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Your Local Community Radio Station
89 7FM is your local community radio station in the northern coastal suburbs of Perth and we’re proud to be local!
We broadcast 24/7 to our service areas and provide a unique presence on the Perth radio dial. We also stream live online all over the world!
Don’t forget to find & like us on Facebook! -
Hosted by author and radio show host Tracie Hotchner, "Humane Talk" is a weekly, 15-minute conversation with Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the nation's largest animal protection organization, The Humane Society of the United States. Tune in to the podcast every Friday for the latest on animals in our world.
Virtual Acquisition Office™ (VAO) provides acquisition news, analysis, and tools for the U.S. federal government. On the Go with VAO is a monthly acquisition news podcast that breaks down noteworthy developments in acquisition and takes a deeper dive into a topic of interest or takeaway from the month. This podcast is a fun way to stay up-to-date on key federal acquisition news. If you are a program manager, contracting officer, contracting specialist, contracting officer representative, or touch the acquisition community in any way, this podcast is for you!
1.非洲媽媽 - 在非洲馬拉維照顧孤兒的香港主婦Mila
2.新橋.心橋 - 參與中國甘肅建橋工作的父親阿恩
3.仁醫之行 - 在菲律賓義診的年青中醫師Dennis
4.金邊的彩虹 - 為柬埔寨愛滋病兒童帶來笑容的社工Winsy
5.種樹的人 - 延續丈夫遺志,在中國植樹扶貧的謝太
6.重建路漫漫 - 援助海地地震災民的醫學生Lucci
7.愛在印度另一端 - 在印度救助婦女的女醫生阿Bea
8.打開心窗的天使 - 服務香港失明人士的前空姐Angela
9.有祥的世界 - 全心為香港傷殘人士服務的祥仔
10.巧手剪關懷 - 香港的「丐幫幫主」阿周
11.這個冬天不太冷 - 為需要人士義務理髮的Vivian
12.義工火車頭 - 繼承父志的青年義工Carson
2011年1月1日至3月26日,逢星期六,晚上八時至八時三十分,亞洲電視本港台播映。 -
UNDP believes that innovation can make development easier, smarter, and thus make the world a better place. With the support of the internal Innovation Fund, UNDP China has been testing some creative ideas across Asia and the Pacific in the recent years. Beyond this region, we also exchange experiences and inspirations with sister offices in other continents, such as Africa. Our innovative initiatives cover a variety of thematic areas such as citizen engagement in public policy, gender-based violence, disaster risk reduction, youth unemployment, and environmental protection. The methods employed range from mobile app creation to crowdsourcing, gamification, behavioral insights and user-centered design. In the development process, we are glad to see innovation’s crucial role in achieving greater impact in the fast-changing and complex environments. Now we are launching this podcast to share our exciting innovation for development stories. We hope that by listening to us, you could have a better understanding of how do innovations work for development and UNDP’s role in this progress. For more information, please also read the show notes and check on our website. Many thanks for your kind support and of course, we will keep you updated.