A recent study suggests the next ice age will likely begin in about 11,000 years unless emissions change the effects of natural climate cycles.
An ice age is a period of reduced temperatures causing ice to cover large areas of the northern and southern parts of the world.
A group of scientists studied changes in the shape of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the movement of the axis itself, called a wobble. These three motions are believed to happen in cycles. The Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch developed a theory about 100 years ago that these cycles affected Earth’s long-term climate.
一群科学家研究了地球围绕太阳的形状的变化,地球轴的倾斜以及轴本身的运动,称为摇摆。 据信这三个动作是在周期中发生的。 塞尔维亚科学家米兰科维奇(Milutin Milankovitch)大约在100年前开发了一种理论,即这些周期影响了地球的长期气候。
The team noted that small changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun caused predictable cycles of warming and cooling over a period of about 100,000 years.
These findings permitted the team to determine how the three factors of tilt, wobble, and the shape of Earth's orbit might have affected the Earth’s climate over the last 900,000 years.
The group published its findings in Science on February 27.
The scientists examined a million-year record of climate by looking at ice sheets across the northern half of the world and deep ocean temperatures.
They then compared this data with small but regular changes in Earth’s orbit over time.
The lead writer of the study is Stephen Barker, a professor at Cardiff University in Britain. He told the French News Agency (AFP) that for many years it has been difficult for scientists to show exactly how small changes in Earth’s orbit have led to huge changes between warm and cold periods.
该研究的首席作者是英国加的夫大学教授斯蒂芬·巴克(Stephen Barker)。 他告诉法国新闻社(AFP),多年来,科学家很难确切地证明地球轨道的小变化如何导致温暖和寒冷时期之间的巨大变化。
Earth is believed to go through cycles of ice ages and warm periods. The last ice age is thought to have ended around 11,700 years ago. Scientists, such as Milankovitch, have long seen a connection between Earth's orbit and climate.
据信地球经历了冰河时代和温暖时期的周期。 人们认为最后一个冰河时代大约在11,700年前结束了。 诸如米兰科维奇(Milankovitch)之类的科学家长期以来一直看到地球轨道和气候之间的联系。
However, researchers have struggled to precisely date when each of the climate changes happened. It has also been difficult for them to know exactly which orbit positions affect the start and stop of cold or warm periods.
但是,研究人员在每种气候变化发生时都努力准确地日期。 他们也很难确切知道哪些轨道位置会影响寒冷或温暖时期的起点和停止。
Barker said his team of researchers studied slow changes in temperature over long periods of time instead of only looking at shorter periods of change between cold and warm climates.
Barker told AFP, "We would expect a glaciation to occur within the next 11,000 years, and it would end in 66,000 years' time."
Lorraine Lisiecki is a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a co-writer of the study. She said the study shows that changes in climate over tens of thousands of years are not random.
Lorraine Lisiecki是加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的教授,也是该研究的共同作家。 她说,这项研究表明,数万年以上的气候变化不是随机的。
The team aims to expand its findings to investigate the long-term effects of human activity on climate. They also want to find out how it might affect Earth’s natural climate cycles.
该小组旨在扩大其发现,以调查人类活动对气候的长期影响。 他们还想找出它可能会影响地球自然气候周期。
A total lunar eclipse is about to make the moon appear a reddish color across the Western Hemisphere.
The event will happen Thursday night into Friday morning. The best places to see the eclipse will be in North America and South America. Parts of Africa and Europe may also get brief views.
该活动将在星期四晚上至星期五早上举行。 观看日食的最佳场所将在北美和南美。 非洲和欧洲的部分地区也可能会得到简短的看法。
A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, Earth, and moon line up just right, with Earth positioned between the sun and moon. This causes the Earth to create a shadow on the moon. In a total lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow covers all of the moon.
当太阳,地球和月亮恰到好处时,地球位于太阳和月亮之间时,就会发生月食。 这使地球在月球上创造了阴影。 在月食中,地球的阴影覆盖了所有月球。
Another kind of eclipse is a solar eclipse. In a solar eclipse, the moon gets in a position where it blocks light from the sun, causing a partial or full shadow on Earth.
日食的另一种日食是日食。 在日食中,月亮处于遮挡太阳的光线的位置,在地球上造成部分或全面的阴影。
A total lunar eclipse can also be called a blood moon. It makes the moon appear reddish-orange, similar to the element copper. The color comes from small amounts of sunlight passing through the Earth’s atmosphere.
总月食也可以称为血月。 它使月亮显得红橙色,类似于元素铜。 颜色来自少量穿过地球大气层的阳光。
The American space agency NASA says lunar and solar eclipses happen between four and seven times a year. The last total lunar eclipse was in 2022.
美国航天局NASA说,月球和太阳日食每年发生四次至七次。 最后的月食是2022年。
This one will be visible for about one hour starting Friday morning at 2:26 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). The time when the Earth’s shadow covers all of the moon will be close to 3 a.m. EDT.
从星期五上午2:26开始,东部夏令时间(EDT)将看到这一个大约一个小时。 地球阴影覆盖所有月球的时间将接近美国东部时间。
“As long as the sky is clear, you should be able to see it,” Shannon Schmoll told the Associated Press. She is the director of Abrams Planetarium at Michigan State University. No special equipment will be needed to see the reddish moon.
香农·施莫尔(Shannon Schmoll)告诉美联社:“只要天空晴朗,您就应该能够看到它。” 她是密歇根州立大学艾布拉姆斯天文馆的主任。 不需要特殊设备才能看到红色的月亮。
The total lunar eclipse may be harder to see in Europe and Africa because the moon will be close to setting.
Michael Faison is an astronomy expert from Yale University. He told the AP, “This is really an eclipse for North and South America.”
迈克尔·菲森(Michael Faison)是耶鲁大学的天文学专家。 他告诉美联社:“这确实是北美和南美的日食。”
Zoe Ortiz is a historian with the University of North Texas. She noted that different civilizations have observed lunar eclipses for thousands of years. This helped ancient people learn things about the behaviors of the sun, moon, and stars.
佐伊·奥尔蒂斯(Zoe Ortiz)是北德克萨斯大学的历史学家。 她指出,不同的文明已经观察到了数千年的月食。 这帮助古老的人学习了有关太阳,月亮和星星的行为的知识。
“They were looking at the night sky and they had a much brighter vision than we do today,” Ortiz said.
The ancient Greek thinker and writer Aristotle observed that Earths’ shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse was always curved. This fact supported proof that the Earth is round.
古希腊的思想家和作家亚里斯多德(Aristotle)观察到,在月食期间,地球在月球上的阴影总是弯曲的。 这个事实支持了地球是圆形的证据。
The next total lunar eclipse will appear in the sky September 7, across parts of Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. Parts of the Americas will get the next chance to see one in March 2026.
下一个月食将于9月7日在亚洲,非洲,澳大利亚和欧洲的部分地区出现在天空中。 美洲的部分地区将在2026年3月获得下一个机会。
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Astronomers following asteroid activity in space estimate there is a very small chance an object large enough to destroy a whole city could strike Earth in 2032.
But space agency officials say even if such an asteroid keeps heading on a path toward Earth, the world is now much better-equipped to defend itself against such a threat.
The American space agency NASA recently estimated there was a 3.1 percent chance that asteroid 2024 YR4 would hit Earth on December 22, 2032. That is the highest probability predicted for such a large space rock in modern times.
Richard Moissl is head of the European Space Agency's (ESA) planetary defense office. While recognizing the risk the asteroid could present, he told the French news agency AFP people should not panic over such predictions.
理查德·莫斯尔(Richard Moissl)是欧洲航天局(ESA)行星防御办公室的负责人。 他告诉法国新闻机构法新社,人们不应对这种预测感到恐慌。
Astronomers have noted that the more data they gather, the odds of a direct asteroid hit are expected to keep rising over time. However, scientists say at a certain point the odds will likely drop down to zero.
天文学家指出,他们收集的数据越多,直接小行星命中的几率预计会随着时间的流逝而不断上升。 但是,科学家说,在某个时刻,赔率可能会下降到零。
Moissl said he thinks it is important to remember that even in the unlikely event the probability keeps rising to 100 percent, the world is "not defenseless."
Here are some methods currently being considered as defensive measures to keep humanity safe in case there is a real threat.
Only one planetary defense method has been tried against an asteroid. In 2022, NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) sent a spacecraft into the 160-meter-wide Dimorphos asteroid. The effort successfully changed the asteroid’s orbit around a larger space rock.
仅尝试使用一种行星防御方法来针对小行星。 在2022年,NASA的双小行星重定向测试(DART)将航天器发送到160米宽的双层小行星中。 这项努力成功地改变了小行星围绕更大的空间岩石的轨道。
Bruce Betts is chief scientist for the nonprofit Planetary Society. He told AFP that space agencies could hit the 2024 YR4 asteroid with several spacecrafts, observing how each one changed the path.
布鲁斯·贝茨(Bruce Betts)是非营利行星社会的首席科学家。 他告诉法新社,太空机构可以用几个航天器击中2024年小行星,观察每个人如何改变路径。
The asteroid discovered in December is estimated to be 40-90 meters wide -- about half the size of Dimorphos.
据估计,这颗小行星在 12 月发现时有 40-90 米宽,大约是 Dimorphos 大小的一半。
"You have to take care not to overdo it," Moissl warned. He said this is because if a spacecraft only partly destroys an asteroid, it could send smaller pieces of the space rock heading toward Earth.
A separate idea would involve sending a large spacecraft to fly alongside a threatening asteroid. The spacecraft would not touch the asteroid, but would use its gravitational force to pull it away from Earth.
一个单独的想法将涉及将大型航天器与威胁性的小行星一起飞行。 航天器不会接触小行星,而是利用其引力将其从地球上拉开。
Moissl said another non-contact plan would put a spacecraft near the asteroid to eject a continuous flow of atoms to push the asteroid off course.
Scientists have also considered painting one side of the asteroid white. They believe this could increase the light the object reflects to make it slowly change course.
科学家还考虑绘画小行星白色的一侧。 他们认为这可能会增加物体反射的光,以使其缓慢改变路线。
One idea is to use a nuclear weapon against a threatening asteroid. In laboratory tests, researchers found that X-rays from a nuclear blast could move a rock. But this is considered more of a plan for kilometers-wide asteroids like the one that killed off the dinosaurs. And this method also carries the risk that a nuclear explosion could send additional pieces of the asteroid falling toward Earth.
一个想法是使用核武器来防止威胁性的小行星。 在实验室测试中,研究人员发现,来自核爆炸的X射线可能会移动岩石。 但这被认为是宽公里的小行星的计划,例如杀死恐龙的小行星。 而且该方法还具有核爆炸可能会使小行星落入地球的其他部分的风险。
A similar method – but one considered less dangerous – would involve shooting laser beams from a spacecraft to destroy the side of an asteroid in an effort to push it away from Earth.
Moissl said that if all else fails, at least the world will have a good idea where a threatening asteroid would strike. Since astronomers believe most asteroids would at most threaten to destroy one city, efforts could be organized to get people out of an area before a strike.
莫斯尔说,如果其他所有问题都失败了,至少世界将在威胁性小行星袭击的地方有一个好主意。 由于天文学家认为大多数小行星最多都会威胁要摧毁一个城市,因此可以组织努力使人们在罢工之前离开该地区。
"Seven-and-a-half years is a long time to prepare," Moissl added. He also noted that even with the rising odds involving 2024 YR4, there is still about a 97 percent chance the asteroid will miss Earth.
Moissl补充说:“七年半的准备时间是很长的时间。” 他还指出,即使涉及2024年的赔率上升,小行星仍有大约97%的机会错过地球。
Wilbur and Orville Wright are the American inventors who made a small engine-powered flying machine. They proved that flight without the aid of gas-filled balloons was possible.
威尔伯(Wilbur)和奥维尔·赖特(Orville Wright)是美国发明家,他们制造了一台小型发动机飞行器。 他们证明,没有充满气体气球的飞行是可能的。
Wilbur Wright was born in 1867 near Melville, Indiana. His brother Orville was born four years later in Dayton, Ohio.
威尔伯·赖特(Wilbur Wright)于1867年出生在印第安纳州梅尔维尔(Melville)附近。 他的兄弟奥维尔(Orville)四年后出生在俄亥俄州代顿(Dayton)。
As they grew up, the Wright brothers experimented with mechanical things. Later, the Wright brothers began to design their own flying machine. They used ideas they had developed from earlier experiments with a toy helicopter, kites, the printing machine and bicycles.
随着他们的长大,赖特兄弟(Wright Brothers)试验了机械的东西。 后来,赖特兄弟开始设计自己的飞行器。 他们使用了他们从早期实验中开发的想法,其中包括玩具直升机,风筝,印刷机和自行车。
Soon, they needed a place to test their ideas about flight. The best place with the best wind conditions seemed to be a piece of sandy land in North Carolina along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. It was called Kill Devil Hill, near the town of Kitty Hawk.
很快,他们需要一个地方来测试他们关于飞行的想法。 最好的风条件下最好的地方似乎是北卡罗来纳州沿着大西洋沿海的一块沙质土地。 它被称为凯蒂·霍克(Kitty Hawk)镇附近的Kill Devil Hill。
The Wright brothers did many tests with gliders at Kitty Hawk. With these tests, they learned how to solve many problems.
赖特兄弟(Wright Brothers)在凯蒂·霍克(Kitty Hawk)对滑翔机进行了许多测试。 通过这些测试,他们学会了如何解决许多问题。
By the autumn of 1903, Wilbur and Orville had designed and built an airplane powered by a gasoline engine. The plane had wings 12 meters across. It weighed about 340 kilograms, including the pilot.
到1903年秋天,威尔伯(Wilbur)和奥维尔(Orville)设计和制造了由汽油发动机提供动力的飞机。 飞机的翅膀有12米。 它重约340公斤,包括飞行员。
On December 17th, 1903, they made the world's first flight in a machine that was heavier than air and powered by an engine. Orville flew the plane 36 meters. He was in the air for 12 seconds. The two brothers made three more flights that day.
1903年12月17日,他们在一台比空气重并由发动机供电的机器中进行了世界第一架飞行。 奥维尔飞行了36米的飞机。 他在空中呆了12秒。 当天,两个兄弟又开了三个航班。
Four other men watched the Wright brothers' first flights. One of the men took pictures. Few newspapers, however, noted the event.
另外四个人看着赖特兄弟的第一批航班。 其中一个人拍照。 但是,很少有报纸指出该活动。
It was almost five years before the Wright brothers became famous. In 1908, Wilbur went to France. He gave demonstration flights at heights of 90 meters. A French company agreed to begin making the Wright brothers' flying machine.
赖特兄弟(Wright Brothers)出名已有将近五年的时间。 1908年,威尔伯去了法国。 他在90米的高处进行了示范航班。 一家法国公司同意开始制作赖特兄弟的飞行器。
Orville made successful flights in the United States at the time Wilbur was in France. The United States War Department agreed to buy a Wright brothers' plane. Wilbur and Orville suddenly became world heroes. But the brothers were not seeking fame. They returned to Dayton where they continued to improve their airplanes. They taught many others how to fly.
威尔伯(Wilbur)在法国,奥尔维尔(Orville)在美国取得了成功的航班。 美国战争部同意购买赖特兄弟的飞机。 威尔伯(Wilbur)和奥维尔(Orville)突然成为世界英雄。 但是兄弟俩并不是在寻求名望。 他们回到代顿,在那里他们继续改善飞机。 他们教了许多其他方法。
Wilbur Wright died of typhoid fever in 1912. Orville Wright continued designing and inventing until he died many years later, in 1948.
威尔伯·赖特(Wilbur Wright)于1912年因伤寒而去世。
Today, the Wright brothers' first airplane is in the Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Visitors to the museum can look at the Wright brothers' small plane. Then they can walk to another area and see space vehicles and a rock collected from the moon. The world has changed a lot since Wilbur and Orville Wright began the modern age of flight over one hundred years ago.
今天,赖特兄弟(Wright Brothers)的第一架飞机位于华盛顿特区的空中博物馆中。博物馆的游客可以看一下赖特兄弟的小型飞机。 然后,他们可以步行到另一个区域,看到太空车辆和从月球收集的岩石。 自威尔伯(Wilbur)和奥维尔·赖特(Orville Wright)一百多年前开始现代飞行以来,世界发生了很大变化。
“I think if people understood more that the way they move might be setting them up for a problem down the line, they’d be much more inclined to see a physical therapist,” Earhart said.
”We are all built differently. So, it might be useful to examine children early to see what sports or activities might be good for them. Physical therapists can carry out such early exams.
我们的建造方式都不同。 因此,早日检查儿童可能对他们有好处可能会很有用。 物理治疗师可以进行此类早期考试。
Earhart said, “If we screened kids as they were choosing sports and said this sport is probably not the right kind of stress for the way you are put together, it could save a lot pain and problems down the line.” She added about children, “Maybe they don’t have the hips for ballet.”
Earhart说:“如果我们在选择运动时放映孩子,并且说这项运动可能不是您组合方式的正确压力,那么它可以节省很多痛苦和问题。” 她补充说:“也许他们没有芭蕾舞的臀部。
”Distance runners could also think this way. Some are built to avoid injuries despite running many kilometers while others are not. Exams by physical therapists could help identify future problems.
远程跑步者也可以这样思考。 尽管跑了很多公里,但有些人的建造是为了避免受伤,而另一些则没有受伤。 物理治疗师的考试可以帮助确定未来的问题。
Another area where physical therapists can help is with fall prevention. Falling – and the fear of falling – can be major issues, especially for the aging population.
物理治疗师可以提供帮助的另一个领域是预防秋季。 跌倒 - 对跌倒的恐惧可能是主要问题,尤其是对于老龄化人口而言。
“You want to show people they can get back up if they fall,” Herr said. “And once they know they can do it, it gives them confidence and it can help reduce the fear of falling."
赫尔说:“您想向人们展示,如果他们跌倒,他们可以恢复。” “一旦他们知道自己可以做到,它就会给予他们信心,并可以帮助减少对跌倒的恐惧。”
He added, “One of the risks of falling is that people don’t do anything, so you don’t move and therefore you become more out of shape...”
Herr said one example could be to introduce exercises involving “floor to stand” movements. These can help improve flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, and planning.
Herr 说,一个例子可能是引入涉及“地板到站立”运动的练习。这些可以帮助提高灵活性、力量、平衡、协调性和计划。
“It sounds simple getting up from a lying position on the floor to stand,” Herr said. “But it’s a great exercise for all age groups.”
赫尔说:“听起来很简单,从地板上的一个躺着的位置站起来。” “但是对于所有年龄段来说,这都是一个很好的练习。”
Earhart estimated about half of physical therapy patients seek help to deal with issues related to being overweight. “The more weight somebody is carrying the higher the loads are on their joints,” she said.
Earhart估计有大约一半的物理疗法患者寻求帮助处理与超重有关的问题。 她说:“有人承受的重量越多,关节的负载就越高。”
Herr said he had watched extremely overweight patients successfully lose large amounts of weight. He noted that some of these individuals are motivated for a specific reason. But for others, it is not always that clear and easy.
赫尔说,他已经看到极端超重的患者成功减轻了大量体重。 他指出,其中一些人是出于特定原因而有动力。 但是对于其他人来说,并不总是那么清晰。
“I have seen people change based on a milestone, like having a kid and they really want to be a good parent,” Herr said. “They want to be a fit parent, and the same thing with a grandparent. So that motivates people to engage because of a lifestyle change.”
赫尔说:“我已经看到人们基于一个里程碑,例如生孩子,他们真的想成为一个好父母。” “他们想成为一个合适的父母,而祖父母也是如此。 因此,这激励人们由于生活方式的改变而参与。”
Many of us might only seek out physical therapists if we are recovering from accidental injuries or surgery. However, medical experts say these specialists can also help prevent many health problems if they are seen on a regular basis.
我们中的许多人可能只有从意外伤害或手术中恢复过来时才能寻找物理治疗师。 但是,医学专家说,如果定期看到这些专家,也可以帮助预防许多健康问题。
One leader in the industry, Sharon Dunn, even calls physical therapists “the best-kept secret in health care.” Dunn is the past president of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
该行业的一位领导者莎朗·邓恩(Sharon Dunn)甚至称物理治疗师为“医疗保健中最保鲜的秘密”。 邓恩(Dunn)是美国物理治疗协会(APTA)的前任主席。
She recently told The Associated Press she thinks people need to look at physical therapists in a new way – as health practitioners who can help identify possible medical issues before they appear.
她最近告诉美联社,她认为人们需要以一种新的方式研究物理治疗师 - 因为可以在出现之前帮助识别医疗问题的健康从业人员。
Other health experts share this opinion. They include Roger Herr, the current president of the APTA, and Gammon Earhart of Washington University in St. Louis. They both shared Dunn’s prevention message in separate discussions with the AP.
其他健康专家也分享了这一意见。 其中包括APTA现任总裁Roger Herr和圣路易斯华盛顿大学的Gammon Earhart。 他们俩都在与AP的单独讨论中分享了邓恩的预防信息。
Earhart urges people to think about physical therapists just as they do dentists. “Even if you’re not having any problem, you go in and have everything checked out.” She noted that such examinations could help find and deal with problems early.
Earhart敦促人们像牙医一样考虑物理治疗师。 “即使您没有任何问题,您也要进去,并签出一切。” 她指出,这种检查可以帮助早期发现并处理问题。
For example, an exam could include a patient’s health history and current health – things like physical activity, sleep, nutrition, and so on. This could be followed by a look at how a person is moving. Exams might uncover things like postural issues or unusual body movements.
例如,考试可能包括患者的健康病史和当前健康状况 - 例如体育锻炼,睡眠,营养等。 随后可以看一下一个人的移动。 考试可能会发现诸如姿势问题或不寻常的身体运动之类的东西。
Herr is a big supporter of yearly wellness visits. He told the AP he believes physical therapists can be helpful for all kinds of people – the young, athletes, or anyone who wants to be as “independent as possible.”
HERR是年度健康访问的主要支持者。 他告诉美联社,他认为物理治疗师可能对各种各样的人(年轻人,运动员或任何想“尽可能独立”的人)有所帮助。
In the United States, you can now visit a physical therapist in all 50 states without needing permission from a doctor or surgeon.
However, a yearly exam might not be covered by a person’s health insurance. This could prevent some from seeking out care.
但是,每年的考试可能不会被一个人的健康保险所涵盖。 这可能会阻止某些人寻求护理。
Earhart estimated such a visit in areas across the U.S. Midwest might cost around $150. Herr suggested a cost of $200-$300 in more costly areas. But both experts said that in the long run, such exams might save money and can add healthy years.
Earhart估计在美国中西部地区的地区进行了这样的访问,费用约为150美元。 HERR建议在更昂贵的地区成本为200-300美元。 但是两位专家都说,从长远来看,这样的考试可能会节省金钱并增加健康的岁月。
With sub-zero temperatures and heaps of snow as far as the eye can see, this is as close as you can get to the natural habitat of Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, and other Arctic dog breeds.
More than 1,000 of them have gathered in Östersund, taking on the challenge of pulling their sleds and drivers – or 'mushers' – as quickly as they can on the Swedish trails.
超过 1000 只极地犬相聚在厄斯特松德,挑战用最快的速度拉着雪橇和它们的驾驶员,即 “雪橇手” 们,完成位于瑞典的比赛线路。
The sprint races range from roughly five kilometres in length up to 34, and drivers can enter into heats where the sled is being pulled by two dogs up 'til the unlimited class that allows for 14 dogs.
短程竞速赛分为从大约五公里到 34 公里的不同长度,而驾驶员可以参加不同的预赛类别,从两只狗拉雪橇到最高允许 14 只狗的无限制级别。
There's also Nordic style, where the drivers are on skis. Within sled-dog racing, there are also long-distance competitions going on for days, like the annual 1600-kilometre Iditarod Challenge in Alaska, taking the dogs and their drivers on a trail through forests, mountains, and even across sea ice, sometimes through snow blizzards.
锦标赛还包括北欧风格雪橇赛,这个项目中驾驶员穿着滑雪板比赛。在雪橇犬竞赛中也有持续多天的长距离赛事,比如每年在阿拉斯加举办的 1600 公里的艾迪塔罗德挑战赛,这一赛事中雪橇犬和它们的驾驶员需要完成途径森林、山地甚至海冰的路线,有时在整个比赛过程中还需要顶着暴风雪前进。
And for any skiers worried that 1000 dogs would leave a bit of a mess behind on the snow, the competition managers in Östersund have been cleaning up and gathering any dog waste, and it's being turned into biogas – a renewable energy source used to heat up homes and buildings.
而对于担心 1000 只狗会在雪地上留下不少粪便的滑雪者来说,厄斯特松德的赛事管理人员清理并收集了所有狗狗的粪便,并将其转化成了沼气——一种可以用来为住宅和其它建筑供暖的可再生能源。
sub-zero (温度)零下的
heaps 一堆,大量
breeds (动物的)品种
sleds 雪橇
trails 雪道;野外的小径
sprint races 短程赛,冲刺赛
heats 预赛
snow blizzards 暴风雪
biogas 沼气,生物燃气 -
This is the first scientific study to compare schools with different smartphone policies. The researchers studied the habits of more than 1,200 teenagers in 20 schools which banned smartphones, and 10 that allowed some use, such as at breaktimes. They found only a modest difference in the use of phones, and no difference in measures of mental well-being, anxiety and depression. Grades in maths and English appeared to be no different.
这是首个比较制定了不同智能手机规定的学校的科学研究。研究人员调查了超过 1200 名青少年使用手机的习惯,这些青少年分别来自 20 所禁用手机的学校,以及 10 所在课间等休息时间允许使用手机的学校。研究人员发现,实施了不同禁令的学校之间学生的手机使用习惯区别较小,而学生在心理健康、焦虑和抑郁等方面的评估结果也没有差别。这些学生的数学和英语成绩也没有明显区别。
Since the data was gathered, bans have become the norm in England's schools, with increasing restrictions elsewhere in the UK. This study suggests that whatever schools do, the biggest factor is the rest of time teenagers spend on phones.
policies 政策,规定
habits 习惯
banned 禁止了
modest 较少的,适度的
well-being 健康
gathered 被收集
norm 惯例,通常的做法
restrictions 限制
factor 因素 -
In labs around the world, scientists have been studying tiny black specks of dust from asteroid Bennu. They were collected by a NASA spacecraft which travelled to the space rock and unfurled a robotic arm to grab a sample to bring back to Earth.
The detailed analysis has found the asteroid contains thousands of organic compounds, including amino acids, which are the molecules that make up proteins, and nucleobases – the fundamental components of DNA. This doesn't mean Bennu ever had life on it, but the theory is that asteroids like it crashed into the Earth early in our history, delivering these vital ingredients that enabled life to start here.
在对样本的详细分析后发现,这颗小行星含有数千种有机化合物,包括能构成蛋白质的氨基酸和 DNA 的基本组成部分核碱基。这一发现并不意味着贝努上曾经有生命存在,但有理论认为和它类似的小行星在我们地球的历史早期撞击了地球,从而传递了能够让生命在此出现的关键要素。
Scientists think if asteroids were bringing water and organic molecules to Earth, the same was happening on other planets too. This raises the question of whether Earth is unique, or if life started elsewhere in our solar system but we just haven't found it yet.
specks (粉尘的)颗粒
unfurled 展开了,打开了
sample 样本
amino acids 氨基酸
nucleobases 核碱基
fundamental components 基本的组成部分,基本构件
unique 独特的,独一无二的 -
1Move over Victoria sponge cake. Modern bakeries are trending – delivering fresh flavours and celebrating independence.
1越过维多利亚海绵蛋糕。 现代面包店正在流行 - 提供新鲜的风味并庆祝独立性。
2 Hybrid creations are becoming increasingly common. On a trip to the bakery, you could come across a cronut or a duffin, and Coyle's Bakeshop in Seattle, USA sells cretzels – a cross between a croissant and a pretzel. They're made of croissant dough, shaped like a pretzel and sprinkled with sea salt. Popular too are cakesicles, crumbled sponge mixed with frosting on a stick, and donut holes, a small round piece of donut dough that could fill the hole in a typical donut, hence the name.
2杂交创作变得越来越普遍。 在去面包店的旅行中,您可以遇到一个cronut或duffin,而在美国西雅图,Coyle的Bakeshop出售了Cretzels,这是牛角面包和椒盐脆饼之间的十字架。 它们由羊角面包制成,形状像椒盐脆饼,并撒上海盐。 奶油也很受欢迎,碎石碎的海绵与糖果上的糖霜混合在一起,甜甜圈孔,一小块圆形的甜甜圈面团,可以填充典型的甜甜圈中的孔,因此名称。
3 And it's not just creations that are changing – new ingredients are taking hold too. At the London-based bakery British Patagonia, you can tuck into a peanut, caramel and miso cookie – miso is typically a savoury Asian flavour. While there you could also have the nutty 'sticky pistachio' – a bake made from pistachio paste and pistachio ganache. Activated charcoal sourdough bread can frequently be found in bakeries too. Aside from being strikingly black, adding charcoal makes no change to the flavour of the bread because it's essentially tasteless and odourless. And turmeric lattes are also commonplace these days, if you fancy a healthy drink alongside a bite to eat.
3,不仅仅是创造的变化 - 新成分也持续下去。 在总部位于伦敦的面包店的英国巴塔哥尼亚(British Batagonia),您可以塞入花生,焦糖和味o饼干 - 味o通常是一种咸味的亚洲风味。 虽然在那里,您也可以使用坚果的“开心果” - 一种由开心果糊和开心果Ganache制成的烘烤。 活性木炭酸面包也经常在面包店中找到。 除了令人惊讶的黑色外,添加木炭也不会改变面包的味道,因为它本质上是无味的,无味的。 如今,如果您喜欢吃健康的饮料,那么如今,姜黄拿铁也很普遍。
4 Bakeries are also embracing dietary inclusivity and sustainability. Pink Lane Bakery in Newcastle delivers bakes to customers via electric van and cargo bikes, and their website states they take care to ensure their packaging is 'as recyclable as possible'. Consumers are increasingly choosing to buy more local and unique products by turning to independent bakeries. According to industry magazine Food and Beverage Business, 'This preference for artisanal options has driven the growth of independent bakery sales, which are expected to rise by 25.3% this year, reaching £1.6 billion.'
4个面包店还包含饮食包容性和可持续性。 纽卡斯尔的Pink Lane Bakery通过电动货车和货物自行车向客户提供烘焙,他们的网站表示,他们要注意确保其包装“尽可能可回收”。 消费者越来越选择通过转向独立面包店来购买更多本地和独特的产品。 根据行业杂志食品和饮料业务的数据,“这种对手工选择的偏爱推动了独立面包店销售的增长,独立面包店的销售预计今年将增长25.3%,达到16亿英镑。”
5 So, try a new flavour and shop local. Who knows what new trend is around the corner.
5因此,尝试一种新的风味并在当地购物。 谁知道什么新趋势临近。
1 What's best: a brand new phone or a day out with your friends? Is it better to spend money to buy things or to do things? A study of UK consumers showed that six in ten people would rather spend their money on experiences than material possessions. Those aged 18-34 reported spending the highest amount on fun activities.
1什么是最好的:全新的电话或与您的朋友一起出去? 花钱买东西或做事更好吗? 对英国消费者的一项研究表明,十分之六的人宁愿将钱花在经验上而不是物质财产上。 年龄18-34岁的人报告说,在有趣的活动上花费最高。
2 Possessions can last for many years, while experiences are fleeting. This, however, might be the wrong way to look at things. Psychology professor Thomas Gilovich discovered that the happiness that objects provide can fade quickly. We adapt to having new possessions, so that rather than being something we are excited by, they just become our new normal. Soon we may even want to buy a better version of the things we own. Our feelings around possessions can also be affected by others. We tend to compare what we have with other people. If someone else has something better, we can start to feel envious.
2财产可以持续多年,而经历正在转瞬即逝。 但是,这可能是看事物的错误方法。 心理学教授托马斯·吉洛维奇(Thomas Gilovich)发现,物体提供的幸福会很快消失。 我们适应拥有新财产,因此,他们只是成为我们的新常态,而不是成为我们感到兴奋的事物。 很快,我们甚至可能想购买我们拥有的物品的更好版本。 我们对财产的感觉也可能受到他人的影响。 我们倾向于将自己的东西与他人进行比较。 如果其他人有更好的事情,我们可以开始感到嫉妒。
3 A holiday or a day out may have a short duration, but the happiness it provides can last much longer. Waiting for our latest purchases to be delivered is frustrating, but waiting for an exciting event gives us a feeling of anticipation. Experiences are often shared, so we gain pleasure from social connection and time spent with other people. Memories of our experiences become part of our identity. As Gilovich points out, we are the sum of our experiences. Indeed, the very fact that experiences last for a limited time can give them value. A physical good deteriorates over time, while our memories of an experience can give us pleasure year after year.
3假期或一天的休息时间可能持续很短,但是它提供的幸福可以持续更长的时间。 等待我们最新的购买交付令人沮丧,但是等待激动人心的活动使我们有一种期待的感觉。 经验经常分享,因此我们从与他人度过的社交联系和时间中获得了乐趣。 对我们经历的记忆成为我们身份的一部分。 正如吉洛维奇(Gilovich)指出的那样,我们是我们的经验总和。 确实,经验持续有限的时间可以使他们有价值。 随着时间的流逝,身体的好处会恶化,而我们对体验的记忆可以使我们年复一年。
4 Of course, it's not always that simple. Other studies have suggested that happiness gained from experiences might depend on your personality type, and how many possessions you already have. People with more introverted personality types may get less benefit from social occasions and those with few possessions may get greater benefit from objects. However, for many of us, it could be that when choosing how to spend our disposable income, we'll get far more benefit by spending on something to do, rather than something to have.
4当然,这并不总是那么简单。 其他研究表明,从经验中获得的幸福可能取决于您的性格类型以及您已经拥有多少财产。 具有内向的人格类型的人在社会场合中可能会获得较少的好处,而那些拥有财产很少的人可能会从物体中获得更大的好处。 但是,对于我们许多人来说,可能是在选择如何花费我们的可支配收入时,我们会通过花费一些东西而不是要拥有的东西来获得更多的好处。
Dianthus Interspecific Capitán Magnifica is a new dianthus plant. It thrived through the test gardens’ summer heat. Its pink flowers, that grow on long stems, can be used as cut flowers. Cutting the plants back after their first bloom can result in strong new growth and better flower production. This dianthus was bred by Selecta One.
戴安娜斯间种间的CapitánMagnifica是一种新的Dianthus植物。 它在测试花园的夏季炎热中蓬勃发展。 它的粉红色花朵在长茎上生长,可用作切花。 将植物首次开花后将植物切断会导致新的新生长和更好的花生产生。 这个Dianthus由Selecta One繁殖。
Marigold Mango Tango is a marigold that has two-colored blooms: yellow and red. The small, strong plants provide nonstop color over an extended season. The variety was honored by European judges. It can be used for plantings in garden borders and in containers. Ernst Benary of America bred this variety.
万寿菊芒果探戈(Marigold Marigold)是一种有两色花朵的万寿菊:黄色和红色。 较小的植物在延长的季节内提供不间断的颜色。 该品种受到欧洲法官的尊敬。 它可用于花园边界和容器中的种植。 恩斯特·贝尼(Ernst Benary)繁殖了这种品种。
Nasturtium Baby Gold, Nasturtium Baby Red, and Nasturtium Baby Yellow were also praised by European judges.
Nasturtium Baby Gold,Nasturtium Baby Red和Nasturtium Baby Yellow也受到欧洲法官的称赞。
These new, small nasturtiums produce golden-yellow, rich red and soft yellow flowers that look pleasing next to their dark-green leaves. The judges praised their uniformly small appearance. Takii Europe BV bred these flowers.
这些新的小nasturtiums产生了金黄色,浓郁的红色和柔软的黄色花朵,它们在深绿色的叶子旁边看起来令人愉悦。 法官称赞他们统一的外观。 Takii Europe BV繁殖了这些花。
Petunia Dekko Maxx Pink is easy to grow and grows quickly.
矮牵牛Dekko Maxx Pink易于生长和快速生长。
These spreading, flat blooms excited the judges during summer trials. Flowers covered the plants throughout the season and held up well against heavy rain and bad weather. It was bred by Syngenta Flowers.
在夏季试验期间,这些散布的扁平盛开兴奋了法官。 整个季节,鲜花覆盖了植物,并在大雨和恶劣的天气中保持良好状态。 它是由先正达花繁殖的。
Petunia Shake Raspberry F1 has been compared to “a blended raspberry milkshake swirled with lemon-lime green sorbet on a superior-performing petunia.” This flower resisted heat and provided colorful blooms all season. It was bred by Hem Genetics BV.
Petunia Shake Raspberry F1与“混合的覆盆子奶昔在出色的矮牵牛上旋转着柠檬石灰绿色冰糕”。 这朵花抵抗热量,并在整个季节提供五颜六色的盛开。 它是由Hem遗传学BV繁殖的。
Snapdragon DoubleShot Yellow Red Heart F1 smells like sweet candy. It bloomed earlier than similar varieties in the trials. Trial judges noted its healthy, strong growth, long-lasting flowers, and good heat tolerance. Hem Genetics also bred this variety.
Snapdragon Doubleshot黄色心脏F1闻起来像甜糖果。 它比试验中的类似品种早已开花。 审判法官注意到其健康,强大的生长,持久的花朵和良好的耐热性。 下摆遗传学也繁殖了这种品种。
And finally, Zinnia Zydeco Fire is a disease-resistant zinnia variety that is fiery orange colored with strong stems. Judges found its flowers to be larger and more resilient than those of similar plants. Syngenta Flowers bred this variety as well.
最后,Zinnia Zydeco Fire是一种抗病性的Zinnia品种,其烈火橙色,具有较强的茎。 法官发现其花比类似植物的花更大,更有弹性。 先正达花也繁殖了这种品种。
We hope this list provides you with ideas for your garden planting wherever you are.
If you are a gardener, you probably have some favorite plants that you grow year after year. But you might also like to try new plants sometimes.
如果您是园丁,那么您可能会年复一年地生长一些最喜欢的植物。 但是您可能有时也想尝试新植物。
Gardening expert Jessica Damiano recently reported for the Associated Press about one way to find new plants that might appeal to growers.
园艺专家杰西卡·达米诺(Jessica Damiano)最近向美联社报道了一种寻找可能吸引种植者的新植物的一种方法。
Each year, the independent, nonprofit organization All-America Selections (AAS) enlists more than 80 horticultural professionals from around the United States and Canada to serve as plant-trial judges.
Today, we share newly developed flowering plants meant to improve the appearance of your garden.
Celosia Flamma Pink is an upright flowering plant.
Celosia Flamma Pink是一种直立的开花植物。
This pink variety is the latest introduction in the Flamma Celosia series. It is a small, easy-to-grow celosia noted for strong blooming and vibrant, long-lasting flowers.
这种粉红色品种是Flamma Celosia系列中的最新介绍。 它是一种小的,易于生长的celosia,可用于浓郁的盛开和充满活力的悠久的花朵。
Judges praised its good performance even in hot and humid weather. It also lasts a long time in a container after it is cut. The plant is bred by Clover Seed Company.
即使在炎热潮湿的天气下,法官也称赞其良好的表现。 切割后,它还可以在容器中持续很长时间。 该工厂由三叶草种子公司繁殖。
Vinca Sphere Polkadot is a flat wide-petaled flower.
Vinca Sphere Polkadot是一朵扁平的宽开花。
Judges called this vinca variety resilient and beautiful. With a naturally tightly grouped, rounded appearance, the plant blooms throughout the summer. It grows well in hot, dry conditions and has good disease resistance and durability against heavy rain and storms. It is bred by Miyoshi & Co.
法官称这种Vinca品种具有韧性和美丽。 整个夏天,植物盛开,植物盛开。 它在炎热,干燥的条件下生长良好,并且具有良好的抗病性和耐用性,以防止大雨和暴风雨。 它由Miyoshi&Co。育种。
Zinnia Crestar Mix combines “the best” crested zinnias in one seed pack. The pink, orange, red, white, peach and yellow flower blends well for mass plantings and succession sowing. Succession sowing means growing several plants that bloom in different seasons in your garden. Zinnia Crestar Mix can also provide a continuous supply of cut flowers during summer. The sun-loving plants also tolerated heat and humidity well in the trials. It is bred by Takii Europe.
Zinnia Crestar混合物在一个种子包中结合了“最佳”冠冠。 粉红色,橙色,红色,白色,桃子和黄色的花融合了大众种植和继承播种。 继承播种意味着种植几种在花园中不同季节开花的植物。 夏尼亚乳奶酪混合物还可以在夏季提供连续的切花供应。 热爱阳光的植物在试验中也很好地耐受热和湿度。 它是由欧洲的Takii繁殖的。
Dahlia Black Forest Ruby has ruby-red flowers that show up nicely against dark-colored leaves. The disease-resistant plant impressed judges with its overall durability. It was bred by Takii Europe B.V.
大丽花黑森林红宝石(Ruby Ruby)有红宝石红色的花朵,与深色叶子相处得很好。 抗病植物的整体耐用性给法官留下了深刻的印象。 它是由Takii Europe B.V.育种的
Diagnoses have been increasing in both kids and adults. The recent government report also found adult ADHD was more common than earlier estimates had suggested.
儿童和成人的诊断都在增加。 最近的政府报告还发现,成人多动症比早期估计所表明的更为普遍。
“We haven’t had (federal) adult ADHD data in a long time,” said Angelika Claussen. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researcher was one of the study’s writers.
“很长一段时间以来,我们已经有(联邦)成人多动症数据了。” 美国疾病控制和预防中心研究人员是该研究的作家之一。
There were signs of the rise, she added. Increasing demand for ADHD medication led to severe shortages after the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020. A 2023 study showed the rise in prescriptions, or doctors’ orders for such medication, was notable in adults — especially among women.
她补充说,有上升的迹象。 对多动症药物的需求不断增长,导致在2020年3月共同19日大流行后严重短缺。2023年的一项研究表明,处方的增加,或者医生的这种药物命令在成年人中,尤其是女性。
ADHD diagnoses and medication were increasing before the pandemic. This is partly because of a change in general diagnostic measures in 2013. Those changes expanded the definition of ADHD and reduced the number of signs, or symptoms, required for diagnosis.
多动症诊断和药物在大流行之前正在增加。 这部分是因为2013年的一般诊断措施发生了变化。这些变化扩大了多动症的定义,并减少了诊断所需的体征数量或症状。
But cases really seemed to increase in 2020, when schools closed and many adults were forced to work from home.
“It’s very difficult to focus when you are home and you have kids,” Claussen said. She said such conditions may have worsened ADHD symptoms in people with less severe cases.
克劳森说:“当您回家并且有孩子时,很难集中精力。” 她说,这种情况可能会使病例较少的人恶化ADHD症状恶化。
Experts say that it was long believed that ADHD was underdiagnosed in adults. Now, experts debate about whether it has become over-diagnosed.
专家说,长期以来,人们相信ADHD在成年人中被诊断不足。 现在,专家们辩论它是否已被过度诊断。
There is no blood or brain test for the disorder. Experts say it is diagnosed when symptoms cause ongoing problems in more than one area of life, and when those symptoms began in early childhood. Experts say the best way professionals diagnose ADHD is by getting careful histories from patients and from people who know them. They also might test a patient’s memory and ability to focus.
该疾病没有血液或大脑检查。 专家说,当症状在不止一个以上的生活中以及这些症状在幼儿时期开始时,症状会导致持续的问题时,就会被诊断出来。 专家说,专业人士诊断多动症的最佳方法是从患者和认识他们的人那里仔细的历史。 他们还可能测试患者的记忆和专注能力。
But getting an appointment with a mental health professional can take months. And assessments can cost thousands of dollars. Many people turn to family doctors. People also take online diagnostic tests, some of which are linked to health companies that prescribe medications.
但是,与心理健康专业人员一起预约可能需要几个月的时间。 评估可能会花费数千美元。 许多人转向家庭医生。 人们还参加在线诊断测试,其中一些与开药的保健公司有关。
“There is a wide variability in this country in how people diagnose, how strict they are, and who they diagnose,” said Margaret Sibley. She is psychologist at University of Washington.
玛格丽特·西布利(Margaret Sibley)说:“这个国家的人们如何诊断,他们的严格程度和诊断是谁的差异。” 她是华盛顿大学的心理学家。
The American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders is preparing a set of diagnosis and treatment guidelines for American health professionals who treat adults. Sibley is leading the work on the guidelines, which the organization expects to release later this year.
美国多动症及相关疾病的美国专业学会正在为治疗成年人的美国卫生专业人员准备一套诊断和治疗指南。 Sibley正在领导该指南的工作,该组织预计将在今年晚些时候发布。
Allison Burk’s daughter was struggling. The American teenager had uncontrolled emotions, a decreased ability to pay attention and trouble completing work on time. A family doctor suggested testing for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.
艾莉森·伯克(Allison Burk)的女儿在挣扎。 这位美国少年的情绪不受控制,注意力的能力降低,并且按时完成工作麻烦。 一位家庭医生建议测试注意力缺陷/多动症或多动症。
This led to an unexpected discovery: The teen had ADHD, and her mother, Allison Burk, did too. During her daughter’s testing, Burk thought, “Wait a minute. This sounds familiar.”
这导致了一个意外的发现:这名少年患有多动症,她的母亲艾莉森·伯克(Allison Burk)也做了。 在女儿的测试中,伯克想:“等一下。 这听起来很熟悉。”
“I was able to piece together that this might be something I was experiencing,” said Burk, who lives in Columbus, Ohio. She sought testing for herself and was diagnosed with ADHD — at 42 years old.
伯克说:“我能够拼凑这可能是我正在经历的事情。” 她寻求自己的测试,并在42岁时被诊断出患有多动症。
More adults are being diagnosed with ADHD. Diagnoses have been rising for at least 20 years but seem to have increased sharply in the last few years.
更多的成年人被诊断出患有多动症。 诊断至少有20年的增长,但在过去几年中似乎急剧增加。
A recent government study suggested that more than 15 million adults in the United States — about 1 in 17 — have been diagnosed with ADHD. The condition starts in childhood, but about half of adults with ADHD are diagnosed when they are 18 or older.
最近的政府研究表明,美国有1500万成年人(大约17分之一)被诊断出患有多动症。 病情始于童年,但是大约一半的ADHD成年人在18岁或以上时被诊断出来。
Some doctors say the number of people seeking ADHD testing is sharply increasing.
“Just in our clinic, requests for assessments have doubled in the last two years,” said Justin Barterian. He is a psychologist based at Ohio State University.
贾斯汀·巴特里安(Justin Barterian)说:“就在我们的诊所中,过去两年的评估要求增加了一倍。” 他是俄亥俄州立大学的心理学家。
ADHD makes it hard for people to pay attention and control their behaviors. The disorder can be genetic. Doctors often treat the disorder with drugs, behavioral therapy, or both.
多动症使人们很难关注和控制自己的行为。 该疾病可能是遗传的。 医生经常通过药物,行为疗法或两者治疗这种疾病。
Judy Sandler is 62 years old and lives in the U.S. state of Maine. She was diagnosed in her 50s. Sandler describes what ADHD feels like for her. “It’s like there’s an engine in you and you feel like it’s always running, and you can’t turn it off except with medication,” Sandler said.
朱迪·桑德勒(Judy Sandler)今年62岁,居住在美国缅因州。 她在50多岁时被诊断出。 桑德勒描述了多动症对她的感觉。 桑德勒说:“就像你里面有一台引擎,你觉得它总是在运行,除了用药物外,你不能将其关闭。”
ADHD has been called the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder in American children. More than 7 million children in the U.S. have been diagnosed. The disorder was once thought to be something that resolved as children became adults.
ADHD被称为美国儿童中最常见的心理健康障碍。 已诊断出美国超过700万儿童。 曾经认为,随着孩子成年,这种疾病被认为是解决的。
But now, experts say they believe that many people are not diagnosed as kids and that the disorder continues into adulthood.
Adults with the condition talk about having trouble focusing on immediate responsibilities and planning their time. Some say the disorder has led to problems in their personal relationships.
患有这种情况的成年人谈论要专注于立即责任并计划时间。 有人说,这种疾病导致了他们的人际关系问题。
Nearly 200 people in Vienna, Austria, gathered recently to enjoy two fun activities at the same time.
They worked with needles and yarn. And they watched a movie together called The Devil Wears Prada.
"It sounds a bit like a grandmother, but it's relaxing.And…what's wrong with letting the grandmother in us express herself," joked Austrian Alexander Koch. He is a 28-year-old who crochets.
奥地利亚历山大·科赫(Alexander Koch)开玩笑说:“这听起来有点像祖母,但很放松。……让我们内心的祖母表达自己有什么问题。” 他是一个28岁的钩针编织。
Knitting or crocheting while watching movies has gained popularity in Europe.
Luisa Palmer was one of the organizers of the event. Palmer said that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, "A lot of people started knitting during the lockdown alone at home." Palmer launched the knitting evenings once a month at Votiv Kino, a place to watch movies in the center of the Austrian capital.
路易莎·帕尔默(Luisa Palmer)是活动的组织者之一。 帕尔默(Palmer)说,在19日期的大流行期间,“很多人就在家里就开始编织。” 帕尔默每月在奥地利首都中心观看电影的场所每月开展编织晚会。
"Now we need to find ourselves…" in real life, the 30-year-old told the French News Agency (AFP) before the event.
People are knitting, eating, or even breastfeeding babies while watching a movie. This movement is the latest attempt to add different things to the movie-watching experience, said Lisa Stolze. She is a spokesperson for Votiv Kino, the movie house.
人们在看电影时在编织,进食,甚至是母乳喂养的婴儿。 丽莎·斯托兹(Lisa Stolze)说,这项运动是为电影观看体验添加不同事物的最新尝试。 她是电影屋Toviv Kino的发言人。
To avoid knitting mistakes, a soft light remains on during the movie. This also helps to increase exchanges between the attendees.
为了避免编织错误,电影期间柔和的光线仍然亮着。 这也有助于增加与会者之间的交流。
Organizers based their event on similar ones in the United States, Northern Europe, Germany and France. Since launching in December of 2024, the movie events in Vienna are usually full.
组织者将其活动基于美国,北欧,德国和法国的类似活动。 自2024年12月上映以来,维也纳的电影活动通常很满。
"I usually knit while watching movies or listening to podcasts at home, so movie theaters are the perfect place for this activity," said Kaja Vospernik. She is a 23-year-old fashion student.
Kaja Vospernik说:“我通常在看电影或在家听播客时编织,因此电影院是这项活动的理想场所。” 她是一名23岁的时尚系学生。
As the movie plays, the colorful projects take shape. The film takes a back seat, meaning it is less important than the work of knitting or crocheting. Everyone shows off their work. Experienced knitters and crocheters help beginners learn new skills.
电影播放时,色彩鲜艳的项目就会成形。 这部电影坐下了座位,这意味着它不如编织或钩编的工作重要。 每个人都炫耀他们的工作。 经验丰富的编织者和钩针编织者可以帮助初学者学习新技能。
"You can come alone and knit in silence to relax. But if you are looking for company, this kind of event seems to me to be the right choice," said Judith Haslöwer.
She is another organizer of the event.
People attend the events for several reasons. Some say the events let them reconnect with something real that is not on a computer. Others say they can “slow down a little.”
人们参加活动的原因有几个。 有人说这些事件让他们与不在计算机上的真实事物重新连接。 其他人说他们可以“放慢一点”。
Palmer said, "Doing something with your ten fingers is still more rewarding…" than working at a computer all day.
She added that picking the right movie is also important. Palmer likes to watch a good "cozy comedy” that she has already seen. She joked that it is best to avoid scary movies. They can make you jump causing you to lose your place in your knitting.
她补充说,挑选正确的电影也很重要。 帕尔默(Palmer)喜欢观看她已经看到的一部好的“舒适喜剧”。她开玩笑说最好避免恐怖电影。他们可以让您跳跃,使您在编织中失去自己的位置。
A private spacecraft carrying several science experiments has successfully landed on the moon.
The lander, called Blue Ghost, was built by the American company Firefly Aerospace. The spacecraft touched down March 2 on the part of the moon’s near side called Mare Crisium. The near side of the moon is the side facing Earth.
兰德(称为蓝色幽灵)是由美国公司Firefly Aerospace建造的。 该航天器于3月2日在月球附近的一侧称为Mare Crisium。 月球的近侧是面向地球的一侧。
Officials at Firefly’s Mission Control center near Austin, Texas, confirmed the successful landing. The chief engineer for the Blue Ghost mission, Will Coogan, announced to excited workers: “We’re on the moon.”
德克萨斯州奥斯汀附近的Firefly Mission Control Center的官员证实了成功的登陆。 蓝色幽灵任务的首席工程师威尔·库根(Will Coogan)向激动的工人宣布:“我们在月球上。”
The officials said the spacecraft landed in the right position and was operating normally. The successful touchdown makes Firefly the first private company to land a spacecraft on the moon without crashing or having a major problem.
官员们说,航天器降落在正确的位置,并且正常运作。 成功的达阵使Firefly成为第一家在没有崩溃或遇到重大问题的情况下将航天器登陆的私人公司。
Only five countries can claim successful moon landings: Russia, the United States, China, India and Japan.
Blue Ghost is named after a rare kind of firefly found in the U.S. The four-legged lander is two meters tall and 3.5 meters wide. It launched in mid-January from Florida, carrying 10 experiments for the American space agency NASA.
蓝色幽灵以在美国发现的一种罕见的萤火虫命名,四足着陆器高两米,宽3.5米。 它于1月中旬从佛罗里达州推出,为美国航空航天局NASA进行了10次实验。
In a statement, NASA said the 10 experiments are designed to operate on the surface of the moon for one lunar day, which is about 14 Earth days. The Associated Press reported that NASA paid $101 million for the spacecraft and $44 million for the equipment it carried.
NASA在一份声明中说,这10个实验旨在在月球表面运行一个月球日,大约是14天。 美联社报道说,美国宇航局为航天器支付了1.01亿美元,并为其携带的设备支付了4,400万美元。
It was the third mission under NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. The program aims to turn over the country’s major space missions to private companies to reduce costs. Several other companies are part of the program.
这是NASA商业月球有效载荷服务(CLPS)计划的第三项任务。 该计划旨在将该国的主要太空任务移交给私人公司,以降低成本。 其他几家公司也是该计划的一部分。
Another lander, called Athena, is set to attempt a moon landing on March 6. That four-meter-tall spacecraft was built and operated by Houston-based Intuitive Machines. It will land on another part of the moon, about 160 kilometers from the lunar south pole.
另一个名为Athena的着陆器将在3月6日尝试月球登陆。该四米高的航天器是由休斯顿的直觉机器建造和操作的。 它将降落在月球的另一部分,距离月南极约160公里。
A third lander from private Japanese company ispace will attempt a moon landing in about three months. The lander, called Resilience, shared its rocket ride with Blue Ghost. But it took a longer path to the moon. The company is also attempting to land on the moon for the second time. Its first lander crashed in 2023.
来自日本私人公司ISPACE的第三个着陆器将在大约三个月内尝试月球登陆。 登陆者称为弹性,与蓝色幽灵分享了它的火箭骑行。 但是它花了更长的道路通往月球。 该公司还试图第二次登陆月球。 它的第一批着陆器在2023年坠毁。
NASA has said it aims to have two private landers launch to the moon each year, realizing some missions will fail. The space agency’s top science officer is Nicky Fox. She told the AP the latest launches “open up a whole new way for us to get more science to space and to the moon."
NASA表示,其目标是每年将两个私人着陆人推向月球,意识到某些任务将失败。 航天局的高级科学官是尼克·福克斯(Nicky Fox)。 她告诉美联社,最新发射“为我们开辟了一种全新的方式,使我们可以使更多的科学登上太空和月球。”
In the past, NASA’s successful moon landings involving astronauts cost billions of dollars. But Firefly chief Jason Kim said the private companies now building and launching spacecraft have a limited budget and the spacecraft operate robotically.
过去,NASA成功的月球登陆涉及宇航员的登月耗资数十亿美元。 但是萤火虫负责人杰森·金(Jason Kim)表示,现在建造和推出航天器的私人公司的预算有限,航天器的运作方式是机器人的。
Kim said everything went just as planned with Blue Ghost’s landing. “We got some moon dust on our boots," he added.
金说,一切都按照蓝色幽灵的着陆计划进行。 他补充说:“我们的靴子上有一些月光灰尘。”
Sleep deprivation, or lack of sleep, is linked to heart disease, weight conditions, problems with thinking and remembering, and more.
Deadly car crash numbers increase the first few days after the spring time change, a study of U.S. traffic deaths says. The risk of crashes is highest in the morning, it found. Researchers suggested sleep deprivation might be responsible.
一项对美国交通死亡的研究说,致命的车祸数量在春季变化后的头几天增加。 它发现,坠机的风险在早晨最高。 研究人员认为,睡眠不足可能是负责的。
The time change also has a link to the heart. The American Heart Association points to studies that suggest an increase in heart attacks on the Monday after daylight saving time begins, and in strokes for two days afterward.
时间变化也有与心脏的联系。 美国心脏协会指出的研究表明,在日新月晚的星期一开始,心脏病发作的增加开始了,并在两天后用中风。
Doctors already know that heart attacks, especially severe ones, are a bit more common on Mondays generally — and in the morning, when blood is more likely to clot.
医生已经知道,心脏病发作,尤其是严重的心脏病发作,通常在星期一更为普遍 - 早晨,当血液更有可能凝结时。
Researchers do not know why the time change would add to that Monday connection. But it is possible the sudden circadian change influences other issues such as high blood pressure in people already at risk.
研究人员不知道为什么时间变化会增加周一的联系。 但是,突然的昼夜节律可能会影响其他问题,例如已经处于危险的人中的高血压。
To prepare for daylight saving time, experts offer some advice. Slowly move bedtimes about 15 or 20 minutes earlier for several nights before the time change. Try to rise earlier the next morning, too. Go outside for early morning sunshine the first week of daylight saving time. This is another way to help reset your body’s clock. Start daily activities, like dinner or exercise, a little earlier. This may help tell your body to start getting used to the new conditions, sleep experts suggest.
为了为节省日光的时间做准备,专家提供了一些建议。 在时间变化之前,大约15或20分钟前几个晚上慢慢移动睡眠时间。 第二天早上也尝试崛起。 在夏令时的第一周出门享受清晨的阳光。 这是帮助重置身体时钟的另一种方法。 早点开始日常活动,例如晚餐或运动。 睡眠专家建议,这可能有助于告诉您的身体开始适应新的条件。
Daytime sleeping, the drug caffeine and light from phones and other electronic devices can make an earlier bedtime even harder.
Americans have discussed ending daylight saving time. But so far, no official changes have been made.
美国人已经讨论了结束日光节省时间。 但是到目前为止,尚未进行官方更改。
Health groups such as the American Medical Association and American Academy of Sleep Medicine believe it is time to end time changes. The groups suggest that staying with standard time year-round works better for human biology and sleep needs.
美国医学协会和美国睡眠医学学院等卫生组织认为,现在是时候结束时间变化了。 这些小组认为,与全年的标准时间保持在一起,可以更好地满足人类的生物学和睡眠需求。
Much of the United States “springs forward” on Sunday, March 9th, for daylight saving time. Worldwide, many other countries also observe daylight saving time, starting and ending on different dates.
美国大部分地区在 3 月 9 日星期日“提前”实行夏令时。在全球范围内,许多其他国家/地区也遵守夏令时,从不同的日期开始和结束。
The time change can leave people tired and perhaps unhappy the next day. But it also might even harm health. Some studies have found an increase in heart attacks and strokes right after the March time change.
时间变化会使人们第二天疲倦甚至不开心。 但这甚至可能损害健康。 一些研究发现,在三月时间变化后,心脏病发作和中风有所增加。
However, there are ways to ease the effects of the time change, including getting more sunshine. The light helps reset your circadian rhythm for healthful sleep.
但是,有一些方法可以缓解时间变化的影响,包括获得更多的阳光。 光线有助于重置您的昼夜节律,以使其健康睡眠。
In the U.S., daylight saving time begins Sunday at 2:00 in the morning. The time change will reverse on November 2 when clocks “fall back” as daylight saving time ends.
在美国,夏令时节的时间是在周日的2:00开始。 随着日光节省时间结束,时钟“倒退”时,时间变化将在11月2日倒转。
The state of Hawaii and most of the state of Arizona do not make the spring change. Those areas remain on standard time along with Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
夏威夷州和亚利桑那州大部分地区并没有改变春季的变化。 这些地区与波多黎各,美国萨摩亚,关岛和美属维尔京群岛一起保持标准时间。
Some people try to prepare for the change to daylight saving time by going to bed a little earlier two or three nights ahead. But with a third of American adults already not getting the suggested seven hours of nightly sleep, catching up can be difficult.
有些人试图为改变日光的时间做准备,以便在前面的两三个晚上上床睡觉。 但是,由于三分之一的美国成年人已经没有得到建议的七个小时的睡眠,因此很难赶上。
The brain has a kind of clock that is set by exposure to sunlight and darkness. This clock, known as the circadian rhythm, is on a roughly 24-hour cycle. It governs when we become sleepy and when we are more wakeful. The rhythms change with age. This is one reason that early-to-rise young children turn into hard-to-wake teenagers.
大脑的时钟是通过暴露在阳光和黑暗中来设定的。 这个时钟被称为昼夜节律,大约是24小时的周期。 当我们变得困倦时,当我们更加清醒时,它会政策。 节奏随着年龄的增长而变化。 这就是早期幼儿变成难以熟力的青少年的原因之一。
Morning light resets the rhythm. By evening, levels of a hormone called melatonin begin to increase, leading to tiredness. Too much light in the evening — that extra hour from daylight saving time — delays the melatonin increase. As a result, the cycle gets delayed.
早晨灯重置节奏。 到晚上,称为褪黑激素的激素水平开始增加,导致疲倦。 晚上太多的光线(夏令时期的额外小时)延迟了褪黑激素的增加。 结果,周期被延迟。
The circadian rhythm affects more than sleep. It also influences heart rate, blood pressure, hormone releases and other systems.
昼夜节律影响不仅仅是睡眠。 它还影响心率,血压,激素释放和其他系统。
In labs around the world, scientists have been studying tiny black specks of dust from asteroid Bennu. They were collected by a NASA spacecraft which travelled to the space rock and unfurled a robotic arm to grab a sample to bring back to Earth.
The detailed analysis has found the asteroid contains thousands of organic compounds, including amino acids, which are the molecules that make up proteins, and nucleobases – the fundamental components of DNA. This doesn't mean Bennu ever had life on it, but the theory is that asteroids like it crashed into the Earth early in our history, delivering these vital ingredients that enabled life to start here.
在对样本的详细分析后发现,这颗小行星含有数千种有机化合物,包括能构成蛋白质的氨基酸和 DNA 的基本组成部分核碱基。这一发现并不意味着贝努上曾经有生命存在,但有理论认为和它类似的小行星在我们地球的历史早期撞击了地球,从而传递了能够让生命在此出现的关键要素。
Scientists think if asteroids were bringing water and organic molecules to Earth, the same was happening on other planets too. This raises the question of whether Earth is unique, or if life started elsewhere in our solar system but we just haven't found it yet.
specks (粉尘的)颗粒
unfurled 展开了,打开了
sample 样本
amino acids 氨基酸
nucleobases 核碱基
fundamental components 基本的组成部分,基本构件
unique 独特的,独一无二的 - Laat meer zien