
  • If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, you’ve probably wondered how the heck you can fit it into your busy life. With a business to run, family commitments to stick to and, quite frankly, a bloomin’ life to lead, it can feel impossible.

    But in this episode, we explore how dedicating just 30 minutes a day to writing can help you achieve your author ambitions, even with a busy schedule.

    You’ll discover:

    How consistent, 30-minute writing sessions can lead to significant progress over time, helping you maintain momentum without overwhelming your schedule.How to set up your environment and schedule to make your daily writing habit impossible to ignore, increasing your chances of sticking to it.Why shorter writing sessions can be more appealing and manageable, making it easier to show up for your writing day after day.Techniques to track your progress and celebrate small wins that keep you motivated throughout your writing journey.How small, consistent efforts accumulate over time, leading to remarkable results in your book writing process.

    We all juggle multiple commitments, but that doesn't mean we have to shelve our writing ambitions. This episode offers a simple, doable strategy for fitting writing into your life without sacrificing everything else.

    Give it a listen and discover how you can make steady progress on your book, just 30 minutes at a time. It's not about writing faster - it's about writing smarter.


    Further resources from me

    Sign up for the Write Stuff newsletter here.

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon.

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  • Ever wondered how to navigate the complex world of self-publishing? Curious about the insider secrets of Amazon categories and the true value of editing?

    This is the episode for you!

    Becky Warrak is an author and the owner of Raven Crest Books, a publishing services company for business owners and entrepreneurs looking to build their businesses with a book. She guides them through the publishing process, helps them understand their book's goals and teaches them how to get their book into the hands of their ideal audience.

    Her book ‘Self-Publish Your Book Like a Pro’ was released in June this year and in it, you can learn the art of self-publishing, empowering you to transform your manuscript into a powerful business asset.

    During our conversation, we talk about:

    What a publishing services company actually is and how it can help you if you’re on the self-publishing journeyHow Becky’s been able to use her vast knowledge of the industry to write a book that will be really valuable to her readersHer advice on successfully marketing and launching books - from her own experience as an author, but also as a publisher.Fitting in writing around a busy life - including when you’re a mum to young twins and her sound advice for any aspiring authors out there.
    And so much more!

    This is a wide-ranging conversation that touches on many different aspects of the writing/publishing process. I hope you enjoy listening!
    Connect with Becky and her book:

    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon.Ways to work with Steph
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  • You’re thinking of writing a business-boosting book in your niche, but is now the right time? It’s a question I’m repeatedly asked, so I’m here in this first episode of Season 3 to give you three simple ways to discover if you should start now or wait.

    You’ll learn:

    Three crucial questions to determine if you're ready to write your business bookAn underlying mindset shift that transforms your book from 'nice-to-have' to 'must-write.'One business stage when writing a book might not serve you best!

    And LOTS more!

    I’m all for more women writing brilliant books in their niche, but we have to be honest with ourselves about the best time to do that. We’ve often got a whole host of other commitments besides our businesses, so self-compassion is a big part of the decision.

    This episode gives a simple, straightforward way to figure out the answer that’s right for you.


    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon.
    Ways to work with Steph

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  • If you took small yet consistent action with your marketing over the next 3 months, could they turn out to be the best 90 days ever in your business?

    If today’s guest has anything to say about it, then definitely!

    Hannah Isted is the founder of HI Communications, supporting small business owners with their digital marketing.

    She’s the creator of The Best 90 Days Ever, a marketing membership that shares a quick, daily prompt that shows businesses how to promote their work simply, easily, and fun.

    She has worked with hundreds of small business owners, helping them increase their online presence through workshops, talks, and one-on-one social media management. In her email newsletter and podcast, The Social Sunday, she shares marketing advice to help product and service businesses get out of their own way and share how brilliant their work is.

    Her book The Best 90 Days Ever was released in March this year and shows you how to successfully market yourself with a series of daily 10-minute tasks that fit around the rest of your business.

    During our brilliant chat, we discuss:

    Her ‘little and often’ approach to marketing and why it can work for you - both as an author and as a business owner.How Hannah has used her marketing skills and knowledge to promote her book - including the importance of her engaged email list.Why using her 90-day programme served as a great way to structure her book - both of us are big advocates for using content you’ve already created, both when writing and with marketing.
    And LOTS more!

    I’ve been a big fan of Hannah’s work for a while now and have read her book twice because it’s jam-packed full of great marketing advice and is written in such an accessible and engaging way.

    I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it!
    Connect with Hannah and her book:

    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.Ways to work with Steph
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  • Book eight is on the way! Over the summer break, I’ll be heading into the fun and games of my first draft, and I thought you’d find it interesting - and helpful - to hear how I’ll be preparing, as well as the process I’ll be going through to get it over the finish line.

    During the episode, you'll discover:

    My 3 step process that I use every time I sit down to write the first draft of a new bookHow I fit writing in around family, running a business and enjoying the sunshine!The one part of the process I feel is even more important than writing - it guarantees I can complete the first draft in the minimum amount of time possibleHow I keep myself motivated during the journey to maintain momentum and get the bloomin’ thing written, even when I don’t feel like it. And LOTS more!

    Writing a first draft can feel daunting, but with seven books under my belt, I’ve come up with a way to help me get through it successfully - and with enthusiasm! I hope it’s a process that you find inspiring and motivating, too.

    So why not start your first draft this summer? You’ll find the tools you need to help you in this episode.


    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.Ways to work with Steph
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  • Every year in Newcastle, there’s an annual sales and marketing event for small businesses called Atomicon - and this year, I went along to listen to some great speakers and learn more about building a successful business.

    Rather brilliantly, I found that while much of the advice given was great for small business success, a lot of it was also applicable to writing success.

    In this week’s episode, you'll discover:

    My top takeaways from each speaker I listened to - both for your business and the book you’re writing.Why knocking down big dominoes in your business first is a far more efficient approachWhy it’s okay to be a hot mess in business and how it can help connect you with your audienceHow a 90-day focus really could help you write your book more quickly than you ever anticipated

    And LOTS more!

    Going to Atomicon came from a place of FOMO last year - what doesn’t, these days? But for an introvert like me, it was also about pushing myself out of my comfort zone as much as it was going to listen and learn from fantastic speakers.

    Resilience was the key theme at this year’s event, and we all need it in spades—both in business and in writing!


    Event links

    Atomicon 2025 - tickets and infoAtomic - Andrew and Pete’s companyDavina McCallJenn GottliebChris JamesDaniel PriestleyEman IsmailElizabeth GoddardDani WallaceLisa Bilyeu
    Further resources from me

    More Sales Please - episode 37 with Sara Dalrymple about selling in 30-minutes a day!My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.Ways to work with Steph
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  • Getting super clear on who we’re writing for and why is really important before you write a single word of your book. Once you know, you’ll feel far more inspired to write and also a heck of a lot more confident.

    But more than that, your book will work hard for you and attract the right people to your world.

    In this week’s episode, you'll discover:

    Why it’s important to consider your target audience, personal motivation, and how the book fits into your business strategy.Some advice from a bestselling non-fiction author on the importance of knowing your target audience in the creative process.Three simple activities you can do to successfully identify your ideal reader and get clear on why you’re writing to them.And LOTS more!

    I’ll never stop banging on about your ideal reader - because I know how important it is for your book’s success. Creating loyal and passionate readers starts when you put them at the forefront of your creative process - not treating them merely as an afterthought but as the reason you’re writing in the first place.


    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.
    Ways to work with Steph Connect with Steph:






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  • Do you look forward to each and every writing session? Do you sometimes struggle to find the joy - especially when you’re knee-deep in the first draft?

    If so, on this week’s podcast, I’ve got a wonderful conversation for you to listen to.

    Natalya Androsova is an award-winning writing and dissertation coach with over two decades of teaching and coaching experience. She has coached professional writers and university writers of all skill levels–students, staff, and faculty. Her passion is helping writers become more courageous, authentic, and kind to themselves.

    Through individual coaching, writing groups, and writing retreats, she’s helped hundreds of writers break through blocks and find inspiration, a more authentic voice, and greater freedom in their writing and their lives.

    During our brilliant chat, we discuss:

    How to approach your writing as a joyful practice - a little like you might treat a yoga practice - and creating a space both mentally and physically that can help you complete your best work.Managing writer’s block and how to feel inspired and motivated to continue - even when trying to control that voice of self-doubt.The importance of self-compassion in the writing process and how we should all embrace the journey for what it is - full of ups and downs and twists and turns.Natalya’s own writing process and how she approaches each book she writes - and how she uses that to support the writers she works with, too.And LOTS more!

    Natalya and I approach the writing process in such a similar way, but what I took from this conversation is how to embrace a more purposeful—almost spiritual—side to my practice and treat it with the love and respect it deserves—that I deserve!

    Natalya’s words really struck a chord with me, and I’ve been working on a more intentional practice ever since. Thank you, Natalya!

    I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it!

    Connect with Natalya and her books:

    BooksInstagramWebsiteFurther resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.Ways to work with Steph Connect with Steph:






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  • Chapter structure - sounds like a yawnfest, right? But before you assume this is one for the insomniacs out there, let me just say it’s something most authors struggle with when attempting to write their first non-fiction/business book in their niche.


    Because it’s something we assume will be simple, but when we come to do it, it actually feels rather confusing! Fear not, though. Structure is my bag. My bread and butter. My thing.

    So in this episode, I’m giving you a simple framework for structuring your chapters that will make everything much easier.

    You'll discover:

    My 4-step structure to writing great chapters - it’s how I write mine and how I advise my authors to write theirs.Why it’s important to have each chapter structured in a similar way - hello, readers!How story can be an important part of each chapter you write and why - we want to hook those readers and keep ‘em hooked, baby!And LOTS more!

    So, if getting your chapter structure nailed down has been a head-scratcher for you - this episode will have you out of the gates and writing in no time. No more overwhelm or confusion. Just a simple, straightforward blueprint for you to follow.


    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.Ways to work with Steph Connect with Steph:






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  • Something I’m asked in almost every interview I do or when I’m working with authors is: When is the right time to call yourself an author? It’s a tricky one because a lot of it comes down to our own confidence levels - and that sneaky imposter syndrome we can all feel from time to time.

    But I believe we all need to take ownership of our narratives. So, I’ve dedicated this podcast episode to unpicking why we can feel hesitant to use the ‘author’ label and how we can step into authorship with confidence and conviction instead.

    During it, you'll discover:

    My own journey to calling myself an author, including the impact of childhood bullying on my reluctanceHow imposter syndrome can hinder us from embracing the "author" titleWhy it’s time to claim the "author" label on our own terms, without waiting for permission or milestonesAnd LOTS more!

    It’s perfectly normal to feel hesitant to use the term ‘author’, particularly if we’re yet to publish anything. But I believe that the sooner we do, the more confident - and dare I say proud - we’ll feel about our achievements.

    It’s time to step into authorship - are you ready?


    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Ways to work with Steph Connect with Steph:





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  • Selling books goes far beyond launch week - but you know that, right? The challenge can be sustaining momentum and enthusiasm for your book so it continues to sell way past the first few months of its life.

    It’s something I see time and time again from authors I work with - but it’s also something I’ve struggled with myself.

    In this episode, I share some of my best strategies for long-term sales success — from people I’ve worked with (hello, Sunday Times bestseller) and also from authors I follow.

    During it, you'll discover:

    How to sustain enthusiasm and motivation for long-term book-sellingPractical strategies for both online and offline sales - it’s packed full of stuff you can start doing today!The simple way in which a bestselling author continues to successfully promote her book on Tiktok and Instagram - years after its releaseWhy I believe long-term selling is challenging for authors and how you can use so much of the content you already have to keep talking about your book long after it’s released.And LOTS more!

    Selling books long-term needs a strategy - you can’t wing it or assume you’ll still have as much excitement about your book two years from now. But in order to keep sales coming in, you have to keep talking about it.

    This is an episode that’s going to help you get on top of your selling game - and you’ll walk away with so many fresh ideas and strategies, you’ll be chomping at the bit to get started.


    Books/resources mentioned in/linked to this episode:

    Lucy Werner’s books - Hype Yourself and Brand YourselfMore Sales Please - my conversation with sales expert Sara DalrympleDr Julie Smith on IG - for book promo inspoFurther resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Ways to work with Steph Connect with Steph:






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  • What’s it like to be published by a ‘big 5’ publisher? How can you find time to write when you have a job, a young family…and a global pandemic to contend with? These are just a few of the questions I ask this month’s guest - Dr Emma Hepburn - aka @thepsychologymum.

    Emma is a clinical psychologist with expertise in neuropsychology who has over 20 years of experience working with and treating mental health difficulties and working with brain conditions in both the NHS and private sector.

    She is the author of four books, including “A Toolkit for Modern Life,” “A Toolkit for Happiness,” and “A Toolkit for Your Emotions.” She has been featured on the BBC, in the Huffington Post, and the Sunday Telegraph and has a regular column in Psychologies magazine.

    During our brilliant chat, we discuss:

    Emma’s author journey, including her experience working with one of the Big Five publishers - Hachette - and why she believes great books come from having a great team around you.Why we can struggle with imposter syndrome as writers - and often don’t even call ourselves authors, despite having written several books. The opportunities that being an author has given her - helping her spread her message further - and why timing played a part in the success of her first book - March 2020, anyone?How Emma managed to fit in writing during the years of COVID - particularly when working for the NHS - and the different experiences she had writing each of her books when it came to time management!And LOTS more!

    I’ve been a big fan of Emma’s since I started reading her monthly column in Psychologies magazine - not to mention her artwork on Instagram, which is incredible at demystifying the brain and giving her audience practical tools to help with their mental health.

    This is a wonderful conversation, so I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed having it!

    Connect with Emma and her books:

    InstagramEmma’s books
    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Ways to work with Steph
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  • Are you a non-fiction writer looking to leverage the power of AI to enhance your writing process? From research to editing, AI-powered tools can help you streamline your workflow and create better content faster.

    In this episode, I share my top picks for AI tools to assist you at every stage of the writing journey.

    During it, you'll discover:

    How AI can help you find relevant information quickly during the research phase, saving you countless hours of trawling through articles and publications.AI tools for brainstorming and outlining so you can easily generate new ideas and structure your book.How AI-powered editing and proofreading tools can help you refine your manuscript and catch errors you might have missed.My favourite AI tools for writers, including Othersideai,, Writesonic, and Grammarly - and how to use them effectively.And LOTS more!

    Incorporating AI into your writing process doesn't mean replacing your ‘humanness’ - i.e. your creativity and expertise. Instead, it's about tapping into these powerful tools to enhance your skills and free up more time for the actual writing. Hurrah!

    Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out, this episode will provide practical insights and recommendations to help you harness the power of AI in your non-fiction writing.


    Books/resources mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 28 - Using AI to Write Your Non-Fiction BookThe Creative Penn Podcast - How Generative AI Search Will Impact Book Discoverability in the Next Decade

    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Ways to work with Steph
    Connect with Steph:






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    Listen to all previous podcast episodes on my website via the podcast platforms below or by searching for 'Creating Happy Writers' on your favourite podcast provider.

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  • Once you’ve finished your first draft, you might be wondering what on earth to do next! Do you send it straight to your editor? How can you refine it down to a draft you can be proud of?

    In this episode, I share my step-by-step guide to self-editing your manuscript before you send it to a professional.

    During it, you’ll discover:

    Why it’s important to self-edit your work and how to get your manuscript into the best shape possible before sending it to an expert.
    The five stages to self-editing and how to approach each of them with confidence - plus two additional tips to help you through the process.
    The right time to send your work to beta readers so you can get that all-important feedback before publication.
    And LOTS more!

    Self-editing can feel daunting if you’re a first-time author - especially if you don’t feel confident in your grammar and punctuation skills. But this isn’t about perfection; it’s about getting your manuscript into as good a shape as YOU can before handing it over to the pros.

    Using the stages I share in this episode, you can be sure your editor will be in the best position to do their magic!


    Books/resources mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 34 - with guest editor Jessica Brown

    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Ways to work with Steph
    Connect with Steph:






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  • If there’s one thing that matters above all others when it comes to writing, it’s mindset. You could be the greatest writer ever, but if you can’t get past your blocks and put the right head on your shoulders, it means diddly squat.

    So, I’ve dedicated this episode to helping you shift your thinking and develop an approach that will move you forward.

    During it, you’ll discover:

    How to embrace the ‘shitty first draft’ so you can stop overthinking and start writing!
    What to do when imposter syndrome and the inner critic set up camp and try to bring you down
    How to banish any limiting beliefs about your writing ability and feel more confident
    Why embracing a growth mindset over a fixed mindset can help you develop a fresh new perspective.
    And LOTS more!

    So many incredible authors have been left undiscovered or unread because they couldn’t grasp the mindset stuff. Believe me, it matters more than your writing skills. Get the right perspective, and you’ll find you have what it takes to get your book over the finish line. And hey, you’ll even enjoy it more along the way! Winning!

    Books/resources mentioned in this episode:

    The 5 Second Rule - Mel Robbins

    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Foundations Programme - all the information you need to join the next cohortConnect with Steph:






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  • Today is a milestone episode, and to celebrate, I thought we’d talk about something I think has the most profound impact on writers I work with - good writing habits! After all, they make the difference between ‘thinking’ about writing a book and actually writing one.

    But what do good writing habits actually look like? Well, that’s where Atomic Habits comes in - a book that’s proved to be a game-changer for writers seeking to build and maintain the habits necessary to bring their own projects to life

    During it, you’ll discover:

    Why adopting the identity of a ‘writer/author’ can help you embrace the regular habits you need to be successfulHow ‘habit stacking’ can make learning new writing habits far easier and how I’ve done this when building a regular writing practiceWhy designing your environment can really help to make writing a natural and attractive part of your daily routineAnd LOTS more!

    Atomic Habits has had a big influence on my writing career - it’s no surprise it’s one of the biggest-selling non-fiction books of all time. Hopefully, this episode has given you a taster of how you can apply it to your writing practice, giving you the boost you need to build regular habits that help you get your book finished.


    Books/resources mentioned in this episode:

    Atomic Habits by James ClearThe Power of Habit - by Charles DuhiggTiny Habits - BJ FoggSwitch and dial article - Eric Nelson on LinkedInAdam Grant on The Diary of a CEO podcast - values and beliefsHow to Write and Embrace Your Shitty First Draft - CHW episode #23Growth Mindset Principles for Writers - CHW episode #15

    Further resources from me

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.
    Foundations Programme - all information and waiting list for the next cohort.
    Connect with Steph:






    Use #creatinghappywriters

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    Listen to all previous podcast episodes on my website via the podcast platforms below or by searching for 'Creating Happy Writers' on your favourite podcast provider.

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  • Does social media overwhelm you? Are you struggling to attract new readers on your platforms? Well, have I got the guest for you!

    Nicola Washington is a social media strategist who specialises in teaching writers how to use Instagram to build their readership. After 12 years as a secondary school teacher, Nicola retrained as a social media manager and spent seven years working with small businesses and brands.

    At the start of 2023, she pivoted to supporting writers with their online profiles, bringing her work life more in line with her passions.

    Listen to discover:

    Common problems writers have when using social media - and, more importantly, how to use it to connect with your audience and have them chomping at the bit to buy your books.How to make social media a manageable task when it comes to book promo - to take away the overwhelm which can stop many authors from using it to promote their books and build a community.The emergence of Substack as a platform for writers and what we’re both learning from the experience - if you’re thinking about joining it, we share what we think are the great bits about it - and the not-so-great.Nicola’s top tips for using social media to your advantage - and some simple, practical strategies to adopt when building it into your author brand.
    And lots more!

    Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting out, this episode is packed with simple, actionable strategies to help you harness the power of social media and build a thriving community around your author brand. So, grab a pen and paper, and get ready to take your social media game to the next level


    Further resources

    Connect with Nicola:WebsiteInstagramSubstack

    My book - ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Non-Fiction Book to Grow Your Business’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Information about my Foundations group programme

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  • It’s all too easy to lose confidence when writing - after all, we’re putting our work out into the world for people to read, and that can test anyone’s courage!

    But a lack of confidence becomes a problem when it stops you from writing or publishing your work - which leads to frustration and disappointment for you, the aspiring author.

    Well, that’s where this episode swoops in to help!

    During it, you’ll discover:

    The seven most common reasons writers lose confidence and why - perhaps you’ll recognise yourself in a few of them!How my own confidence is currently being challenged during my novel-writing journey and how it’s linked to the four stages of competence that we all go through when learning/doing something new.Simple strategies you can put in place immediately to help you feel more confident and trust that you do have the ability to write the book you aspire to write - because you really do!
    And lots more!

    We all go through periods where we lack confidence and wonder whether we’re ‘good enough’ to write a book. It’s natural when attempting something you’ve never done before - and even if you’re an experienced writer, those thoughts and doubts can creep up on you when you’re least expecting it. I hope this episode gives you the boost you need to sit at your desk with a renewed sense of courage and determination and, most importantly, with a smile on your face.

    Further resources

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.
    Foundations Programme - all information and waiting list for the next cohort.
    Connect with Steph:






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    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please leave a review on your favourite podcast platform:
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    Listen to all previous podcast episodes on my website via the podcast platforms below or by searching for 'Creating Happy Writers' on your favourite podcast provider.

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    Amazon Music

  • Creative energy can make or break your book-writing process - when it’s lacking, things become frustrating. You lose enthusiasm for your project. It can also lead to burnout. So what can we do as writers to look after our energy? How can we avoid losing motivation to write and cope when our enthusiasm levels dip?

    This episode is here to help you.

    You’ll discover:

    My own struggles with maintaining creative energy these past few months - and how it’s impacted my writing journey and processes.How reflecting on ‘memento mori’ - the inevitability of death - has made me realign what’s important to me when it comes to where I focus my energy.Four things we can all do to keep our creative energy flowing and maintain momentum with our writing.And lots more!

    My creative energy is one of my most treasured things in life - and I know how important it is to cherish it. Actively protecting our writing time is the only way forward. It’s not selfish or indulgent - it simply means we can share our best work with the world and, most importantly, enjoy the journey.

    Further resources

    Books mentioned in this episode: Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
    The 5 Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware

    My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

    Foundations Programme - all information and waiting list for the next cohort.
    Connect with Steph:






    Use #creatinghappywriters

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please leave a review on your favourite podcast platform:
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    Listen to all previous podcast episodes on my website via the podcast platforms below or by searching for 'Creating Happy Writers' on your favourite podcast provider.

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    Amazon Music

  • What makes a non-fiction book successful? What are the essential elements you need to consider before you write a single word? Well, for me, there are three and I’ll be sharing them in this week’s episode.

    You’ll discover:

    The three pillars that make for a strong foundation when writing non-fiction - and why you need all of them in place to hold your book together.One of the common mistakes aspiring/first-time authors make when deciding on their book’s concept and theme.Why psychology plays an important part in fully understanding who your ideal reader is and how your book can help them
    And lots more!

    This episode is jam-packed with ideas to help you grasp the essential foundations of writing a nonfiction book that's not only marketable but will actually sell! It’s also a sneak peek into the work I do with authors in my group programmes and workshops and 1:1 mentoring.

    Bring your notebooks!

    Further resources

    My book - ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Non-Fiction Book to Grow Your Business’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.
    Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.
    Download my FREE PDF - 5 Steps to Plan a Bestselling Book in Your Niche

    Connect with Steph:






    Use #creatinghappywriters

    If you enjoyed today’s episode, please leave a review on your favourite podcast platform:
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    Listen to all previous podcast episodes on my website via the podcast platforms below or by searching for 'Creating Happy Writers' on your favourite podcast provider.

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