They mystery comes to a head as the investigators gather the final clues they need. Theories swirl and unbelievable truths are uncovered. What spirits are plaguing Antenna 8 and why is Billy Ray Cyrus at the center of it all? The crew of Paranormal Inc. cracks the case wise open but will they be able to lay these spirits to rest?
A huge thanks to our guests for joining us for this incredible game. Genuinely the most fun I had all season.
Alex Rodriguez will be playing Madame Nancy, the medium. Alex can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast and guesting on lots of other great actual plays. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.David Easley plays Sasha Graymatter, the Ghost. David is the GM Trials of the Apocalypse you fan find them wherever you get your podcasts or check follow this link to find them on your podcatcher of choice: or follow them on twitter while you can @TotaPodcast
Reed plays Dr. Parsimony Dimer the scientist. If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts: Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox; Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech or follow them on Twitter @ReedPlays
Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his page here: check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel
I chat about my character Humphrey the Bookworm and then we dive into the mechanics of the game and how the game itself works.
If you want to check out paranormal Inc. for yourself you can go to to buy yourself a copy. I strongly encourage such actions cause this game is great.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
The music for this mystery is "Sad Strings" performed by Ivan Duch. You can hear this song and many more on his website
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
A spirit screeches through the air waves of the radio station Antenna 8. Voices call out to some listeners and whispers drive away others. The station has called in the investigators of Paranormal Inc. to appease or dispel the spirits.
The mystery begins in our actual play of the Paranormal Inc. Mystery "Antenna 8" by Sven Truckenbrodt.
Alex Rodriguez will be playing Madame Nancy, the medium. Alex can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast and guesting on lots of other great actual plays. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.David Easley plays Sasha Graymatter, the Ghost. David is the GM Trials of the Apocalypse you fan find them wherever you get your podcasts or check follow this link to find them on your podcatcher of choice: or follow them on twitter while you can @TotaPodcast
Reed plays Dr. Parsimony Dimer the scientist. If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts: Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox; Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech or follow them on Twitter @ReedPlays
Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his page here: check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel
I chat about my character Humphrey the Bookworm and then we dive into the mechanics of the game and how the game itself works.
If you want to check out paranormal Inc. for yourself you can go to to buy yourself a copy. I strongly encourage such actions cause this game is great.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
The music for this mystery is "Sad Strings" performed by Ivan Duch. You can hear this song and many more on his website
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We're back with another Actual Play arc! We begin our playthrough of Paranormal Inc. with meting the cast of characters and talking about how the game works.
Really excited for all of our guest players, all of whom will be familiar to long time listeners.
Alex Rodriguez will be playing Madame Nancy, the medium. Alex can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast and guesting on lots of other great actual plays. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.David Easley plays Sasha Graymatter, the Ghost. David is the GM Trials of the Apocalypse you fan find them wherever you get your podcasts or check follow this link to find them on your podcatcher of choice: or follow them on twitter while you can @TotaPodcast
Reed plays Dr. Parsimony Dimer the scientist. If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts: Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox; Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech or follow them on Twitter @ReedPlays
Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his page here: check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel
I chat about my character Humphrey the Bookworm and then we dive into the mechanics of the game and how the game itself works.
If you want to check out paranormal Inc. for yourself you can go to to buy yourself a copy. I strongly encourage such actions cause this game is great.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Our Actioneers reach the IT Archives floor and they are within reach of finding the Floppy Disk and fulfilling their daily objectives. It won't be so easy though as they are met with the dread and depression of the IT collective who have been under the boot of Senior Leadership. How can the Actioneers persevere in the face of utter despair caused by corporate abuse?
If you want to hear more from the creator of Corner Office, follow Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his page here: check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel and go to for some great campaign building and management tools.
Hear more from Josh Newton on The Table Top Journey's Podcast, you can go to their website or find wherever you get your podcasts. Follow them on twitter @TTJourneys.Alex Rodriguez can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Our team of Actioneers continues to pursue their objectives and deliver on their KPIs. The Halloween party on the HR floor is, well no longer lively and the Company Co. snack table has left them wanting something...juicier.
I've heard Corporate Offices were full of mindless drones but this is ridiculous!
Join us for Part 2 of our Actual Play Series of Corner Office!
Follow Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his page here: check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel and go to for some great campaign building and management tools.
Hear more from Josh Newton on The Table Top Journey's Podcast, you can go to their website or find wherever you get your podcasts. Follow them on twitter @TTJourneys.
Alex Rodriguez can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
What's the scariest place you could possibly be this weekend? If you guessed stuck in a corporate office, you are correct.
Conan Lybarian returns this time as H.R. and running his game "Corner Office." My fellow Actioneers Alex Rodriguez and Josh Newton join me as we navigate our way through Company Co. HQ. In today's episode we meet our Actioneers in the morning huddle, discuss our objectives for the workday, and learn that hell really is other people. We head to the stairwell where we encounter the most blood-thirsty type of office worker there is, a Temp.
Follow Conan on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, you can find his games Including Corner Office on his page here: check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel and go to for some great campaign building and management tools.
Hear more from Josh Newton on The Table Top Journey's Podcast, you can go to their website or find wherever you get your podcasts. Follow them on twitter @TTJourneys.Alex Rodriguez can be found on Two Weeks One Shot a hilarious TTRPG variety podcast. Follow him on twitter @uncle_andross to see what other streams and games you can find him in.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
This special episode officially kicks off the actual play portion of our season. In today's episode I read the journal wrote while playing "And The Gunslinger Followed" a solo RPG by Hypnos. Check out the previous episode for an interview with the creator and download the game on itch
Follow me on twitter @19HitstheDragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow our editor Hannah on twitter @Bad8uddhist to see their awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie.
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
I talk a lot about how Tabletop RPGs are a collaborative storytelling experience. Friends around a table, whether physical or virtual, rolling dice and telling a story together. But maybe you don't know anyone who wants to game with you, or sometimes you can't get your friends together, or perhaps you'd rather just spend some time telling a story on your own. Whatever the reason you find yourself wanting or needing to roll some dice on your own, there is no shortage to Solo Tabletop RPGs.
Today I'm joined by the solo RPG game designer Jordan a.k.a. Hypnos to talk share his advice for crafting your own Solo RPG. We talk about the importance of theme, setting, structure, character archetypes and how to leave room for a player to create their own narrative but without just handing over a sandbox for one person to play around in.
If you want to hear more from Jordan you can follow him on Twitter @MichanikoMcleod or check out his games on itch
Follow me on twitter @19HitstheDragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow our editor Hannah on twitter @Bad8uddhist to see their awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie.
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Game Masters not just creators of stories, we are also enjoyers of stories. And with so many great stories that have been told throughout the history of humanity it's inevitable that you're going to find other stories that inspire you, stories you want to bring to your table and share with your friends.
Today I'm joined by Kate the Master Teacher over on "Of Mice And Men And Monsters" who shares the insight's she's gained from bringing works of literature to her table. OMAMAM has played through several classic works and Kate and the party as well do a great job of adapting these stories in such a way that they feel true to the source but are also their own "Twist" on the story. And we're here to provide advice, examples, and insights on how to effectively adapt the stories you like into your Tabletop games.
Want to hear more from Kate and crew? Check out their podcast here or follow them on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok by searching @OMAMAMShow.
Follow me on twitter @19HitstheDragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see their awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
The Big Bad Evil Guy is a tried and true trope. No matter what story your game is telling there is going to be someone or something that is working against your players. Someone to personify the forces of evil; some nefarious creature out to cause havoc and destruction; Or maybe one character's dad is just an asshole. But how do you make the BBEG interesting? What makes for a compelling villain? Can my players smooch my villains?
Well today I'm joined by Aubrey and Aki, the creative force behind Goblets and Gays and Animam Agere, to answer all those questions and more. From fighting Jeff Bezos to dealing with family trauma we've got tons of tricks you can use to create compelling characters that oppose your players.
If you want to hear and see more from Aubrey and Aki you can check them out on Goblets and Gays, Animam Agere, and Wayward Arcadium by following the links here or catch them on Bring Your Own MechFollow Aubrey everywhere on social media @MadQueenCosplay Follow Aki everywhere on social media @akinomii_art
Follow me on twitter @19HitstheDragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see their awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
And as always f*ck Jeff Bezos
Reality is weird, really weird. Scientists work to understand just how weird our world is and have given us many wonders to marvel at.
Today I'm joined my the twice graduated Reed, GM of Bring your Own Mech and Deimos Paradox. They're hear to tell ups about the weird and fantastical side of science and how to use it to inspire your Tabletop RPGs. From strange real world creatures and phenomena to fascinating applications of science and technology, we talk about how you can use real world science to inspire the worlds you make and stories you tell.
If you want to hear more from Reed you can check out their podcasts:Deimos Paradox - Twitter: @DeimosParadox
Bring Your Own Mech - Twitter @OwnMech
You can follow Reed on Twitter @ReedPlays
Follow me on twitter @19HitstheDragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see their awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
There are a ton of things that go into producing TTRPG supplements. Beyond creating whatever adventures, creatures, items and the like that are the focus of the supplement, there's artwork, layouts, edits upon edits to make it all look great and be the thing you're proud to publish. As one of our guests puts it "Writing a book is hard."
Today I'm joined by my good friends Josh Glen and Lewanika from Tabletop Journeys to talk about many of the challenges they faced and the lessons they learned along the way. they're here to offer advice on idea generation, to collaboration, play testing and incorporating feedback and so much more.
The resources they mentioned can be found below:
Art work: Deposit Photos Pixabay
Stat blocks: Tetracube, CR Calculator
You can find The Traveler's Guide to the Multiverse on the DMs Guild here
Check out their podcast by going to their website or wherever you get your podcasts.
Support their fully funded Kickstarter A Multiverse of Subclasses and help them hit their stretch goals.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on Twitter @Bad8uddhist to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Planning for player choices is incredibly challenging. TTRPG players are notorious for going left when you wanted them to go right or making any choice other than the ones you thought of and prepared for. So how can you as a Storyteller make your games just as enjoyable without spending so much time and energy on plans that you never use?
Today I'm joined by Kerri Smith of Crossroad Games with her deceptively simple yet incredibly concise answer "Only plan what the players can't change." We talk about Kerri's experience weaving stories with several players across short adventures and how planning as little as possible helped her work with the players to create compelling narratives.
If you want to see Kerri in action you can find her games on YouTube to keep up to date with her latest projects follow her on Twitter @KerriSmith2012 catch all of her projects on her linktree as well:
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Dungeon Master. Storyteller. Game Mom. Keeper of Arcane Lore. Whatever you are called, running any Tabletop RPG requires a lot of effort and a ton of labor on the part of the narrator. Countless hours can be poured into planning and preparing your games, especially if you're running a long form campaign. Well today I'm joined by Artemis the GM of the podcast Cyberpunk Tales From the Oasis to offer advice on how to cut down on the time you spend planning and put that effort into each session instead. We talk about how to keep your stories personal, keep the action of your games flowing, and how to make it all look like you were planning everything to happen that way all along.
To hear more from Artemis and the story he and his crew are telling you can head over to or follow them on twitter @OasisCyberpunk
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
There are so many different types of Game Masters out there. It can be easy to try and emulate what you've seen on Actual Plays or try to copy your previous GM in your own games. But how do you find your own voice, your own style?
Today I'm joined by Justin aka 4everDM_Justin to talk about his own style and approach to the table. We swap stories about how we've found our own style and the ways it's impacted our games for better or worse and how we've learned from mistakes along the way.
For some great insight and hilarious sketches, you can follow Justin on Twitter or TikTok or catch him streaming with Bards and Brews or catch his DM Prep streams.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
Often in my conversations with guests, we talk about how TTRPGs are really just a form of collaborative storytelling. But DnD and other games like it have a habit of becoming a situation where the players are playing through a story that kind of exists without them specifically. So how do we change that and make our games something that can feel more like players have an impact on the story?
Well I'm joined by Tyler of Miss-Rolled Adventures to discuss exactly that. Tyler talks us through his journey as a beginning DM that went from focusing on every little detail of the world and rigid story structure to a more engaging and interactive game that is much more fun for everyone. We discuss a lot of great tips and talk about some missteps that have been made a long the way. We also have some fun story time talking about our games and giving examples of things that have gone well or poorly and what we've learned from those experiences.
If you're interested in seeing what other shenanigans Tyler and his players have gotten up to you can check them out on Twitch: or give them a follow on Twitter: @missrolled
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
I love sitting down at a table with people who are new to TTRPGs. New players are the best! They bring such life and nuance to games without any presumptions and expectations about what a game "should be." Though it can be kinda tough to get them out of their shell and I guess teaching them the mechanics of a game can take a while. You know what? There's nothing like a veteran player that knows the game and can sit down with a filled out character sheet and is ready to roll. I love playing with experienced players; they're the best! Which do you prefer?
Today I'm joined by Chris Hussey aka The Hussman to talk about players old and new. What's so great about new players? Why is playing with the veterans of the game a great time? What are some struggles you might face with either type of player? How do you work with them? Well fret not cause we've got all the answers for you.
You can follow Chris on twitter @TheHussman and check out his podcasts at and
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
I've mentioned several times that Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is a build-your-own TTRPG. The source books also do a great job of encouraging players and GMs to create their own content for the game. In today's episode I'm joined by some excellent creators who are doing just that.
Daniel Lieberman and Rene Beauregard of DragonRoc RPG Design have built up a catalogue of player focused homebrew content. They've created lots of great subclass options, spells, feats, races, and even a few original classes and they're here today to share what they've learned in the design process to make sure the homebrew you create is the exact fit for your table or is something great to put out into the world for others.
To see more from the guys at DragonRoc you can follow them on twitter @DragonRocRPG and IG @dragonrocrpgdesign you can search for their content on the DMsGuild or check out their link tree for a links to all of their released content:
You can catch Rene's streams with the Red Hare Inn on twitch and The Initiative Order on Youtube or follow them on twitter @InitiativeOrder. They've got an upcoming Smash Bros themed Mythical Melee with subclasses designed by DragonRoc. Lastly look out for launch dates on the anime inspired setting "Deep Breadth" Kickstarter soon.
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits and her craft streams.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
GMs, don't you just hate when your players trip you up by asking the name of an unplanned NPC and you have to make something up on the spot as if you had the answer all along? Well today I'm joined by Mike Ashmoore of Tales of Asperran to tell you to how to stop doing that.
Aside from setting the precedent of having the first Mike to make a guest appearance on the show, I'm very excited for this discussion because it touches on a topic that is near and dear to my heart of how to make your players do some of the heavy lifting you do at a GM or at least sharing in the burden.
Mike has some really great advice specifically on how to involve your players in the world building of your campaign. From Session 0 and beyond we've got tips for you to keep your players invested in the world around them by having them make decisions about who and what is in it.
Tales of Asperran is an actual play podcast to hear Mike and his crew implement the techniques we discuss in todays episode you can check them out here: and follow them on Twitter @TalesofAsperran
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts and get updates on edits.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
There are some incredibly talented people in the TTRPG community. With new content getting churned out all the time you gotta wonder, how do creators keep coming up with ideas? Well today I'm joined by Zac Harrison aka Conan Lybarian to discuss ways to keep filling your well of ideas. We talk about how to draw on other works, monster books, mythology and the like. Zac gives some insight into the card pack cracking he does to create TTRPG adventures on the Obsidian Portal page and about how the absurdity of corporate America influenced the design of his TTRPG Corner Office.
If you want to know more about Zac you can follow him on Twitter @Conan_Lybarian, check out his videos on Obsidian Portal's YouTube Channel, or get his games on his page here:
Follow me on twitter @19hitsthedragon for updates on the season and general nerd shenanigans.
You can follow Hannah on @Bad8uddhist twitter to see her awesome crafts.
Intro and Outro music by Paul Mackie
If you enjoy the show consider leaving us a comment, rating, or review on your platform of choice then go out and tell 19 of your closest friends about us!
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