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等待乾燥 需要音樂
凌晨晚餐 請上二樓.
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In 1999, Soundrotation began as a weekly event DJ Duane Powell used to co-host at Funky Buddha Lounge in Chicago. The idea was to create a global night of soulful grooves, be it acid jazz, jazz funk, Latin, broken beat, and everything in between. The event became a staple in Chicago Nightlife, and brought home the soulful underground sound of the UK & dance music from around the globe.
Now, in partnership with The Silver Room, we're bringing back the sonic vibrations of Soundrotation with a weekly mix on Soundrotation Radio, every Sunday!
Tune in, and vibe out to the worldly, eclectic sound selection by Duane Powell.
Visit for more info! -
Hello 大家
這期節目要來做 【最新韓流資訊】
如果跟我一樣喜歡韓國的 音樂 戲劇 偶像
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Join the founding members of Wollongong - Dave, Michael (Zini), Oakie Doke (Jack) & Voltz Supreme (Joel) - as they celebrate 10 years of improvised musical madness and count up to the release of their 100th album!
With almost 100 recorded albums, becoming a huge Wollongong fan can sometimes start off as a slightly daunting experience. But with The Official Wollongong Podcast, the boys have done all the hard work for you, giving you the best introduction to and summary of what is now known as the greatest musical entity to have ever birthed the “location genre”.
So grab a hot cuppa-joe, some extremely high quality headphones, sit back and enjoy as the boys look back over the greatest decade of music ever and venture forward into a bright, bright future!
If you’re not a huge Wollongong fan, you will be. -
它的名稱: 艾上廣告音樂咖
音樂平台: 艾瑞克搖滾創作音樂台
熱愛創作: 音樂、工業設計(外觀機構)、網頁、平面、手繪等
追求新鮮事: 行銷、漫畫、熱舞...
國家圖書館藏書: 桃園大富翁城 作者
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《說說說說你愛音樂》為「播蝦 popoxiaxia」頻道之Podcast節目,由Midi楊士弘&寶賤擔任節目DJ,用又ㄎㄧㄤ又鬧的聽覺體驗,帶給你最新音樂推薦、別處聽不到的歌曲製作/企劃/宣傳等幕後秘辛,以及歌手、製作人等音樂人的獨家專訪;在枯燥無味的通勤時光、每個睡不著的夜晚,讓DJ帶領你一起徜徉在音樂世界中!
🎧 YouTube / Instagram 搜尋:播蝦 popoxiaxia
🎧 廣告或合作邀約:[email protected]
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We're Rori and Aaron Carmichael, siblings who share a love for movies, TV, music, and all-things pop culture. Though we grew up in the same household, we still have some pretty big differences. Each episode we give our perspectives on a film, show, or song, and try to find some common ground with one another. We also hope to make recommendations that you will like, as well. Oh, and don't worry...we will keep the bickering and rivalries to a minimum.
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"一日一樂 · 1DAY1MUSIC" is a Podcast from Koko, a Taiwanese music critic based in Berlin. The episodes include many musician's interviews and Albums, EPs or Singles reviews from all of the world. Koko may also share some daily life in this Podcast! The episodes would have Chinese or English version and you can find the different languages on the titles of each episode. Season 1-3 were all in Chinese but season 4 & 5 may have some English Interviews! If you are interested in Koko's Music Reviews, check out 1day1music's Instagram:
优美动听的古典吉他,想学琴的朋友请私信哈![email protected]
主持人、企劃 | 采郁 郭木
製作人、錄音、剪輯 | 瑄
文案 | 采郁 秋編
平面美編 | 采郁
影音 | 采郁
片頭、片尾曲 | 郭勁
場地 | 有木友咖啡吧/藏聲處工作室
各類音樂邀訪/合作請來信:[email protected]
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