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During each episode of the Technically Speaking podcast, we will be joined by an expert from our team, a vendor partner, or a thought leader, who will do a deep dive into relevant technology topics and trends. You will also get to know more about Keller Schroeder how we can help you alleviate the challenges associated with that episode’s topic or trend.
At HeronCode, we're not just a management consultancy providing solutions related to human capital. We're on a mission to make a difference, to go beyond just making profits, and to launch positive initiatives that impact society in a meaningful way. Empowering women in leadership positions is one such initiative that feels natural to us. We want to celebrate and reward women who have shattered the glass ceiling, who have orchestrated a rise into leadership positions in industries that are still unfairly male-dominated. Witnessing the gradual change in cultural and societal mindsets is inspiring, and we want to be a driving force behind that change.
Our podcast is a testament to our commitment to empowering women in leadership. It's not just about recognizing the women leaders of today, but also about inspiring both current and future generations of leaders, regardless of their gender. Our "Retained Women in Leadership Search" is another key service offering that ensures women are well-represented on boards and in C-suites.
For more information visit
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hear from the leaders shaping the future of work for the better! The 4th industrial revolution, powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation, will change the face of work as we know it. How are innovators creating the future and preparing us for it? Join the conversation!
Im Podcast PFLEGE.ambulant hörst Du Impulse, Tipps und Anregungen für Vertrags- und Beratungsgespräche, Teambesprechungen, Konfliktsituationen und Mitarbeitergespräche. Unterhaltsam, leicht verständlich und umsetzbar begleite ich Dich in Deinem Arbeitsalltag. Profitiere von meinen mehr als 30 Jahren Erfahrung als Vertriebsspezialistin und Personalentwicklerin. Mein Motto: miteinander teilen, voneinander profitieren, gemeinsam wachsen. Für den Blick über den Tellerrand spreche ich immer mal wieder mit Gästen, die mit Leidenschaft in und für die ambulante Pflege arbeiten. Sie erzählen aus der Praxis über begeisternde Führung, hilfreiche Arbeitsabläufe und wertschätzende Zusammenarbeit.
Schneider Electric vous emmène au cœur de l’industrie 4.0 en vous présentant les dernières innovations pour transformer votre industrie. Retrouvez des témoignages de professionnels de premier plan afin de développer vos connaissances, vos compétences, et votre entreprise. L’innovation n’a jamais été aussi près de chez vous.
A weekly show where we bring you interviews and in the weeds expertise from today’s B2B experts and thought leaders. You can see more about today’s episode and guest by visiting our website at
Topics for the show include: B2B leadership, B2B Tech, B2B SaaS, B2B CEO's, Venture-Backed Startups, B2B Growth, Analytics, Demand Generation, B2B Marketing, and more. -
Formidable Israeli startups pitch to angels, venture capitalists and industry experts. Join the candid give-and-take between pros with hard-earned wisdom and techies pushing cutting-edge advances. J-Tech Pitch Lounge offers a deep dive into the startup ecosystem that has transformed a tiny country into an outsized player on the world stage. To learn more visit us at
Entrepreneurs ou aspirants entrepreneurs :
que pouvons-nous faire concrètement
pour faire notre part face aux grands enjeux de société ?
“Too Good to grow ?” c’est un format simple pour interroger celles et ceux qui cherchent à concilier activité économique et grands enjeux sociétaux ou environnementaux.
Au travers de ces entretiens nous vous faisons découvrir des invités, des parcours
mais aussi des solutions concrètes à la portée du plus grand nombre !
Bonne écoute ! -
Je partage tous mes outils et toutes mes astuces, pour faire plus de business avec ta société. -
Bienvenue au podcast de gestion de projet le mieux coté. Entretiens avec des experts, bonnes pratiques et nouveaux développements dans le domaine de la gestion de projet, tous liés par notre objectif de vous donner les compétences dont vous avez besoin pour rester à jour sur les meilleurs pratiques.
Hey there my friend! I’m Lindsey Ardmore, business strategist, and automation expert, and Welcome to Business Automation Secrets - a podcast designed to support you in creating the lifestyle business of your dreams. In this podcast, we’re going to dive into topics like automating your business, streamlining your processes and offerings, creating boundaries, building wealth, and my favorite, peaceful sales and marketing strategies. I’m so grateful that you are HERE, you are listening, and I hope you see your next level in business.
Facebook group:
Facebook: lindseyardmore
Instgram: lindseyardmore -
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