
  • Experience Saul's transformation as he boldly declares his faith and embarks on a spiritual journey to deepen his connection with Christ, leaving behind his old life and embracing the new.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Saul, now a follower of Christ, publicly proclaims Jesus as the Messiah in the synagogue, leading to his expulsion. As he faces rejection, Saul begins to meditate on his new identity in Christ and sets out on a journey to seek deeper understanding and guidance from the Lord in the wilderness of Arabia.

    Today's Bible verse is Galatians 2:20, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Witness Saul’s life-changing transformation as an enemy of Jesus is reborn into a new creation, setting him on a path that will change history forever.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Saul’s journey to Damascus is abruptly transformed by a divine encounter with Jesus, leaving him blinded and filled with conviction. Through Ananias, Saul is healed and baptized, shedding his old identity and stepping into his new purpose as a follower of Christ.

    Today's Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 5:17, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • "The more Saul persecutes, the more the gospel grows, but he doesn't know that Jesus is pursuing him too!

    Saul, driven by zealous hatred, ruthlessly persecutes the followers of Jesus, demanding their renunciation or death. Despite his violent efforts, the message of Jesus spreads even further, but Saul's heart remains hardened until an inevitable divine encounter awaits.

    Today's Bible verse is 1 Timothy 1:13, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store."

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  • A chariot, a chance encounter, and a question that changed everything: What stands between you and your freedom?

    In this episode, Philip meets an Ethiopian nobleman who is searching for truth and freedom in the Scriptures. Through a divine encounter, Philip explains the gospel, leading the Ethiopian to embrace faith in Jesus and receive baptism, symbolizing his new life in Christ.

    Today's Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 3:17, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Simon sought to buy the Holy Spirit’s power, but Peter’s fiery rebuke revealed a deeper truth—can a man truly purchase what only God freely gives?

    In Season 7, Episode 15 of The Jesus Podcast, we encounter Simon the Sorcerer, a man of power and influence in Samaria, who becomes intrigued by the message and miracles of Philip. Despite his baptism, Simon’s heart remains set on acquiring power for selfish gain, leading to a powerful confrontation with Peter and John.

    Today's Bible verse is Matthew 7:21, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Stephen’s final words before his martyrdom were not of anger or fear, but of forgiveness and a heavenly vision—what did he see that shook even his enemies?

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, we explore the story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, who stood up against powerful opposition with unwavering faith. Through a prayer for purity and a bold proclamation of Jesus as the Messiah, Stephen’s courage in the face of death offers a powerful message of love, forgiveness, and heavenly vision.

    Today's Bible verse is Matthew 5:8, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Witness the beginning of Saul's journey as he grapples with the radical faith of Stephen and the unsettling joy of Jesus' followers, igniting a conflict that will change the course of his life.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Saul is summoned by the Sanhedrin to help suppress the rapidly growing movement of Jesus’ followers, but his encounter with Stephen challenges his beliefs and reveals the power of humble service. Saul's rising disdain for the People of The Way contrasts sharply with Stephen’s grace and generosity, setting the stage for a transformative confrontation.

    Today's Bible verse is Matthew 20:26, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Witness the unwavering faith of Peter and John as they face persecution, and follow Saul's journey into the heart of a city torn by the radical message of Jesus Christ.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Saul returns to Jerusalem to find the city divided by the teachings of Jesus’ followers, who boldly proclaim His resurrection before the Sanhedrin. Despite threats and beatings, Peter and John remain undeterred, showing a defiant joy that perplexes Saul and challenges the religious leaders' authority.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 5:31, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Join Stephen as he steps into a servant-leader role, embodying the true spirit of humility and service in the early church, making a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, the apostles choose seven men, including Stephen, to help care for the growing community of believers, ensuring the needs of the orphans, widows, and hungry are met. Stephen, a man of great wisdom and humility, eagerly accepts this responsibility, serving the people with a heart full of love and dedication to God’s work.

    Today's Bible verse is Galatians 5:13, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Witness the sobering consequences of deceit in the church as Ananias and Sapphira’s attempt to gain glory for themselves leads to a powerful display of God’s justice.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Ananias and Sapphira conspire to deceive the apostles by withholding part of their offering while seeking public recognition for their gift. When confronted by Peter, their dishonesty brings swift judgment from God, reminding the early church of the seriousness of integrity and generosity in their fellowship.

    Today's Bible verse is Matthew 6:4, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Experience the power of generosity and unwavering faith as Barnabas and the apostles embody the strength of a community united by love and service to God.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Andrew struggles with fear for Peter’s safety while Barnabas demonstrates remarkable generosity by selling his field to provide for the early Christian community. The apostles continue to find strength in fellowship, prayer, and the work of the Holy Spirit, trusting God’s faithfulness in the face of challenges.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 4:20, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Witness the unshakable courage of Peter and John as they defy the powerful religious elite, determined to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ against all odds.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Peter and John stand boldly before the religious leaders who demand they stop speaking in the name of Jesus. Despite threats of imprisonment, the apostles refuse to be silenced, proclaiming that they cannot help but share what they have seen and heard.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 4:20, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • What happens when a beggar is healed and a crowd witnesses the undeniable power of God? Find out in this miraculous moment!

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Peter and John walk a healed beggar into the temple, where the miracle sparks awe and a message of repentance and renewal. Peter preaches boldly, calling the crowds to turn to God and experience refreshing through the power of Jesus Christ.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 3:19, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • What happens when the beggar receives more than he ever expected? Tune in to witness the life-changing power of Jesus.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Peter and John encounter a lame beggar outside the temple gates, where Peter offers something far greater than silver or gold—the miraculous healing power of Jesus Christ. Through this powerful act, we are reminded of the transformative strength of faith and the incredible impact of walking in the Spirit’s power.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 3:6, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Discover the supernatural love and unity that transformed Peter and the early church in this epic episode of The Jesus Podcast!

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Peter and the apostles experience a supernatural unity among believers. As the apostles witness a miraculous healing and fellowship with generous followers, they see firsthand the powerful love and community that the Holy Spirit has inspired.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 2:44, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Discover Peter’s boldest moment as he steps into his calling and preaches the gospel like never before!

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Peter confronts a skeptical crowd and delivers a powerful sermon, drawing upon the Spirit's guidance. As he defends the apostles from accusations of drunkenness, Peter steps into his role as a leader and preaches about the resurrection of Jesus, offering hope and redemption to those gathered.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 2:32, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Experience the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit as the apostles go from uncertain followers to bold witnesses of Christ’s message in a single, miraculous moment.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, Peter and the apostles experience the powerful arrival of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, transforming their fear into boldness as they witness a miraculous event that changes their lives forever. As the tongues of fire rest upon them, they are empowered to speak in multiple languages, sharing the message of Jesus Christ with people from all nations gathered in Jerusalem.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 1:8, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Discover how God’s sovereignty unfolds as Matthias is chosen to continue the mission of the early church, reminding us of the power of prayer and divine guidance in our lives.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, we explore the significance of Matthias being chosen to replace Judas among the twelve apostles. As the disciples seek guidance through prayer, they demonstrate the importance of faith and reliance on God’s wisdom in fulfilling their divine calling.

    Today's Bible verse is 2 Peter 1:10, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Discover the power and promise that Jesus left with His disciples, transforming their mission and fueling the birth of the Church in this compelling episode of The Jesus Podcast.

    In this episode of The Jesus Podcast, we explore the profound moment of Jesus' ascension and the promise of the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers to carry out His mission. Through vivid storytelling, we delve into the disciples' experiences and their preparation for the birth of the Church.

    Today's Bible verse is Acts 1:8, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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  • Discover the profound lessons Jesus imparted to His disciples about the end of days and the call to live faithfully in anticipation of His return.

    In this episode, Jesus shares deep insights with His disciples about the end times, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and faithful. The narrative takes you through a powerful conversation where Jesus uses parables to teach about vigilance, responsibility, and the ultimate judgment that awaits.

    Today's Bible verse is John 16:33, from the King James Version.

    Download the app for more Christian content including, Daily Prayers, Inspirational Testimonies, and Bedtime Bible Stories. is the digital destination for faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

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