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Motherhood is a Journey! Michelle Jerson, the "Passport Mommy" joins you on your greatest adventure! Each week she chats with experts in the fields of parenting, health, recreation, education, finance and travel. Enjoy engaging conversations that will keep you laughing and learning!
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丁思雅醫師,兒童外科,服務座標位於林口長庚醫院與台中大里仁愛醫院,專精兒童先天泌尿系統異常的治療與兒童泌尿達文西機械手臂手術,開刀手法細膩精密,而犀利的手術刀底下則藏著一顆豆腐心。「丁醫師不好意思剛剛在門診忘了問…」下診後常常收到來自家屬這樣的訊息,爸媽總有一籮筐的問題來不及在診間一次回答,我也好苦惱…我最親愛的爸爸媽媽們,那些在門診來不及問的、來不及回答的、沒有能力回答的,在這邊通通送給你們了。沒有人生下來就會當爸媽,我們都有好多疑惑,沒有關係,誰不是在摸索中跌撞成長?那些剛剛忘了問的,我們在這裡慢慢聊。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Motivation For Moms is a personal development show to help moms get out of a rut, dream bigger, design a better life for themselves and their families, and make each day as productive, easy, organized, and well-planned as possible. Hosted by certified life coach and fellow mama, Sara Muender, who believes that moms must adopt a leadership mindset in their family. Connect with Sara at
Youheum, guides you through gentle EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping sessions to soothe anxiety, overwhelm, and fear. Helping the emotionally anxious calm chronic anxiety & trauma-induced anxiety with EFT tapping. God first. Support this podcast:
Do you want to harness the creative power that lives within your womb?
Do you want to proudly claim ALL of who you are and bring that essence to your relationships, parenting, and business?
Our planet is in a collective death cycle. Can you feel it? A rebirth is imminent, activating our deep feminine consciousness. This is shifting the way we relate to how we birth, how we create, how we view our bodies, how we love, how we heal, and how we treat one another.
Melissa April and Katherine Blanco, two mothers, lovers and creative entrepreneurs explore the deeper meaning of Birth, Death, Rebirth and the many Initiations we walk through as women in the world. We dive into birth in all forms from babies, to businesses, to our next level selves. We explore what needs to die as we become ALL of who we are in the world.
The Yoni Codes explore the mysteries of the divine feminine through the reclamation of Motherhood, Entrepreneurship, and Relationships.
Join us each week as we engage in powerful, paradigm shifting, soul expanding conversations. Experience the discovery of potent codes that live within as we allow our wild and raw truths come to the surface.
Once every moon cycle we will be joined by special guests who will share their unique perspectives on their own Rebirths through the lens of The Yoni Codes.
We look forward to connecting with you as we uncover the mysteries of the Divine Femine one conversation at a time. -
Hey! I'm Maeva Faour (@maevafaour) the host of Glow on the Go. I once also felt so confused and overwhelmed about becoming my best self and I still do sometimes. In this podcast, I share my tips, advice, and past experiences so you can feel less alone on your journey and so you can Glow as you Go. Covering topics like confidence, self-love, productivity, and friendships I want to create a safe space for you to grow. Most importantly I want to inspire you to find beauty in the journey and enjoy the process of creating yourself and your life! See you every Monday for a new episode :)
Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app.
By supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries, you can help us reach hurting people around the world. To find out more, go to -
#نوافذ القلب يفتحها الصوت ، نوافذ العقل تفتحها المعرفة ، و بقلب و عقل واعيين متفتحين تقطع الطريق واثقاً ....
#خير الكلام قليل الحروف كثير القطوف كبير الأثر ....
- اتشرف انا عبدالرحمن مسعد - طبيب أسنان مصري - بمتابعتكم لي عبر تطبيق anchor ، حيث ستكون تجربة استماع أفضل و اكثر سهولة ... كما يمكنكم متابعة تدويناتي الكتابية و المصورة عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الأخرى
(facebook : abdelrahman mosaad)
(instagram : arahman.hassan479)
أشكركم على مروركم و ذوقكم الراقي 🌷🌷 -
Many times parents can’t “see the trees” because the forest is overwhelming. Can I get an AMEN? Each week, Chrys and Shellie, seasoned moms and grandmas, help listeners see life lessons in the simple events that happen daily. If you could use some Godly parenting wisdom, encouragement and inspiration, along with some fun, real life stories, this podcast is for you! Rocking It Grand is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit
Named "Best of 2021" by Apple Podcasts.
A kids podcast about the things that matter, like racism, body image, and belonging. Each episode opens up the dialog we've begun in our groundbreaking A Kids Book About series. Created by folks who've been there. Honest. Important. Relevant. Start the conversation. We know you're ready. -
Nurse Papa is a podcast from the heart and mind of a pediatric oncology nurse and father. In each episode, I take a deep dive into a story of parenthood OR I answer a letter from a loyal parent listener about their most pressing parenting problems, in a segment called Dear Nurse Papa. In either case, I hope to come out on the other side with a greater understanding of what makes kids AND their parents tick.
Guided Mindfulness meditations that help you to slow down, de-stress, and access a deep sense of inner calm. A selection of meditations designed to help you to....
Learn how to meditateBuild a personal meditation practiceSupport your existing practiceDevelop compassion for both yourself & othersBuild the capacity to focus the mindAnchor the attention in the present momentLearn to sit with and befriend thoughts, emotions and sensations in the body.Settle the churning mindAccess clarity of thoughtDevelop the capacity to RESPOND mindfully when stimulated, (as opposed to REACTING habitually).All meditations are guided by Professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor Una Keeley.More Meditations will be uploaded over the coming Days and weeksONLINE COURSE:
ONLINE Mini Mindfulness course (At Home With Mindfulness) for those who would like to practice Mindfulness at home. Specially designed for while we are going through these current Covid-19 restrictions. If you would like to find out more about this course see link below.
(At Home With Mindfulness) LINK
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Una Keeley is a professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor. She is the founder and owner of Mindfulness Wexford, Training Adults, to De-Stress with Mindfulness Stress Reduction Skills. She offers Courses & Workshops to the general public and the corporate sector. (Including Executives, Managers & Staff)
Una is also a HSE approved Mindfulness Instructor, training HSE staff & Managers in mindfulness skills. (Irish Health Services Executive).
Una has been practicing meditation for 25 years. She is a professional member of The Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland (MTAI) and adheres to The Irish Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses.
Una trained with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches, IMA Germany, and is one of only two people in Wexford, Ireland, qualified to teach the official MBSR course. This is the course on which 95% of the scientific studies have been based. She is a highly experienced and well respected mindfulness instructor.
Una is also a professional Artist with a Masters in Art Education. She has designed educational programmes for arts organisations and institutions for over 25 years. Including 15 years with The Irish Museum of Modern Art. Her background includes a Masters in Art Education, an Honors Degree in ceramics, and a Diploma in illustration for children's books. Una designs and offers courses which combine Mindfulness and Creativity.