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Making Conversations Podcast - Conversations of making, from makers - is a podcast from silversmith Robyn Galway and ceramicist Jemma Millen - both practicing makers and graduates from the applied art department of Ulster University, who share a love of making and craft.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Art School Podcast is a space for creatives to step into the full expression of their vision and achieve their goals and dreams. The creative process can be applied to creating extraordinary results in all areas of life, in money and personal wellness just as much as in art, and Master Certified Life Coach, artist, and former lawyer Leah Badertscher can show you how. If you can create a painting, a song, or a poem, you can create exactly what you want in all of life. Join Leah each week and learn how to apply principles of the creative process, training, mindset coaching, mental discipline, and rigor to creating the art, money and life you want as a successful artist or creative.
Dan, Ryan and Lloyd discuss the models they recently purchased, different types of diecast models people collect, and why they collect.You can check out Lloyd and Ryan's writing, along with others atLiveandLetDiecast.kinja.comRyan is on Instagram at Ricer_CubeLloyd is on Instagram at Pillarless_coupeDan is on Instagram at dan.mosqueda, on Twitter at MosqvichWe are on Twitter at LiveLetDieCastVisit our Facebook page too.Music with permission and courtesy of Lemon Yellow Hayes© Live and Let Diecast: The Podcast, 2018. All rights reserved.
I am a professional artist-teacher-blogger with over 25 years of first hand experience. This podcast is to help you in this great journey we call art.
Visit my blog for free instructional videos.
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Open Up & Pour is a podcast featuring interesting people who are enthusiastic about wines and spirits and who know a good thing when they taste it. In each episode the founder of the People’s Choice Drinks Awards, Janet Harrison, chats to one or two guests, from industry insiders to regular punters, to find out what it is they love about their favourite tipple.
The theme song, King of Wine, kindly supplied by The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band. Open Up & Pour is a Dap Dip production. -
The podcast show where we read 50 books each year, so you don't have to. With host Mijndert Burger we publish 1 episode for each week, which will equal to 1 book review per week. The books are non-fiction and can vary from memoires, science, sport, lifestyle, experiences, events, fitness, entertainment and so on. We pretty much cover it all. 50 Books per year, are you up for it? For questions contact or go to Are book reviews what you are looking for and do you have requests? Find us on twitter @50books1 and instagram @50_books
Marc Silber is a photographer, best selling author and filmmaker. For over 12 years he’s been conducting video interviews with remarkable photographers who have mastered their craft, passing along their skills to his viewers. His podcast carries on this tradition with top professional photographers such as Sean Tucker, Chris Burkard, Peter Hurley, Lauren Bath, Bob Holmes, Serge Ramelli and many more. Each episode will advance you toward being a more remarkable photographer.
Be sure to check accompanying photos in our show notes at -
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曾經是同一本時尚雜誌刊物,編輯部門的成員,這次以空中生活誌的概念,將生活瑣事、細節觀察與設計思維倒入進去,在我們七嘴八舌下,究竟最後的成果會是如何呢!?歡迎讓我們成為你空中最有意思的朋友,為這慵懶無奇的生活,注入更多值得期待的美好新鮮事!( 每週四 下午五點 準時上架 )- 個人IG【 D Li 】【 F 小姐 】 聯繫方式【 IG 】【 Email 】 (如洽談合作也歡迎來信告知)(歡迎任何想法或心得都可以與我們分享)- 支持如果你願意,也歡迎贊助支持我們的頻道【贊助頁面】 問卷如果想讚許我們,歡迎至Apple Podcast給我們五星評價,或是填寫問卷,讓我們知道你的想法~--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Shopping Design 將透過《設計關鍵字》,和大家聊聊有趣的設計時事、最新展覽、獨特風格的創意人故事,讓我們一起從設計裡找到理想生活的實踐,「聽」到更多精彩的設計生活事!
Shopping Design 官方網站
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映CG / INCG Media 製作的Podcast節目全新一季即將發車拉!此次節目不只關注畢業製作,而是關於整個電腦繪圖界(CG)的創作,舉凡動畫、遊戲、影視、廣告、漫畫等。
節目包含「創作者訪談」、「編輯聊天室」、「職人故事」,你將聽到創作者暢聊創作過程以及創意理念,編輯們的影評、劇評、動畫評或產業觀點,以及CG 藝術家充實熱血卻又爆肝的甘苦談。
一起跟著映CG / INCG Media 的主持人了解這些創作者不為人知的祕密!
追蹤 IG :@incgmedia / 臉書粉絲團:映CG / InCG Media
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