
  • TEACHING SERIES: Bend, Don’t Break
    SERMON TITLE: Breaking Point
    BY: Judy Moore
    DATE: Sunday 14 April 2024


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Bend, Don’t BreakSERMON TITLE: Reality CheckBY: Judy MooreDATE: Sunday 7 April 2024BIBLE PASSAGES: Psalm 42 & Psalm 139 – verse 14EXCERPT:It’s time for a reality check. In this first week of the series, we will break the stigma around mental health, reflect on some myths we might believe and discover how God responds to the complexity of who we are. “Jesus may be in your heart, but Grandpa is in your bones.’ (Pete Scazzero) Welcome: What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website: Useful Links:# OUR WEBSITE: # READ ONLINE (Church Blog) - # WATCH ONLINE (YouTube) -

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Jesus. Is. Alive.
    BY: Tim Chilvers
    DATE: Sunday 31 March 2024


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Letting The Light In
    SERMON TITLE: Injustice
    BY: Judy Moore
    DATE: Sunday 24 March 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: John – Chapter 18, verses 28-40


    Being a victim of injustice feels devastating. Not only is not fair, it feels as though there is no way to make it right. We feel vulnerable and as though the ground has been taken from under our feet. We know it wasn’t fair. An no-one else seems to care.
    As Jesus approached the cross, he experienced the ultimate humiliation – being completely innocent, and yet treated as scum. And, at the hands of the rulers of his nation and in front of the world. And yet, as he experiences that supreme injustice, it gives a beautiful hope to all who suffer injustice around the world.
    “So Pilate came out to them and asked, “What charges are you bringing against this man?” John 18:29


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Letting The Light In
    SERMON TITLE: Abandonment
    BY: Nathanael Ballew
    DATE: Sunday 17 March 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: John – Chapter 18, verses 15-27


    Every now and again you hear a truly tragic story about a person being abandoned by those who are meant to look after them. Most of us will never face such tragedy. But on a much smaller scale, at various times in life, we can all feel a bit abandoned. Whether it be our friends, family, spouses or employers, many of us identify with feeling abandoned, forgotten or ignored.
    As he approached the cross, Jesus went from being heralded by the crowds to being all alone. Even those closest to him abandoned him. But, as if that wasn’t enough, we remember the words he cried on the cross, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.’ To feel forsaken not just by your closet friends, but by the God of the universe. That is abandonment! But what if that completely changes how we see our own feeling so being abandoned, forgotten or ignored.

    ‘And when you suffer, you may be completely in the dark about the reason for your own suffering… But the cross tells you what the reason isn’t. It can’t be that God doesn’t love you; it can’t be that he has no plan for you. It can’t be that he has abandoned you. Jesus was abandoned, and paid for our sins, so that God the Father would never abandon you.’ (Timothy Keller)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Letting The Light In
    SERMON TITLE: Betrayal
    BY: Sarah Auger
    DATE: Sunday 10 March 2024
    ‘BIBLE PASSAGES: John – Chapter 18, verses 1-11


    When someone you trust lets you down, and betrays that trust, it can be one of the most devastating events in life. It is disorientating and gutwrenching. It’s one of the reasons why the TV series, The Traitors, has become so popular – it gets to the core of some of our most complex emotions, and painful experiences.
    A few short words in the bible remind us that Jesus understands all about betrayal. As Jesus is praying one night in a garden, with a few of his closest friends nearby, we read the words, ‘So Judas came to the garden…’ (John 18:3). And with that, the rest is history. And yet, rather than resist the betrayal, he goes on to almost willing embrace it (John 18:11). In the same moment that Jesus identifies with our feelings of being betrayed, we catch a glimpse that betrayal doesn’t have to be the end of the story, after all.

    “When a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor’s stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backward.” (C.S.Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Open Handed
    SERMON TITLE: Generous Lives
    BY: Judy Moore
    DATE: Sunday 3 March 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: 2 Corinthians – Chapter 9, verses 10-15


    We often think of generosity in terms of money, but it affects every area of our lives. What if we cultivated generosity throughout our whole life? In our words, in our attitudes, in our decisions.
    But how to do so? It is only when we see what God has given us – his own son – that we can have a default position of generosity. And when we do so, it is infectious…people around us start being generous to us too! Let’s start a generosity revolution!


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Open Handed
    SERMON TITLE: How To Be Generosity
    BY: Tim Chilvers
    DATE: Sunday 25 February 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: Luke – Chapter 11, verses 37-46


    It’s one thing to want to be generous, but what does it look like in practice? How much should we give? What to? Over the past few weeks, we have been looking at the reasons why we can be generous. In this session we will explore some practical ways of what and how we can be generous. We will explore the ‘Giving ladder’ as simple way of taking our own next steps in being generous in every area of life.


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Open Handed
    SERMON TITLE: Hilarious Generosity
    BY: Nathanael Ballew
    DATE: Sunday 18 February 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: 2 Corinthians – Chapter 9, verses 6-8


    Someone once said that you never meet an unhappy generous person. In contrast, when you think of Ebenezer Scrooge, you think of unhappiness and misery…all because he is uncharitable and demanding.
    The bible describes generosity as, ‘God loves a cheerful giver.’ The original word used for ‘cheerful’ is actually closer to ‘hilarious’. What a beautiful image…someone laughing hysterically as they freely give generously. Isn’t that the kind of experiences we all want to have? How do we get there?


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Open Handed
    SERMON TITLE: From Worry To Certainty
    BY: Sarah Auger
    DATE: Sunday 11 February 2024
    1 Timothy – Chapter 6, verses 17-19
    Matthew – Chapter 6, verses 19-33


    Financial worries are always near top of the list when it comes to life anxieties. For some people, the reason why is clear. But for many of us, perhaps the reason why is less clear. What if the reason we are so worried about money is because we value it too highly? What if we trusted the one who gave us the very breath in our lungs more than we trusted the gifts he gives? Part of the joy of generosity is that it is beneficial for us. As we give generously, it sets us free from being slaves to money. We learn to control how we use it, rather than be controlled by it. Perhaps part of our fear about being generous is because we value money too highly. Perhaps we need to remember that where our treasure is, there is our heart.

    “Money is an excellent servant, but a terrible master.” (Anonymous)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Open Handed
    SERMON TITLE: What Is Mine Is Yours
    BY: Tim Chilvers
    DATE: Sunday 4 February 2024
    1 Chronicles – Chapter 29, verses 10-18
    Psalm 24 – verse 1
    Matthew – Chapter 26, verses 6-13


    Have you ever been trusted to look after something that wasn’t yours? How did you act? If you ask any best-man at a wedding, one of the most nerve-wracking jobs is to look after the wedding rings! They’re not yours, you’ve got one job – to look after them for the purpose of the owner. You get it wrong, everything goes pear-shaped! But, get it right and joy abounds…
    That’s what it means to be a steward. When it comes to being generous, it starts with recognising that we are stewards. Everything we have comes from God, and is to be used for God. Recognising this is an immensely freeing thing – as it sets us free to not worry about whether we have enough, and how we should use what God has given us.


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Open Handed
    SERMON TITLE: Never Enough?
    BY: Judy Moore
    DATE: Sunday 28 January 2024
    Mathew – Chapter 10, verses 8
    2 Corinthians – Chapter 9, verses 8-10
    1 Timothy – Chapter 6, verses 6-11


    How much is enough? In some recent research in the US, people were asked ‘How much does your annual salary need to be for you to feel happy/less stressed?’ The results were fascinating! What was remarkable was that – regardless of how much people actually earned – everyone said that they needed about 30-50% more to feel happy. (See here for details) It seems that we all think we haven’t got quite enough! What about you?
    As we begin this series on generosity, perhaps we need to change our focus. What if being content with what we have is actually the start of being generous. It’s only when we recognise that everything we have comes from God and recognise that he generously provides for all of our needs that we are able to be content. And it is this contentment that enables us to be generous.

    ‘Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.’ (Arnold Schwarzenegger)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Changing The Conversation
    SERMON TITLE: Changing The Conversation About Other People
    BY: Tim Chilvers
    DATE: Sunday 21 January 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: Romans– Chapter 12, verses 14-21
    We live in a tribal world, when it is easy to live in our echo chambers. We dismiss people who don’t agree with us, and only need to embrace those who do. And, in our connected world, we find a steady stream of people who agree with us! But, what if the good news of Jesus makes us see people differently? What if we bless those who are against us, and do good to our enemies? What if we try and live honourably and at peace with everyone? That would change the world!
    ‘The world is to look at the people of God and exclaim “So that is the gospel? I see it now!”’
    (Darrel Guder)
    ‘An inflated estimation of human nature capsizes love for one’s neighbour’
    (David Zahl)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Changing The Conversation
    SERMON TITLE: Changing The Conversation About The Church
    BY: Tim Chilvers
    DATE: Sunday 14 January 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: Romans– Chapter 12, verses 4-13


    Recently, a local man turned up to one of our Sunday morning gatherings because he had been told ‘Go to Riverside, they’ll help you.’ What does it mean to be a church that changes the conversation? Perhaps it means being so transformed ourselves, that we relentlessly work to transform the lives of others. That’s the kind of community that changes everything – were people’s needs are generously met, as they are pointed to the generosity of God.
    ‘The Church has an unconditional obligation to the victims of any ordering of society, even if they do not belong to the Christian community.’ (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

    “What I miss about church is being forced to be in community with people that aren’t the same as me.’ (Win Butler, Arcade Fire)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: Changing The Conversation
    SERMON TITLE: Changing The Conversation About Ourselves
    BY: Tim Chilvers
    DATE: Sunday 7 January 2024
    BIBLE PASSAGES: Romans– Chapter 12, verses 1-5


    ‘The primary exacerbator of burnout isn’t really email, or Instagram, or a constant stream of news alerts. It’s the continuous failure to reach the impossible expectations we’ve set for ourselves.” (Anne Helen Petersen)
    Change starts with us. How we see ourselves is an important foundation in changing the conversation. If we think too highly of ourselves, we put ourselves on a pedestal over others which leads to hearts that are full of judgement. If we think too poorly of ourselves, we set others on a pedestal and will lead to a heavy burden that we can’t carry. The good news of Jesus shatters both of these views. Only when we are able to see ourselves ‘rightly’ does it lead to change in how we treat God, ourselves and others in a way that is truly life-giving.


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: What We Waiting For?
    SERMON TITLE: Waiting With Your Running Shoes On
    BY: Judy Moore
    DATE: Sunday 8 December 2023
    Mathew– Chapter 3, verses 1-12
    Luke – Chapter 2, verses 22-32


    Have you ever had the situation where you’re working on a computer and you get the ‘spinning ball of doom’, where your computer just seems to freeze. And, you’re not sure what is happening, or what to do? Should I reboot, or wait, or what?! Life can sometimes feel like that. That you’re in limbo. How do you live when that’s the case?

    It is reported that the last words of David Cassidy – the seventies Hollywood icon – were, ‘So much wasted time.’ After looking back on his life, he realised the opportunities he missed. Advent is a time of waiting – waiting for Christmas. And yet, many of us finding waiting really difficult, its feels too passive. What if waiting doesn’t just mean sitting around doing nothing, but rather is an attitude of heart that propels us into action? What if we can learn to wait with our running shoes on?

    Most of us use ‘I’m waiting for God to reveal His calling on my life’ as a means of avoiding action.
    (Francis Chan)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: What We Waiting For?
    SERMON TITLE: Waiting With Your Party Clothes On
    BY: Nathanael Ballew
    DATE: Sunday 3 December 2023
    BIBLE PASSAGES: Mathew – Chapter 25, verses 1-13


    Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? Near the beginning there’s often a steep, slow climb to the top of a hill. As you travel up, expectation grows! And then, as you reach the top, the fun begins as momentum carries you down the hill at speed!
    Waiting can sometimes feel like that – like a long, action-less climb before the excitement of what lies ahead. Or, if you like, it’s like get dressed for a party when the party is still hours away. How do we wait well, in preparation for what’s ahead, without getting too discouraged in the wait?

    If we want to appreciate Advent fully, we need to re-learn how to wait, to rediscover the art of savouring the future, of staying in the present and of finding meaning in the act of waiting. (Paula Gooder)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: What We Waiting For?
    SERMON TITLE: Waiting In The Dark
    BY: Sarah Auger
    DATE: Sunday 26 November 2023
    BIBLE PASSAGES: Malachi – Chapter 4, verses 2-6


    Have you ever seen a dog tied up outside a shop, waiting for its owner. Occasionally the dog really starts whining, with a despair that wonders ‘is my owner coming back?’ And then, when the owner reappears, the joy for the dog is palpable!
    There can be moments in our lives when we feel like that – in the middle of despair and we aren’t sure how it’s going to turn out. When life feels pretty dark, waiting can feel almost unbearable. What might it look like to wait, when the world around seems pretty dark?

    ‘…waiting isn’t just something we do; it’s a place we live – usually against our will. It’s a stage of life, a journey we take, a crucible for the heart.’
    (Elizabeth Laing Thompson)


    What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

    Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website:

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  • TEACHING SERIES: StorySERMON TITLE: The Story BeginsBY: Judy MooreDATE: Sunday 19 November 2023BIBLE PASSAGES: Mark – Chapter 16, verses 1-8 & verses 9-20.EXCERPT:Glen Scrivener writes, ‘The resurrection of Jesus is undeniably a miracle. But it’s not a miracle that adds to the absurdity of your world. The resurrection explains what would otherwise be even more absurd.’ The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. We are all given the chance to overcome the greatest enemy of all, and come into a relationship with him now and forever. This world is not the end, death is no longer to be feared.Welcome: What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website: Useful Links:# OUR WEBSITE: # READ ONLINE (Church Blog) - # WATCH ONLINE (YouTube) -

  • TEACHING SERIES: StorySERMON TITLE: The End Of The StoryBY: Nathanael BallewDATE: Sunday 12 November 2023‘BIBLE PASSAGES: Mark – Chapter 14, verses 12-26 & Chapter 15, verses 33-41.EXCERPT:Why is it that we so often associate rescue with the symbol of a cross? Hospitals, pharmacies, aid agencies, lucky necklaces – all characterised by a cross symbol. The cross is the greatest moment in history, where Jesus died. Join us to explore the importance of the cross and why Christians celebrate communion as a result. In his sacrificial death, Jesus was the greatest act of God’s love, power and justice. The ultimate proof of his love for us.Welcome: What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website: Useful Links:# OUR WEBSITE: # READ ONLINE (Church Blog) - # WATCH ONLINE (YouTube) -