
  • What better way to launch Season 6 of Get Amplified than with the experienced and innovative GTM leader, Ross Brown.

    This episode is jam packed with stories and nuggets of partnering strategy. You’ll need your fast listening ears as it is a wild ride with some brilliant metaphors and stories that had us leaning in for more!

    With an impressive career that spans over three decades, including senior leadership roles at Citrix, Microsoft, VMware, and Oracle, we delve into the topic of teaming at scale. Ross shares his vast experience and insights into how strategic partnerships can drive efficiency and success.

    We discuss how businesses can thrive by focusing on their core competencies and outsourcing the rest. Through relatable examples like the UK's wine industry and the metaphor of house building, we hear how specialization leads to greater value creation.

    Getting into the nitty gritty, we discuss driving behavioural change through well-designed incentives, using Microsoft's transition to a rateable revenue model as a case study.

    Ross shares riveting stories of deep tech partnerships, such as those between Oracle, Accenture, and Quantify, that showcase the transformative power of clear role alignment and expertise sharing.

    This episode offers a compelling take on how effective teaming and trust-building are crucial in today’s competitive landscape.

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  • Brace yourself for leadership lessons that are as impactful as they are practical. We're joined by Jason Tooley, EMEA Sales Leader and Board Member of techUK, who shares what he has learnt from his 35 years of experience in the tech industry.

    Strap in for a journey through the challenges and strategies of leading transformations, especially within the backdrop of EMEA. We'll dissect the importance of adaptability and the courage it takes to make tough calls on prioritization, ensuring your vision doesn't get lost in the noise of competing tasks.

    Discover why supporting your team is the cornerstone of success and how clear communication channels are the glue that holds your strategic plans together.

    You'll learn how to cut through the clutter of everyday tasks and prioritize with precision, fostering an environment that thrives on trust and simplicity.

    Our conversation with Jason dives into the importance of emotional intelligence, empathy, and engaging leadership styles that resonate across different cultural contexts. We discuss the art of breaking down silos, integrating business models, and motivating teams beyond just financial incentives, ensuring a seamless approach and a team that's in sync with the corporate vision.

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  • Discover the ripple effects of interest rates on the tech industry as we sit down with Paul Wiefels from the Chasm Group. Our enlightening conversation traverses the current challenges faced by tech firms, especially in the bustling hub of the San Francisco Bay Area. From the precarious dance of hiring to the tough decisions on layoffs, Paul unpacks the ways companies are striving to adapt to a "normal economy." His insights on the criticality of speed of execution provide valuable lessons for maintaining momentum in the industry, even as headcounts shrink and efficiency becomes the watchword.

    Platforms are the buzzword of the day, but what truly makes a platform successful? We crack open the evolving definition, distinguishing between transaction platforms like Airbnb and innovation powerhouses such as AWS. Through candid anecdotes—including one from Splunk's former CEO—we underscore the importance of a customer-centric approach in tech leadership. It's not about the label 'platform' but the utility and customer adoption that truly cements a platform's place in the tech pantheon.

    Wrapping up this deep-dive, the discussion shifts to the nuanced dance between vendors and customers. Paul emphasizes the need for tech companies to hone in on the outcomes and benefits that customers genuinely seek, rather than merely pushing the platform label. We dissect how Splunk's journey from a single-application offering to a comprehensive platform exemplifies the organic growth and alignment with customer aspirations that's crucial for success.

    So tune in for a fresh angle on platforms and the critical importance of having a customer centric approach in the tech world.

    You can view the Business Value Stairway framework that Paul shared with us here:
    Business Value Stairway Extract 2023 (

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  • If steering a sales team to greatness has ever felt like herding cats, you're in for a treat.

    In this episode, we chat with Andy Wills, EMEA Sales Enablement Director at Dynatrace. Andy tells us when a business has all the ingredients to be successful it is the people that will make the difference, yet businesses very often neglect to invest in leadership skills.

    We share laughs and learn about the grit it takes to face rejection head-on and convert it into a stepping stone for success. We uncover the secret sauce that turns a high-performing salesperson into an impactful manager.

    We dissect the art of leadership with Andy, where management is not merely about oversight but about vision. Listen to tales of inspiring teams to rally behind a common goal, the transition from sales leadership to enablement, and the joy of crafting a culture where leaders breed more leaders. The Dynatrace story will leave you itching to redefine your own approach to leadership and team motivation.

    To cap things off, we get a peek into the framework that moulds sales leaders at Dynatrace. It's a thrilling insight into the company's nine-month leadership curriculum, now going global, that does more than just impart skills—it instils a way of being that's synonymous with the company's forward march.

    We hear about the program's inception and the collaborative spirit that drives organizational growth. It's a masterclass in nurturing your most valuable assets—your people—and preparing them to conquer the tech world's ever-evolving landscape.

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  • Ever wondered what propels a high-performance team? Vic is on this special Amplified only podcast, with co-host Pippa Hutchinson to give you an insider's view.

    We dig deep into the dynamics of highly productive teams, who are not just aligned and collaborative, but also exhibit a strong sense of belonging.

    If you’re struggling with team productivity, being asked to do more with less or even flat headcount. Then we have some answers.

    We explore how the tech industry measures speed of execution, the new metric for differentiation and introduce you to a tool that's revolutionizing team dynamics: the Speed Check.

    This tool measures your team's execution prowess across four key pillars: purpose, trust, clarity, and simplicity. We also dissect common red flags like high clarity and low trust, and the deceptive phenomenon of artificial harmony. Prepare to shift your perspective as we underscore the importance of simplicity as a mindset and the power of every voice being heard. Buckle up for an enlightening ride into the heart of team performance.

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  • What a thought provoking session Sam and I had with the highly engaging and incredibly energising Ben Pearce.

    Ben has two decades of tech go to market under his belt with Microsoft. The later 10 years, as a leader he realised he didn’t need to coach his team on the tech stuff, but the critical human skills needed to influence both internal stakeholders and customers.

    Packed with practical tips on key point retention, next step strategies, and the art of storytelling. Ben walks us through his super simple AOREN framework (which btw we are now putting into practice already at Amplified Group 😃)

    You can down load it here

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to master communication and leadership in the tech industry. If you're ready to take your tech skills to the next level, this is the episode for you.

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  • How do we make space in our work life for everyone to have a voice? What better person to speak to than Mark Murphy, Director of Global Partner Marketing at Cisco.

    Mark shares his experience of fostering and supporting a culture of inclusivity at Cisco. One of Mark’s many great roles involved co-leading the Cisco Pride and LGBTQ+ global community. His story is not just about leadership, but also about fostering respect, truth-telling, and positive intent in the workplace.

    We love the analogy of using our elbows to make space – about using our voices and clearing space so that everyone can be heard and feel valued.

    The conversation moves on to discuss how we all have to move fast in the tech industry, every single day. It’s a team sport – all the way to the customer. Mark shares how his experiences have shaped his approach to teamwork and collaboration. Inclusivity is the key to driving effectiveness in this fast-paced industry.

    It’s a positivity fuelled episode. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we clearly did recording it!

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  • How do you cope with stress in the workplace? Do you ever feel like your stress is managing you rather than the other way around?

    ​We came across a wonderful sketchnote by Dr Hayley Lewis and knew we had to get her back for a chat on Get Amplified to delve into this some more.​

    ​Stress can affect all of us at different times. Hayley is quick to point out that not all stress is bad and that we should recognise sometimes it is good - it gives us adrenaline when we need it.​

    ​There isn't one size fits all when it comes to stress. Hayley highlights how we need to understand the root causes and to put interventions in place when needed. ​

    One of the differentiators in high performance teams is that team members really know each other and have found ways to complement and compromise with each other.​

    If you do nothing else, be curious about your colleagues and your team. Ask questions – people don't have to share if they don't want to, but if someone knows you care, that means something. As human beings we are geared towards human connection and belonging. ​


    Hayley leaves us with these key takeaways:​​

    Stress is nothing to feel ashamed of. It shows you are human.​Reach out for help that feels safe to you. Might be a manager, coach, mentor, friend, colleague. ‘a problem shared is a problem halved. Get it out of your head.​Look for the root causes. Don’t deal with the symptoms. Put in interventions that deal with that.​

    Hayley references some great tools and information which we will share in an upcoming blog.​

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  • How strategic is HR within your organisation?

    In this episode, Chris Woodward, a workforce transformation consultant, joins the conversation with Sam and Vic around moving from a resource-based view of managers to a talent-based view where everybody has potential.

    We need to ensure the value of strategic HR is known. We need to think about how to maximise the potential of people. And that takes leadership.

    Chris discusses that leadership is the game changing area to focus on. It's not just about those at the top - leadership is for everybody.

    There is so much in this podcast. Here's a peek at the key takeaways:

    Discretionary effort from your people and teams genuinely has potential for game changing results.Talent. There’s an opportunity to support HR to support you. Help HR be more strategic. Be more innovative in how you attract and retain talent.Really value the importance of trust and collaboration in your organisation. This underpins a high performing team and results for your organisation.

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  • After a Get Amplified break we're back with a flurry of exciting new guests. We kick off September by looking outside of the tech industry to see what we can learn from the Pharma industry.

    Not only are both industries affected by high attrition, particularly through Covid, but both share the same challenges of time to market – of people being pulled in different directions, with too much workload and less people to do it.

    Ian shares with us his fascinating experience particularly around decision making and the importance of bringing together a cross functional team of people to successfully manage projects.

    With only 1 in 100 drugs making it through to a successful registration process and 1 in 4 making back the investment, it's a 7-12 year investment timeframe. A fascinating contrast to the speed of technology development and expected return.

    Ian tells us how projects involve 3 key constraints which have to be managed effectively if you want a successful outcome. These are: time, quality, cost. If you reduce time, you increase cost.

    It's a fascinating insight into managing a triangle of competing needs.

    #podcast #pharma #leadership #projectmanagement #crossfunctional #team #clinicaltrials

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  • We had such fun recording this podcast, it is relevant for everyone. Andy Hunt gives us a sneak peek into the conversations and insights he focuses on as a CEO coach. The lessons Andy shares are not just for CEOs, but for any leader or aspiring leader.

    We touch on a wealth of topics such as:

    1) How the best leaders are coaches.
    2) Why culture is a vehicle for scale (it's a magnet).
    3) The difference between a manager and a leader.
    4) Be humble, be curious. You don't need to have all the answers.
    5) Know your blind spots and what to do about them.

    Andy talks passionately about the importance of having a coach. "Wherever you are in your career, get a coach. It was life changing for me."

    Enjoy listening. An episode not to be missed!

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  • We’re writing a book! We have the structure and contents – we just need some real-life stories to support each of the chapters to bring the book to life.

    And that’s where you come in . . . we’d love you to be part of what we’re doing.

    About the book

    Title: Finding your TeamXℱ - Why leave teamwork to chance when there is a proven process?

    If only there was a way to take all the best bits of how we work together as a team and make it sustainable all the time – wouldn’t that be great? Read on

    You’ve just stepped up to lead a team. You’re going to be unstoppable together. You dream of great collaboration, of team members not hesitating to help each other. Your team members can’t imagine working anywhere else. Together you’re a leading light in your organisation.

    So where do you start?

    When we learn about business we are taught about organisational structure, finance, go-to-market strategy, and sales, but we are not taught the process of building a strong team.

    Should it just be down to luck?

    We don’t think so. We think this should be taught, which is why we’ve created this book about building great team experience (we call it TeamXℱ). We want you to know what we wish we’d known 20 years ago.

    Discover a pragmatic operating system that can help any team work more effectively together.

    When we enjoy what we do and feel supported, both the people and the business benefit. After all, you are the best asset your business has!

    Chapter Contents

    If you think you have a story that fits with any of the titles below, good, bad, or ugly, we would love to hear from you!

    Part 1 – Purpose

    Chapter 1: Find your purpose beyond the numbers

    Chapter 2: Take off your functional hat - The importance of having a joint purpose

    Chapter 3: Point to your North Star

    Part 2 – Trust

    Chapter 4: Understand your team dynamics

    Chapter 5: Gain psychological safety

    Chapter 6: Hire based on values

    Part 3 – Clarity

    Chapter 7: Build guard rails

    Chapter 8: Gain alignment

    Chapter 9: Enable accountability

    Part 4 – Simplicity

    Chapter 10: Order your priorities

    Chapter 11: Agree what you are stopping

    Chapter 12: Build simplicity as a habit

    Book Recommendation

    Here’s a link to the Steve Jobs eBook that Vic referenced:

    Make Something Wonderful | a book from the Steve Jobs Archive

    How to get in touch

    Drop us a message: [email protected]

    Message us via LinkedIn

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  • Diversity - hot topic or over used word? Whatever your view on this, so many of us are guilty of hiring who we know. It’s hard to disagree with Lee when he says we all need to build more diverse networks.

    Lee Higgins, Founder of Diverse Talent Networks, shares with us why we should think ‘culture add’ instead of ‘culture fit’ and why thinking value aligned will allow for more diversity of thought - a topic we are very passionate about at the Amplified Group.

    Here’s the key takeaways and book recommendation:

    Key takeaways

    · Widen your circle and diversify your network

    · Be proactive so when it is hiring time you are starting with a more diverse pool of talent

    · Think about culture add – even if hiring through traditional means. Who’s adding to that culture?

    · Recognise that you have more influence than you think

    We like Lee’s comment, “Make change happen for good” with actions instead of window dressing.

    Find out more about Diverse Talent Networks

    Follow them on LinkedIn

    Book Recommendation:

    Alex Budak - Becoming a Changemaker

    Becoming a Changemaker: An Actionable, Inclusive Guide to Leading Positive Change at Any Level (Audio Download): Alex Budak, Alex Budak, Balance: Books

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  • We are constantly being asked if it is possible to build trust in teams that are not in the office together. The short answer is YES!

    But don’t hear it from us, in this episode of Get Amplified, Sam and Vic are joined by Tony Roberts a Customer Success Leader at Okta who shares how investing in time to not only introduce his team to the Five Behaviours but how turning into team muscle has really paid off.

    The conversation starts by asking why teams are struggling to build trust and why trust is so important. Tony tells us about finding the magic when realising he’d created a team of mentors. As people take the time to get to know each other, they are building bonds - people are much more willing to step in and help each other without being asked.

    This is a great podcast to hear how by putting the foundations in place to build a healthy team, the results come more easily.

    Book Recommendation

    Tony recommends the book, The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

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  • As many organisations try to figure out how and when to use their office space, we thought it would be great to hear from the experts!

    Sam and Vic are delighted to be joined by Allison English, Deputy CEO at Leesman, to talk about the Leesman Index and super relevant work Leesman are doing to measure and analyse employees workplace experience.

    This podcast is very timely as on the 21st March 2023 Leesman are about to announce fresh new insights from more than a million respondents, and we are lucky that Allison is able to give us a sneak peek.

    Here is the link to the upcoming webinar we mention, and all of their research is available here on their website.

    Book Recommendation

    Allison's book recommendation is the brilliant book, The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

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  • Welcome to Series 4 - What a treat we have for you here - Thank you Darren!
    We have been asked many times by clients to help them with change management.

    Whilst it is a well known fact 70% of change initiatives are not successful and success rates can improve from 30% to 80% if you put an equal focus on the people as well as what you are trying to change, we knew we had part of the jigsaw 

    What we had been missing is a change management framework. Welcome to another bit of magic!

    When Darren was last on the podcast he recommended a book called Switch - this book shares many, many stories of successful change and the 9 elements needed, all summed up by an elephant, a rider and a road.

    It is super simple, very memorable and pragmatic to implement - just what we love at the Amplified Group. We will be sharing more on this framework on LinkedIn - so please do follow us!

    Book Recommendation

    ‘Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard' by Chip and Dan Heath

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  • If this title doesn’t appeal to you because you have meetings nailed - we want to talk to you! There isn’t a person or company we speak to that isn’t feeling the pain of meeting gridlock in this post pandemic hybrid working world.

    It is for this reason we were thrilled to have Dr Carrie Goucher join us and share what she has learnt during her PhD at Cambridge University on this juicy subject. Sam and I literally spent the time picking Carrie’s brain on all the things meetings. And it is all here for you to listen to!

    We focussed on how to make a meeting successful - which, given we spend so much of our precious time in meetings, is pretty darn important to move a business forward at pace.

    Carrie has also agreed to come back and talk about changing meeting culture in a company. We hope you learn as much as we did!

    Additional Information:

    You can find the link to the e-course mentioned by Carrie below. It is released on 31st January 2023 and is available now for pre-order:

    Pre-orders already receive 50% discount, but Get Amplified podcast listeners can get a further 20% off with the code:


    If you are interested in some of the other resources mentioned by Carrie such as the invitation template and the capture canvas (no sign in or email address needed), you can find them here:

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  • Matt Piercy, joins Amplifiers Lewis Gee and Lindsey Moore to bring to life our New Hire Productivity Report: ‘Move over great attrition, bring on great engagement.’

    We hope you enjoy this discussion as we look at the impact of the ‘great attrition’ on the tech industry. Organisations and sales leaders are under huge pressure to hit their quarterly revenue targets but in today’s economic climate, combined with a 30% employee turnover rate, we discuss how new hires faring. We explore how to quickly get new salespeople up to full productivity and the role ‘team’ plays in that.

    Matt saw his career take off leading NEMEA sales organisations for VMware, then EMEA for ZScaler, and ThousandEyes. Matt shares his thoughts and what he put into practice around setting new hires up for success. Matt suggests starting by measuring objectives vs revenue (that is unrealistic in the first few months) is much more likely to get your new hires off to a strong start.

    Lewis, (who promoted Matt into the NEMEA role at VMWare) brings so much experience on this topic, having held leadership positions in high-growth organisations ServiceNow, VMware and Citrix – all of which hit through a billion dollars during his time. Lewis shares the rigorous onboarding he experienced and we explore if this is now missing? We feel incredibly fortunate to have Lewis as one of our Amplifiers as we and our clients constantly benefit from his wisdom!

    We hope you enjoy the conversation. We’d also love to hear if any of our listeners have stories or tips to share. You can reach us at [email protected].

    Grab a copy of the report here.

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  • We are finding cross team collaboration is the new big headache organisations face since COVID impacted where we work. The challenge has now become so big for organisations, it is hard to know where to start.

    Thanks to Paul Wiefels from the Chasm group we were introduced to Jamie Thomas from Cophi, which is a super simple diagnostics tool to help you measure and identify where to start. Cophi provides the data to support the feelings.

    On this Podcast we chat to Jamie, one of the Co-Founders of Cophi to find out more about how they can help. We are excited to share this breakthrough solution 🚀

    The image is an example of the collaboration network we spoke about.

    Book Recommendation
    The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

    The book talks about overcoming resistance and is a great personal development book for individual flourishing.

    During this conversation, Vicky referenced the Team of Teams model by General Stanley McChrystal. You can listen to this topic in more detail in our podcast: Going 17x Faster by Building a Team of Teams

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  • Wow what a conversation. It’s fascinating hearing former combat helicopter pilot & squadron leader, Sarah Furness, share her experience and learnings around how we can all fly higher. There are some great tips and reminders of how we can improve the way we work, starting with understanding our own minds.

    Sarah tells us that we are never too old to learn, we can always train our brain. The conversation delves into some interesting topics including stress, focus, stretch and flow. Sarah tells us about Eustress which refers to positive stress, the opposite of distress. If we can stretch ourselves, we’re likely to find our flow to operate at our optimum state.

    In a hectic work life of constant competing priorities, Sarah talks about the importance of unitask. We are not built to manage multiple tasks. Focus on one thing at a time and do it well.

    “Focus on one thing – Fly the helicopter”

    We may have mentioned a few times that Sarah is a best-selling author. You can find her book on Amazon here: Fly Higher: Train your mind to feel as strong as you look eBook : Furness, Sarah: Books

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