
  • Last week we hosted our sixth annual Fall Book Preview, and today we're sharing a taste of that event with you. In today's mini-episode, you'll hear Anne talk about three book of the 35 books in this year's preview.
    Fall Book Preview is one of our marquee annual events that we host for our Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club and Patreon Community members. Our community members provide tangible, financial support for our show and our team of readers, and we love to say thank you by sharing special events just like the Fall Book Preview. For the last two years, we've also made the Fall Book Preview available to anyone who wants to join us through our a la carte ticket option. 
    The Fall Book Preview experience includes our 12-page digital booklet and our live event video: now it’s all ready and waiting for you to enjoy immediately: go to to become a Patreon member or get your a la carte access.
    We hope you enjoy this sample (and the full Fall Book Preview event). We'll be back next week with a brand new episode.
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  • Our reading community truly spans the globe: today Anne is in conversation with Evie, who is joining us from northern Greece.
    Evie grew up in Boston and after visiting family in Greece over the years, she moved back herself last year. These days she enjoys the slow pace of life and social culture in her Greek community.
    Today, Evie would love help reframing her approach to reading and reviewing books, because it's causing her a lot of angst. Lately, she's described herself as a frequent three and one-star giver, and this situation isn't working for her: it makes her feel like she's hard to please.
    But Evie's not sure what's going on here: are her standards too high? Is she being pretentious? Does she just not know what she likes? Those are some of the options Evie tossed out as she's trying to figure out what is happening here with her star rating situation. She and Anne explore what's causing this dissatisfaction, and look at solutions. They'll also get into the specifics of Evie's reading taste, which often includes books that invite the reader into others' lived experience, and Anne wraps up with reading suggestions for Evie.
    Share your own recommendations for Evie and find the list of titles mentioned in today's episode at our show notes at
    Join us on Wednesday, September 18th for our sixth annual Fall Book Preview! During this 90-minute live unboxing party, Anne walks you through 35 selections, step by step and book by book. If you're a member of our Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club or What Should I Read Next? Patreon communities, our Fall Book Preview is an included benefit and you'll find access information within those communities. You can also join us by purchasing our popular a la carte ticket. Find out more at
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  • If you love a good campus novel for fall, you'll love today's conversation between Anne and academic dean Karen Gold.
    Karen works at the oldest independent boarding school in the country, where she teaches a course on campus novels. That's not all Karen reads, though: she's especially fond of novels that span generations and highlight both the mundanity and the messiness of the human experience.
    But Karen's real dilemma today isn't finding the titles she'll want to read next. What she's really grappling with is a format struggle. She's always been committed to print books, but then she got an iPad, and then a Kindle, and she started to enjoy reading on a screen. These days Karen defaults to the ease of e-reading, despite having shelves full of physical books that she really does want to read. She's not sure what to do about this readerly conundrum, and she and Anne talk strategies and possible solutions today.
    Listen in and find the list of titles discussed on our show notes page at

    Save the date and join us on Wednesday, September 18th for our sixth annual Fall Book Preview. During this live, 90-minute unboxing event, Anne shares 35 hand-picked titles to get excited about this season. You'll also get our 12-page digital PDF Fall Book Preview booklet. Our Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club and Patreon members enjoy automatic access to this live event: you can join us by becoming a part of either community or purchasing your a la carte ticket at
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  • Get your to-be-read lists ready because today's episode is packed full of recommended titles. In today's show, Anne is hosting Hunter, a fan of literary fiction who lives in Philadelphia with his husband and their dog.
    Anne and Hunter talk about his years-long project to read National Book Award longlisted titles, which also leads into conversation about both that award and some of other big book awards. Plus, Hunter shares his frequent habit of rereading books, especially books he doesn't like on the first pass. 
    Hunter loves books that are messy and murky and don't necessarily offer clear answers. At this moment in his reading life, he's looking for writing that is striking on a sentence level, perhaps a little bit weird, and unlike the majority of what's coming out right now. Anne has ideas for Hunter and together they talk about a whole bunch of books that may be just right for you right now, too.
    Find that long list of titles mentioned today on our show notes page at 
    Fall means new merch, and we have a special collection including, for the first time ever, the option to buy a printed Fall Book Preview booklet. Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club members and members of our What Should I Read Next Patreon community, we've shared a link to buy just the printed booklet since your Fall Book Preview is included in your membership. If you're joining us for Fall Book Preview on September 18th with an a la carte ticket, you'll see an option to add on a printed booklet in our shop. You'll also find our exciting and seasonal collection of stickers, pin-back buttons, sweatshirts, and more. Find all of the fall goods at
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  • Today we're back with the 2024 installment of our popular summer reading roundup, where members of our team pair up to talk about their favorite summer reads.
    You'll hear our team in conversation today, exploring our summer reading experiences and the titles we can't stop talking about. Around here we talk books all year round, but episodes like these are especially fun, and always mean we're adding a bunch of new titles to our own to-be-read lists.
    We read widely around here, so no matter what you love to read, we think you'll hear a title that catches your attention today. Find the full list of titles mentioned and leave a comment to share your summer reading superlatives at our show notes page:

    Just in time for fall, we've released a fresh and fun collection of merch! From fun new buttons and sticker designs to favorites like our To Be Read tote and our Book Camp sweatshirts, you're sure to find something delightful. See all our merch and shop at 
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  • A limited reading selection often leads to delightful serendipity, and today Anne's chatting with a guest who has had just that experience.
    Rachel Elaine Martens and her family recently lived in Budapest for a year. During this time, Rachel Elaine had access to her U.S. library's virtual collection, but she also made use of a small shelf of left-behind books in the house she was staying in. Now that she's back home in Missouri with a broader selection of choices, she'd like to keep that serendipitous flair while also inviting more of an intentional flow into her book selections.
    Rachel Elaine enjoys picking up her latest library discovery, but she'd love to discern a clearer arc to her reading selections and feel less whiplash from constantly jumping between genres that feel like they have nothing in common other than coming up on her library holds list. Rachel Elaine has a definite preference for backlist books, too, and today Anne suggests titles to create the intentional reading experience Rachel Elaine's seeking.
    Find the full list of titles mentioned in today's episode at our show notes page,

    Ready for even more great reading? Join us on Wednesday, September 18th at 8:30 p.m. Eastern time for our sixth annual Fall Book Preview. During this live event, we will walk through some of the most anticipated titles of the fall season, including the books Anne has read and loved, and the titles she can't wait to read. Members of our Patreon community and our Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club are invited to join us: this event is a perk of membership in those communities. Our Fall Book Preview is also available a la carte for those that just want to join us for this one event. Find out more and sign up at
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  • Readers, we have celebrated birthday milestones here on the podcast before, and today Anne is talking with a guest who designed the ultimate book party for her recent 50th birthday.
    Kelly Davis lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where she works for her alma mater and enjoys caring for her garden and listening to audiobooks.
    For Kelly's recent 50th birthday, she planned a big celebration at her local beignet company, and in lieu of other presents, she asked guests to bring a book that they loved. Kelly's goal was collecting 50 books for 50 years, and her party was a great success. But the fun didn't stop there. In a project that would speak to many nerdy reader hearts, Kelly created a master document to analyze the books she received, including lots of charts and graphs.
    Today, Kelly is here to get Anne's help in creating a plan and choosing which of these titles to reach for next.
    Find the list of titles mentioned today and let us know which titles you'd recommend for Kelly at our show notes page,
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  • Today we're excited to share Anne's recent conversation with author Lucy Foley, from a live event hosted by Carmichael's Bookstore in Louisville, Kentucky.
    In today's show, Anne and Lucy kick things off by discussing Lucy's new revenge thriller The Midnight Feast and the real-life places and trips that inspired its atmospheric setting. Lucy also shares about her evolving career as an author, her love of writing unlikable characters, and what she delightfully calls the unholy trinity of women authors she can't get enough of.
    Thanks to Lucy Foley and to Carmichael's Bookstore for hosting this event and inviting us to share this lively book talk with all of you today. Find the list of titles mentioned and let us know which Lucy Foley book is your favorite in the comments section on our show notes page at

    If you'd love to talk books with Anne, we've just re-opened our guest submission form and we're excited to see your submissions! While we're always open to unique readerly conundrums and would love to read about yours, right now we're also especially looking for your stories or reading experiences that feature cozying up for a cooler season, reflecting on thankfulness, or books that haunt you. Learn more and share your submission at
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  • With the year just over half way through, Anne is stepping back to see how her reading year is going. Today, she and Shannan Malone are doing a little midyear check-in to see how this year has been going so far reading-wise, and what they are most excited about in the coming months.
    They consider whether they're actually reading what they want to be reading this year, whether they have any intentions to pivot for fall and winter months, and if or how they reading tastes and desires have evolved since they last checked in on this.
    Anne and Shannan share reflective practices or questions to help you conduct your own midyear check in, if you are so inclined. But regardless of how you approach your reading life, this is, above all, a call to ask yourself, what do you want from your books right now? Because reading time is precious, and we want to help you feel good about how you are using yours.
    Learn more about conducting your own midyear check-in and get a full list of all of the books discussed in this episode at
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  • In today's episode from the WSIRN vault, Anne is sharing her very first podcast conversation with Brigid Misselhorn. Like so many of our guests, Brigid came to the show through our WSIRN guest submission form. But these days she works on our team as our MMD Book Club Community Administrator. 
    This is fitting, because as you’ll hear in today’s episode, Brigid is totally addicted to book clubs. At the time of this episode, she was an active member of seven book clubs. She really enjoys how participation in these communal reading groups invites memorable conversation and a structured reading life.
    Brigid describes herself as a naturally slow reader, and today she's sharing a bunch of tips for finishing all those book club picks on time. She and Anne also discuss the origins of her book club addiction, the benefits of audiobooks, and balancing personal reading with book club reading, before Anne recommends titles Brigid might enjoy reading next.
    You'll find the full list of titles mentioned as well as a round-up of other places you can connect with Brigid at
    This episode wraps up our summer series featuring members of our team, but throughout the month of July we've also been catching up with each team member to hear about their reading life now. That's all happening over on our Patreon page. Podcasting from a business standpoint has been especially wonky lately, and the financial support from our patrons is a huge part of what keeps our show on the air each week. Bonus episodes like these team follow-ups are just one way we say thanks. And if you're interested in even more insight into how the publishing world all works, we think you'll especially enjoy our latest bonus episode, where Anne is taking you behind the scenes to talk all things book advances and royalties. Find this bonus episode and so many more at
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  • Today we're excited to continue our mid-summer series featuring our team members! Learning more about our team members and who shares your tastes may help you identify some good books in a way that might not land on your radar otherwise. We hope you love this conversation.
    Anne is revisiting her very first conversation with Alabama reader Shannan Malone in today's conversation. Since this episode originally aired, Shannan has joined our team as our co-host and contributor, but in today's show, Shannan and Anne go back to where it all began. Shannan has broad taste and high standards, as you will hear. Even authors that she's loved in the past don't get a free pass, and maybe not even the benefit of the doubt. So today's episode goes out to all you eclectic readers who love hopping between genres. Anne and Shannan discuss the struggle of pinpointing what you dislike about a book that everyone else thinks is amazing, awkward characters that are endearing to introverted readers, and much, much more.
    You'll find the full list of titles mentioned today, along with links to other episodes, blog posts, or features contributed by Shannan and other team members at our show notes page at
    If you're curious about Shannan's reading life now, be sure to join us over in Patreon where Anne is catching up with the team members whose voices you are hearing for the month of July and hearing all about how their reading lives have changed since they were first featured on the show. Those conversations are a lot of fun—find them at
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  • Welcome back to our July series brought to you by the What Should I Read Next? time machine.
    This month, we're going back in our archives to share episodes with four of our team members. When these episodes were originally recorded, no one involved had any idea that these readers would be on our team eventually, so it's especially fun to re-listen knowing everything that happened after Anne and these guests first spoke on the podcast.
    Today we are revisiting Anne's conversation with Donna Hetchler, which was originally Episode 83. In this episode Donna and Anne dive into Donna's then-developing plans for the epic 50th birthday bookstore road trip she had in the works. As Donna says, the planning is half the fun, and she brings us into her planning details from the specific West Coast bookstore she wants to visit, the books she wants to purchase, and the friends who will join her along the way.
    This episode has become a listener favorite and continues to inspire many of you to plan your own book projects for big milestones. We think you'll love this chance to listen to Donna share about the trip that started it all.
    And if you're curious what Donna and our other team members are reading lately, be sure to check out our corresponding Patreon series, where Anne will be hosting follow-ups to hear from each team member about how they feel about re-listening to their episode, and what their reading life is like now. Find that and so much more happening over at
    We have that link along with all of the links to the titles Donna mentioned today and other places you'll hear from Donna and our team over at our show notes page. That's at
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  • Today we are kicking off a summer series from the What Should I Read Next? archives: we're sharing the first episodes and sometimes the very first conversations Anne had with readers that are now members of our team.
    Many of you know our team members by name, and you have a good sense of their reading tastes, too. But we also know that many of you are new around here, or haven't yet had the chance to listen to all 400-plus episodes, so you don't know our team members as well. 
    Whether you've heard these episodes before or you're hearing them for the first time, we're certain you'll enjoy these introductions to some of the people who help make the book magic happen around here.

    The first episode in our team series originally aired as Episode 9 from all the way back in 2016 as Anne talks with now-Modern Mrs. Darcy editor and social media manager, Leigh Kramer. At that time, Leigh was living in San Francisco, where she identified herself as a full-time book nerd, fried pickle connoisseur, and lifetime White Sox fan. While Leigh lives in Chicago now, she still has strong opinions about her books, which makes for a delightful conversation. 
    In this episode, Leigh and Anne discuss the nearly perfect novel that she adored and happened to be all wrong for Anne. Leigh also shares the books she read at just the right time and a variety of very real bookworm problems, before Anne recommends titles for Leigh's next read.
    This episode was a really interesting time capsule because Leigh and Anne discuss some books that Leigh wouldn't choose and Anne wouldn't recommend for her today. We'll discuss those changes in her reading life more over on Patreon.
    Find the full list of titles mentioned today, along with links for other places you'll find Leigh and our team, over on our show notes page at
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  • Today's guest is a native Parisian who is planning a road trip this summer to the northern Alps of Italy to escape the Summer Olympics. Corinne Yan is here today to get Anne's help in discovering great audiobooks to pair with this long drive.
    But before diving into recommendations, Anne and Corinne chat about Corinne's dreamy book job: she works as a book restorer at the oldest French public library, the Bibliothèque Mazarine. Corinne's work allows her to restore a wide range of documents, from 78 CE papyri to Middle Age religious manuscripts to 19th century Napoleon caricatures.
    In addition to crafting Corinne's summer audiobook list, she and Anne chat about Corinne's To Be Read list, which has more than 1,700 titles on it right now. Anne has ideas for how Corinne might be able to balance the occasional reread of beloved books with the intentional pursuit of new-to-her reading experiences as she strikes some titles off of this massive list.
    Find the full list of titles mentioned today and connect with Corinne at the link in our show notes page, at
    If you're still planning your summer reading, there's still time to get your 2024 Summer Reading Guide if you haven't already devoured your copy. Buy your guide a la carte, or join one of our reading communities, and your guide (as well as all of the archives from past years!) is included. Choose the best option to unlock your summer reading at
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  • Reading offers a wide range of vicarious experiences, and today's guest is looking for books that make her feel warmly welcome.
    Adrianne Carnes is a bookseller and marketing director for a local independent bookstore in Texas, where she loves to create an inviting space for the readers who frequent her shop. Adrianne's interest in hospitality started in her youth, when she traveled often with her parents and was charmed by her experiences.
    These days, Adrianne enjoys finding inviting books as well as stories set in a hotel or restaurant, but finding the right titles feels overwhelming. Today Anne helps Adrianne navigate the massive availability of interesting books and discuss how to know she's found a title that feels worth spending time on. Anne closes with recommendations of books that offer a sense of hospitality and welcome.
    Find the full list of titles mentioned today and share your recommendations for Adrianne on our show notes page at

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  • Audiobook lovers, today's conversation will help you make the most of your audiobook credits, whether you love short or long listens.
    Stephanie Van Parys is a devoted gardener in Decatur, Georgia, where she loves to pair audiobooks with working in the dirt. Since she discovered this way of merging her two passions back in 2020, she's never looked back: these days almost all her reading is done in audio format.
    Today, Anne and Stephanie talk about the audiobooks that keep Stephanie weeding, and the fresh perspectives she'd love to bring into her listening routine. Stephanie would especially love to discover new-to-her authors from places other than the US or the UK, which you will hear more about in today's show. Anne has suggestions to keep Stephanie's summer reading in bloom.
    Visit our show notes page to see how you can connect with Stephanie, and view the full list of titles mentioned in today's conversation. That's at
    Shop summer merch and check out our assortment of fun bookish items, like our Book Camp shirts, new stickers (we especially love the Read! pennant sticker), links to all of Anne's books, our archive of seasonal reading guides, and more. See what catches your eye at
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  • Joining Anne today in a live conversation from the recent Word of South festival is listener favorite Lauren Groff!
    This conversation happened in the midst of a big moment for Lauren: she was recently recognized on the Time 100 list, and her new bookstore, The Lynx, just opened in Gainesville, Florida.
    Lauren and Anne talk about what led Lauren to open The Lynx and her goals for this new independent bookstore. Their discussion explores a range of readerly topics, like Lauren's love for short stories, her writing process, the intersection of music and writing, and exploring stereotypes in real life and on the page. They also touch on the connection between Lauren, Florence Welch, and the Taylor Swift song, Florida!, and Lauren shares the book she's recommending lately.
    Chime in with the books you'd love to buy from The Lynx in the comments section of our show notes page, where we've also compiled the full list of titles discussed today. That's at

    If you love being among book people, you'll love our Patreon community, where we create weekly bonus episodes that keep our patrons close to the pulse of what's happening in the book world. This month, we're sharing bonus episodes that augment our Summer Reading Guide, like great books Anne didn't include in the guide and why, and a dedicated mini matchmaking session that pairs patrons with their perfect Summer Reading Guide titles. We're so grateful for our patrons and their support of our show. If you're curious, come and check out our Patreon community.
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  • Join us today for the second in a series of three live events! While Anne was on the road recently, she had the opportunity to stop by fantastic independent bookstore The Bookshelf, in Thomasville, Georgia, for the first time since 2018. 
    During this live event, Anne spoke with host and owner Annie B. Jones about summer reading alongside a crowd of friendly and enthusiastic readers. Annie and Anne discussed perennial summer favorites and newer titles that took them by surprise. Plus, Anne shares a bit about what goes into creating our annual Summer Reading Guide that came out last week. Their conversation today will whet your appetite for summer reading of any flavor.
    Find the list of titles mentioned today and links to connect with The Bookshelf at our show notes page:

    If today's conversation has you even more excited for summer reading, grab yourself a copy of our 2024 Summer Reading Guide!Get your guide today at
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  • This week is all about summer reading, because our 2024 Summer Reading Guide is out this Thursday! Our Summer Reading Guide is one of the highlights of our year. Anne spends months reading and vetting both anticipated new releases and under-the-radar gems, resulting in the guide's list of 42 titles with something for every reader. 
    Joining Anne today in sharing our excitement for the Summer Reading Guide Unboxing is our Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club community manager, Ginger Horton. Ginger and Anne have talked summer books before and that conversation was a delight, so we can't wait for you to listen in to today's conversation. They explore this year's Summer Reading Guide theme, give you a sneak peak at a title (or two) on this year's list, and share other favorite summer reads across the years.
    As always, you'll find a list of the titles mentioned today at our show notes page at

    There's still time to pre-order your guide and join us for the live Unboxing party on May 16th. To get all of the details, visit
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  • Anne recently attended Tallahassee’s recent Word of South Festival of Literature and Music, and today we're sharing her live conversation about all things reading with Festival Director Sara Marchessault and Kati Schardl.
    Book festivals offer so much potential for discovery, by connecting readers with writers they already love, new authors to experience, and often, books that capture the spirit of the region. Today, Sara, Kati and Anne talk about the books they've been reading lately, the titles they can’t stop recommending to others, the epic fails when these recommendations fall flat, and what they learn about themselves and other readers in the process.
    They wrap up with some great conversation on summer reading moods, and Anne recommends a handful of titles they can add to their summer reading stacks. Find that list of the titles mentioned in today's conversation at our show notes page, at

    For more live book talk with our great community, join us for our thirteenth annual Summer Reading Guide launch party. Listen in as Anne takes you through 42 hand-selected reads to pair with your summer adventures and activities. Join us on May 16th - find out more, save your seat, and pre-order your guide right here. 
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