Dantes finally meets Abbe Faria,a political agitator who has been imprisoned for his beliefs, who tells Dante he has been digging a tunnel to freedom, and Dante is impressed by his intellect and industriousness, as he has tunneled 50 feet through stone and mortar, his hope being to end at the castle wall over the water- but instead ending at Dantes chamber.
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Dantes hears digging on the wall by his bed and feverishly tries to make contact with who he hopes is not a workman or a guard. He has now been in prison 6 years.
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Other 1001 Podcasts: Found Everywhere
1001 Sherlodck Holmes Stories & the Best of Arthur Conan Doyle Sun 12 pm ET, Best Of Wed 5pm
1001 Classic Short Stories & Tales Sun 12 pm ET, Wed best of 5:00 pm ET
1001 Stories From The Old West Sun 12 noon ET, Wed 5pm ET
1001 Stories For The Road (current- The Count of Monte Cristo
1001 Radio Days Best of Old Time Radio Sun 12 noon ET,Wed 5pm ET
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001 Ghost, Chiller & Lovecraft 12 noon ET
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1001 True Crime From Another Time Haunting True Crime Stories 12 noon Sun ET
1001 Best of Jack London Sun 12 noon ET
1001 History's Best Storytellers Sun 12 noon ET
1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Sun 12noon ET, Best of Fridays 1AM ET
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The commissionerarrives for his first and only visit and Dante begs for a trial and to find out what he has been accused of. An old man named Abbe Faria is also in a cell near Dantes, and he promises 6 million in riches to the commissioner if he will release him. Leter in the story he willbefriend Dantes.
After Napolean is back in power Morell intercedes on Dantes behalf trying to get a release, but he is met with lies from Villafort. Danglers, hearing that Napolean is free, fears retribution from Dantes and flees to Spain. After 100 days, Napolean is dfeated at Waterloo and Louis XVIII retakes the throne.
Villafort, after being surprised by the presence of his hunted father in his hotel room, is told thyat Napolean is well on his way to becoming emporer again, and asks Villafort to tell the king its time to quiety abdicate the throne and he will not be pursued. Villafort watches as his father changes his clothes and appearance before leaving.
Villafort gets his time with Louis XVIII and pours out his story of Dantes's supposed crime only to find out that Napolean has actually entered France and that he, Villaforte, is the first to have warned the King. In his gratitude, the King awards Villafort for his loyalty. A surprise awaits Villafort back at his hotel.
Villafort finally reaches the King, but nor before the King's guard, who, after receiving Villafort, runs to the king first warn him of the Bonapartist plot for his own perceived advancement. The King then accepts Villafort, and plays down the warning while promising Villafort he is grateful for the warning, knowing that Villafort would turn in his own father if he thought there wsas profit in it.
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Villafort leaves his wife on the evening of his marriage to take a message to the King that there is a plot against him, hoping that he will endear himself to the king and thus rise in stature as a result. His conscience bothers him somewhat as he knows he is condemning innocent Dantes to a sure death but not so much that he backs off his evil deed. Mercedes stops him briefly to inquire of the fate of Dantes but he doesnt give her the time of day.
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Dantes is escorted out of Villaforte's office and placed on a small boat with gendarmes who inform him that he is headed for an island prison. When the reality hits him that Villaforte has deceived him he tries to jump overboard.
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Dantes is questioned by Villaforte and at one point he seems to sympathize with Dantes, even promising to set him free. But just before he dismisses him,Villaforte reads to letter that was entrusted to Dantes by his dying captain.....
We are introduced to Villafort (the young judge who will question Dantes) and note that his father Nortier was hung as a Bonapartist traitor and that his bride to be wants him to be fair in his scheduled trials where he willdecide life and death
In chapter five we have a pre-wedding dinner at which the friends of Dantes gather to cerlebrate his marriage to Mercedes. The evil Danglers and his dupe, the jealous Fernand are there as well as the police come to arrest Dantes.
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Chapter 3: The Catalans
Dante visits Mercedes and finds her in the company of Fernand Mondego, who loves her and leaves in a rage after she embraces Dantes passionately. Soon after,Fernand meets Danglars and Catarousse, and Danglers says he has a plan to get dantes out of the way.
Chapter 4:
Danglersshares his plan to have Dantes imprisoned and launches his plan by drafting a letter written in his left hand that appears to implicate Dantes in a crime.
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The story of the Count of Monte Cristo is one of the most popular adventure novels ever writte, and deals with the way in which an innocent young man deals with a terrible injustice created for him by other men who were jealous of his achievements and his love for a Catalan woman who he intended to marry. His pursuit for revenge against those who wronged him raises moral questions about the consequences of vengeance and its impact on both the avenger and his targets.It is copunted in the top 100 of all the novels ever written.
We are leaving the story as our trio relates their last chapter. They have spent their last two days on the river soaking wet, miserable, starved and dejected, although our narrator still finds humor in their situation and it appears Montmorency had a great day at their last landing finding fights with other dogs. All in all, its a fun story, but one which rambles through some memories as their rickety boat flaots down and sometimes is rowed upriver.
Coming next: Either action or mystery! I'm working on it.
They finally do get the boat into the river as our narrator just sort of daydreams his way along- sharing whatever crosses his mind. All of which is a very rich tapestry of life with some old English history thrown in.
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Three men attempt a camping style boat trip on the Thames with their dog as an attempt to get out in the fresh air and live a little. The story was inspired by an actual diary our author at first attempted, but so many things happened during the outing that the story turned hilarious. the story will make you chuckle remembering your own camping disasters and remains a classic today.
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The dramatic conclusion of Robert Louis Stevenson's 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde"
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