Join Vivi and Jesper to dive into the fascinating connection between books, movies, dramas, and anime in life, occasionally touch on philosophy, but often go beyond translation. Random chats in every episode, hidden surprises, be careful of addiction!
給慢跑者、通勤族、失眠仔的Podcast ,聽眾人口散佈歐美居多。聊書、影劇、動漫之於生活的連結,偶爾沾沾哲學,但經常超譯。集集亂聊,暗藏驚喜,小心上癮!
🙋♂️ Jesper – An infectious disease researcher at the University of Minnesota, uncovering insights that shape global health.
🙋♀️ Vivi – A life adventurer has an insatiable curiosity for human behavior. Explore everything about people collaboration—what/how/why we think and do.