
  • Welcome to the Orthodox Christian podcast channel in honor and memory of Fr Seraphim Rose (1934-1982). Fr Seraphim was a hieromonk, author and speaker who dedicated his life to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and calling modern man to repentance, faith and true life in Christ. From his remote monastic cabin in the mountains of northern California, he produced writings that have reached millions throughout the earth. Today he is one of the most beloved spiritual teachers in America, Russia and Europe. His spoken and written teaching have changed countless lives with their sobering truth.

  • The Lord’s “Secretary of Divine Mercy,” St. Faustina, wrote what has become a modern-day spiritual classic — a blueprint for living a sacramental life in union with Jesus Christ. For anyone who may think the Diary is too thick and formidable, Most Rev. Joe Roesch, MIC, has the solution. Join him for a few minutes each day as he reads from the Diary and offers commentary. Over the span of one year, you will have “read" the Diary, beginning to end, and by the grace of God, absorbed its rich teachings. Welcome to this spiritual journey! Together, through the mystical writings of St. Faustina, let’s come to better know the tender love of Jesus for all humanity.

    To order a copy of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, visit ShopMercy.org.

  • The Catechism of the Orthodox Church by St Philaret (Drozdov), Metropolitan of Moscow is a masterful exposition of Christian truth, rich in Holy Scripture and theological conciseness. The listener is led in a step-by-step course in the basic and deeper elements of Christian faith and life,according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the apostolic teaching set forth in the New Testament. The text was examined and approved by the Holy Synod, and published for the use of schools and all Orthodox Christians in the year 1830. The Catechism consists of the Shorter Catechism and the Longer Catechism.

  • Philokalia Ministries is the fruit of 30 years spent at the feet of the Fathers of the Church. Led by Father David Abernethy, Philokalia (Philo: Love of the Kalia: Beautiful) Ministries exists to re-form hearts and minds according to the mold of the Desert Fathers through the ascetic life, the example of the early Saints, the way of stillness, prayer, and purity of heart, the practice of the Jesus Prayer, and spiritual reading. Those who are involved in Philokalia Ministries - the podcasts, videos, social media posts, spiritual direction and online groups - are exposed to writings that make up the ancient, shared spiritual heritage of East and West: The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Saint Augustine, the Philokalia, the Conferences of Saint John Cassian, the Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, and the Evergetinos. In addition to these, more recent authors and writings, which draw deeply from the well of the desert, are read and discussed: Lorenzo Scupoli, Saint Theophan the Recluse, anonymous writings from Mount Athos, the Cloud of Unknowing, Saint John of the Cross, Thomas a Kempis, and many more.

    Philokalia Ministries is offered to all, free of charge. However, there are real and immediate needs associated with it. You can support Philokalia Ministries with one-time, or recurring monthly donations, which are most appreciated. Your support truly makes this ministry possible. May Almighty God, who created you and fashioned you in His own Divine Image, restore you through His grace and make of you a true icon of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • Teachings of Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Christian Elders (otelders.org)

  • A collection of Free Catholic Audiobooks in the Open Domain

    Subscribe to this podcast, many will still come.

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    Personal favorites: Imitation of Christ and Dark Night of the Soul

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