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What is our art? What is our passion? We want to make people feel great, and that is exactly what we do on this show. After listening to us, you can’t help but feel better about yourself in comparison. If you’re bored, do not expect to be entertained. If you’re eager to learn, expect to know less than when you started. If you are looking for a great podcast, hope to find nothing more than a mediocre one. However, if you want to sit back in judgement and have a chance to join an hour of lunacy with three assholes who think they’re smart, you have definitely come to the right place. Join us for some deep conversation about some even deeper topics discussed by the three shallowest guys you could ever know. Welcome to Taste My Brain.
Deep dive with us into the magical world of the gay scene, where we explore everything from PrEP to Bears. Laughing, crying and sighing at life in the fast lane of technology, old school beats and the mean streets. If this is reading like a poem that’s because it is. The eggplant emoji is the dick symbol world wide. Gay pride. Turkish pide. Join us for facts and fiction from the modern gay and his dumb friend.
Welcome to the Funny How Life Works podcast, where we use funny to help you understand how life works. You know how some people don’t really know what their purpose is, or they’re stuck in a certain area of life? Well we use funny to help them figure it out. Tune in to a new episode every Tuesday with Michael Jr.
Each week Isaac Butterfield and Co Host Josh "Bluey" Neilson sit down with a few beers and absolutely carry on...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Solmussa on podcast, jossa pääset kuuntelemaan Ellan ja Maijan keskustelua tärkeistä ja liian vähän puhutuista aiheista. Jos sustakin tuntuu et oot aivan solmussa, tämä podcast on täydellinen sulle. Liity tilaajaksi täältä:
Jos jokin asia yhdistää meitä milleniaaleja niin se on puutteellinen seksuaalikasvatus. Onks OK? -podcast on tehty meille 90-luvulla nuoruutta eläneille, joiden seksuaalikasvatuksen suurimpana kulmakivenä ei suinkaan ollut koulu instituutiona, eikä kieli keskellä suuta olleet vanhemmat, vaan vallankumouksellinen amerikkalainen tv-sarja seksielämää eli Sex and The City sekä Ärrän ylähyllyltä löytynyt Ratto.
Tätä sukupolvikokemusta hyödyntäen olemmekin saapuneet yhdessä ihmettelemään, kummastelemaan ja oppimaan yhdessä seksistä ja seksuaalisuudesta. Minä, Dear Peso, vastailen teidän kysymyksiin epävarmuuksista, seksistä, deittailusta, pornosta, itsetunnosta, seksuaalisuudesta ja kehosta. Ja välillä ohi aiheiden.
Tervetuloa Onks OK? -podcastin äärelle.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Oral Report, is a safe and fun space to talk about sex and sexual exploration. We've created an approachable platform to educate you and answer your questions about the many topics regarding sex by way of research, interviews, and personal stories.
Catch new episodes every week starting in October 2017. -
The Podcast Where We Know Very Little About A Whole Lot
An educational comedy podcast where 3 friends ponder questions they have absolutely no authority to answer using no sources and very little common sense. Releasing the third Wednesday of the month!
Hosted and created by hnkH (Andrew Prensky, V Silverman, and Ben Stern.)
Theme - “Laid Back” by Antti Luode
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Meet Deb and Maria. Two NYC Speech Pathologists giving practical speech therapy tips and tricks while enjoying wine and cheese.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Listeners write in to the show with their problems or drama. Jessie and Chelsea give their honest perspective and try to help. Topics include love & relationships, self-esteem issues, addictions, eating disorders, alcoholism, whack friendships, crappy co-workers, college woes, shitty dads, High School drama, annoying moms... You name it, this show has probably discussed it.