Gjennom Jens Stoltenberg siste to år som NATOs generalsekretær, har filmskaper Tommy Gulliksen vært flue på veggen. Resultatet er den premiereklare dokumentaren «Facing War». Vi snakker med Tommy om hvordan han har kommet på innsiden av Stoltenberg og det diplomatiske spillet for å få en slutt på Ukraina-krigen. Hva har han lært om Stoltenberg og andre verdenslederes personer, metoder og visjoner? Hvordan utviklet samspillet, og vennskapet, seg mellom NATO-sjefen og Ukrainas leder Zelensky?
As President Trump set out to systematically eliminate or intimidate those who stood in his way — inspectors general, judges, law firms — the news media loomed as one of his most stubborn obstacles. Or so it seemed.
Jim Rutenberg, a writer at large for The New York Times, explains how Mr. Trump is circumventing and undermining the fourth estate in a way no president before him ever has.
Guest: Jim Rutenberg, a writer at large for The New York Times and The New York Times Magazine.
Background reading:
President Trump’s blueprint for bending the media to his will has Nixon written all over it.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
Photo: Tierney L. Cross for The New York Times
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As President Trump set out to systematically eliminate or intimidate those who stood in his way — inspectors general, judges, law firms — the news media loomed as one of his most stubborn obstacles. Or so it seemed.
Jim Rutenberg, a writer at large for The New York Times, explains how Mr. Trump is circumventing and undermining the fourth estate in a way no president before him ever has.
Guest: Jim Rutenberg, a writer at large for The New York Times and The New York Times Magazine.
Background reading:
President Trump’s blueprint for bending the media to his will has Nixon written all over it.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
Photo: Tierney L. Cross for The New York Times
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In recent weeks, the Trump administration has put the American university system on notice.
It has pressed for changes, opened investigations — and in some cases withheld critical funds.
Alan Blinder, who covers education in America, explains how schools are responding to the pressure and what it might mean for the future of higher education.
Guest: Alan Blinder, a national correspondent for The New York Times, writing about education in America.
Background reading:
Columbia University promised changes to its protest policies, its security practices and its Middle Eastern studies department after the Trump administration moved to cut off $400 million in funding.President Trump’s battles with colleges could change American culture for a generation.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
Photo: Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times
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Dette er del 1 av 2 episoder om Werna Gerhardsen.
Werna Gerhardsen var fattigjenta fra Grunerløkka som endte opp som statsministerfrue og et ikon i arbeiderbevegelsen.
Einar og Werna Gerhardsen var det personifiserte sosialdemokratiet. Som ung lærte hun seg å organisere seg, og traff for første gang den 15 år eldre Einar i veldig ung alder. Hennes innsats under krigen er for mange glemt.
Sigrun Slapgard er forfatter og journalist og har skrevet en rekke kritikerroste biografier og dokumentarbøker.
Mange husker deg fra NRK - utenriksjournalist. Hun er gjest i Historier som endret Norge i kraft av å være forfatteren bak biografien om Werna Gerhardsen - Jenta fra Løkka.
Programleder Christian Gilsvik.
Podkasten er produsert av Gjenklang.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
It’s Americanswers! Sarah, Anthony and Marianna join Matt Chorley from 5 Live to answer your questions. Today, can Donald Trump dismantle the Department of Education without going through Congress, and what impact would it have on kids with special educational needs? Also, as Canada prepares for its snap general election, what role is the U.S. playing? And why has a portrait of Donald Trump got him angry?
HOSTS: • Sarah Smith, North America Editor• Anthony Zurcher, North America Correspondent• Marianna Spring, Social Media Investigations Senior Correspondent
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This episode was made by Catherine Fusillo and Purvee Pattni. The technical producer was Stephen Bailey. The series producer is Purvee Pattni. The senior news editor is Sam Bonham.
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Americast is part of the BBC News Podcasts family of podcasts. The team that makes Americast also makes lots of other podcasts, including The Global Story, The Today Podcast, and of course Newscast and Ukrainecast. If you enjoy Americast (and if you're reading this then you hopefully do), then we think that you will enjoy some of our other pods too. See links below.
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I januar 2025 ble norske Steinar Wangen avslørt i TV2s serien «Norge bak fasaden», der han for skjult kamera erkjente at han hjalp folk med å dø. En av metodene han brukte var å legge en pute over ansiktet på offeret og sette seg på puta med en kaffekopp mens offeret ble kvalt. Da Wangen var femten tok han livet av den syv år gamle nabojenta.
Wangen er siktet for drap og medvirkning til selvmord i Trollhättan i Sverige, og skal nå utleveres til Norge, som overtar saken.
Jonas og Susanne prøver å forstå seg på dødsengelen som alle snakker om, og i denne episoden får Susanne virkelig briljere med sin kunnskap som nevropsykolog, spesialist i voksenpsykologi og rettssakkyndig.
Det er mandag og klart for en ny episode av Penger, pølser og politikk!
Det ligger an til tidenes mest spennende rentemøte denne uken. Vil sentralbanksjef Ida Wolden Bache sette ned renten, eller er de siste signalene fra norsk økonomi så sterke at den forblir på 4,5 prosent? Vi tar også en tur til USA og dollarens nedadgående ferd. Er det hele en del av en større plan fra Trump og hans menn?
Ellers er det sesong for politiske landsmøter, fikk Torbjørn FOMO i helgen da hans gamle parti Høyre var samlet på Gardermoen?
Løpetrener og pappa Gjert Ingebrigtsen møter i dag i retten, tiltalt for å ha mishandlet to av sine barn. Selv har han hele tiden nektet straffskyld. Aftenpostens Andreas Bakke Foss forteller om tiltalen og hva som venter i rettssaken. Foto: Lise Åserud, NTB
Folk slutter ikke å drepe hverandre. Gjør deg klar til ny sesong av På innsiden av psychohoder. Og det er en meget meny vi har å servere.
President Trump spoke separately to his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts this week to try and hammer out a peace deal to end the war. We explore what's in the deal and what chances it has to succeed.
Then, a look at how President Trump has targeted members of the country's judicial system, from judges to law firms.
This episode: senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith, national security correspondent Greg Myre, national justice correspondent Ryan Lucas, and senior political editor & correspondent Domenico Montanaro.
The podcast is produced by Bria Suggs & Kelli Wessinger and edited by Casey Morell. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.
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Five years ago, at the urging of federal officials, much of the United States locked down to stop the spread of Covid. Over time, the action polarized the country and changed the relationship between many Americans and their government.
Michael Barbaro speaks to Stephen Macedo and Frances Lee, two prominent political scientists who dispute the effectiveness of the lockdowns, to find out what they think will be required when the next pandemic strikes.
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Guest: Stephen Macedo and Frances Lee, authors of In Covid’s Wake: How Our Politics Failed Us
Background reading:
As the coronavirus spread, researchers worldwide scrambled to find ways to keep people safe. Some efforts were misguided. Others saved millions of lives.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
Photo: Hilary Swift for The New York Times
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
As President Trump has rolled out his economic agenda, the assumption has been that he would quickly scale back his most aggressive policies once they began to scare consumers and the financial markets. But that assumption turned out to be wrong.
Ben Casselman, who covers economics, and Maggie Haberman, who covers the White House, explain why Mr. Trump’s economic plan may be backfiring and why he doesn’t seem to mind.
Ben Casselman, the chief economics correspondent for The New York Times.Maggie Haberman, a White House correspondent for The New York Times.Background reading:
Mr. Trump has said a recession might be worth the cost. Economists disagree.Investors thought they had Mr. Trump figured out. They were wrong.For more information on today’s episode, visit Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.
Photo: Brandon Bell/Getty Images
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Donald Trump mener The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal og CNN driver med ulovlig virksomhet samtidig som han kutter i støtten til Voice of America. Norske hoppere har sydd inn silketråd og smurt inn dressene sine med trelim, hvorfor klarte ikke sportsredaksjonene å avdekke det systematiske jukset tidligere? Mediene slo nærmest fast at en fotballspiller ble utsatt for grov rasistisk vold i Bergen, nå er han siktet for falsk forklaring. Bør mediene beklage? Dagens gjester er Johan Remen Evensen, hoppkommentator i NRK, Haakon E. H. Eliassen, journalist, og Trond Olav Skrunes, sjefredaktør i Bergens Tidende. Med ansvarlig redaktør i VG, Gard Steiro, og programleder Anders Giæver. Produsent Magne Antonsen. Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro. Kontakt redaksjonen på [email protected]. Giæver & gjengen gir deg de viktigste nyhetene hver dag på drøye 20 minutter når du skal hjem fra jobb. Hør «Mediebobler» hver lørdag om feilene pressen gjør og dilemmaer VG står i. Hør «Skartveit» med interessante personer om aktuelle temaer hver søndag. Alltid på Podme.
Half a decade after he died, Diego Maradona's medical team are facing trial in Buenos Aires, as the circumstances surrounding his death are interrogated. His footballing genius made him a cultural icon of stratospheric fame, but why does he continue to transfix Argentinians?
The Federal Reserve is still in wait-and-see mode, a handful of technology start-ups are expected to go public next month, and Turkish police have detained the main political challenger to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Plus, the campaign for International Olympic Committee president has shone a harsh light on the organization’s business model.
Mentioned in this podcast:
Federal Reserve cuts US growth forecast as Trump’s policies weigh on outlook
Tech groups boost IPO revival hopes despite market tumult
Turkish police detain Erdoğan’s main political rival
Does the Olympic business model still work?
The FT News Briefing is produced by Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian, Ethan Plotkin, Lulu Smyth, and Marc Filippino. Additional help from Breen Turner, Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Joseph Salcedo. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music.
Read a transcript of this episode on
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
As US President Donald Trump dismantles agencies and challenges institutions across the federal government, Democrats still can’t decide how to oppose him. The FT’s global business columnist Rana Foroohar and Washington reporter Steff Chavez join this week’s Swamp Notes podcast to discuss why Democrats’ inability to pick a strategy can prove costly.
Mentioned in this podcast:
The Democrats must make a choice
Top Senate Democrat to back Republican bill to avert government shutdown
Sign up for the FT’s Swamp Notes newsletter here
Sign up for the FT’s White House Watch newsletter
Swamp Notes is produced by Katya Kumkova, Sonja Hutson and Ethan Plotkin. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. Special thanks to Pierre Nicholson.
CREDIT: YouTube/Forbes Breaking News, YouTube/NBC News
Read a transcript of this episode on
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Venstres leder traff Ukrainas leder på Stortinget i går. Hva sa han bak lukkede dører, og hva benyttet hun anledningen til å si til ham? Hvordan navigerer hun den økte oppmerksomheten om Europa for å sikre en god EU-debatt? Hva skjer ved stortingsvalget til høsten, hvordan vil Venstre posisjonere seg opp mot økt populisme og et FrP i vekst? Og hva vil hun si til Høyres landsmøte i dag i sin hilsningstale?
This week a Democratic lawmaker became the first to officially call for the senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, to step down. The veteran Democrat angered many in his party last week when he backed a Republican funding bill that averted a government shutdown. But this is just one example of a party in crisis trying to oppose the Trump administration, with very little power in Congress.This week, we hear from representatives Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Ro Khanna of California, Julie Johnson of Texas, and Maxwell Frost of Florida on how they would like their party to move forward. Plus, Jonathan Freedland asks the senior Democratic strategist Waleed Shahid what the party’s strategy should beSend your questions and feedback to [email protected] support the Guardian. Go to
Zelenskyj var i Norge i går, fikk ikke penger, men delte ut mange klemmer. Høyres landsmøte fortsetter, fortsatt ingen slagord i sikte. Ingebrigtsen-saken starter mandag. Og noen mener TV-serien «Adolescence» er verdens beste. Med Anders Giæver, Hanne Skartveit, Hans Petter Sjøli, Leif Welhaven og Frøy Gudbrandsen. Produsent Magne Antonsen. Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro. Kontakt redaksjonen på [email protected]. Giæver & gjengen gir deg de viktigste nyhetene hver dag på drøye 20 minutter når du skal hjem fra jobb. Hør «Mediebobler» hver lørdag om feilene pressen gjør og dilemmaer VG står i. Hør «Skartveit» med interessante personer om aktuelle temaer hver søndag. Alltid på Podme.
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