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Don’t worry this is not another couple making a relationship podcast, it’s WAY more than that! Listen in on what are normally Alia and Yoni’s private, day-to-day, honest conversations about their relationship, friendships, careers, fears, feelings, and whatever else is leftover. Being different ages, meeting on a little app called Tinder, and growing up on different sides of Europe (Romania & Belgium), it keeps people wondering what the conversations behind closed doors are really like. Get ready for an honest, raw, uncomfortable, and hilarious time!
Melis, Orkun ve onların “İlişki Halleri”…
Birbirine zıt 2 karakter veya şöyle diyelim; ortak yönleri az olan bir çift. Evet, bu şekilde kulağa daha yumuşak geldi. Melis ve Orkun yaklaşık 2 yıldır birlikteler ve 8 aydır birlikte yaşıyorlar. Orkun mühendis, bir bankada yazılımcı olarak çalışıyor. Melis ise ajansta metin yazarı. Yani biri sayısalcı, biri sözelci. Başta zıt karakterler demiştik. Çoğu zaman ilişkilerde yaşanan olaylar benzer olsa da, her ilişkinin kendine özgü halleri oluyor elbette. Bakalım Melis ve Orkun’un “İlişki Halleri” nasılmış?
Kavgalar, gürültüler, ağlamalar, sızlamalar, gülüşmeler, sevişmeler, yemeler, içmeler, sevmeler, nefret etmeler, gelmeler, gitmeler… Haydi, buyurun Podi’nin özgün içerikli yeni Podcast dizisi İlişki Halleri’ne.
Yapım: Podi Media
Yazan ve Yöneten: Selin Damla
Seslendirenler: Funda Güray, Hazal Güneş Özkan, Alper Yakıcı
Prodüksiyon: Emrullah Gül -
Подкаст-реалити, где жена вахтовика рассказывает, как подстраиваться под ритм вахтовой жизни, не теряя себя, а наоборот: знакомясь с собой и видя в этом изменчивом мире возможности для роста.
Меня зовут Оксана, я монтажер подкастов, эмигрант и уже 9 лет я и моя семья живем в вахтовом ритме. “Жена вахтовика” — лишь одна из моих социальных ролей, но именно она определяет мой образ жизни и в целом нашу семью.
В этом подкасте я с моими гостями будем делиться своим опытом: рассказывать про отношения, родительство, эмиграцию и самореализацию со стороны вахтового ритма жизни. Вместе мы узнаем:
- кто такая жена вахтовика
- как планировать общее будущее, если у каждого партнера свой ритм жизни
- узнаёт ли ребенок отца после нескольких месяцев разлуки
- возможно ли вообще построить счастливую семью на расстоянии друг от друга в тысячи километров
Об этих и других особенностях вахтовой жизни слушайте в выпусках каждую вторую пятницу
*Социальные сети Instagram и Facebook запрещены в РФ. Компания Meta признана экстремистской организацией на территории Российской Федерации.
We’re just your traditional lesbian couple next door, but API (Asian-American Pacific Islander), and originally from Hawaii (born & raised). We’re married, and have been partners in life and music since 2001. We try to keep it uplifting, entertaining, and educational around here for the LGBTQ community and progressive allies. Our podcast is for fans of positive spirituality, holistic health, and being the best you can be. Living Your Love Story means cultivating a love for your life as it is, AND as you’re creating it to be! Join us!
Welcome to B4 U Call Me Crazy! I'm your host, Komal Nambiar, and I'm here to be your BFFR. We all have toxic habits, questions that need answers, and new and funny ways to think of life to make it easier and fun. And, well, y'all, I'm here for all of that.
Growing up as an Indian girl in a very southern part of Georgia, I've been through a lot, including battles with friendships, messy relationships 😂, and overcoming internalized racism while discovering my true self.
I'm the first to admit the mistakes I've made in life, and I want this to be a safe space where we can open up and grow as icons together. Join me on this new journey of self-reflection, filled with lots of laughter.
Now What? is a pierced media production
TikTok -
What is love? Relationships, Personal Stories, Love Life…Notable Creatives & Real People discuss love in all its forms. We hear from filmmakers, artists, musicians, environmentalists, NGOs, and explorers about what they love. This season, we’ll also be sharing your reflections on LOVE. Tell us about what you love, as well as your reflections on what love is, why we need it, why it escapes us, and how we can hold onto it. Publish your story alongside our interviews with Oscar, Emmy, Tony, Nobel, Pulitzer Award-winning Artists, Museums & International Organizations on WWW.CREATIVEPROCESS.INFO
To appear in our podcast, submit your story on:
A travers mes yeux est une mini série qui parle de mon histoire. De ce qui se passe dans ma tête. La plus part des personnes me prennent pour une personne joyeuse. Mais ils ne savent pas mon histoire et les conséquences qu’elles ont eu dans ma tête. J’ai eu un périple qui a chamboulé toute ma vie.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Η Αναστασία Παύλου και η Δάφνη Τσάρτσαρου δίνουν ραντεβού στο στούντιο του και μιλάνε για σχέσεις, ενώ μοιράζονται με το κοινό τους συμβουλές και εμπειρίες - προσωπικά βιώματα για γέλια και για κλάματα, ιστορίες φίλων, ηχητικά μηνύματα, τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις, ζωντανές συνδέσεις και ότι άλλο μπορείς να φανταστείς
Join Matt and Sunaina as they learn how to live more joyful and compassionate lives, using mindfulness and Nonviolent Communication to map their journey.
Every few weeks, they and their guests will explore topics related to wellness, relationships, empathy, growth, and compassion.
Learn more at -
The Fire Inside Her Podcast is navigating life transitions with self care, authenticity, and wisdom in a supportive community. This community is a brave space to share stories of life transitions with authenticity, using our inner fire to light the way and self care as our loyal travel companion. Use the wisdom of leaders, warriors, courageous souls, and trailblazers on your journey to find purposeful balance and integration with life, love, and work. Free Self Care Audio at
Bu çağın belirsizliğine yaraşır şekilde, haddini bilmek ile aşmak arasında savrulanların acil durum toplanma alanı; Haddini Aşan Yaşam Rehberi'ne hoşgeldiniz!
M. Serdar Kuzuloğlu ve Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı Haddini Aşan Yaşam Rehberi podcast'i hayata sorular yöneltmenin, öğrendiklerini aktarmanın, bilmediklerini ise bilenlere sormanın vesilesi.
Hiç, kendini sevilemez hissettin mi? Hiç, yetersiz ya da eksik olduğunu düşünerek kendini suçladın mı? Peki ya bu suçlamaların dindiğinde kendi varlığınla mutlu oldun mu? İyi ki buradayım dedin mi? İyi ki buradasın. İyi ki varsın.
Yakın İlişkiler; uykunu kaçıranlara eşlik eden, bunu ben nereden bileyim diye düşündüklerine cevap arayan, belki tanıdığın sevdiğin, belki tanımadığın bilmediğin insanlarının mücadelelerini dinleyebileceğin bir ifade alanı.
Psikolog Dr. Gizem Sürenkök ve Podbee Media'nın beraber hazırladığı Yakın İlişkiler podcastinde ikili ilişkilerden tut da kendinle ya da dünyayla kurduğun birçok ilişkilenme çeşidine dair hem bilimsel hem tecrübesel paylaşımları bulabilirsin.
Tekrar, iyi ki buradasın!
Yazılı, görsel paylaşımlar ve daha fazlası için "Yakın İlişkiler" hesaplarını takip edebilirsin.
TOUR TICKETS HERE💕💕💕💕 Cant wait to see you guys there wooohoooo🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🪩🪩🪩🪩✨✨
Join us on Patreon for an extra ep every week!!
Welcome to The Girls Bathroom! We’re Sophia & Cinzia, life-long besties who share a YouTube channel. The Girls Bathroom is a place we all know to be full of girl chat and gossip, and the place we often confide in girls we’ve never even met before! In this podcast we want to help you with your dilemmas, by trying to make sense of these boys wasting our time, the girls trying to make our lives difficult and all the things in between. So come join us for a fun but real chat in the girls bathroom! Disclaimer: we can’t promise we’ll stay on topic!! Follow us on Instagram: @thegirlsbathroom
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
در این پادکست سراغ روایتهای متفاوت از پروندههای جنایی و تروکرایم میرویم
با ما به دنیای تروکرایم سفر کنید
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.