
  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Jeremy Jennings about his experience with Restore Small Groups. Jeremy shares how the communal experience helped him during his mental health journey, making him feel seen and heard.


    [00:06] Intro

    [01:24] Discovering Restore Small Groups

    [05:05] Jeremy’s experience

    [12:52] It feels good to be seen and heard

    [14:42] Rapid fire questions

    [19:08] Outro

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant continue their discussions on Scott’s book, “Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment.” They talk about Chapter 6 which is on the grief stage of acceptance, when a person comes to terms with the reality of their loss.


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:35] Defining acceptance

    [06:41] Examples of reaching acceptance

    [15:24] Lack of acceptance keeps us from growing

    [22:35] The concept of powerlessness

    [27:52] The next steps towards acceptance

    [33:20] Acceptance is not a linear process

    [36:19] Outro

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Scott Reall’s Books:

    Journey to Freedom: Your Start to a Lifetime of Hope, Health, and Healing

    Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment

    Journey to Living with Courage: Freedom from Fear

    Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues

    Journey to a Life of Significance: Freedom from Low Self-Esteem

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  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Adam Buzard, Director of United4Pastors, which brings pastors together in the Greater Nashville community. Adam talks about his listening tour where he sat down with over 200 pastors in Nashville to discuss how they’re doing and the two major themes that emerged from those discussions. He also shares what he learned through The State of Nashville study and its impact in helping the organization's understanding of the world.

    “I think one of the challenges and opportunities we have is–again–listen. Listen first.” -Adam [14:51]

    “I really believe that a part of being a healthy, well-rounded leader is to provide safe spaces for vulnerability and healing.” -Seth [29:01]


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:13] About this week’s guest

    [03:21] His work with United4Pastors

    [08:11] The State of Nashville

    [14:11] Addressing the challenges

    [18:24] Strategies to build trust

    [28:59] The impact in Nashville

    [34:16] Advice for Pastors

    [36:54] How to contact Andrew

    [38:26] Outro

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Operation Andrew Group:

    The State of Nashville:

  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Marcel Patillo about his experience with Restore Small Group. Initially joining to strengthen himself on an emotional level, Marcel shares how the eight-week program with an initial group of strangers helped him gain a new perspective and a new clarity of who he is and why he is the way he is.

    “One of our primary things for going through our groups is you cultivate self-awareness. You can’t really travel a map without locating where you are on the map.” -Seth [06:52]

    “I love the articulation of like eight weeks is not going to change your life. You’re not going to walk out completely different in circumstantially your life looks brand new, but it’s like the start.”-Anna [07:25]

    “By identifying where you’ve been and why you might have the feelings that you have, it can unlock new paths to process in your life that you may have never imagined really.” -Marcel [19:00]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:47] This week’s guest, Marcel

    [01:38] What drew Marcel to Restore Small Groups

    [02:47] Marcel’s experience with Restore Small Groups

    [07:25] Putting tools in your tool chest

    [10:28] Identifying who he is

    [12:35] The collaborative effort

    [18:33] Why recommend Restore Small Groups

    [21:07] Rapid fire questions

    [24:30] Outro

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant talk about cultivating life-giving practices, which are healthy habits that nurtures your mental, emotional or spiritual well being. They share examples of practices to integrate into your daily life as well as what practices have shaped them personally to stir some ideas to cultivate well being.

    “We need life-giving practices because we need to attend to our well-being, and that doesn’t just happen naturally, right? It requires intentionality.” -Seth [05:18]

    “Cultivating relationships with people that are also emotionally available in your life, so whether that’s friendships or family or whatever kind of relationships that you find yourself in. They’re not all going to be your best friends, but finding safe places where you can really be your real self and connect deeply and authenticity with others is crucial in maintaining emotional well-being.” -Anna [16:16]

    “I believe that God—is my understanding–is my friend, and so I look at spending time with my friend, and building my friendship with God is a very spiritual process for me.” -Scott [17:49]


    [00:04] Intro

    [02:02] What is a life-giving practice & why we need them

    [05:49] Defining well being

    [08:43] What life-giving practices are not

    [09:51] Mental practices

    [13:30] Cultivating for emotional well being

    [16:41] Spiritual well being practices

    [19:50] What practices shape the hosts personally

    [25:43] How to integrate these practices into daily life

    [27:45] Helpful tips to manage obstacle and setbacks

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant discuss Chapter Six in Scott’s book, Journey to a New Beginning after Loss, which is about forgiveness. They draw from personal experiences to discuss three stages around forgiveness–the forgiveness of others, the forgiveness of God and the forgiveness of ourselves–as well as debunk the misconceptions around this process.

    “You can forgive someone without reestablishing a relationship. Forgiveness does not mean that you are obliterating your boundaries.” -Anna [07:43]

    “I think forgiveness is just so, so powerful in that it’s for me. It’s for me. It has nothing to do with the other person. It doesn’t have anything to do with the events. It’s for me.” -Scott [10:52]

    “What moves us to acceptance and peace ultimately is forgiveness, because it is feeling the emotion so that we can move through it and process it and metabolize it so that it can stop being stuck and we can keep moving as the process that we are.” -Seth [29:08]


    [00:27] Intro

    [01:56] Definition of forgiveness

    [05:20] Misconceptions around forgiveness

    [19:50] Hard to forgive

    [25:31] The value of forgiveness

    [29:29] The practice of forgiveness

    [37:35] Forgiving God

    [46:26] Forgiving yourself

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Scott Reall’s Books:

    Journey to Freedom: Your Start to a Lifetime of Hope, Health, and Healing

    Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment

    Journey to Living with Courage: Freedom from Fear

    Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues

    Journey to a Life of Significance: Freedom from Low Self-Esteem

  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Sarah Ruccio Huffman, the Healing Arts Coordinator at Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center. Sarah has worked as a clinical chaplain and an expressive therapist in a variety of environments, and she discusses the value of therapy. She shares the pivotal moment that inspired her to help other people learn how to live fully in an ordinary life. She also talks about her experience with Restore Small Groups and the direct correlation between her expressive therapy groups and Restore Small Groups.

    “It’s so impressive that you are able to get to that point to realize like I do need help. I do need to talk about these things. And then when you do normalize helping yourself, how that in turn helps others that are watching your story unfold.” -Anna [10:04]

    “The underlying message there is that asking for help is a sign of weakness, and so I have learned along the way that asking for help is a sign of strength.” -Sarah [10:42]

    “Spirituality assists and supports an expansion of our identity.” -Seth [20:59]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:50] This week’s guest, Sarah

    [01:52] Becoming an expressive therapist

    [06:16] A pivotal moment

    [11:06] The value of art therapy

    [13:51] Current therapy trends

    [21:33] Helping military veterans

    [27:30] Her experience with Restore Small Groups

    [32:12] Primary issues in therapy community

    [35:45] The Journey to Freedom process

    [41:24] Listen to yourself and respond

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Tamara Lankford about her experience with Restore Small Groups. Tamara shares what inspired her to sign up, how she overcame her shyness that led her to open up and be vulnerable and why she would recommend others to join a small group.

    “Being in a group, it’s like working out with friends instead of trying to convince yourself to work out on your own everyday. It’s something that pushed me. It committed me to being there once a week. But the people, the environment, everything definitely allowed me to relax and open up.” -Tamara [05:32]

    “We need more people that are growing and healthy and willing to be made uncomfortable so that they can become the fullest versions of themselves.” -Anna [07:58]

    “Man, I love that analogy of helping you move on down the river, because I do think, continually that, like we tend to get stuck on either side of the river, and we’re not flowing in our life.” -Seth [09:59]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:42] This week’s guest, Tamara

    [02:13] How she came to Restore Small Groups

    [04:10] Week 1 vs Week 8

    [08:09] Moving though the river

    [10:15] The communal experience

    [13:03] Rapid fire questions

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant talk about the concept of authenticity. Through their personal experiences, they discuss the practice of letting go who we think we’re supposed to be so that we can embrace who we are. To do this, they explore the key components of authenticity: self-awareness, honesty, consistency, vulnerability, self-acceptance and autonomy.

    “To me, authenticity is the heart of self-awareness.” -Scott [02:06]

    “I think that you understand your limitations and you embrace that, but you also understand your strengths. You understand what you bring to the table.” -Anna [19:03]

    “It can be so, so difficult to be authentic when we’re afraid of what other people think, when we’re afraid of what can happen if we were to actually disclose parts of ourselves.” -Seth [53:12]


    [00:00] Intro

    [01:09] Defining authenticity & why it’s important

    [07:12] Being who I am, not who I’m supposed to be

    [13:05] Feeling free to be myself

    [16:05] Self-awareness and honesty

    [21:36] Consistency and vulnerability

    [27:06] Self-acceptance and autonomy

    [30:05] Personal examples of authenticity

    [40:39] Values of authenticity

    [43:15] Inauthenticity & struggling to be authentic

    [56:22] Ways to practice authenticity

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant discuss the fourth chapter in Scott’s book, Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment, about depression and sadness. They discuss the grief stages through personal examples and how to distinguish between feeling depressed from feeling sad.

    “But you’re not going to get from depression to acceptance unless you really start to feel and process those sad feelings.” -Anna [06:56]

    “What I have found that’s really profound for me is that there’s a shame attached to our depression, which makes us even more isolated with what we’re struggling with.” -Scott [28:56]

    “There were just so many moments of uncontrollable emotion that was kind of having its way with me, and so, I just remember realizing I had to let it have its way with me.” -Seth [42:07]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:27] Last live music experience

    [02:20] Depression and sadness

    [08:49] More specific definitions

    [12:12] Depression as a form of self-suppression

    [16:55] Feeling depressed vs living with depression

    [19:15] Characteristics of depression

    [22:21] Defining sadness

    [30:01] Living from a false self

    [32:17] More personal examples

    [43:56] Practical thoughts to move through sadness

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Scott Reall’s Books:

    Journey to Freedom: Your Start to a Lifetime of Hope, Health, and Healing

    Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment

    Journey to Living with Courage: Freedom from Fear

    Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues

    Journey to a Life of Significance: Freedom from Low Self-Esteem

  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Beth Joseph about her experience with Restore Small Groups. Beth shares how her first small group made her feel seen, which allowed her to be the fullest version of herself. She also discusses how this inspires her to return and participate in multiple groups.

    “From week one to week eight, I feel like those people, even to this day–I don’t know, a year and a half later since we had that first group–like they know me better than people who have known me for 10 years.” -Beth [10:08]

    “I remember you walking in that first day and just being a little frazzled and late and being brave to just walk into a room of people, and then to come back again, just slowly let your story unfold with these people. Man, what a gift. What a gift.” -Anna [10:49]

    “That is some of the magic of the process. We create this safe environment where you can name the painful parts of your life, the struggles, the issues, and you’re still accepted like you’re alluded to earlier. You’re still ok in the eyes of everyone. There’s non-judgement that fills the room.” -Seth [19:16]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:54] This week’s guest, Beth

    [04:28] What drew Beth to join a Restore Small Group

    [06:05] Her experience with Restore

    [11:10] The contrast between Week 1 and Week 8

    [21:28] What Beth uncovered about herself

    [26:27] A pitch for Restore Small Group

    [28:00] Rapid fire questions

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Rianne McCulloch about her experience with Restore Small Groups. Rianne shares how small groups taught her to be vulnerable to help her move forward in her process as well as help a group of strangers become friends during the eight week program.

    “And I think that’s one of the big things that I learned from Week 1 to Week 8 was you get out of it what you put into it.” -Rianne [04:06]

    “There’s a lot of different things that happen within those eight weeks. You go from–like you mentioned–stranger to an interesting community real quick, because of the vulnerability that the experience lends itself to.” -Seth [05:09]

    “There’s something about that year nine at the end of the decade that really propels you into a new direction.” -Anna [07:11]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:55] This week’s guest, Rianne

    [01:53] Why join a Restore Small Group

    [03:12] Her experience in a small group

    [09:09] Why she recommends Restore

    [11:18] Rapid fire questions

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant have a conversation about intrinsic hope. Hope is dynamic and a powerful force that is essential in the human experience. The three hosts discuss this feeling as it relates to growth and change and how it can help keep us forward. They share what hope means to them and how to practical ways to cultivate it.

    “One of the ways that I think I view hope is it’s the ground that I stand on that is unchanging, no matter what the weather is.” -Seth [12:51]

    “We can’t obviously control what is happening externally, but the ways that we experience what is happening externally has everything to do with our mental framework, whether we are looking at it from a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.” -Anna [25:29]

    “To me, the greatest motivator in all of life is hope.” -Scott [38:11]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:21] How hopeful are you feeling?

    [04:21] What does hope mean to you?

    [13:04] How threatening it can be to hope

    [19:00] Qualities of hope

    [25:59] Link between hope and trust

    [32:03] Hope and identity

    [39:16] Growth and transformation

    [43:45] How to cultivate hope

    [56:17] The Welcoming Prayer

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Janele Nelson, Mission Director at YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties. Scott and Janele have known each other for almost 20 years after her job sent her to Restore Small Groups in Nashville. Janele discusses her work at the YMCA and how the organization continues to provide a great place to help people reach their full potential during this time of divisiveness. She also talks about her experience with Small Groups and its impact.

    “Staff development isn’t just professional. I mean, staff in the Y, you can’t give away what you don’t have. So if you’re there to actually help people in spirit, mind, body and you’re suffering,  and no one’s paying attention to yours, that’s not good. It doesn’t work.” -Janele [09:21]

    “I think everybody does struggle with a human condition and it looks different and unique for all of us.” -Anna [12:50]

    “‘Cause I see you as a worldwide leader. Always have.” -Scott [22:55]

    “We like to say, ‘What we do is solitaire work that can’t be done alone,’ and we do need to transcend moving from me to we.” -Seth [26:25]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:23] This week’s guest, Janele

    [04:31] YMCA’s current work worldwide

    [08:13] Janele’s role as Mission Director

    [13:18] Primary issues in her community

    [18:11] The value of Restore Small Groups

    [22:27] Janele’s mission and purpose in life

    [27:02] Restore’s impact in non-Christian environment

    [30:53] What’s on Janele’s heart to share

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant talk about the bargaining stage of grief. This stage is a refusal to accept a reality from a loss, but goes beyond denial as it’s trying to create an alternative reality mentally. The three hosts discuss how this stage can show up and give practical tips on how to work through it.

    “It’s like I can’t heal an emotional wound with knowledge.” -Scott [07:13]

    “I think that’s one of the hardest reasons why loss is so difficult because there’s not a way to make sense of it.” -Seth [10:48]

    “Seth, I think that’s such a beautiful reminder just that people don’t need answers so much as they need presence.” -Anna [20:03]


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:07] Reflect on a loss in your life

    [02:30] Writing the chapter on bargaining

    [07:22] Unresolved grief

    [09:25] What is bargaining

    [13:10] How religion can interfere with grief

    [17:54] People don’t always need answers, just presence

    [21:43] Complete the grief

    [27:56] Blaming ourselves

    [30:53] Working through the bargaining stage

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Scott Reall’s Books:

    Journey to Freedom: Your Start to a Lifetime of Hope, Health, and Healing

    Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment

    Journey to Living with Courage: Freedom from Fear

    Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues

    Journey to a Life of Significance: Freedom from Low Self-Esteem

  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Seth Abram speaks with Taylor Grice of Nashville about her experience with Restore Small Groups. Taylor shares what she uncovered about herself as she unpacked her story in the eight-week program. As she started to see pieces of herself in others, she developed special bonds with the peer group, and she describes how the community helped her move forward with some growth in her life.

    “There is something that happens in a group as you get deeper and deeper, and you’re sharing more and more vulnerable things about yourself, where you start to–at least for me–I started to see pieces of my story in others, and it gave me the space to share.” -Taylor [07:02]

    “When somebody else shares something about themselves, it unlocks something in me that I didn't have access to before until you name that about your story.” -Seth [09:11]


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:22] This week’s guest, Taylor

    [03:25] Joining Restore Small Groups

    [04:59] Walking to the first group with strangers

    [10:46] What she discovered sharing her story

    [14:46] A group of strangers become friends

    [18:16] One of the most formational thing

    [19:57] Lighting round

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant have a conversation around loneliness, belonging and community and the relationship between the three. In this vulnerable conversation, the three hosts discuss how these deeply connected elements play a significant role in mental and emotional well-being and share practical takeaways to deal with loneliness in a healthy way and build a more meaningful community.

    “I also think that the chronic epidemic of loneliness is deadly. I don’t think we can talk enough about how important it is that a person finds true connection.” -Scott [09:40]

    “I’m just thinking about how the fine line between loneliness and belonging is largely around disclosure, how much of yourself you’re willing to disclose to truly find belonging and connect with people or not.” -Seth [14:46]

    “Community is the antidote to loneliness and belonging, but just to remember that community is the people. It’s not person.” -Anna [42:29]


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:58] Loneliness: the pain of being alone

    [06:27] The biggest loneliness pandemic

    [14:12] Belonging: security and support

    [22:35] Community: mutual support and belonging

    [33:42] Bringing these three terms together

    [43:04] Self-esteem vs self-worth

    [50:54] Practical takeaways

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


  • ï»żIn this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant continue to explore one of Scott’s books, “Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment,” and focus on the second chapter about anger–one of the stages of grief. They discuss our relationship with anger, the benefits of it during this stage and how to work through it.

    “Anger is a hard one to wrestle with, and I think it’s so important for us to recognize that every feeling, whether it’s a pleasant feeling or a seemingly unpleasant feeling has both a benefit and an impairment.” -Anna [05:23]

    “When you lose something, you feel that just complete untethered-ness to what was normal. Anger is what holds you up, I think, especially in the beginning. Anger is what holds you up and keeps you from being completely lost in it all. Anger is just vital, I think, to the grieving process.” -Seth [08:30]

    “Forgiveness is a big part of our work in grief recovery.” -Scott [22:38]


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:20] Stages of grief

    [05:02] Benefits of anger

    [09:25] Reality hits

    [15:10] Wrong expectations

    [19:58] Resentment and regret

    [23:53] The role of forgiveness

    [27:43] How to work through anger

    [33:35] Final thoughts

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Scott Reall’s Books:

    Journey to Freedom: Your Start to a Lifetime of Hope, Health, and Healing

    Journey to a New Beginning after Loss: Freedom from the Pain of Grief and Disappointment

    Journey to Living with Courage: Freedom from Fear

    Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues

    Journey to a Life of Significance: Freedom from Low Self-Esteem

  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Scott Reall and George Stull speak with Heather Lefebvre, a licensed psychotherapist who focuses on marriage and family therapy. Heather previously worked for Restore Small Groups over a decade ago, where her and her husband, Steven, were essential in the development and growth of the organization. She shares her journey with Small Groups and how it inspired her to transition into the mental health field.

    “If I’m sitting there with a therapist, I want to know that they’ve been down this road too. ‘Cause you and I say you can’t lead somebody out of the desert if you’ve never been in the desert. And so, Heather’s been in the desert.” -Scott [04:31]

    “Group is always a tethering point of I am not alone. I am not the only one who struggles. I cannot process in my head alone and think that that is going to help me challenge belief systems, challenge my neural pathways. Like that’s not enough. I really need to go and be around, be in community, be with people who are also fighting the good fight, who are also continually seeing life as a growth opportunity.” -Heather [14:34]

    “So friends, when your therapist is encouraging you to move to a more vulnerable place, trust them. They really do understand how we can grow and how we can heal.” - George [21:07]


    [00:05] Intro

    [01:19] This week’s guest, Heather

    [05:05] How Heather came to love Restore Small Groups

    [11:30] Transitioning to the mental health field

    [12:48] The value of individual therapy and small groups

    [17:26] Vulnerability is healthy to our growth

    [21:19] Why Small Groups are beneficial

    [25:21] How neurobiology influences her therapy approach

    [33:46] Recommended helpful practices

    [37:36] We are good enough

    [41:17] Heather’s website and final words

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast


    Heather’s Website:

  • In this episode of the Searching Inward Podcast, Seth Abram and Anna Bryant speak with Mike “L.A. Mike” Rada about his experience with Restore Small Groups. Mike shares how feeling lost mentally, physically and spiritually after a pretty bad case of COVID-19 inspired him to join a Small Group. He takes the host through his journey that quickly evolved into sharing vulnerably.

    “It allowed me to let myself be vulnerable for once, and it was a very welcoming group of people. It was strange for me, but then it also felt great. It gave me a chance to let my guard down.” -Mike [09:11]

    “I think it’s a really great description of some of the magic of what happens in a group. Where we meet one another is in our humanity first.” -Seth [11:06]

    “I think you articulated well though. Like it was a catalyst for you to maybe connect your inner world and your outer world in a more honest way with the people in your life.” -Anna [15:52]


    [00:05] Intro

    [00:28] Today’s guest, Mike

    [01:54] What drew him to Restore Small Groups

    [05:43] His first and last days

    [11:36] Sharing vulnerably

    [14:50] Something that had an impact on Mike

    [18:32] Why recommend Small Groups to others?

    [20:46] Lighting round

    Follow and Contact

    Facebook: Restore Small Groups

    Instagram: @restoresmallgroups

    YouTube: Searching Inward Podcast
