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科技最前沿,主要从丘孔语论比较感兴趣的几个领域来谈论科学科技,可能涉及天文、物理、互联网/IT、人工智能/Ai、数码/手机、编程、大数据、商业大佬、创新创业创客、化学、医学、养生、心理学、灵性等领域;认识天地,开阔思维,重塑自我。 不要说我涉猎太广泛,只是人生认识自我的过程太过漫长,我们只能先广纳外,然后求诸内,探索着,迷茫着。 我们每一篇都会说明播读时间是,是为了让你可以放弃太过期的内容。 做一档科普类的节目,我的语速会尽量的放慢,太快了不适合所有的听众,希望我这太不普通的普通话不至于折磨的你太辛苦。 如果想与我做更深的交流,请微信关注公众号 丘孔语论 ,微信号是qiukong365 ,留言与回复都可以,内有一些我脑洞大开的狂想,希望能启发到你。 丘孔语论,倒过来念就是 论语孔丘 ,聪明如你,知道这四个字怎么写吗?
Get the latest insights on climate change and breakthrough technologies and innovations that are fighting climate change!
According to a United Nations climate change report, the evidence of human-caused climate change is overwhelming and continues to strengthen. The impacts of climate change are intensifying and climate-related threats to our physical, social, and economic well-being are rising at an unprecedented rate.
Widespread climate changes are causing extreme heat, severe drought, uncontrollable wildfires, catastrophic hurricanes and floods, rising sea levels, intensifying coral reef bleaching, migration of millions of people, violence over resources, famine, and diseases.
★ Mondays: Weekly in-depth interviews with prominent leaders in climate change action
★ Tuesdays - Thursdays: Daily 1-minute flash briefings
★ Fridays: Scott’s weekly recap
★ Climate change topics:
● Latest findings and reports on climate change
● Global and regional climate change policies
● Changing consumer attitudes and behaviors
● New technologies and innovation to combat climate change
● Renewable energy and storage
● Investment & economics in sustainable development projects
● Best practices and tips on ways to reduce carbon footprint
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