还没开始 I haven't get started yet
在这一点上努力 work hard on this point
健康饮食 eat healthily
参加 participate in -
理由很特别 The reasons behind this topic can be very special
教育资源 educational resources
好工作的机会 good job opportunities
更靠谱的一个方式 a more reliable way -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
崭新的书 brand new book
兼职工作 a part time job
选择 go with
一年一次 once a year -
打发时间 kill my time
讨厌交通拥堵 I hate the traffic jams,
傻瓜 stupid or fool
塞车 I get stuck in traffic -
不擅长 I'm not good at doing it
去长途旅行 go on a long journey
与..有关 related to
完美照片 very perfect photos -
生活多姿多彩的人 The old person who has a very fun life
曾经可帅了 used to be very handsome
现在他就住在市中心 At the moment he is living right in the city center
讲流利的外语 he could speak fluent foreign language -
我是一点饭也不做啊 I don't do anything on that point at all
他们啥都给我准备好 they would do everything for me
最近几年 in recent years
被宠坏了 I am too spoiled -
我是…样子的人 I am the kind of person who
崭新的 brand new things
各个种类 ranging from shoes to clothes, from bags to cars
显然的 apparently -
方便的 user-friendly
故事来到耳朵里 stories would come to my ears
集中注意力 stay focused on one thing at a time
浪费时间 waste some time -
我经常这样干 I did it very often in my life
开阔眼界 widen my horizons
和书中的人对话 I could talk to the famous people in the books
纸质书 some paper books -
尤其在生日的时候 especially on the birthday
刚过完19岁生日 he just had his nineteenth birthday
在日常生活当中 in ordinary life
在我身边 around me -
学点东西 learn something one or two
选择音乐 go with the music
适应 融入 fit in
更简单更有意思 much easier and more fun -
没这样做过 I haven't done anything in that way before
充满 is filled with
在工作或者学习状态 at work or in study
我乐于...I am willing to -
记得清晰 remember things clearly
尤其在笔记本上 especially on the notebook
多亏现代科技 Thanks to modern technology
最好的方式 the best way -
童年生活可有意思啦 my childhood life could be very very fun
六岁之前 before I was at the age of six
玩耍 play around
和现在的生活完全不同 it was totally different from today's life -
适合 be right for
被分散精力 be very easily distracted
尤其是学习 especially on my study
在...前面 in front of - Laat meer zien