tiba di puncak, pemandangan memang menakjubkan.
    En: When they reached the top, the view was indeed breathtaking.

    Id: Matahari memancarkan sinar keemasan di atas bukit dan pegunungan di kejauhan.
    En: The sun cast its golden rays over the hills and mountains in the distance.

    Id: "Sungguh indah, ya," bisik seorang wisatawan dengan kagum.
    En: "So beautiful," whispered a tourist in awe.

    Id: Arif hanya tersenyum, merasa bangga dengan warisan budaya ini.
    En: Arif just smiled, feeling proud of this cultural heritage.

    Id: Tur mereka hampir selesai.
    En: Their tour was almost over.

    Id: Wisatawan tampak puas dan senang.
    En: The tourists seemed satisfied and happy.

    Id: Rina dan Arif saling pandang dan mengangguk puas.
    En: Rina and Arif looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction.

    Id: Itu pertanda bahwa hari mereka sukses.
    En: It was a sign that their day was successful.

    Id: "Terima kasih telah mengikuti tur kami," kata Rina di akhir tur.
    En: "Thank you for joining our tour," said Rina at the end of the tour.

    Id: "Kami berharap Anda menikmati waktu di Borobudur.
    En: "We hope you enjoyed your time at Borobudur."

    Id: "Rombongan bertepuk tangan, menunjukkan rasa puas dan terima kasih mereka.
    En: The group applauded, showing their satisfaction and gratitude.

    Id: Rina dan Arif mengantar mereka kembali ke pintu keluar.
    En: Rina and Arif escorted them back to the exit.

    Id: Di sana, mereka berbicara sebentar, merencanakan hari esok.
    En: There, they talked for a bit, planning for the next day.

    Id: "Besok, mungkin kita bisa coba rute yang berbeda," usul Rina.
    En: "Tomorrow, maybe we can try a different route," suggested Rina.

    Id: "Setuju.
    En: "Agreed.

    Id: Selalu ada cara untuk membuat pengalaman lebih menarik," jawab Arif.
    En: There's always a way to make the experience more interesting," replied Arif.

    Id: Dengan semangat baru untuk hari esok, mereka pun berpisah dan pulang ke rumah masing-masing.
    En: With renewed enthusiasm for the next day, they parted ways and headed home.

    Id: Hari itu, Candi Borobudur tidak hanya menjadi tempat bersejarah, tetapi juga menjadi saksi kegigihan dan kerja sama dua pemandu wisata yang hebat.
    En: That day, Borobudur Temple was not just a historical site but also a witness to the dedication and teamwork of two great tour guides.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: cerahenveloped: menyelimutimagnificent: megahshade: naungannotebook: buku catatangradually: bertahapreliefs: reliefinterest: menarikview: pemandanganincredible: luar biasasteep: terjaldedicated: berdedikasistrive: berusahaenthusiasm: semangatarrival: berdatanganbreathtaking: menakjubkangolden rays: sinar keemasandistance: kejauhanawe: kagumcultural heritage: warisan budayasatisfied: puasgratitude: terima kasihescorted: mengantardedication: kegigihanteamwork: kerja samagreeting: menyambutplanning: merencanakanexplained: menjelaskanhistory: sejaraharchitectural aspects: aspek arsitekturnya

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Discovering the Enigma: Borobudur Temple's Secrets Unveiled
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pagi itu, matahari bersinar cerah di atas Candi Borobudur.
    En: That morning, the sun shone brightly over Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Andi, Sari, dan Budi berkumpul di depan pintu masuk candi.
    En: Andi, Sari, and Budi gathered in front of the temple entrance.

    Id: Mereka adalah pemandu wisata yang bersemangat.
    En: They were enthusiastic tour guides.

    Id: Turis-turis mulai berkumpul di sekitar mereka.
    En: Tourists began to gather around them.

    Id: Andi memakai topi lebar, siap memimpin tur hari itu.
    En: Andi wore a wide-brimmed hat, ready to lead the tour that day.

    Id: "Selamat datang di Candi Borobudur," kata Andi dengan senyum lebar.
    En: "Welcome to Borobudur Temple," Andi said with a broad smile.

    Id: Para turis tersenyum kembali.
    En: The tourists smiled back.

    Id: "Ini adalah salah satu candi terbesar di dunia," lanjut Andi.
    En: "This is one of the largest temples in the world," Andi continued.

    Id: "Dibangun pada abad ke-9 oleh Dinasti Syailendra.
    En: "Built in the 9th century by the Syailendra Dynasty.

    Id: Candi ini terdiri dari sembilan tingkat yang saling bertumpuk.
    En: This temple consists of nine stacked levels."

    Id: "Para turis mulai mengangguk-angguk, terkesima dengan informasi yang mereka dengar.
    En: The tourists began to nod, fascinated by the information they heard.

    Id: Sari mengambil alih dan membawa kelompok turis ke bagian pertama candi.
    En: Sari took over and led the group of tourists to the first section of the temple.

    Id: "Di sini, kalian bisa melihat relief yang sangat indah.
    En: "Here, you can see very beautiful reliefs.

    Id: Mereka menceritakan kehidupan Buddha.
    En: They depict the life of Buddha."

    Id: "Sari menunjuk beberapa relief.
    En: Sari pointed to several reliefs.

    Id: Para turis semakin tertarik dan mulai mengambil foto.
    En: The tourists became increasingly interested and started taking pictures.

    Id: Budi yang biasanya pendiam, mengambil inisiatif dan berbicara, "Jangan lupa melihat stupa besar di puncak candi.
    En: Budi, who was usually quiet, took the initiative and spoke, "Don't forget to look at the large stupa at the top of the temple.

    Id: Itu adalah bagian paling penting dan indah.
    En: It is the most important and beautiful part."

    Id: "Para turis mengikuti Budi dengan semangat.
    En: The tourists enthusiastically followed Budi.

    Id: Mereka berjalan ke atas, menaiki tangga dengan hati-hati.
    En: They walked upwards, carefully climbing the stairs.

    Id: Di sepanjang perjalanan, Andi terus menceritakan kisah tentang candi dan filosofinya.
    En: Along the way, Andi continued to narrate the story about the temple and its philosophy.

    Id: "Stupa besar ini melambangkan pencerahan," tutur Andi.
    En: "This large stupa symbolizes enlightenment," Andi said.

    Id: "Dari sini, kita bisa merasa dekat dengan langit dan semesta.
    En: "From here, we can feel close to the sky and the universe."

    Id: "Turis-turis terdiam.
    En: The tourists were silent.

    Id: Mereka merasakan ketenangan dan kedamaian di tempat itu.
    En: They felt the tranquility and peace in that place.

    Id: Beberapa dari mereka menutup mata sejenak, menyerap energi positif dari candi.
    En: Some of them closed their eyes for a moment, absorbing the positive energy from the temple.

    Id: Setelah beberapa saat hening, Sari mengajak mereka ke pemandangan yang indah dari atas candi.
    En: After a moment of silence, Sari invited them to view the beautiful scenery from the top of the temple.

    Id: Gunung-gunung tinggi dan hutan-hutan hijau terlihat jelas.
    En: Tall mountains and green forests were clearly visible.

    Id: Matahari mulai turun, memberikan cahaya keemasan di atas candi.
    En: The sun began to set, casting a golden light over the temple.

    Id: "Terima kasih telah mengunjungi Candi Borobudur," tutup Andi.
    En: "Thank you for visiting Borobudur Temple," Andi concluded.

    Id: "Kami berharap kalian menikmatinya dan merasakan keajaiban tempat ini.
    En: "We hope you enjoyed it and felt the wonder of this place."

    Id: "Para turis bertepuk tangan dengan gembira.
    En: The tourists clapped happily.

    Id: Mereka mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Andi, Sari, dan Budi.
    En: They thanked Andi, Sari, and Budi.

    Id: Tur berakhir dengan suasana hangat dan puas.
    En: The tour ended with a warm and satisfied atmosphere.

    Id: Andi, Sari, dan Budi merasa bangga bisa memperkenalkan keindahan Borobudur kepada orang-orang dari berbagai belahan dunia.
    En: Andi, Sari, and Budi felt proud to introduce the beauty of Borobudur to people from various parts of the world.

    Id: Hari itu, mereka pulang dengan hati yang ringan dan senyum yang tidak lepas dari wajah mereka.
    En: That day, they went home with light hearts and smiles on their faces.

    Id: Kedamaian dan keindahan Candi Borobudur telah meninggalkan jejak di hati semua orang.
    En: The peace and beauty of Borobudur Temple had left a mark on everyone's hearts.

    Id: Itu adalah hari yang tak terlupakan bagi setiap orang yang hadir.
    En: It was an unforgettable day for everyone present.

    Vocabulary Words:
    brightly: cerahenthusiastic: bersemangatwide-brimmed: topi lebarentrance: pintu masukconsists: terdiristacked: saling bertumpukfascinated: terkesimadepict: menceritakanreliefs: reliefstupa: stupainitiative: inisiatifphilosophy: filsafatsymbolizes: melambangkanenlightenment: pencerahantranquility: ketenanganabsorb: menyerappositive energy: energi positifscenery: pemandanganmountains: gunung-gunungforests: hutan-hutancasting: memberikangolden light: cahaya keemasancommentary: kisahsatisfied: puasintroduce: memperkenalkanvarious: berbagaiparts: belahanunforgettable: tak terlupakanpresent: hadirlight hearts: hati yang ringan

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  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Putri's Feathered Fiasco: A Rooster's Surprise at the Market
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pasar Seni Solo ramai sekali hari Minggu ini.
    En: Solo Art Market was crowded this Sunday.

    Id: Putri sangat senang berjalan-jalan dan melihat berbagai barang unik.
    En: Putri was very happy walking around and seeing various unique items.

    Id: Ia melihat sebuah burung dengan bulu berwarna-warni.
    En: She saw a bird with colorful feathers.

    Id: Putri berpikir, "Ini pasti burung tropis yang sangat langka!
    En: Putri thought, "This must be a very rare tropical bird!"

    Id: " Ia langsung berbicara dengan penjualnya.
    En: She immediately spoke to the seller.

    Id: "Berapa harga burung ini?
    En: "How much is this bird?"

    Id: " tanyanya.
    En: she asked.

    Id: Penjual menjawab, "Tak terlalu mahal, hanya 50 ribu.
    En: The seller replied, "Not too expensive, just 50 thousand."

    Id: " Putri senang sekali dan segera membelinya.
    En: Putri was very happy and bought it right away.

    Id: Sampai di apartemennya, Putri menaruh burung itu di sangkar.
    En: When she got to her apartment, Putri placed the bird in a cage.

    Id: Namun, alangkah terkejutnya ia ketika burung itu mulai berkokok keras.
    En: However, she was very surprised when the bird started to crow loudly.

    Id: "Kukuruyuk!
    En: "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"

    Id: " Bunyi yang sangat keras, membuat Putri kebingungan.
    En: The sound was very loud and made Putri confused.

    Id: Putri memanggil temannya, Sari, untuk meminta bantuan.
    En: Putri called her friend, Sari, for help.

    Id: "Sari, aku butuh bantuanmu!
    En: "Sari, I need your help!

    Id: Burung ini berisik sekali," katanya.
    En: This bird is very noisy," she said.

    Id: Sari datang dan melihat burung itu.
    En: Sari came and looked at the bird.

    Id: "Putri, ini bukan burung tropis.
    En: "Putri, this is not a tropical bird.

    Id: Ini ayam jantan!
    En: This is a rooster!"

    Id: "Putri terkejut, "Apa?
    En: Putri was shocked, "What?

    Id: Tapi bulunya sangat indah.
    En: But its feathers are so beautiful."

    Id: " Sari tertawa, "Ayam bisa dipelihara untuk hiasan juga.
    En: Sari laughed, "Roosters can also be kept for ornamental purposes."

    Id: "Malam itu, Putri susah tidur karena ayam terus berkokok.
    En: That night, Putri had trouble sleeping because the rooster kept crowing.

    Id: Ia mencoba berbagai cara menutupi sangkar, memberi makan, bahkan menyanyi agar ayam tenang.
    En: She tried various ways to cover the cage, feeding it, and even singing to calm the rooster.

    Id: Tapi tidak berhasil.
    En: But it didn't work.

    Id: Keesokan harinya, Putri pergi ke pasar lagi.
    En: The next day, Putri went back to the market.

    Id: Kali ini, ia mencari petunjuk.
    En: This time, she looked for advice.

    Id: Ia bertemu Pak Joko, seorang peternak ayam.
    En: She met Mr. Joko, a chicken breeder.

    Id: Pak Joko memberi saran, "Ayam biasanya berkokok karena ia merasa tidak nyaman atau karena pagi.
    En: Mr. Joko gave some advice, "Roosters usually crow because they feel uncomfortable or because it is morning.

    Id: Coba beri ia tempat lebih luas atau letakkan di luar.
    En: Try giving it more space or putting it outside."

    Id: "Putri memutuskan untuk memberikan ayam ke seorang peternak yang ditemuinya di pasar.
    En: Putri decided to give the rooster to a breeder she met at the market.

    Id: Ia merasa sedih tapi lega.
    En: She felt sad but relieved.

    Id: "Aku tak bisa merawatnya dengan baik di apartemen kecilku.
    En: "I can't take good care of it in my small apartment.

    Id: Lebih baik ayam ini hidup di tempat yang layak.
    En: It's better for this rooster to live in a proper place."

    Id: "Akhirnya, Putri menyerahkan ayam kepada Pak Joko.
    En: Finally, Putri handed the rooster to Mr. Joko.

    Id: Ia merasa menyesal telah salah beli, tapi juga merasa lega karena ayam itu akan dirawat dengan baik.
    En: She felt regret for buying the wrong bird but also relieved that the rooster would be taken care of properly.

    Id: Pelajaran berharga bagi Putri, selalu periksa baik-baik sebelum membeli sesuatu.
    En: A valuable lesson for Putri, always check carefully before buying something.

    Id: Hari itu ia belajar banyak tentang ayam dan juga tentang hidup.
    En: That day she learned a lot about chickens and also about life.

    Id: Meskipun ayam itu bukan burung tropis, pengalaman ini memberi Putri banyak hal untuk dikenang.
    En: Although the rooster was not a tropical bird, this experience gave Putri many things to remember.

    Id: Sejak saat itu, Putri lebih berhati-hati saat berbelanja.
    En: From then on, Putri was more careful when shopping.

    Id: Dan setiap kali ia mendengar ayam berkokok, ia akan tersenyum mengingat kejadian itu.
    En: And every time she heard a rooster crow, she would smile remembering that incident.

    Id: Demikianlah cerita Putri dan ayam jantan di Pasar Seni Solo.
    En: This is the story of Putri and the rooster at Solo Art Market.

    Vocabulary Words:
    crowded: ramaiunique: unikfeathers: bulurare: langkaseller: penjualexpensive: mahalapartment: apartemencage: sangkarconfused: kebingungannoisy: berisikshocked: terkejutornamental: hiasantrouble: susahcover: menutupicalm: tenangbreeder: peternakuncomfortable: tidak nyamanspace: tempatproper: layakregret: menyesalcarefully: baik-baikvaluable: berhargaexperience: pengalamanremember: mengenangincident: kejadianthis: iniadvice: petunjukadvice: saranmeet: bertemuimmediately: langsung

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: A Day in Ubud: Friendship and Resilience in the Monkey Forest
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Hujan rintik-rintik jatuh di Ubud.
    En: Drizzling rain fell in Ubud.

    Id: Udara sejuk dan lembab.
    En: The air was cool and damp.

    Id: Dewi, Agus, dan Wayan sedang berjalan-jalan di Hutan Monyet Ubud.
    En: Dewi, Agus, and Wayan were taking a stroll in the Ubud Monkey Forest.

    Id: Mereka sangat senang.
    En: They were very happy.

    Id: "Agus, lihat monyet itu!
    En: "Agus, look at that monkey!"

    Id: " kata Dewi.
    En: said Dewi.

    Id: Monyet berlari-lari di sekitar mereka.
    En: The monkeys were running around them.

    Id: Wayan tertawa.
    En: Wayan laughed.

    Id: "Mereka lucu sekali.
    En: "They are so cute."

    Id: "Namun, saat mereka asyik menikmati keindahan alam, sebuah lebah tiba-tiba muncul.
    En: However, as they were enjoying the beauty of nature, a bee suddenly appeared.

    Id: Lebah itu mendekat ke Dewi.
    En: The bee approached Dewi.

    Id: Dewi merasa sangat takut.
    En: Dewi felt very scared.

    Id: "Jangan panik, Dewi," kata Agus.
    En: "Don't panic, Dewi," said Agus.

    Id: Tapi, lebah itu menyengat Dewi.
    En: But the bee stung Dewi.

    Id: Dewi mulai merasa gatal dan pusing.
    En: Dewi started to feel itchy and dizzy.

    Id: "Aku tidak bisa bernafas," kata Dewi dengan suara gemetar.
    En: "I can't breathe," said Dewi with a trembling voice.

    Id: Wayan melihat wajah Dewi yang mulai membengkak.
    En: Wayan saw Dewi's face start to swell.

    Id: Dia tahu itu reaksi alergi yang serius.
    En: He knew it was a serious allergic reaction.

    Id: Agus menarik napas panjang.
    En: Agus took a deep breath.

    Id: "Kita harus segera ke rumah sakit," kata Agus dengan cemas.
    En: "We need to get to the hospital immediately," said Agus anxiously.

    Id: Mereka segera berlari keluar Hutan Monyet.
    En: They quickly ran out of the Monkey Forest.

    Id: Wayan membantu memegang Dewi yang lemah.
    En: Wayan helped to support the weak Dewi.

    Id: Di tepi jalan, mereka berhasil menumpang mobil orang baik yang kebetulan lewat.
    En: At the roadside, they managed to hitch a ride in the car of a kind person who happened to pass by.

    Id: Di dalam mobil, Dewi berbaring dengan lemah.
    En: Inside the car, Dewi lay weakly.

    Id: Dia mencoba tetap sadar.
    En: She tried to stay conscious.

    Id: Wayan terus berbicara padanya, "Tetap kuat, Dewi.
    En: Wayan kept talking to her, "Stay strong, Dewi.

    Id: Kita hampir sampai.
    En: We're almost there."

    Id: "Mobil itu segera tiba di rumah sakit.
    En: The car soon arrived at the hospital.

    Id: Dokter segera membantu Dewi.
    En: The doctors immediately helped Dewi.

    Id: Beberapa waktu kemudian, Dewi mulai merasa lebih baik.
    En: Some time later, Dewi started to feel better.

    Id: "Terima kasih," kata Dewi dengan suara pelan.
    En: "Thank you," said Dewi in a soft voice.

    Id: Agus dan Wayan tersenyum lega.
    En: Agus and Wayan smiled in relief.

    Id: "Kita sangat khawatir," kata Wayan.
    En: "We were so worried," said Wayan.

    Id: Dewi melihat mereka dengan mata penuh air mata tetapi tersenyum.
    En: Dewi looked at them with tearful eyes but smiled.

    Id: Mereka tahu persahabatan mereka sangat kuat.
    En: They knew their friendship was very strong.

    Id: Setelah beberapa hari, Dewi pulih sepenuhnya.
    En: After a few days, Dewi fully recovered.

    Id: Mereka kembali ke Hutan Monyet, tetapi kali ini lebih berhati-hati.
    En: They returned to the Monkey Forest, but this time more cautiously.

    Id: "Kita harus selalu siap," kata Agus.
    En: "We must always be prepared," said Agus.

    Id: Wayan mengangguk, "Dan selalu bersama-sama.
    En: Wayan nodded, "And always stick together."

    Id: " Mereka senang bisa menikmati keindahan alam Ubud bersama lagi tanpa masalah.
    En: They were happy to be able to enjoy the beauty of Ubud again without any problems.

    Id: Cerita ini mengajarkan mereka arti pentingnya persahabatan dan kewaspadaan.
    En: This story taught them the importance of friendship and vigilance.

    Id: Di Hutan Monyet Ubud, mereka menemukan kebersamaan yang tak terlupakan.
    En: In the Ubud Monkey Forest, they found unforgettable togetherness.

    Vocabulary Words:
    drizzling: rintik-rintikdamp: lembabstroll: berjalan-jalancute: lucubee: lebahstung: menyengatitchy: gataldizzy: pusingtrembling: gemetarswell: membengkakreaction: reaksiallergic: alergibreath: napasanxiously: cemasweak: lemahhitch: menumpangride: mobilconscious: sadartearful: mata penuh air matarecovered: pulihcautiously: berhati-hatiprepared: siapvigilance: kewaspadaanfriendship: persahabatanbeauty: keindahanstick together: selalu bersama-samaunforgettable: tak terlupakancool: sejukimmediately: segerasupport: memegang

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Reunion in Time: Stories and Friendships at Borobudur
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Borobudur.
    En: Borobudur.

    Id: Tempat ini penuh sejarah.
    En: This place is full of history.

    Id: Patung Buddha berdiri megah.
    En: Buddha statues stand majestically.

    Id: Ada cerita yang tersembunyi di setiap sudut.
    En: There is a hidden story in every corner.

    Id: Hari ini lebih spesial.
    En: Today is more special.

    Id: Hari ini ada reuni yang unik.
    En: Today, there is a unique reunion.

    Id: Hologram teknologi tinggi membuat orang dari waktu yang berbeda hadir.
    En: High-tech holograms make people from different times appear.

    Id: Budi tiba di Borobudur dengan semangat.
    En: Budi arrives at Borobudur with enthusiasm.

    Id: Dia menunggu Ayu.
    En: He is waiting for Ayu.

    Id: "Ayu, teman lama," gumam Budi.
    En: "Ayu, an old friend," Budi murmurs.

    Id: Hologram menampilkan sosok tua. Seperti dari masa lalu.
    En: The hologram displays an elderly figure, like from the past.

    Id: Itu Leluhur Budi.
    En: It is Budi's Ancestor.

    Id: Budi terkejut.
    En: Budi is surprised.

    Id: "Saya dari masa lalu," kata Leluhur.
    En: "I am from the past," says the Ancestor.

    Id: Hologram terus menampilkan orang lain.
    En: The hologram continues displaying other people.

    Id: Ayu muncul.
    En: Ayu appears.

    Id: Ayu tampak muda.
    En: Ayu looks young.

    Id: "Hai Budi!" seru Ayu.
    En: "Hi Budi!" exclaims Ayu.

    Id: Mereka bertemu kembali setelah bertahun-tahun.
    En: They reunite after many years.

    Id: Ayu pernah pergi ke luar negeri.
    En: Ayu had gone abroad.

    Id: Mereka tidak bertemu lagi sejak lama.
    En: They hadn't met for a long time.

    Id: Mereka berjalan bersama.
    En: They walk together.

    Id: Matahari terbenam di Borobudur.
    En: The sun sets over Borobudur.

    Id: "Ingat dulu kita sering naik sepeda ke sekolah?" Ayu tertawa kecil.
    En: "Remember when we used to ride our bikes to school?" Ayu chuckles.

    Id: "Tentu, dan kamu selalu lebih cepat," Budi berbalik sambil tersenyum.
    En: "Of course, and you always rode faster," Budi replies with a smile.

    Id: Mereka sampai di puncak candi.
    En: They reach the top of the temple.

    Id: Hologram tiba-tiba menampilkan sosok raja.
    En: Suddenly, the hologram displays a figure of a king.

    Id: Raja ini dari zaman Mataram Kuno.
    En: This king is from the ancient Mataram period.

    Id: "Saya Raja Mataram," ujar sosok itu.
    En: "I am the King of Mataram," says the figure.

    Id: "Borobudur tempat sakral.
    En: "Borobudur is a sacred place.

    Id: Anda harus menjaga."
    En: You must preserve it."

    Id: Budi menyadari sesuatu.
    En: Budi realizes something.

    Id: Dia harus menghargai sejarah.
    En: He must appreciate history.

    Id: "Ayu, kita harus hargai tempat ini," kata Budi.
    En: "Ayu, we must respect this place," says Budi.

    Id: "Setuju," balas Ayu.
    En: "Agreed," replies Ayu.

    Id: Waktu berlalu cepat.
    En: Time passes quickly.

    Id: Reuni hampir selesai.
    En: The reunion is almost over.

    Id: "Ayu, aku senang bertemu kamu lagi," kata Budi.
    En: "Ayu, I'm glad to see you again," says Budi.

    Id: "Aku juga, Budi," jawab Ayu.
    En: "Me too, Budi," answers Ayu.

    Id: Hologram mulai menghilang.
    En: The hologram begins to fade.

    Id: Suasana berubah jadi sunyi.
    En: The atmosphere turns quiet.

    Id: "Budi, sampai jumpa lagi," kata Ayu.
    En: "Budi, see you again," says Ayu.

    Id: "Sampai jumpa, Ayu," jawab Budi.
    En: "See you, Ayu," replies Budi.

    Id: Mereka berjanji untuk reuni lagi, kali ini tanpa bantuan teknologi.
    En: They promise to reunite again, this time without the help of technology.

    Id: Hanya mereka dan kenangan indah mereka.
    En: Just them and their beautiful memories.

    Id: Matahari tenggelam.
    En: The sun sets.

    Id: Borobudur kembali tenang.
    En: Borobudur returns to its tranquility.

    Id: Sejarah dan masa kini menyatu dalam harmoni.
    En: History and the present blend in harmony.

    Id: Teknologi hanya membantu.
    En: Technology only assists.

    Id: Yang penting adalah pertemanan yang abadi.
    En: What matters is the everlasting friendship.

    Vocabulary Words:
    history: sejarahstatue: patungmajestic: megahcorner: sudutunique: unikreunion: reunihologram: hologramancestor: leluhurelderly: tuaexclaims: seruabroad: luar negeritemple: candiperiod: zamansacred: sakralpreserve: menjagaappreciate: menghargairespect: hargaiagree: setujuelderly figure: sosok tuarealizes: menyadaritranquility: tenangassists: membantueverlasting: abadisunset: matahari terbenamblends: menyatuenthusiasm: semangatmurmurs: gumamsuddenly: tiba-tibafigure: sosokancient: kuno

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Family's Ancestral Journey: Discovering Borobudur Temple's Legacy
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Di bawah cahaya matahari pagi, keluarga kecil ini berdiri di depan Candi Borobudur yang megah.
    En: Under the morning sun, this small family stood before the majestic Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Budi, Intan, dan Dewi adalah sebuah keluarga yang penuh rasa ingin tahu.
    En: Budi, Intan, and Dewi were a family full of curiosity.

    Id: Mereka datang ke candi ini untuk menghormati leluhur mereka dan mempelajari sejarah nenek moyang.
    En: They came to the temple to honor their ancestors and learn about their ancestral history.

    Id: Budi, ayah yang bijaksana, berkata, "Intan, Dewi, candi ini sangat tua.
    En: Budi, the wise father, said, "Intan, Dewi, this temple is very old.

    Id: Kita akan belajar banyak hal di sini.
    En: We will learn many things here."

    Id: " Intan, anak perempuan yang ceria, mengangguk dengan semangat.
    En: Intan, the cheerful daughter, nodded with enthusiasm.

    Id: "Ayah, aku ingin tahu cerita tentang nenek moyang kita!
    En: "Dad, I want to know the stories about our ancestors!"

    Id: " katanya.
    En: she said.

    Id: Dewi, ibu yang lembut, tersenyum sambil mengelus rambut Intan.
    En: Dewi, the gentle mother, smiled while stroking Intan's hair.

    Id: "Tentu, sayang.
    En: "Of course, dear.

    Id: Mari kita masuk dan melihat patung-patung Buddha di dalam," ujar Dewi.
    En: Let's go inside and see the Buddha statues," said Dewi.

    Id: Mereka berjalan santai menyusuri tangga candi yang tinggi.
    En: They leisurely walked up the tall stairs of the temple.

    Id: Setiap langkah terasa berat, tapi semangat mereka tetap tinggi.
    En: Each step felt heavy, but their spirits remained high.

    Id: Di tengah-tengah tangga, Budi menunjukkan ukiran di dinding candi.
    En: Halfway up the stairs, Budi pointed at the carvings on the temple walls.

    Id: "Ini adalah cerita Buddha.
    En: "These are the stories of Buddha.

    Id: Leluhur kita mungkin melihat ini juga berabad-abad yang lalu," jelas Budi.
    En: Our ancestors might have seen these centuries ago," explained Budi.

    Id: Dewi menambahkan, "Di sini kita bisa merasa dekat dengan mereka.
    En: Dewi added, "Here we can feel close to them.

    Id: Banyak generasi sudah berdoa di tempat ini.
    En: Many generations have prayed in this place."

    Id: " Intan mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
    En: Intan listened attentively.

    Id: Dia merasakan kehangatan dan kedamaian dalam hati.
    En: She felt warmth and peace in her heart.

    Id: "Ayah, Ibu, aku merasa seperti mereka ada di sini bersama kita," katanya.
    En: "Dad, Mom, I feel like they are here with us," she said.

    Id: Setelah sampai di puncak candi, mereka duduk sejenak untuk menikmati pemandangan.
    En: After reaching the top of the temple, they sat for a moment to enjoy the view.

    Id: Di kejauhan, gunung dan pepohonan menciptakan latar belakang yang indah.
    En: In the distance, mountains and trees created a beautiful backdrop.

    Id: "Tempat ini sungguh indah," ujar Dewi sambil menarik napas dalam-dalam.
    En: "This place is truly beautiful," said Dewi, taking a deep breath.

    Id: Budi menjawab, "Ya, kita beruntung bisa datang ke sini.
    En: Budi responded, "Yes, we are fortunate to come here.

    Id: Ini akan menjadi kenangan berharga bagi kita semua.
    En: This will be a precious memory for all of us."

    Id: " Intan melompat-lompat kegirangan, "Aku akan cerita ke teman-temanku tentang hari ini!
    En: Intan jumped up and down in excitement, "I will tell my friends about today!"

    Id: "Akhirnya, keluarga kecil ini berdoa dengan khusyuk di depan patung Buddha terbesar.
    En: Finally, the small family prayed sincerely in front of the largest Buddha statue.

    Id: Mereka menyampaikan harapan dan rasa syukur untuk leluhur mereka.
    En: They expressed their hopes and gratitude for their ancestors.

    Id: Doa mereka dipenuhi rasa hormat dan penuh cinta.
    En: Their prayers were filled with respect and love.

    Id: Setelah selesai berdoa, mereka berjalan turun dari candi.
    En: After finishing their prayers, they walked down from the temple.

    Id: Hati mereka penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan pengetahuan baru tentang sejarah keluarga mereka.
    En: Their hearts were filled with happiness and newfound knowledge about their family's history.

    Id: Perjalanan ini tidak hanya membawa mereka lebih dekat dengan leluhur, tapi juga mempererat cinta di antara mereka.
    En: This journey not only brought them closer to their ancestors but also strengthened the love among them.

    Id: Dengan penuh senyum, Budi, Intan, dan Dewi pulang ke rumah.
    En: With joyful smiles, Budi, Intan, and Dewi went home.

    Id: Mereka bercerita tanpa henti tentang pengalaman di Candi Borobudur.
    En: They talked non-stop about their experience at Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Hari itu menjadi hari yang tak terlupakan bagi keluarga ini.
    En: That day became an unforgettable day for this family.

    Id: Mereka belajar bahwa menghormati leluhur memberikan kekuatan dan kebijaksanaan yang akan terus hidup di hati mereka.
    En: They learned that honoring ancestors provides strength and wisdom that will continue to live in their hearts.

    Vocabulary Words:
    majestic: megahcuriosity: rasa ingin tahuhonor: menghormatiancestors: leluhurancestral: nenek moyangenthusiasm: semangatstroking: mengelusleisurely: santairemained: tetapspirits: semangatcarvings: ukirancenturies: abad-abadgenerations: generasiattentively: dengan penuh perhatianwarmth: kehangatanpeace: kedamaianprecious: berhargascenery: pemandanganmountains: gunungbackdrop: latar belakangfortunate: beruntungsincerely: dengan khusyukprayed: berdoagratitude: rasa syukurexpressed: menyampaikanrespect: rasa hormatfulfilled: dipenuhistrengthened: mempereratsmiles: senyumunforgettable: tak terlupakan

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Heroes of Borobudur: How Three Kids Saved the Vesak Ceremony
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari pagi menyelimuti Candi Borobudur dengan cahaya keemasan.
    En: The morning sun enveloped Borobudur Temple in golden light.

    Id: Wisatawan dan umat Buddha berkumpul untuk merayakan Waisak.
    En: Tourists and Buddhists gathered to celebrate Vesak.

    Id: Suasana meriah dengan bau bunga dan dupa yang harum.
    En: The atmosphere was festive with the fragrant smell of flowers and incense.

    Id: Adi, Putri, dan Rizki adalah teman baik yang datang ke acara besar ini.
    En: Adi, Putri, and Rizki were good friends who came to this grand event.

    Id: Adi adalah anak lelaki yang suka petualangan.
    En: Adi was a boy who loved adventures.

    Id: Putri, anak perempuan yang cerdas dan selalu membawa buku.
    En: Putri, a smart girl, always carried a book.

    Id: Rizki, anak lelaki yang tenang dan bijaksana.
    En: Rizki, a calm and wise boy.

    Id: Mereka sangat antusias mengikuti upacara.
    En: They were very enthusiastic about participating in the ceremony.

    Id: Ketika puncak acara Waisak tiba, sebuah gong besar dibunyikan.
    En: When the peak of the Vesak event arrived, a large gong was sounded.

    Id: Para biksu mulai berdoa dengan khidmat.
    En: The monks began to pray solemnly.

    Id: Tiba-tiba, salah satu biksu berteriak, “Artefak kuno hilang!”
    En: Suddenly, one of the monks shouted, “The ancient artifact is missing!”

    Id: Suasana menjadi panik.
    En: The atmosphere turned into panic.

    Id: Artefak tersebut sangat berharga dan penting untuk ritual Waisak.
    En: The artifact was very valuable and important for the Vesak ritual.

    Id: Para biksu dan pengunjung mulai mencari dengan cemas.
    En: Monks and visitors started looking anxiously.

    Id: Adi berkata, "Kita harus membantu! Ini adalah misteri yang menarik!"
    En: Adi said, “We have to help! This is an exciting mystery!”

    Id: Putri setuju, "Ya, kita perlu menemukan petunjuk. Mari kita mulai dari ruang penyimpanan."
    En: Putri agreed, “Yes, we need to find clues. Let's start from the storage room.”

    Id: Rizki menyarankan, "Juga, kita perlu tanya pada penjaga candi."
    En: Rizki suggested, “Also, we need to ask the temple guards.”

    Id: Ketiganya berjalan cepat menuju ruang penyimpanan.
    En: The three of them walked quickly towards the storage room.

    Id: Mereka bertanya kepada penjaga yang ada di dekat sana.
    En: They asked the guard nearby.

    Id: Penjaga itu berkata, “Aku melihat seseorang berpakaian hitam keluar tergesa-gesa tadi.”
    En: The guard said, “I saw someone dressed in black hurrying out earlier.”

    Id: Adi mencatat petunjuk itu.
    En: Adi noted the clue.

    Id: Mereka kemudian menyusuri jejak di sekitar candi.
    En: They then followed the trail around the temple.

    Id: Putri menemukan potongan kain hitam yang tersangkut di semak-semak.
    En: Putri found a piece of black cloth caught in the bushes.

    Id: Rizki melihat jejak kaki yang menuju ke gang sempit.
    En: Rizki saw footprints leading to a narrow alley.

    Id: “Mari kita ikuti jejak ini,” kata Rizki.
    En: “Let’s follow these tracks,” said Rizki.

    Id: Mereka tiba di sebuah ruangan tersembunyi di belakang candi.
    En: They arrived at a hidden room behind the temple.

    Id: Di sana, mereka melihat seseorang berdiri dengan punggung menghadap mereka, memegang artefak kuno.
    En: There, they saw someone standing with their back towards them, holding the ancient artifact.

    Id: Adi dengan berani berkata, "Berhenti! Kembalikan artefak itu!"
    En: Adi bravely said, “Stop! Return that artifact!”

    Id: Orang itu terkejut dan mencoba melarikan diri.
    En: The person was surprised and tried to escape.

    Id: Tapi Rizki dengan cepat menahan tangannya, dan Putri segera memanggil biksu dan penjaga lainnya.
    En: But Rizki quickly grabbed their hand, and Putri immediately called the monks and other guards.

    Id: Penjaga dan biksu datang dan menangkap pencuri tersebut.
    En: The guards and monks arrived and captured the thief.

    Id: Artefak kuno akhirnya kembali.
    En: The ancient artifact was finally returned.

    Id: Upacara Waisak dapat dilanjutkan dengan tenang dan penuh hikmat.
    En: The Vesak ceremony could continue peacefully and solemnly.

    Id: Adi, Putri, dan Rizki sangat senang.
    En: Adi, Putri, and Rizki were very happy.

    Id: Mereka merasa bangga bisa membantu.
    En: They felt proud to have helped.

    Id: Pada akhir upacara, biksu tua mendekati mereka dan berkata, “Kalian adalah pahlawan hari ini. Terima kasih, anak-anak.”
    En: At the end of the ceremony, an old monk approached them and said, “You are the heroes of today. Thank you, children.”

    Id: Ketiganya tersenyum bangga.
    En: The three of them smiled proudly.

    Id: Mereka tidak hanya menikmati petualangan, tapi juga belajar pentingnya kerjasama dan keberanian.
    En: They not only enjoyed the adventure but also learned the importance of cooperation and bravery.

    Id: Hari itu menjadi hari yang tak terlupakan di Candi Borobudur.
    En: That day became an unforgettable day at Borobudur Temple.

    Vocabulary Words:
    enveloped: menyelimuticelebrate: merayakanfragrant: harumadventures: petualanganparticipants: mengikuticeremony: upacaragong: gongsolemnly: khidmatartifact: artefakvaluable: berhargaimportant: pentingmystery: mistericlues: petunjukstorage room: ruang penyimpananguard: penjagadressed: berpakaiannoted: mencatattrail: jejakbushes: semak-semakfootprints: jejak kakinarrow: sempittracks: jejakhidden: tersembunyihold: memegangsurprised: terkejutescape: melarikan diricaptured: menangkappeacefully: tenangceremony: upacaraproudly: bangga

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Mystical Adventures Under the Full Moon at Borobudur Temple
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Malam itu, cahayanya terang.
    En: That night, the light was bright.

    Id: Bulan purnama bersinar di atas Candi Borobudur.
    En: The full moon shone above Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Rini dan Joko berjalan pelan-pelan.
    En: Rini and Joko walked slowly.

    Id: Mereka kagum dengan keindahan candi yang megah.
    En: They were in awe of the temple's grandeur.

    Id: Semakin malam, suasana semakin mistis.
    En: As the night deepened, the atmosphere grew more mystical.

    Id: Angin sepoi-sepoi meniup wajah mereka.
    En: A gentle breeze caressed their faces.

    Id: "Lihat, Joko!
    En: "Look, Joko!"

    Id: " seru Rini tiba-tiba.
    En: Rini suddenly exclaimed.

    Id: Joko mendekat.
    En: Joko approached.

    Id: Dia melihat simbol-simbol aneh di dinding candi.
    En: He saw strange symbols on the temple walls.

    Id: Simbol-simbol itu bercahaya.
    En: The symbols were glowing.

    Id: Tidak ada siang hari tadi.
    En: They hadn't been there during the day.

    Id: Mereka penasaran.
    En: They were curious.

    Id: Apa arti simbol-simbol itu?
    En: What did these symbols mean?

    Id: Rini mencoba menyentuh dinding.
    En: Rini tried to touch the wall.

    Id: Tetapi, simbol-simbol itu tak berubah.
    En: But the symbols didn't change.

    Id: Tiba-tiba, terdengar bisikan halus.
    En: Suddenly, a soft whisper was heard.

    Id: "Ikuti cahaya, temukan jawaban.
    En: "Follow the light, find the answer."

    Id: "Mereka mengikuti cahaya.
    En: They followed the light.

    Id: Tangan mereka gemetar.
    En: Their hands were trembling.

    Id: Jalan setapak membawa mereka ke sudut terpencil candi.
    En: The path led them to a secluded corner of the temple.

    Id: Di sana, mereka menemukan relief yang berbeda dari yang lain.
    En: There, they found a relief different from the others.

    Id: Ada gambar bulan dan bintang.
    En: There was an image of the moon and stars.

    Id: Di bawahnya, ada tulisan kuno.
    En: Below it, there was ancient writing.

    Id: Joko mencoba membaca tulisan itu.
    En: Joko tried to read the writing.

    Id: Seketika, dia memahami.
    En: Instantly, he understood.

    Id: "Rini, ini pesan rahasia.
    En: "Rini, this is a secret message."

    Id: " Pesan itu berbunyi: "Pada malam purnama, rahasia terbuka.
    En: The message read: "On the night of the full moon, secrets are revealed.

    Id: Mereka yang bersatu dalam petualangan, akan menemukan kebijaksanaan.
    En: Those who unite in adventure will find wisdom."

    Id: "Mereka tersenyum.
    En: They smiled.

    Id: "Apakah ini petunjuk untuk kita?
    En: "Is this a clue for us?"

    Id: " tanya Rini.
    En: asked Rini.

    Id: Joko mengangguk.
    En: Joko nodded.

    Id: Mereka merasa lebih dekat dan bersemangat.
    En: They felt closer and more excited.

    Id: "Mari telusuri lebih jauh," kata Joko.
    En: "Let's explore further," said Joko.

    Id: Malam itu berubah menjadi petualangan yang menakjubkan.
    En: That night turned into an amazing adventure.

    Id: Candi Borobudur mengungkapkan rahasia yang terpendam.
    En: Borobudur Temple revealed hidden secrets.

    Id: Mereka menemukan kedamaian dan kebijaksanaan dalam perjalanan itu.
    En: They found peace and wisdom in their journey.

    Id: Cinta dan persahabatan mereka semakin kuat.
    En: Their love and friendship grew stronger.

    Id: Matahari mulai terbit.
    En: The sun began to rise.

    Id: Simbol-simbol itu menghilang.
    En: The symbols disappeared.

    Id: Namun, hati mereka penuh dengan kebahagiaan dan pengetahuan baru.
    En: However, their hearts were full of happiness and new knowledge.

    Id: Mereka kembali dengan senyuman.
    En: They returned with smiles.

    Id: Candi Borobudur menyimpan rahasia malam purnama.
    En: Borobudur Temple holds the secrets of the full moon night.

    Id: Dan rahasia itu milik mereka sekarang.
    En: And those secrets now belonged to them.

    Id: **TAMAT**
    En: **THE END**

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: teranggrandeur: keindahanmystical: mistiscaressed: meniupsymbols: simbol-simbolglowing: bercahayacurious: penasaranwhisper: bisikantrembling: gemetarsecluded: terpencilrelief: reliefancient: kunounderstood: memahamisecret: pesanmessage: rahasiarevealed: terbukawisdom: kebijaksanaanadventure: petualanganexcited: bersemangatexplore: telusurihidden: terpendampeace: kedamaianjourney: perjalananfriendship: persahabatansunrise: matahari terbitdisappeared: menghilanghearts: hatihappiness: kebahagiaanknowledge: pengetahuanbelong: milik

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Family's Historical Journey at Borobudur: A Day of Discovery
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari pagi terbit indah di ufuk timur.
    En: The morning sun rose beautifully in the eastern horizon.

    Id: Arif, Rina, dan Dewi sedang bersiap-siap untuk perjalanan spesial.
    En: Arif, Rina, and Dewi were getting ready for a special trip.

    Id: Mereka akan mengunjungi Candi Borobudur.
    En: They were going to visit Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Hari ini adalah hari libur sekolah, waktu yang sempurna untuk tempat bersejarah ini.
    En: Today was a school holiday, the perfect time for a historical site visit.

    Id: Mereka naik mobil bersama-sama.
    En: They traveled together by car.

    Id: Rina dan Dewi adalah saudara.
    En: Rina and Dewi are siblings.

    Id: Arif adalah ayah mereka.
    En: Arif is their father.

    Id: Semua sangat bersemangat.
    En: Everyone was very excited.

    Id: Perjalanan memakan waktu beberapa jam.
    En: The journey took several hours.

    Id: Jalan menuju Candi Borobudur penuh pemandangan sawah dan gunung yang hijau.
    En: The road to Borobudur Temple was filled with views of green rice fields and mountains.

    Id: Setelah sampai, mereka kagum melihat kemegahan candi.
    En: Upon arrival, they were amazed by the grandeur of the temple.

    Id: Arif bercerita, "Candi Borobudur dibangun oleh Dinasti Syailendra pada abad ke-9.
    En: Arif explained, "Borobudur Temple was built by the Syailendra Dynasty in the 9th century."

    Id: " Dewi dan Rina mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
    En: Dewi and Rina listened attentively.

    Id: Mereka mulai menaiki tangga candi.
    En: They began climbing the temple steps.

    Id: Setiap langkah terasa seperti petualangan besar.
    En: Every step felt like a great adventure.

    Id: Setibanya di puncak, Arif mengajak mereka beristirahat sejenak.
    En: Once at the top, Arif suggested they take a break.

    Id: "Dahulu," kata Arif, "kakek buyut kita adalah pengrajin di sini.
    En: "In the past," Arif said, "our great-grandfather was a craftsman here.

    Id: Dia membantu membangun candi ini.
    En: He helped build this temple."

    Id: " Rina dan Dewi terkejut.
    En: Rina and Dewi were surprised.

    Id: Mereka tidak tahu cerita ini.
    En: They didn’t know this story.

    Id: "Tunggu sebentar, Ayah," kata Rina sambil membuka tasnya.
    En: "Wait a moment, Dad," said Rina while opening her bag.

    Id: Dia mengeluarkan sebuah buku tua.
    En: She took out an old book.

    Id: "Ini buku catatan kakek buyut kita.
    En: "This is our great-grandfather's notebook.

    Id: Ada cerita tentang pekerjaannya di candi.
    En: It has stories about his work at the temple."

    Id: "Mereka duduk di bawah pohon besar dan mulai membaca buku bersama.
    En: They sat under a big tree and started reading the book together.

    Id: Di dalamnya ada banyak gambar dan catatan.
    En: Inside were many pictures and notes.

    Id: Satu gambar menunjukkan kakek buyut mereka sedang ukir patung Buddha.
    En: One picture showed their great-grandfather carving a Buddha statue.

    Id: Tulisan kecil di sebelah gambar menceritakan betapa bangganya dia bisa bekerja di sana.
    En: A small note beside the picture told of how proud he was to work there.

    Id: "Buku ini luar biasa," kata Dewi antusias.
    En: "This book is amazing," said Dewi excitedly.

    Id: "Kita harus menceritakan ini ke seluruh keluarga.
    En: "We must share this with the whole family."

    Id: "Arif tersenyum.
    En: Arif smiled.

    Id: Dia merasa senang melihat anak-anaknya mencintai sejarah keluarga mereka.
    En: He was happy to see his children loving their family history.

    Id: "Ini adalah warisan kita," katanya.
    En: "This is our heritage," he said.

    Id: "Kita harus menjaga cerita ini agar tidak hilang.
    En: "We must preserve these stories so they won’t be lost."

    Id: "Mereka menghabiskan sisa hari di candi, mengagumi setiap ukiran dan patung.
    En: They spent the rest of the day at the temple, admiring every carving and statue.

    Id: Ketika matahari mulai terbenam, mereka memandang candi dengan rasa kagum yang baru.
    En: As the sun began to set, they looked at the temple with a renewed sense of awe.

    Id: Mereka mengerti bahwa mereka adalah bagian dari sesuatu yang besar dan penuh sejarah.
    En: They understood that they were part of something grand and historical.

    Id: Dalam perjalanan pulang, Rina dan Dewi terus berbicara tentang kakek buyut mereka.
    En: On the way home, Rina and Dewi continued talking about their great-grandfather.

    Id: Perjalanan ke Candi Borobudur menjadi lebih berarti daripada sekadar liburan.
    En: The trip to Borobudur Temple became more meaningful than just a holiday.

    Id: Ini menjadi momen keluarga yang penuh kenangan dan pembelajaran.
    En: It became a family moment filled with memories and learning.

    Id: Malam itu, sebelum tidur, Arif melihat kedua anaknya tertidur lelap dengan senyum di wajah mereka.
    En: That night, before going to bed, Arif saw his two children fast asleep with smiles on their faces.

    Id: Mereka telah menemukan lebih dari sekadar candi hari ini.
    En: They had found more than just a temple today.

    Id: Mereka menemukan bagian penting dari jati diri mereka.
    En: They had found an important part of their identity.

    Id: Dan dengan itu, mereka tidur nyenyak, bermimpi tentang masa lalu yang kini menjadi bagian erat dari masa depan mereka.
    En: And with that, they slept soundly, dreaming of a past that now became an integral part of their future.

    Vocabulary Words:
    horizon: ufukgrandfather: kakekheritage: warisancarving: ukirgrand: besarhistory: sejarahtemple: candijourney: perjalanancraftsman: pengrajinnotes: catatanpictures: gambarstatue: patungmagnificence: kemegahannotebook: buku catatanancestors: leluhurexcited: bersemangattravel: berjalanschool holiday: hari libur sekolahpreserve: menjagafilled: penuhadventure: petualanganlistened attentively: mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatianhistorical: bersejarahrenewed: barubreak: beristirahatclimbing: menaikitree: pohonidentity: jati dirifuture: masa depandreaming: bermimpi

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Bali Bliss: A Traditional Wedding Under the Stars
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Di bawah langit biru cerah, di tengah keindahan pulau Bali, berdiri seorang gadis bernama Putri.
    En: Under the clear blue sky, in the midst of the beauty of the island of Bali, stood a girl named Putri.

    Id: Putri bersemangat karena hari ini dia menghadiri upacara pernikahan temannya di sebuah vila indah dekat pantai Kuta.
    En: Putri was excited because today she was attending her friend's wedding at a beautiful villa near Kuta beach.

    Id: Putri mengenakan kebaya merah dengan selendang emas, mengikuti tradisi Bali.
    En: Putri wore a red kebaya with a golden sash, following Balinese tradition.

    Id: Suara gamelan terdengar merdu di udara.
    En: The sound of gamelan music filled the air melodiously.

    Id: Tamu-tamu mulai berdatangan, mengenakan pakaian tradisional yang berwarna-warni.
    En: Guests began to arrive, dressed in colorful traditional attire.

    Id: Semua orang tersenyum, tertawa, dan berbincang-bincang gembira.
    En: Everyone was smiling, laughing, and cheerfully chatting.

    Id: Ketika Putri memasuki vila, dia melihat papan tanda besar bertuliskan "Selamat Menikah, Ayu dan Wayan".
    En: As Putri entered the villa, she saw a large sign that read "Congratulations on Your Marriage, Ayu and Wayan."

    Id: Hati Putri berbunga-bunga melihat sahabatnya akan menikah.
    En: Her heart brimmed with joy at seeing her best friend getting married.

    Id: Di halaman vila, bunga-bunga kamboja dan melati menghiasi setiap sudut, menambah keindahan suasana.
    En: In the villa's yard, frangipani and jasmine flowers adorned every corner, adding to the beauty of the atmosphere.

    Id: Putri bertemu teman-temannya di tengah kerumunan.
    En: Putri met her friends in the crowd.

    Id: Mereka semua memberikan selamat kepada pengantin wanita, Ayu, yang tampak cantik dalam balutan kebaya pengantin putihnya.
    En: They all congratulated the bride, Ayu, who looked beautiful in her white wedding kebaya.

    Id: Wayan, sang pengantin pria, juga memakai baju adat Bali yang elegan.
    En: Wayan, the groom, was also wearing elegant traditional Balinese attire.

    Id: Mereka adalah pasangan yang serasi.
    En: They were a perfect couple.

    Id: Saat prosesi pernikahan dimulai, pendeta memimpin upacara dengan khidmat.
    En: When the wedding procession began, the priest led the ceremony solemnly.

    Id: Putri menyaksikan dengan mata berbinar-binar.
    En: Putri watched with sparkling eyes.

    Id: Dia melihat cinta dan kebahagiaan di mata Ayu dan Wayan.
    En: She saw love and happiness in Ayu and Wayan's eyes.

    Id: Mereka saling bertukar janji dengan penuh haru dan kebahagiaan.
    En: They exchanged vows filled with emotion and joy.

    Id: Setelah upacara, tiba saatnya pesta dimulai.
    En: After the ceremony, it was time for the celebration to begin.

    Id: Semua tamu dijamu dengan makanan khas Bali seperti babi guling, sate lilit, dan lawar.
    En: All the guests were treated to Balinese specialties such as roast pig, satay lilit, and lawar.

    Id: Putri sangat menikmati hidangan itu.
    En: Putri thoroughly enjoyed the food.

    Id: Musik tradisional Bali menemani makan malam mereka, menambah kemeriahan pesta.
    En: Traditional Balinese music accompanied their dinner, adding to the festivity.

    Id: Putri dan teman-temannya menari bersama di panggung.
    En: Putri and her friends danced together on stage.

    Id: Mereka menarikan tarian kecak dengan semangat.
    En: They performed the kecak dance with enthusiasm.

    Id: Suasana semakin meriah, semua orang bersuka cita merayakan cinta Ayu dan Wayan.
    En: The atmosphere grew even livelier, with everyone celebrating Ayu and Wayan's love.

    Id: Ketika malam tiba, bintang gemerlapan di langit Bali.
    En: As night fell, stars glittered in the Balinese sky.

    Id: Putri merasa bahagia dan bersyukur bisa menjadi bagian dari hari istimewa ini.
    En: Putri felt happy and grateful to be part of this special day.

    Id: Dia berpikir bahwa cinta itu indah dan penuh warna, seperti keindahan pulau Bali yang selalu mempesona setiap orang.
    En: She thought that love was beautiful and colorful, like the beauty of Bali that always captivates everyone.

    Id: Pernikahan Ayu dan Wayan selesai dengan kembang api yang mewarnai langit malam.
    En: Ayu and Wayan's wedding concluded with fireworks lighting up the night sky.

    Id: Putri tersenyum dan berbisik pada dirinya sendiri, "Aku akan selalu mengingat hari ini.
    En: Putri smiled and whispered to herself, "I will always remember this day."

    Id: "Dan begitulah, di bawah langit Bali yang cerah, Putri merasakan keindahan cinta dan persahabatan yang abadi.
    En: And so, under the bright Balinese sky, Putri felt the beauty of eternal love and friendship.

    Id: Akhirnya, malam itu membawa kenangan indah bagi semua yang hadir.
    En: In the end, that night brought beautiful memories for all who attended.

    Vocabulary Words:
    clear: cerahmidst: tengahexcited: bersemangatattending: menghadirivilla: vilafollowing: mengikutisound: suaramelodiously: merduguests: tamu-tamudressed: mengenakancontemporary: kontemporerattire: pakaiansmiling: tersenyumlaughing: tertawacheerfully: gembiracongratulated: memberikan selamatbride: pengantin wanitaelegant: eleganprocession: prosesipriest: pendetaled: memimpinsolemnly: khidmatsparkling: berbinar-binarvows: janjiexchange: saling bertukarcelebration: pestatreats: dijamuspecialties: makanan khasaccompanied: menemanilivelier: semakin meriah

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unearthing Borobudur: Rini and Bayu's Magical Temple Mystery
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pada suatu pagi yang cerah, Rini dan Bayu berdiri di depan Candi Borobudur.
    En: On a bright morning, Rini and Bayu stood in front of Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Matahari terbit dengan indah, memancarkan sinar emas ke seluruh bangunan candi.
    En: The sunrise was beautiful, casting golden rays across the entire temple structure.

    Id: Mereka mengikuti tur guidade yang dipandu oleh Pak Wawan.
    En: They followed a guided tour led by Mr. Wawan.

    Id: Pak Wawan membawa mereka berkeliling, sambil bercerita tentang sejarah candi.
    En: Mr. Wawan took them around, narrating the history of the temple.

    Id: Rini dan Bayu sangat tertarik.
    En: Rini and Bayu were very interested.

    Id: Mereka mendengarkan dengan antusias.
    En: They listened enthusiastically.

    Id: Tiba-tiba, Rini melihat sesuatu yang aneh di salah satu dinding candi.
    En: Suddenly, Rini noticed something strange on one of the temple walls.

    Id: "Lihat, Bayu!
    En: "Look, Bayu!

    Id: Ada celah di sini," kata Rini.
    En: There's a gap here," said Rini.

    Id: Bayu mendekat.
    En: Bayu came closer.

    Id: Dia mengetuk dinding dengan hati-hati.
    En: He carefully knocked on the wall.

    Id: Suara berongga terdengar.
    En: A hollow sound echoed.

    Id: Penasaran, mereka mendorong dinding dengan kuat.
    En: Curious, they pushed the wall hard.

    Id: Sebuah pintu rahasia terbuka!
    En: A secret door opened!

    Id: Di dalam, mereka menemukan ruang gelap yang penuh debu.
    En: Inside, they found a dark room full of dust.

    Id: Di tengah ruangan, ada kotak kayu tua yang berkilauan.
    En: In the middle of the room was an old wooden box that glittered.

    Id: Rini dan Bayu perlahan membuka kotak itu dan menemukan artefak kuno yang bercahaya.
    En: Rini and Bayu slowly opened the box and found a glowing ancient artifact.

    Id: "Artefak ini pasti memiliki kekuatan magis," kata Bayu.
    En: "This artifact must have magical powers," said Bayu.

    Id: "Ya, tapi apa tujuan artefak ini?
    En: "Yes, but what is its purpose?

    Id: Bagaimana kita bisa mengetahui?
    En: How can we find out?"

    Id: " tanya Rini.
    En: asked Rini.

    Id: Mereka membawa artefak itu kepada Pak Wawan.
    En: They brought the artifact to Mr. Wawan.

    Id: Pak Wawan terkejut namun mendukung keputusan mereka untuk menemukan jawaban.
    En: Mr. Wawan was surprised but supported their decision to find answers.

    Id: "Besok ada pesta perayaan candi.
    En: "Tomorrow is the temple's celebration party.

    Id: Kita harus mencari tahu sebelum itu," kata Pak Wawan.
    En: We must find out before then," said Mr. Wawan.

    Id: Malam itu, Rini dan Bayu berusaha memecahkan misteri artefak.
    En: That night, Rini and Bayu tried to solve the mystery of the artifact.

    Id: Mereka membaca berbagai buku sejarah dan mengumpulkan petunjuk.
    En: They read various history books and gathered clues.

    Id: Rini menemukan bahwa artefak itu adalah kunci untuk mengaktifkan kekuatan pelindung candi.
    En: Rini discovered that the artifact was a key to activate the temple's protective powers.

    Id: "Aku tahu!
    En: "I know!

    Id: Kita harus meletakkan artefak ini di puncak candi, tepat saat matahari terbit," seru Rini.
    En: We have to place this artifact at the top of the temple, just as the sun rises," exclaimed Rini.

    Id: Hari perayaan tiba.
    En: The day of the celebration arrived.

    Id: Semua orang berkumpul di Borobudur.
    En: Everyone gathered at Borobudur.

    Id: Rini dan Bayu melakukan rencana mereka dengan hati-hati.
    En: Rini and Bayu executed their plan carefully.

    Id: Mereka memanjat candi dan menempatkan artefak di puncak.
    En: They climbed the temple and placed the artifact at the top.

    Id: Saat matahari mulai terbit, artefak mulai bersinar terang.
    En: As the sun began to rise, the artifact started to shine brightly.

    Id: Sinar emas melingkupi seluruh candi, melindunginya dengan kekuatan magis.
    En: Golden light enveloped the entire temple, protecting it with magical powers.

    Id: Semua orang bersorak kegirangan.
    En: Everyone cheered in delight.

    Id: "Kerja bagus, Rini dan Bayu!
    En: "Great job, Rini and Bayu!

    Id: Kalian berhasil menyelamatkan candi dari bahaya potensial," kata Pak Wawan dengan bangga.
    En: You succeeded in saving the temple from potential danger," said Mr. Wawan proudly.

    Id: Rini dan Bayu tersenyum puas.
    En: Rini and Bayu smiled with satisfaction.

    Id: Mereka telah memecahkan misteri dan melindungi warisan budaya yang berharga.
    En: They had solved the mystery and protected a valuable cultural heritage.

    Id: Setelah perayaan, mereka pulang dengan hati bahagia, membawa kenangan tak terlupakan dari petualangan mereka di Candi Borobudur.
    En: After the celebration, they went home with happy hearts, carrying unforgettable memories from their adventure at Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Dan begitulah, Candi Borobudur tetap berdiri megah, dilindungi oleh kekuatan magis artefak kuno yang ditemukan oleh dua sahabat pemberani, Rini dan Bayu.
    En: And so, Borobudur Temple remains standing majestically, protected by the magical power of an ancient artifact discovered by two brave friends, Rini and Bayu.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: cerahnarrating: berceritaenthusiastically: dengan antusiasgap: celahhollow: beronggaechoed: terdengarcurious: penasaransecret door: pintu rahasiadust: debuglittered: berkilauanartifact: artefakmagical powers: kekuatan magisprotective powers: kekuatan pelindungcelebration party: pesta perayaanhistory books: buku sejarahactivate: mengaktifkanexecuted: melakukanenveloped: melingkupidelight: kegiranganpotential danger: bahaya potensialsatisfaction: puasmajestic: megahcultural heritage: warisan budayabrave friends: sahabat pemberaniunforgettable memories: kenangan tak terlupakanguided tour: tur dipanduknocked: mengetukprotecting: melindungiclues: petunjukgathered: mengumpulkan

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Magical Moments: Celebrating Vesak Day at Borobudur Temple
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari terbit di balik puncak Borobudur.
    En: The sun rises behind the peak of Borobudur.

    Id: Cahayanya hangat.
    En: Its light is warm.

    Id: Adi dan Putri sudah berada di sana sejak pagi.
    En: Adi and Putri have been there since morning.

    Id: Mereka sedang menyiapkan perayaan Hari Waisak.
    En: They are preparing for the Vesak Day celebration.

    Id: "Putri, apakah bunga teratai sudah siap?
    En: "Putri, are the lotus flowers ready?"

    Id: " tanya Adi.
    En: Adi asked.

    Id: "Sudah, Kak Adi.
    En: "Yes, Brother Adi.

    Id: Aku juga sudah menyiapkan lilin," jawab Putri sambil tersenyum.
    En: I’ve also prepared the candles," Putri answered with a smile.

    Id: Hari Waisak sangat penting bagi umat Buddha.
    En: Vesak Day is very important for Buddhists.

    Id: Mereka merayakan kelahiran, penerangan sempurna, dan wafat Sang Buddha.
    En: They celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Buddha.

    Id: Adi dan Putri sangat antusias membantu persiapan ini.
    En: Adi and Putri are very enthusiastic about helping with these preparations.

    Id: "Putri, kita harus memastikan candi bersih," kata Adi.
    En: "Putri, we need to ensure the temple is clean," Adi said.

    Id: Mereka mulai membersihkan halaman candi.
    En: They started cleaning the temple grounds.

    Id: Putri menyapu daun-daun kering.
    En: Putri swept the dry leaves.

    Id: Adi membersihkan patung-patung Buddha.
    En: Adi cleaned the Buddha statues.

    Id: Menjelang siang, umat mulai berdatangan.
    En: Towards noon, people began to arrive.

    Id: Semua orang mengenakan pakaian putih.
    En: Everyone wore white clothing.

    Id: Mereka membawa bunga dan dupa.
    En: They brought flowers and incense.

    Id: Adi dan Putri masih sibuk memastikan semua berjalan lancar.
    En: Adi and Putri were still busy ensuring everything ran smoothly.

    Id: "Saya harap semuanya berjalan sempurna," kata Adi sambil mengelap keringatnya.
    En: "I hope everything goes perfectly," Adi said while wiping his sweat.

    Id: Tak lama kemudian, suara gong mulai terdengar.
    En: Soon, the sound of a gong began to echo.

    Id: Para biksu dan umat berkumpul di satu titik.
    En: The monks and devotees gathered at one point.

    Id: Mereka berdoa dengan khusyuk.
    En: They prayed solemnly.

    Id: Putri memandang kagum.
    En: Putri looked on in awe.

    Id: "Indah sekali, Kak.
    En: "It's so beautiful, Brother.

    Id: Semua orang bahagia," katanya.
    En: Everyone is happy," she said.

    Id: Adi tersenyum puas.
    En: Adi smiled in satisfaction.

    Id: "Ini semua berkat kerja keras kita, Putri.
    En: "This is all thanks to our hard work, Putri."

    Id: "Setelah doa, langit mulai gelap.
    En: After the prayers, the sky began to darken.

    Id: Mereka menyalakan lilin.
    En: They lit the candles.

    Id: Cahayanya menerangi Borobudur.
    En: Their light illuminated Borobudur.

    Id: Suara doa dan nyanyian mengisi udara.
    En: The sound of prayers and chants filled the air.

    Id: Putri dan Adi merasa bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari momen ini.
    En: Putri and Adi felt proud to be part of this moment.

    Id: Akhirnya, prosesi melarung lampion ke langit dimulai.
    En: Finally, the procession of releasing lanterns into the sky began.

    Id: Puluhan lampion terbang tinggi.
    En: Dozens of lanterns soared high.

    Id: Umat melihat dengan haru.
    En: The devotees watched with emotion.

    Id: Putri memegang tangan Adi.
    En: Putri held Adi's hand.

    Id: "Kak, kita lakukan ini setiap tahun, ya?
    En: "Brother, let’s do this every year, okay?"

    Id: " pintanya.
    En: she requested.

    Id: "Tentu, Putri.
    En: "Of course, Putri.

    Id: Kita akan selalu merayakan Hari Waisak di Borobudur," jawab Adi.
    En: We will always celebrate Vesak Day at Borobudur," Adi replied.

    Id: Malam semakin larut.
    En: The night grew late.

    Id: Lampion terus menghiasi langit.
    En: The lanterns continued to adorn the sky.

    Id: Umat pulang dengan hati bahagia.
    En: The devotees went home with happy hearts.

    Id: Tempat suci itu kembali tenang.
    En: The sacred place returned to tranquility.

    Id: Adi dan Putri duduk di pinggir candi.
    En: Adi and Putri sat at the edge of the temple.

    Id: Mereka lelah, tetapi bahagia.
    En: They were tired but happy.

    Id: Perayaan Hari Waisak tahun ini sukses besar.
    En: This year's Vesak Day celebration was a great success.

    Id: "Kak Adi, kita harus lebih semangat tahun depan," kata Putri dengan mata berbinar.
    En: "Brother Adi, we have to be more enthusiastic next year," Putri said with sparkling eyes.

    Id: "Tentu.
    En: "Certainly.

    Id: Kita harus lebih baik lagi," jawab Adi.
    En: We need to be even better," Adi replied.

    Id: Mereka berdua saling tersenyum.
    En: They both smiled at each other.

    Id: Malam itu menjadi kenangan indah bagi Adi dan Putri.
    En: That night became a beautiful memory for Adi and Putri.

    Id: Perayaan yang penuh makna di jantung Candi Borobudur.
    En: A deeply meaningful celebration at the heart of Borobudur Temple.

    Vocabulary Words:
    rises: terbitpeak: puncaklotus: terataiflowers: bungacandles: lilincelebration: perayaanbirth: kelahiranenlightenment: penerangan sempurnapassing: wafatBuddhist: umat Buddhaenthusiastic: antusiastemple: candigrounds: halamanswept: menyapunoon: siangincense: dupagong: gongmonks: biksudevotees: umatprayed: berdoasolemnly: dengan khusyukawe: kagumsweat: keringatilluminated: menerangichanted: nyanyianprocession: prosesilanterns: lampionadorn: menghiasiemotion: harutranquility: tenang

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Lost in Time: Budi's Journey Through Borobudur Temple
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Budi berdiri di depan Candi Borobudur, kagum.
    En: Budi stood in front of Borobudur Temple, amazed.

    Id: Udara pagi terasa segar.
    En: The morning air felt fresh.

    Id: Matahari baru terbit.
    En: The sun had just risen.

    Id: Budi mengikuti turis lain, mendengarkan pemandu menceritakan sejarah.
    En: Budi followed the other tourists, listening to the guide recounting the history.

    Id: Dia sangat ingin tahu tentang candi ini.
    En: He was very curious about this temple.

    Id: Setelah beberapa saat, turis boleh berkeliling sendiri.
    En: After a while, tourists were allowed to explore on their own.

    Id: Budi melihat relief di dinding.
    En: Budi looked at the reliefs on the walls.

    Id: Setiap gambar bercerita.
    En: Every image told a story.

    Id: Dia begitu fokus, hingga tidak sadar terpisah dari rombongan.
    En: He was so focused that he didn't realize he had separated from the group.

    Id: Budi berjalan sendiri.
    En: Budi walked alone.

    Id: Lorong candi terasa seperti labirin.
    En: The temple’s corridors felt like a labyrinth.

    Id: Suasana sunyi.
    En: The atmosphere was quiet.

    Id: Hanya suara langkah kakinya dan burung-burung.
    En: Only the sound of his footsteps and the birds could be heard.

    Id: Budi mencoba mencari jalan keluar, tetapi semua tampak sama.
    En: Budi tried to find his way out, but everything looked the same.

    Id: Dia mulai cemas.
    En: He started to get anxious.

    Id: "Di mana rombonganku?
    En: "Where is my group?"

    Id: " pikirnya.
    En: he thought.

    Id: Dia ingat pemandu mengatakan ada tanda-tanda kecil di dinding.
    En: He remembered the guide mentioning there were small signs on the walls.

    Id: Tanda itu bisa membantu pengunjung menemukan jalan.
    En: Those signs could help visitors find their way.

    Id: Budi melihat sekeliling.
    En: Budi looked around.

    Id: Benar, ada tanda kecil berbentuk panah.
    En: Indeed, there was a small arrow-shaped sign.

    Id: Dia mengikuti tanda itu.
    En: He followed the sign.

    Id: Namun, setelah beberapa tikungan, dia masih belum menemukan rombongannya.
    En: However, after several turns, he still hadn’t found his group.

    Id: Budi berhenti sejenak, menarik napas dalam-dalam.
    En: Budi paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

    Id: Dia harus tetap tenang.
    En: He had to stay calm.

    Id: Dia mendengar suara gemericik air.
    En: He heard the sound of trickling water.

    Id: "Mungkin ada kolam di dekat sini," pikirnya.
    En: "Maybe there’s a pool nearby," he thought.

    Id: Dia mengikuti suara itu.
    En: He followed the sound.

    Id: Ternyata benar, ada kolam kecil di tengah candi.
    En: Sure enough, there was a small pool in the middle of the temple.

    Id: Di seberang kolam, dia melihat seorang petugas candi.
    En: Across the pool, he saw a temple guard.

    Id: Budi segera menghampiri petugas itu.
    En: Budi immediately approached the guard.

    Id: "Pak, saya tersesat.
    En: "Sir, I'm lost.

    Id: Di mana rombongan tur saya?
    En: Where is my tour group?"

    Id: " tanyanya.
    En: he asked.

    Id: Petugas itu tersenyum ramah.
    En: The guard smiled kindly.

    Id: "Mari, saya antar," katanya.
    En: "Come, I’ll take you," he said.

    Id: Mereka berjalan menuju pintu utama.
    En: They walked toward the main gate.

    Id: Di sana, Budi melihat rombongannya.
    En: There, Budi saw his group.

    Id: Pemandu terlihat khawatir, tetapi segera tersenyum melihat Budi.
    En: The guide looked worried but quickly smiled when seeing Budi.

    Id: "Kamu baik-baik saja?
    En: "Are you okay?"

    Id: " tanya pemandu.
    En: asked the guide.

    Id: Budi mengangguk.
    En: Budi nodded.

    Id: "Aku hanya terlalu tertarik pada relief," jawabnya.
    En: "I was just too fascinated by the reliefs," he answered.

    Id: Semua tertawa.
    En: Everyone laughed.

    Id: Mereka melanjutkan tur dengan hati yang lebih tenang.
    En: They continued the tour with calmer hearts.

    Id: Budi belajar pentingnya tetap dekat dengan rombongan.
    En: Budi learned the importance of staying close to the group.

    Id: Dia juga mendapat pengalaman berharga, menjelajahi candi sendiri.
    En: He also gained a valuable experience, exploring the temple on his own.

    Id: Petualangan Budi di Candi Borobudur menjadi kenangan tak terlupakan.
    En: Budi’s adventure at Borobudur Temple became an unforgettable memory.

    Id: Hari itu, Budi belajar tentang sejarah dan juga tentang dirinya sendiri.
    En: That day, Budi learned about history and also about himself.

    Id: Candi Borobudur, dengan segala keindahannya, berbisik kisah-kisah masa lalu yang tak pernah pudar.
    En: Borobudur Temple, with all its beauty, whispers stories of the past that never fade.

    Vocabulary Words:
    amazed: kagumfresh: segarrecounting: menceritakancurious: ingin tahuexplore: berkelilingreliefs: relieffocused: fokusseparated: terpisahcorridors: loronglabyrinth: labirinquiet: sunyifootsteps: langkah kakianxious: cemassigns: tandaarrow-shaped: berbentuk panahpause: berhenti sejenakdeep breath: napas dalam-dalamcalm: tenangtrickling: gemericikpool: kolamapproached: menghampiriguard: petugasmain gate: pintu utamavaluable: berhargaunforgettable: tak terlupakanexperience: pengalamanwhispers: berbisikstories: kisah-kisahfade: pudarseparated: terpisah

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Sweet Success: Budi and Siti's Journey at Pasar Baru
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pasar Baru selalu ramai setiap pagi.
    En: Pasar Baru is always bustling every morning.

    Id: Pedagang dan pembeli datang silih berganti mencari rejeki.
    En: Merchants and buyers come and go, seeking fortune.

    Id: Di sudut pasar, ada tempat baru yang menarik perhatian.
    En: In one corner of the market, a new spot has caught the eye.

    Id: Di situ, Budi dan Siti sedang menyiapkan warung baru mereka.
    En: There, Budi and Siti are preparing their new stall.

    Id: Budi berkata, "Siti, ayo kita tata meja ini. Semua kue harus terlihat menarik."
    En: Budi said, “Siti, let’s arrange this table. All the cakes must look appealing.”

    Id: Siti mengangguk. "Tentu, Budi. Aku akan tata klepon di sini dan lemper di sana."
    En: Siti nodded. “Of course, Budi. I’ll arrange the klepon here and the lemper there.”

    Id: Siti meletakkan kue-kue tradisional Indonesia dengan hati-hati.
    En: Siti carefully placed the traditional Indonesian cakes.

    Id: Ada klepon, lemper, dan onde-onde yang menggugah selera.
    En: There were klepon, lemper, and onde-onde that looked delicious.

    Id: Budi sedang memasang spanduk warna-warni di atas warung.
    En: Budi was putting up colorful banners above the stall.

    Id: Tulisan di spanduk itu besar dan jelas: "Kue Tradisional Budi dan Siti".
    En: The writing on the banner was big and clear: “Budi and Siti’s Traditional Cakes.”

    Id: Budi tersenyum puas, "Siti, spanduk ini pasti akan menarik perhatian."
    En: Budi smiled contentedly, “Siti, this banner will surely attract attention.”

    Id: Siti tersenyum kembali, "Benar, Budi. Tapi kita juga harus ramah pada pembeli. Senyum dan sapa mereka."
    En: Siti smiled back, “True, Budi. But we also have to be friendly to the customers. Smile and greet them.”

    Id: Pasar mulai lebih ramai.
    En: The market began to get busier.

    Id: Beberapa orang datang mendekat.
    En: Some people approached.

    Id: "Selamat pagi, Budi dan Siti! Apa yang kalian jual di sini?" tanya seorang ibu-ibu.
    En: “Good morning, Budi and Siti! What are you selling here?” asked a lady.

    Id: "Kue tradisional, Bu! Ada klepon, lemper, dan onde-onde. Mau coba?" jawab Siti dengan senyum.
    En: “Traditional cakes, Ma’am! There are klepon, lemper, and onde-onde. Want to try?” Siti replied with a smile.

    Id: Ibu-ibu itu mencicipi satu klepon.
    En: The lady tasted a klepon.

    Id: Dia tersenyum lebar, "Enak sekali! Saya beli sepuluh, ya?"
    En: She smiled broadly, “Very delicious! I’ll buy ten, please?”

    Id: Budi segera membungkus klepon untuk ibu itu.
    En: Budi quickly wrapped the klepon for the lady.

    Id: "Terima kasih, Bu! Semoga suka."
    En: “Thank you, Ma’am! Hope you like it.”

    Id: Setelah ibu itu pergi, beberapa orang lain datang.
    En: After the lady left, more people came.

    Id: Mereka tertarik melihat spanduk dan kue yang tertata rapi.
    En: They were intrigued by the banner and the neatly arranged cakes.

    Id: Seorang bapak-bapak mencoba onde-onde.
    En: An elderly man tried an onde-onde.

    Id: "Luar biasa! Onde-ondenya lembut dan manis. Saya akan beli juga."
    En: “Amazing! The onde-onde is soft and sweet. I’ll buy some too.”

    Id: "Hari pertama kita berjalan baik, Siti!" seru Budi dengan gembira.
    En: “Our first day is going well, Siti!” Budi exclaimed happily.

    Id: Siti mengangguk senang, "Iya, Budi. Kita harus tetap semangat."
    En: Siti nodded joyfully, “Yes, Budi. We need to stay motivated.”

    Id: Menjelang sore, warung Budi dan Siti mulai sepi.
    En: As the afternoon approached, Budi and Siti’s stall started to quiet down.

    Id: Kue-kue mereka hampir habis terjual.
    En: Their cakes were almost sold out.

    Id: Siti berkata, "Budi, kita berhasil. Kue-kue kita disukai banyak orang."
    En: Siti said, “Budi, we did it. People love our cakes.”

    Id: Budi tersenyum puas. "Ini baru awal, Siti. Besok kita harus lebih semangat lagi."
    En: Budi smiled with satisfaction. “This is just the beginning, Siti. Tomorrow we must be even more enthusiastic.”

    Id: Mereka berdua menyusun rencana untuk hari-hari berikutnya.
    En: The two of them started planning for the coming days.

    Id: Dengan senyum dan kerja keras, mereka yakin warung mereka akan semakin sukses.
    En: With smiles and hard work, they were confident their stall would become even more successful.

    Id: Di Pasar Baru, Budi dan Siti menemukan cara untuk berbagi kebahagiaan lewat kue tradisional mereka.
    En: At Pasar Baru, Budi and Siti found a way to share happiness through their traditional cakes.

    Id: Hari itu, mereka belajar bahwa kerja keras dan keramahan adalah kunci untuk meraih mimpi.
    En: That day, they learned that hard work and friendliness are the keys to achieving dreams.

    Id: Cerita pun berakhir dengan penuh harapan.
    En: The story ends with hope.

    Id: Pasar Baru adalah tempat di mana impian mereka mulai terwujud.
    En: Pasar Baru is the place where their dreams began to come true.

    Id: Budi dan Siti pulang dengan hati senang, siap untuk hari esok yang lebih indah.
    En: Budi and Siti went home with happy hearts, ready for a brighter tomorrow.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bustling: ramaiseeking: mencarifortune: rejekiarrange: tataappealing: menarikcorner: sudutstall: warungcarefully: dengan hati-haticontentedly: puasattention: perhatiancustomers: pembeliapproached: mendekatwrapped: membungkusintrigued: tertarikenthusiastic: semangatconfident: yakindreams: impianmorning: pagimerchants: pedagangneatly: tertataelderly: bapak-bapaksoft: lembutsatisfaction: puasshare: berbagismiled: tersenyumfriendly: ramahsmile: senyumattention: perhatianremarkable: luar biasadelicious: enak

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: A Goat for Veggies: Misadventures in a Small Town Market
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Di pagi yang cerah, sinar matahari menyinari Kota Kecil.
    En: On a bright morning, the sunlight illuminated the Small Town.

    Id: Rina dan Budi berjalan menuju Pasar Tradisional.
    En: Rina and Budi walked towards the Traditional Market.

    Id: Pasar itu ramai dengan penjual dan pembeli.
    En: The market was bustling with vendors and buyers.

    Id: Suasana penuh warna dan aroma segar.
    En: The atmosphere was full of vibrant colors and fresh aromas.

    Id: Rina adalah seorang pedagang pemula.
    En: Rina was a novice trader.

    Id: Dia ingin membeli sayuran segar untuk warungnya.
    En: She wanted to buy fresh vegetables for her food stall.

    Id: Tapi, Rina belum pandai menawar harga.
    En: However, Rina was not yet skilled at bargaining.

    Id: Oleh karena itu, dia meminta bantuan Budi, sahabatnya sejak kecil.
    En: Therefore, she asked for the help of Budi, her childhood friend.

    Id: Mereka sampai di pasar.
    En: They arrived at the market.

    Id: "Budi, tolong bantu aku menawar harga sayuran," pinta Rina.
    En: "Budi, please help me bargain for the vegetable prices," Rina asked.

    Id: "Tentu, Rina. Saya akan bantu," jawab Budi dengan penuh semangat.
    En: "Of course, Rina, I will help," Budi replied enthusiastically.

    Id: Mereka masuk ke lorong pasar.
    En: They entered the market aisles.

    Id: Ada banyak kios di sana.
    En: There were many stalls there.

    Id: Sementara Rina melihat-lihat sayuran, Budi berjalan lebih jauh.
    En: While Rina was looking at the vegetables, Budi walked further.

    Id: Tanpa sengaja, dia sampai di kios hewan peliharaan.
    En: Unintentionally, he ended up at a pet stall.

    Id: Pemilik kios, Pak Ujang, menawarkan berbagai hewan.
    En: The stall owner, Mr. Ujang, offered various animals.

    Id: Ada ayam, kelinci, burung, bahkan kambing kecil.
    En: There were chickens, rabbits, birds, and even a small goat.

    Id: "Harga kambing ini Rp500.000," kata Pak Ujang.
    En: "This goat is priced at Rp500,000," said Mr. Ujang.

    Id: Budi ingat permintaan Rina.
    En: Budi remembered Rina's request.

    Id: Dia berpikir ini kesempatan untuk membantu.
    En: He thought this was an opportunity to help.

    Id: "Bisa kurang nggak, pak?" tanya Budi.
    En: "Can you reduce the price, sir?" Budi asked.

    Id: "Kambing ini terlalu mahal."
    En: "This goat is too expensive."

    Id: Pak Ujang tersenyum.
    En: Mr. Ujang smiled.

    Id: "Bisa, Rp450.000 untuk kamu, anak muda," jawabnya.
    En: "Sure, Rp450,000 for you, young man," he replied.

    Id: Budi merasa senang dan setuju.
    En: Budi felt happy and agreed.

    Id: Sementara itu, Rina terkejut saat melihat Budi kembali tanpa sayuran tapi dengan kambing kecil.
    En: Meanwhile, Rina was surprised when she saw Budi returning not with vegetables but with a small goat.

    Id: "Budi! Apa ini?" tanya Rina dengan mata yang terbelalak.
    En: "Budi! What is this?" Rina asked with wide eyes.

    Id: "Saya menawar harga seperti yang kamu minta," jawab Budi dengan bangga.
    En: "I bargained the price as you asked," Budi replied proudly.

    Id: Rina tertawa melihat kekeliruan Budi.
    En: Rina laughed at Budi's mistake.

    Id: Dia menjelaskan bahwa dia ingin menawar sayuran, bukan kambing.
    En: She explained that she wanted to bargain for vegetables, not a goat.

    Id: Mereka mengembalikan kambing ke Pak Ujang.
    En: They returned the goat to Mr. Ujang.

    Id: Budi meminta maaf dan menjelaskan kesalahannya.
    En: Budi apologized and explained his mistake.

    Id: Untungnya, Pak Ujang sangat baik dan mengerti.
    En: Fortunately, Mr. Ujang was very kind and understanding.

    Id: Setelah itu, Budi dan Rina kembali ke kios sayuran.
    En: After that, Budi and Rina went back to the vegetable stalls.

    Id: Kali ini, mereka menawar sesuai rencana.
    En: This time, they bargained according to plan.

    Id: Mereka berhasil mendapatkan harga yang baik untuk sayuran.
    En: They managed to get a good price for the vegetables.

    Id: Di perjalanan pulang, mereka tertawa teringat peristiwa lucu di pasar.
    En: On the way home, they laughed, remembering the funny incident at the market.

    Id: "Ternyata menawar bukan hal yang mudah," kata Budi sambil tersenyum.
    En: "It turns out bargaining is not an easy thing," Budi said with a smile.

    Id: "Benar, tapi kamu sudah mencoba yang terbaik," sahut Rina dengan senyum manis.
    En: "True, but you tried your best," Rina replied with a sweet smile.

    Id: Kisah ini menjadi pengalaman berharga bagi Rina dan Budi.
    En: This story became a valuable experience for Rina and Budi.

    Id: Mereka belajar pentingnya komunikasi yang jelas.
    En: They learned the importance of clear communication.

    Id: Pasar Tradisional membawa mereka pada petualangan tak terduga yang akan selalu mereka ingat.
    En: The Traditional Market led them to an unexpected adventure that they would always remember.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: cerahilluminated: menyinarinovice: pemulatrader: pedagangbargaining: menawarskilled: pandaienthusiastically: dengan penuh semangataisles: lorongstalls: kiosvarious: berbagaireduce: kurangbargained: menawarexplained: menjelaskanmistake: kesalahanunderstanding: mengertivibrant: penuh warnaaromas: aromarequest: permintaanopportunity: kesempatanpriced: hargavegetables: sayuranincident: peristiwacommunication: komunikasivaluable: berhargachildhood: sejak kecilenthusiasm: semangatattention: perhatianfortunately: untungnyaadventure: petualanganreturned: kembali

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Heart of Friendship: The Day Agus Saved Siti at Taman Mini
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari bersinar cerah di atas Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
    En: The sun shone brightly above the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

    Id: Agus dan Siti berjalan-jalan, menikmati pemandangan.
    En: Agus and Siti were strolling, enjoying the scenery.

    Id: Taman itu penuh dengan bunga yang indah, pohon yang rindang, dan suara burung berkicau.
    En: The park was full of beautiful flowers, lush trees, and the sound of chirping birds.

    Id: Siti tiba-tiba merasa sesak napas.
    En: Suddenly, Siti felt short of breath.

    Id: Wajahnya pucat dan ia memegang dadanya.
    En: Her face turned pale, and she clutched her chest.

    Id: Agus terkejut melihat Siti dalam kondisi seperti itu.
    En: Agus was shocked to see Siti in such a condition.

    Id: "Siti, kamu baik-baik saja?
    En: "Siti, are you okay?"

    Id: " tanya Agus dengan khawatir.
    En: Agus asked worriedly.

    Id: Siti menggelengkan kepala.
    En: Siti shook her head.

    Id: Ia berusaha bicara, tapi suaranya terputus-putus.
    En: She tried to speak, but her voice was intermittent.

    Id: Agus tahu mereka butuh bantuan segera.
    En: Agus knew they needed help immediately.

    Id: Ia melihat sekeliling dan menemukan bangku di dekat mereka.
    En: He looked around and found a bench nearby.

    Id: Ia dengan cepat membawa Siti ke bangku tersebut.
    En: He quickly led Siti to the bench.

    Id: "Kamu duduk di sini.
    En: "You sit here.

    Id: Aku akan panggil bantuan," kata Agus dengan tegas.
    En: I'll get help," Agus said firmly.

    Id: Ia berlari menuju pos keamanan yang tidak jauh dari tempat mereka.
    En: He ran towards the security post not far from where they were.

    Id: Hatinya berdegup kencang.
    En: His heart was pounding.

    Id: "Siti butuh bantuan!
    En: "Siti needs help!

    Id: Teman saya sesak napas!
    En: My friend is having trouble breathing!"

    Id: " kata Agus ketika sampai di pos keamanan.
    En: Agus said as he reached the security post.

    Id: Petugas keamanan segera menjemput tim medis.
    En: The security officer immediately called for the medical team.

    Id: Agus kembali ke tempat Siti, berharap tim medis segera datang.
    En: Agus returned to where Siti was, hoping the medical team would arrive soon.

    Id: Dalam beberapa menit, tim medis tiba dengan sebuah tas bantuan.
    En: Within a few minutes, the medical team arrived with a first aid kit.

    Id: Mereka segera memeriksa Siti dan memberikan oksigen.
    En: They quickly examined Siti and provided oxygen.

    Id: Perlahan, Siti mulai bisa bernapas lebih baik.
    En: Gradually, Siti began to breathe more easily.

    Id: Warna di wajahnya kembali.
    En: The color returned to her face.

    Id: Agus merasa lega.
    En: Agus felt relieved.

    Id: "Terima kasih banyak," katanya kepada tim medis.
    En: "Thank you very much," he said to the medical team.

    Id: Mereka mengangguk sambil tersenyum.
    En: They nodded and smiled.

    Id: Siti menatap Agus dan tersenyum lemah.
    En: Siti looked at Agus and gave a weak smile.

    Id: "Terima kasih, Agus.
    En: "Thank you, Agus.

    Id: Kamu pahlawan saya hari ini," kata Siti dengan suara lembut.
    En: You are my hero today," Siti said softly.

    Id: Agus tersenyum dan mengangguk.
    En: Agus smiled and nodded.

    Id: "Kamu istirahat dulu, Siti.
    En: "You rest first, Siti.

    Id: Jangan khawatir, aku selalu di sini untukmu.
    En: Don't worry, I'm always here for you."

    Id: "Hari itu, mereka memutuskan untuk berhenti berjalan-jalan lebih lama.
    En: That day, they decided to stop their walk for a while.

    Id: Mereka duduk di bangku, menikmati udara segar sambil Siti memulihkan dirinya.
    En: They sat on the bench, enjoying the fresh air while Siti recovered.

    Id: Walaupun sempat menakutkan, kejadian itu membuat mereka lebih dekat.
    En: Although it was a frightening experience, it brought them closer together.

    Id: Akhirnya, mereka pulang dengan hati yang lega dan penuh rasa syukur.
    En: In the end, they went home with hearts full of relief and gratitude.

    Id: Di perjalanan pulang, mereka berbicara tentang betapa indahnya persahabatan mereka dan betapa pentingnya peduli satu sama lain.
    En: On the way home, they talked about the beauty of their friendship and the importance of caring for one another.

    Id: Cerita ini mengajarkan bahwa dalam situasi sulit, keberanian dan kepedulian bisa membuat perbedaan besar.
    En: This story teaches that in difficult situations, courage and care can make a huge difference.

    Id: Tanpa Agus, mungkin Siti tidak akan baik-baik saja.
    En: Without Agus, Siti might not have been okay.

    Id: Persahabatan mereka semakin kuat setelah kejadian ini.
    En: Their friendship grew stronger after this incident.

    Vocabulary Words:
    shone: bersinarbrightly: cerahstrolling: berjalan-jalanscenery: pemandanganlush: rindangchirping: berkicaushort of breath: sesak napaspale: pucatclutched: memegangintermittent: terputus-putusimmediately: segerabench: bangkufirmly: dengan tegaspounding: berdegup kencangsecurity: keamanantrouble: kesulitanarrived: tibaexamine: memeriksaoxygen: oksigengradually: perlahanrelieved: legaweak: lemahhero: pahlawanrecovered: memulihkanbrought: membuatcloser: lebih dekatrelief: legagratitude: rasa syukurfriendship: persahabatancourage: keberanian

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Exploring the Wonders of Borobudur Temple: A Family Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pagi itu, udara di Magelang begitu segar.
    En: That morning, the air in Magelang was so fresh.

    Id: Langit biru tanpa awan.
    En: The sky was blue without a cloud.

    Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Putri bersiap-siap untuk mengunjungi Candi Borobudur.
    En: Ayu, Budi, and Putri were getting ready to visit Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Mereka belum pernah ke sana sebelumnya.
    En: They had never been there before.

    Id: Ayu dan Budi adalah kakak-adik, sementara Putri adalah sepupu mereka.
    En: Ayu and Budi were siblings, while Putri was their cousin.

    Id: Mereka berangkat dari rumah dengan penuh semangat.
    En: They set off from home with great enthusiasm.

    Id: Di perjalanan, mereka saling bercerita tentang apa yang mereka ketahui tentang Candi Borobudur.
    En: On the way, they shared stories about what they knew about Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Ayu bercerita, "Candi Borobudur adalah candi Buddha terbesar di dunia.
    En: Ayu said, "Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world."

    Id: " Budi menjawab, "Wah, aku ingin melihat patung Buddha yang besar itu!
    En: Budi replied, "Wow, I want to see the big Buddha statue!"

    Id: "Sesampainya di Candi Borobudur, mereka kagum.
    En: Upon arriving at Borobudur Temple, they were amazed.

    Id: Bangunan candi begitu besar dan megah.
    En: The temple structure was so large and magnificent.

    Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Putri berjalan mendekati candi.
    En: Ayu, Budi, and Putri walked closer to the temple.

    Id: Mereka melihat relief di dinding candi.
    En: They saw the reliefs on the temple walls.

    Id: Ayu berkata, "Ini menggambarkan cerita-cerita dari kehidupan Buddha.
    En: Ayu said, "These depict stories from the life of Buddha."

    Id: "Putri menambahkan, "Kita bisa belajar banyak tentang sejarah dari sini.
    En: Putri added, "We can learn a lot about history from here."

    Id: "Mereka mulai berjalan menaiki candi.
    En: They began to climb the temple.

    Id: Setiap tingkat memiliki cerita sendiri.
    En: Each level had its own story.

    Id: Mereka berhenti sejenak di setiap lantai, membahas relief yang mereka lihat.
    En: They stopped for a moment on each floor, discussing the reliefs they saw.

    Id: Budi bersemangat, "Lihat!
    En: Budi excitedly said, "Look!

    Id: Ini patung Buddha yang besar!
    En: This is the big Buddha statue!"

    Id: "Ayu tersenyum, "Ya, ini dia.
    En: Ayu smiled, "Yes, here it is.

    Id: Sangat indah.
    En: Very beautiful."

    Id: "Mereka duduk di salah satu tingkat candi, menikmati pemandangan.
    En: They sat on one of the temple's levels, enjoying the view.

    Id: Putri merasakan angin sepoi-sepoi, "Di sini sangat tenang.
    En: Putri felt the gentle breeze, "It's very peaceful here.

    Id: Aku senang kita bisa datang ke sini bersama.
    En: I'm glad we could come here together."

    Id: "Ayu setuju, "Ini waktu yang berharga bersama keluarga.
    En: Ayu agreed, "This is precious family time."

    Id: "Setelah puas berjalan-jalan, mereka duduk bersama di bawah pohon rindang.
    En: After enjoying their walk, they sat together under a shady tree.

    Id: Mereka saling menceritakan gambar-gambar yang mereka lihat.
    En: They shared stories about the pictures they had seen.

    Id: Budi merasa lebih dekat dengan budaya dan sejarah mereka.
    En: Budi felt closer to their culture and history.

    Id: "Aku lebih mengerti sekarang, betapa berharganya warisan budaya kita.
    En: "I understand better now how valuable our cultural heritage is."

    Id: "Hari itu berakhir dengan senyuman dan kenangan manis.
    En: The day ended with smiles and sweet memories.

    Id: Mereka sepakat untuk kembali lagi suatu hari nanti, untuk belajar lebih banyak.
    En: They agreed to return one day to learn more.

    Id: Mereka pulang dengan hati penuh kebahagiaan dan rasa bangga akan budaya mereka.
    En: They went home with hearts full of happiness and pride in their culture.

    Id: Candi Borobudur menyatukan mereka dalam pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.
    En: Borobudur Temple united them in an unforgettable experience.

    Vocabulary Words:
    fresh: segarcloud: awancousin: sepupuenthusiasm: semangatlargest: terbesaramazed: kagummagnificent: megahreliefs: reliefdepict: menggambarkangentle breeze: angin sepoi-sepoiprecious: berhargashady: rindangcultural heritage: warisan budayastatue: patungclimb: menaikiview: pemandanganstories: cerita-ceritadiscussing: membahasexcitedly: bersemangatpeaceful: tenangenjoying: menikmatiunderstand: mengertivaluable: berhargaunforgettable: tak terlupakanmemories: kenanganreturned: kembaliglad: senangpride: banggablue: birusharing: saling menceritakan

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Time Travel at Borobudur: Experiencing History Through Holograms
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pagi itu sangat cerah.
    En: That morning was very bright.

    Id: Di kaki Gunung Menoreh, Putri, Andi, dan Rizal berjalan menuju Candi Borobudur.
    En: At the foot of Mount Menoreh, Putri, Andi, and Rizal walked towards Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Mereka sangat bersemangat.
    En: They were very excited.

    Id: Mereka mendengar kabar bahwa ada teknologi baru di candi itu.
    En: They had heard that there was new technology at the temple.

    Id: Teknologi ini bisa membuat sejarah hidup kembali.
    En: This technology could bring history back to life.

    Id: Sesampainya di sana, mereka melihat alat-alat holografis dipasang di sekitar candi.
    En: Upon arriving there, they saw holographic equipment installed around the temple.

    Id: Putri mendekati salah satu alat tersebut.
    En: Putri approached one of the devices.

    Id: "Wow, ini benar-benar keren!
    En: "Wow, this is really cool!"

    Id: " katanya.
    En: she said.

    Id: Andi dan Rizal setuju.
    En: Andi and Rizal agreed.

    Id: Mereka penasaran bagaimana alat itu bekerja.
    En: They were curious about how the device worked.

    Id: Mereka memasuki area candi.
    En: They entered the temple area.

    Id: Di sana, petugas memberi mereka kacamata khusus untuk melihat hologram.
    En: There, an attendant gave them special glasses to view the holograms.

    Id: "Cobalah ini," kata petugas.
    En: "Try these," said the attendant.

    Id: Putri memakai kacamata itu dan tiba-tiba, dia merasa seperti berada di masa lalu.
    En: Putri put on the glasses and suddenly, she felt like she was in the past.

    Id: Dia melihat para pekerja membangun candi.
    En: She saw workers building the temple.

    Id: Mereka mengangkat batu-batu besar dengan susah payah.
    En: They were lifting huge stones with great effort.

    Id: Andi dan Rizal juga ikut melihat.
    En: Andi and Rizal looked as well.

    Id: Mereka tampak kagum.
    En: They seemed amazed.

    Id: "Sungguh menakjubkan!
    En: "This is incredible!"

    Id: " kata Rizal.
    En: said Rizal.

    Id: "Aku merasa seperti benar-benar ada di sana.
    En: "I feel like I'm really there."

    Id: "Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat seorang pria tua datang.
    En: Suddenly, they saw an old man coming towards them.

    Id: Pria itu adalah hologram.
    En: The man was a hologram.

    Id: Pria itu berkata, "Selamat datang di Borobudur.
    En: He said, "Welcome to Borobudur.

    Id: Saya adalah arsitek yang merancang candi ini.
    En: I am the architect who designed this temple.

    Id: Mari saya ceritakan sejarahnya.
    En: Let me tell you its history."

    Id: "Mereka duduk dan mendengarkan.
    En: They sat and listened.

    Id: Pria itu menceritakan bagaimana candi ini dibangun pada abad ke-8 oleh dinasti Syailendra.
    En: The man narrated how the temple was built in the 8th century by the Syailendra dynasty.

    Id: Ribuan pekerja bekerja siang malam.
    En: Thousands of workers worked day and night.

    Id: Mereka membawa batu dari gunung terdekat.
    En: They brought stones from a nearby mountain.

    Id: Setiap ukiran di candi memiliki makna khusus.
    En: Every carving on the temple had special meaning.

    Id: Andi bertanya, "Bagaimana mungkin mereka bisa membuat candi yang begitu besar dan indah tanpa teknologi modern?
    En: Andi asked, "How could they build such a large and beautiful temple without modern technology?"

    Id: "Pria tua itu menjawab, "Dengan kesabaran dan dedikasi.
    En: The old man replied, "With patience and dedication.

    Id: Kami fokus pada detail dan bekerja sama sebagai sebuah tim.
    En: We focused on details and worked together as a team."

    Id: "Putri, Andi, dan Rizal merasa kagum.
    En: Putri, Andi, and Rizal felt awe-inspired.

    Id: Mereka merasa lebih memahami sejarah Borobudur.
    En: They felt a deeper understanding of Borobudur's history.

    Id: Teknologi holografis ini benar-benar membuat mereka merasa seperti berada di masa lalu.
    En: This holographic technology truly made them feel as if they were in the past.

    Id: Waktu berlalu cepat.
    En: Time passed quickly.

    Id: Mereka harus kembali.
    En: They had to return.

    Id: Sebelum pergi, mereka berterima kasih kepada petugas.
    En: Before leaving, they thanked the attendant.

    Id: "Terima kasih untuk pengalaman ini.
    En: "Thank you for this experience.

    Id: Kami tidak akan pernah melupakannya," kata Putri.
    En: We will never forget it," said Putri.

    Id: Petugas tersenyum.
    En: The attendant smiled.

    Id: "Kami senang kalian menikmatinya.
    En: "We're glad you enjoyed it.

    Id: Sampai jumpa lagi.
    En: See you again."

    Id: "Mereka berjalan pulang dengan hati yang penuh.
    En: They walked home with full hearts.

    Id: Mereka merasa telah belajar banyak.
    En: They felt they had learned a lot.

    Id: Mereka tak sabar untuk menceritakan pengalaman ini kepada teman-teman di sekolah.
    En: They could not wait to share this experience with their friends at school.

    Id: Teknologi di Borobudur telah membuat sejarah lebih hidup dan mengesankan.
    En: The technology at Borobudur had made history more alive and impressive.

    Id: Dengan senyuman di wajah, mereka meninggalkan candi, membawa kenangan yang tak terlupakan.
    En: With smiles on their faces, they left the temple, carrying unforgettable memories.

    Vocabulary Words:
    bright: cerahfoot: kakimountain: gunungtemple: candiexcited: bersemangattechnology: teknologiinstall: pasangapproach: mendekatidevice: alatcurious: penasaranequipment: alat-alatattendant: petugashologram: hologramarchitect: arsitekdynasty: dinastiworker: pekerjameaning: maknahuge: besareffort: susah payahnarrate: menceritakanlift: mengangkatpatience: kesabarandedication: dedikasidetail: detailawe-inspired: kagumunderstanding: memahamiexperience: pengalamanheart: hatileave: meninggalkanmemories: kenangan

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unlocking Borobudur: Dewi's Astonishing Archaeological Discovery
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Di masa yang penuh misteri, di tengah-tengah keheningan Candi Borobudur yang megah, Dewi duduk merenung.
    En: In a time full of mystery, amidst the silence of the magnificent Borobudur Temple, Dewi sat in contemplation.

    Id: Angin pagi meniup lembut rambutnya, dan matahari terbit memandikan patung-patung Buddha kuno dengan cahaya keemasan.
    En: The morning wind gently blew her hair, and the rising sun bathed the ancient Buddha statues in golden light.

    Id: Dewi, seorang arkeolog muda, berbakat dan penuh semangat.
    En: Dewi, a young archaeologist, was talented and enthusiastic.

    Id: Suatu hari, Dewi menemukan sesuatu yang luar biasa.
    En: One day, Dewi discovered something extraordinary.

    Id: Saat ia menggali tanah di sudut yang jarang dijamah, tangannya menyentuh pintu batu besar.
    En: As she dug in a seldom-touched corner, her hands touched a large stone door.

    Id: Dia membersihkan tanah yang menutup pintu itu dengan rasa ingin tahu yang besar.
    En: She cleaned the soil covering the door with great curiosity.

    Id: Perlahan-lahan, pintu terbuka.
    En: Slowly, the door opened.

    Id: Di dalam, ruangan gelap terungkap.
    En: Inside, a dark room was revealed.

    Id: Dengan cahaya senter, Dewi melihat keanehan yang luar biasa: perabot kuno, patung kecil, dan gulungan kertas yang berisi tulisan misterius.
    En: With the beam of her flashlight, Dewi saw something astonishing: ancient furniture, small statues, and scrolls filled with mysterious writing.

    Id: Di dinding, ada ukiran-ukiran yang rumit dan indah.
    En: On the walls, there were intricate and beautiful carvings.

    Id: Tidak ada yang pernah melihat ini sebelumnya.
    En: No one had ever seen this before.

    Id: Dewi berjalan masuk dengan hati-hati.
    En: Dewi walked in carefully.

    Id: Dia menyentuh patung kecil yang terbuat dari batu giok.
    En: She touched a small jade statue.

    Id: Rasanya dingin dan seolah-olah berkilauan di bawah cahaya senter.
    En: It felt cold and seemed to shimmer under the flashlight.

    Id: Dia melihat gulungan kertas yang berisi simbol-simbol yang tidak dapat ia mengerti.
    En: She saw scrolls filled with symbols she could not understand.

    Id: Ini adalah dunia yang berbeda dan tak terjamah.
    En: This was an untouched and different world.

    Id: Keesokan harinya, Dewi memanggil timnya.
    En: The next day, Dewi called her team.

    Id: Mereka bekerja tanpa lelah.
    En: They worked tirelessly.

    Id: Tetapi tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat menerjemahkan tulisan itu.
    En: But no one could translate the writings.

    Id: Simbol-simbol itu terasa asing dan tak dikenal.
    En: The symbols felt foreign and unknown.

    Id: Namun, Dewi tidak menyerah.
    En: However, Dewi did not give up.

    Id: Dia mencari bantuan dari para ahli di seluruh dunia.
    En: She sought help from experts worldwide.

    Id: Selama berbulan-bulan, Dewi bekerja keras, sering hingga larut malam.
    En: For months, Dewi worked hard, often late into the night.

    Id: Dia mempelajari setiap simbol, mencoba memahami mereka.
    En: She studied every symbol, trying to understand them.

    Id: Perlahan-lahan, beberapa makna mulai terbuka.
    En: Slowly, some meanings began to unfold.

    Id: Tulisan-tulisan itu bukan sekadar cerita, melainkan petunjuk.
    En: The writings were not just stories but clues.

    Id: Satu malam, saat Dewi merasa frustasi, dia tidak sengaja menyusuri pola yang baru.
    En: One night, as Dewi felt frustrated, she unintentionally stumbled upon a new pattern.

    Id: Tiba-tiba, semua simbol seolah-olah terhubung.
    En: Suddenly, all the symbols seemed to connect.

    Id: Seperti potongan puzzle yang hilang, semuanya mulai masuk akal.
    En: Like missing puzzle pieces, everything started to make sense.

    Id: Dia menemukan bahwa artefak-artefak ini adalah peta ke bagian lain dari candi, bagian yang terkubur lebih dalam.
    En: She discovered that these artifacts were a map to another part of the temple, buried deeper.

    Id: Keesokan paginya, dengan semangat baru, Dewi memimpin tim menuju lokasi yang ditunjukkan oleh peta.
    En: The next morning, with renewed enthusiasm, Dewi led the team to the location indicated by the map.

    Id: Mereka menggali lebih dalam dan menemukan ruang besar yang penuh dengan lebih banyak artefak.
    En: They dug deeper and discovered a large room full of even more artifacts.

    Id: Ruangan itu penuh dengan harta karun sejarah dan seni yang menakjubkan.
    En: The room was filled with historical and artistic treasures.

    Id: Dewi merasa sangat bahagia.
    En: Dewi felt immense joy.

    Id: Hari itu, temuan Dewi mengubah sejarah.
    En: That day, Dewi's discovery changed history.

    Id: Ruangan rahasia itu menjadi pengetahuan baru bagi dunia.
    En: The secret room became new knowledge for the world.

    Id: Candi Borobudur semakin memancar keindahan dan misterinya.
    En: Borobudur Temple shone even more with beauty and mystery.

    Id: Dewi menjadi terkenal sebagai seorang penjelajah dan arkeolog hebat.
    En: Dewi became famous as a great explorer and archaeologist.

    Id: Ia telah membuka lembaran baru dalam sejarah kuno yang berharga.
    En: She had opened a new chapter in precious ancient history.

    Id: Akhirnya, Dewi duduk di pelataran candi, merenung sambil memandang matahari terbenam.
    En: Finally, Dewi sat on the temple terrace, pondering as she watched the sunset.

    Id: Perjuangan dan kerja kerasnya telah terbayar.
    En: Her struggles and hard work had paid off.

    Id: Sekarang, ia tahu bahwa dunia ini penuh dengan misteri, menunggu untuk ditemukan.
    En: Now, she knew the world was full of mysteries, waiting to be discovered.

    Id: Dan ia merasa bangga telah menjadi bagian dari sejarah itu.
    En: And she felt proud to be part of that history.

    Vocabulary Words:
    mystery: misterimagnificent: megahcontemplation: merenungarchaeologist: arkeologextraordinary: luar biasacuriosity: ingin tahuastonishing: keanehanfurniture: perabotscrolls: gulungan kertasintricate: rumitcarvings: ukiran-ukiranjade: batu gioksymbols: simbol-simboltranslate: menerjemahkanforeign: asingunintentionally: tidak sengajapattern: polaconnect: terhubungfrustrated: frustasienthusiasm: semangathistorical: sejarahartistic: senitreasures: harta karunexplorer: penjelajahchapter: lembaranprecious: berhargaterrace: pelataranstruggles: perjuanganpaid off: terbayardiscover: ditemukan

  • Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Bargain Wins at Jakarta's Tanah Abang: A Shopping Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari bersinar terang di Pasar Tanah Abang, Jakarta.
    En: The sun shone brightly at Tanah Abang Market, Jakarta.

    Id: Pasar itu ramai dengan pedagang dan pembeli yang saling berinteraksi.
    En: The market was bustling with traders and buyers interacting with each other.

    Id: Budi, Sari, dan Rina berjalan bersama untuk mencari kain batik tradisional.
    En: Budi, Sari, and Rina walked together to look for traditional batik fabric.

    Id: "Ini tempat yang tepat," kata Budi dengan semangat.
    En: "This is the right place," said Budi enthusiastically.

    Id: Mereka tiba di depan sebuah kios yang penuh dengan kain batik.
    En: They arrived in front of a stall full of batik fabrics.

    Id: Penjualnya tersenyum ramah.
    En: The seller smiled warmly.

    Id: "Saya ingin kain batik ini," kata Sari sambil menunjuk kain dengan motif bunga.
    En: "I want this batik fabric," said Sari while pointing to a fabric with a floral motif.

    Id: Penjual mengatakan harga kain itu seratus ribu rupiah.
    En: The seller said the price was one hundred thousand rupiahs.

    Id: Sari berpikir sebentar, lalu mulai menawar.
    En: Sari thought for a moment, then started bargaining.

    Id: "Boleh kurang, Mbak?
    En: "Can it be cheaper, Miss?

    Id: Bagaimana kalau delapan puluh ribu?
    En: How about eighty thousand?"

    Id: " Sari menawarkan harga lebih rendah.
    En: Sari offered a lower price.

    Id: Penjual tersenyum kecil, "Ah, tidak bisa, Mbak.
    En: The seller smiled slightly, "Ah, can't do, Miss.

    Id: Seratus ribu sudah harga terbaik.
    En: One hundred thousand is already the best price."

    Id: "Rina, yang dari tadi diam, ikut membantu.
    En: Rina, who had been silent, chimed in to help.

    Id: "Mbak, kami beli tiga kain.
    En: "Miss, we're buying three fabrics.

    Id: Ada diskon?
    En: Any discount?"

    Id: "Penjual berpikir.
    En: The seller thought for a moment.

    Id: "Baiklah, kalau beli tiga, saya kasih diskon.
    En: "Alright, if you buy three, I'll give a discount.

    Id: Masing-masing sembilan puluh ribu.
    En: Ninety thousand each."

    Id: "Budi juga ikut bicara, "Tapi kami pembeli tetap di sini, Mbak.
    En: Budi also joined in, "But we're regular customers here, Miss.

    Id: Bisa kurang lagi, ya?
    En: Can it be even lower?"

    Id: "Penjual melihat mereka bertiga dan akhirnya setuju.
    En: The seller looked at the three of them and finally agreed.

    Id: "Baiklah, karena kalian pelanggan setia, saya kasih delapan puluh lima ribu per kain.
    En: "Alright, because you are loyal customers, I'll give it for eighty-five thousand per fabric."

    Id: ""Deal!
    En: "Deal!"

    Id: " Seru mereka bertiga dengan senang.
    En: they all shouted happily.

    Id: Mereka membayar dan menerima kain batik yang cantik itu.
    En: They paid and received the beautiful batik fabrics.

    Id: Dengan senyum lebar, Budi, Sari, dan Rina meninggalkan kios.
    En: With broad smiles, Budi, Sari, and Rina left the stall.

    Id: "Kita dapat harga bagus," kata Rina.
    En: "We got a good price," said Rina.

    Id: Mereka pun pulang dengan hati gembira, merasa puas dengan hasil tawar-menawar mereka.
    En: They went home with happy hearts, feeling satisfied with their bargaining results.

    Id: Pasar Tanah Abang memang memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang berkesan.
    En: Tanah Abang Market indeed provided a memorable shopping experience.

    Vocabulary Words:
    shone: bersinarbrightly: terangbustling: ramaitraders: pedagangcustomers: pelangganinteracting: berinteraksitraditional: tradisionalfabric: kainmotif: motiffloral: bungaprice: hargabargaining: menawarlower: lebih rendahdiscount: diskonloyal: setiadeal: setujuhappy: senanghearts: hatisatisfied: puasshopping: berbelanjamemorable: berkesanmaterials: bahanenthusiastically: dengan semangatwarmly: ramahslightly: kecilthought: berpikiroffered: menawarkanfinally: akhirnyaregular: tetaphappy hearts: hati gembira