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生活苦悶嗎?光良和朋友們CoolTalk,輕鬆閒聊生活大小事。讓我們用聲音陪伴大家。Fountain/Apple Podcast/SoundOn/Spotify 每週五不定時上線!請幫我們五星留言和追蹤!Fountain收聽拿比特幣sats:比特幣丟這裡(閃電網路)BTC工商洽談請聯絡 /光良社群:官網 | www.XYmusic.comFB | | |光良 #光說瘋良話 #CoolTalk #XYmusic--Hosting provided by SoundOn
【SoundOn 原創】新時代的女性應該是什麼樣貌?女人在20、30、40、50歲的各種人生階段,會經歷哪些心境轉折?偶像明星、網路名人、創業家、運動員等特色女力,都在【Ivy愛公葳】💕✉️ 通告合作邀約➠製作人:Vivi Yang)✉️ 廣告合作邀約➠ 📱 免費下載【SoundOn 聲浪】APP,收聽其他精彩節目贊助這個節目: provided by SoundOn
A Broadway podcast just for you! Join Bryan (@nuttyplofessor), Kevin (@jaegerkev), and Kimberly (@kimbercoops) every Tuesday as they hang out with members of the Broadway community. Fun games, crazy conversations, and all kinds of drinks with your favorite theatre people. Follow them on twitter and instagram: @broadwaysted
A boozy podcast with bite! Each week, host Prairie Rose, founder of the award-winning cocktail and spirits blog Bit by a Fox, will talk drinking culture, imbibing through history, and what’s trending today in the world of intoxicants. She’ll talk to the personalities and experts behind the booze - from scientists and historians to master distillers, wine makers and industry insiders. Every week She'll uncover the hidden stories behind the glass, with plenty of cocktail party fodder to spare. Follow the Bit by a Fox blog for updates, recipes and show news, and @bitbyafox on Instagram for behind the scenes. Hosted, edited and produced by Prairie Rose. Music from Human Worldwide.
Principle of Hospitality (POH) saw a gap in Australia’s hospitality industry — with a growing need to keep abreast of the latest trends and innovations, as well as the changing needs of consumers, it was clear our hospitality heroes could benefit from a stronger support network.
Lauren Layfield hosts the show that helps you find your next favourite podcast. Each week we play you an 'episode 1' of a new podcast series, introducing you to great shows that you can follow and subscribe to.
Your Next Podcast is from Podcast Rex - a home for brilliant podcast recommendations! -
These two know their food and they know the people responsible for making waves in the restaurant business. Hosts Tim Chantarangsu and David So have explored various restaurants, locations, and food experiences, and they want to share all that info with you! They’ll talk to some of the people starting food trends, and people who go searching for the latest finds. Every week, the Dudes bring you a new food-related topic and give you advice and some hilarious stories that come to mind. You'll learn some food facts, get great recommendations of where to eat next and laugh until it hurts.
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歡迎來到《咖啡簡單說》 讓鳴草咖啡創辦人草闆王人傑與你一起分享咖啡的故事,這是華語咖啡圈中專門介紹精品咖啡文化的節目。
各大收聽平台| Apple Podcast / Spotify / KKBOX / SoundOn / Google Podcast / myMusic / MixerBox
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
你好,我是關韶文,這是我的個人小天地,我喜歡做我喜歡的事情,喜歡唱歌、講話、聊天、訪問,每一則影片和音檔都是我最滿意的作品,也希望你們喜歡:)-為了應觀眾要求,本Podcast頻道僅放上「YouTube影片音檔」,提供給通勤、開車族聆聽,音質部分一樣會有影片的音效、音樂,如果想要搭配視覺享受,歡迎至YouTube收看完整版哦!-我相信命運,更相信運命!不要羨慕別人花開得早,要努力讓自己花開得好✨-🔍記者、主持人、創作者、KOL、YouTuber🔍美妝保養、消費理財、減肥瘦身、美食旅遊、職業訪談-#工作邀約 ethankuankuan@gmail.com訂閱YT🛎 每日18點上片 provided by SoundOn
Arthur Potts Dawson and Marco Arrigo - the Founder of the University of Coffee, Ex-Head of Quality at illycaffè and Director of Bar Termini - talk about the history, politics and culture of coffee. In partnership with La Marzocco - world renowned for making beautiful, high quality, superbly crafted and uniquely designed espresso machines.
歡迎來到《台灣茶你好》讓京盛宇創辦人林昱丞、Chloe與你一起聊聊茶內涵、茶故事,細嚐純淨的茶風味,聆聽台灣茶的美好各大收聽平台|Apple Podcast / Spotify / KKBOX / SoundOn / Google Podcast / myMusic / MixerBox【邀請您感受台灣茶的美好體驗】《台灣茶你好》聽眾隱藏專屬優惠至京盛宇官網結帳輸入【jsypodcast】代碼,即可享有全系列商品95折優惠立即前往京盛宇選購:歡迎關注京盛宇IG @jingshengyu_tw加入Line@免費喝一杯茶即時聊天與我們分享您的回饋品味獨特而完美的台灣茶體驗--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Share Your Secrets is a podcast by Bounceback Food CIC that celebrates the diversity of food, art and community!
Episodes include interviews with the artists and organisations involved in the production of the Secret Dishes From Around the World fundraising cookbook trilogy, insights about community and culture from people in the featured countries and updates from Bounceback’s Community Cookery School team in Manchester as they scale up their fight against food poverty across the UK. -
專門為大學生發聲的平台,分享大學生活裡的大小事如果您不是大學生或是嚮往大學生活的高中生可以轉台了?還是您想聽聽大學生到底在搞什麼?可以留下來喔!內容會怎麼呈現?當然就是節目宗旨【搞】阿雖然這邊可能得不到安慰心理的內容但在我們亂搞(?)的節目中得到暫時的歡樂放鬆節目最後【老師點名了】單元阿維會在錄製前於IG開設提問箱(dj_wei_883)收集各位的故事,選出3-5位與聽眾分享。【警告】每集依照節目長度選擇故事數不能承受節目效果者請不要點開節目,拜託請馬上轉台。(合作邀約)Instagram:dj_wei_883 阿維評分加留言 請大家多多支持及愛護我 :)節目封面圖片由s.y_drawing設計贊助辛苦的大學生:阿維,他會在聲音媒體上持續帶給您們快樂,請他和來賓一杯飲料吧: provided by SoundOn
Atlanta Stand-Up Comedians, Lisandra Vazquez & Brandi Unger get hot takes from the hottest comedians on the scene. If you're looking for a heartfelt interview, this is not the podcast for you. This is like a late-night talk show hosted by your best friends. Grab a coffee, glass of wine, or a green juice & get ready to hear some hot comics! Support this podcast: