17-Year-Old Parenting Montana Tools
Kenia · Center for Health and Safety Culture
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As your seventeen-year-old matures, they will need to test their limits and the rules in order to internalize them. This can lead to power struggles, especially since at times seventeen-year-olds feel like adults. Parenting a teen is not an easy journey. There are small things parents and those in a parenting role can do today to foster a strong relationship with their teen while supporting them to manage their own behavior, solve problems, and make healthy choices. ParentingMontana.org gives parents and those in a parenting role the opportunity to grow their skills using a process and tools to engage their teens in important conversations. This podcast gives you access to resources from the website that will allow you to support your teen in developing the social and emotional skills crucial for their success. Honest communication with your teen utilizing the process available in this podcast will build the relationship necessary for enjoying the teen years and beyond.
Raising a teen is an adventure that comes with a lot of excitement as well as worry. Parents and those in a parenting role will appreciate the process and tools that ParentingMontana.org offers to support their teens’ growth during this important time of development and change. The Montana Department of Health and Human Services teamed with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to promote healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development using ParentingMontana.org. The site was originally created to offer skill building to parents in Montana, yet the tools can benefit parents and those in a parenting role anywhere.
This podcast teaches a five-step process: Gain Input, Teach, Practice, Support, and Recognize. Engaging your teen in the process through your daily interactions helps them to understand themselves and problem solve while building a genuine relationship with you. With time, you and your teen will become more natural using the process and will be equipped to navigate challenges today and down the road. Supporting your teen to face struggles and build life skills requires clear communication and a healthy relationship. The topics and tools available for parenting your seventeen-year-old include: Anger, Back Talk, Bullying, Chores, Confidence, Conflict, Discipline, Establishing Rules About Alcohol, Friends, Homework, Listening, Lying, Mixed Messages About Alcohol, Peer Pressure, Reading, Routines, and Stress. Listen now to support your teen in building skills for their successful future.