In this episode, we play a game called Google Feud, a game akin to Family Feud. The game will give you half-done Google queries ("do cats and dogs...") and you have to think about what people are most commonly searching for within a certain amount of guesses ("do cats and dogs mate/have a common ancestor/get along/etc").
Josh is back to his ridiculously stoned self, and the laughing fits are better than ever. Amelia lets out all of her pent out insanity with every line she speaks. Lily spends time discovering 3 letter words and is heavily involved in TOO MANY discussions regarding what can and cannot be milked. No one leave Lily alone with any animal, for she craves milk and nothing will stop her.
Our Linktree (Tumblr, Patreon, Spotify/Apple Podcasts, podcast trailer, and contact email):
Lily: cre/she (cre/crer is used/pronounced just like she/her)
Amelia: any pronouns
Josh: he/they
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode, Josh is sober and hence becomes a rock with Lily and Amelia. The three of us discuss things like...
-Whether we'd rather be samurais, pirates, or cowboys
-What we would do with an elephant if we couldn't get rid of it
-Baby boomers being upset over *checks notes* mayonnaise
And much more! So light up if you're a stoner, but regardless, lay back with your slushie and pickle juice and listen to the three of us lose our minds.
BY THE WAY, we're getting a Patreon soon and are offering a subscription to us for $3 CAD ($2.50 USD) per month! You'll get 1 week early access to our episodes, and during our season breaks, you'll even get 2 exclusive episodes! If you'd rather provide a one time tip to us, go to our Tumblr and leave us a tip. Thank you so much, everyone! <33
Episodes, Tumblr, and Podcast Trailer:
Lily: cre/she (cre/crer/crers/crerself is used and pronounced just like she/her)
Amelia: Any pronouns
Josh: he/they
In this episode, we do charades, but based only on the sounds that the person is making. It's ah... something
This is our season finale, we'll be taking a 2-4 week hiatus after this episode. Thank you to all of our lovely listeners, and we'll be back with you in the weeks to come! We love you <3
In this episode, we play a simple game of Cards Against Humanity (including a bot, for sake of mixing things up). Josh performs a perfect rendition of Steamed Hams and becomes a certified funny man, Amelia becomes a demon, and Lily isn't as funny as the bot but still kicks ass.
This also happens to be the second to last episode of this season before we take a 2-4 week break, but fear not! When we return, we will do so bigger, better, and bolder, and with more blunders to swear by! So kick back with a slushie with pickle juice in it and listen to our stoned and sober shenanigans!
In this week's episode, the three of us have conversations based on what random articles and websites suggest to us, including...
-How long would we last in a zombie apocalypse?
-What 3 items can we purchase from Walmart to freak out the cashier?
-Whether we'd rather be stuck in a rom-com with our enemies or a horror movie with our friends
and more! Down your pickle juice slushie and join us on our third to last episode of season one!
In this episode, the three of us make charts (which you can now find on our Tumblr, 2rocksandastoner) determining what defines steaks, silverware, and plants. For instance, if a steak has to be edible and from a cow, then a steak is steak. But if a steak can be from anything (even if it's not an animal) and doesn't have to be edible, then gasoline is steak. We go over these polar opposites and 7 other boxes in between to come to the conclusion that words are made up and definitions aren't real. Sit back, drink a slushie with pickle juice in it, and listen along :)
In this week's episode, the three of us struggle to make AI Dungeon work properly and get some confusing and interesting results. We run through two different stories, one involving pirates (Josh's pirate character being named after his roomba, Fiddlebing), and the other involving Super Mario being kidnapped and... some kind of plotline, if you can call it that.
Sit back, grab either a slushie with pickle juice in it, some sweet mary jane, or whatever else you want (we can't tell you how to live your life!), and be confused with us!
Lily: cre/she (cre/crer is used/pronounced just like she/her)
Amelia/Amy: any pronouns
Josh: he/they
In this week's episode, the three of us play (a long-distance altered version of) A-Z, a board game from Josh's childhood. Each of us have a board with all 26 letters of the alphabet on it, and we give each other topics (farm animals, YouTube channels, things you can find in your living room, etc.) and set a timer for 20 seconds. In that 20 seconds, we have to blurt out things relating to that topic and scratch off the letter it starts with (under farm animals, saying Cow would scratch off the C, Horse would scratch off the H, etc.). The three of us take turns continuing this until one of us covers all 26 letters!
In our opinion, this is one of the funnest episodes we've done thus far, and we had a blast playing it. So sit back, get high or sip on a slushie with some pickle juice in it, and join us for the Mary Jane-induced ride where our sober and sky-high minds collide and have a laugh over some really stupid things :)
Lily: cre/she (cre/crer is used/pronounced just like she/her)
Amelia: any pronouns
Josh: he/they
Lily just got back from Japan and we had 24 hours to release this episode on schedule, so the three of us decided that this episode will be unstructured conversation about whatever comes to mind. Here, we discuss...
-How to handcuff a one-armed person
-Whether one would rather have a bird or an ostrich as a roommate
-This image of a frog riding a beetle that Josh was obsessed with during the pandemic
-Making Lily into a soup (made with love, of course)
And more! (Seriously, a LOT MORE). The edible kicks in even further mid-episode, Josh has a laughing fit (to the point where he gained a contact high just from listening to this episode), Amelia fact-checks whether or not bald people get dandruff, and Lily nearly reveals her anime backstory. So sit back, and whether you're a rock or a stoner, enjoy the episode.
Lily: cre/she (cre/crer is used/pronounced like she/her)
Amelia: any pronouns
Josh: he/they
In this episode, the three of us play a modified version of a game called Think Like a Stoner. We answer the questions that the cards give us and have discussions about our answers. Are leprechauns part of the government? Why does Amelia want to sit in whipped cream? And what the heck is the great molasses flood? If you're into mary jane, then take a hit (or an edible like Josh), sit back, and tune into yet another episode of questionable discussions!
Lily: cre/she (cre is used/pronounced like she/her)
Amelia: any pronouns
Josh: he/they
In this episode, the three of us play Over-Rated, a game very similar to Cards Against Humanity. Your hand is full of Yelp reviews, and you're playing these reviews to fit in with a location (dispensary, old folks' home, etc.). We even included a bot and try to guess which player's submission belongs to the bot from time to time. Bot or human, rock or stoner, all of our submissions drive us up the wall and we cackle and have a great time! So sit back, drink a slushie with a bit of pickle juice in there, and join us in our chaotic card playing shenanigans!
Lily: cre/she (cre is pronounced/used like she/her)
Amelia: any pronouns
Josh: he/they
Welcome to 2 Rocks and a Stoner! Lily and Amelia, the two rocks who don't do drugs, hang out with Josh, the stoner that ties the name of the show together. The three of us put our sober and sky-high minds together and put on a show!
This is technically a pilot episode, but we've still really wanted to pursue this idea for a long time. As said in the introduction, the three of us sit back and go over just about anything: Shower thoughts, AI Dungeon trials, and more that we're still discussing and developing. Cannabis can enhance your creativity (alongside giggliness and an unhinged mind for Josh), and that in combination with Lily's digital contact high and Amelia's nerdiness brings the three of us together for INSANE conversations!
In this episode, we go over posts from r/showerthoughts and r/stonerthoughts and discuss our opinions on them, go off topic, and have a blast. So sit back, take a puff (or pop an edible like Josh), and tune in for an unforgettable trip.
Lily: cre/she (cre is pronounced/used like she/her)
Amelia: any pronouns
Josh: he/they