
  • "Managing a CEO's LinkedIn account is a full-time job."

    Garret Caudle is the founder and CEO of Influent, a full-funnel LinkedIn marketing agency. With a background in scaling agencies and a passion for LinkedIn's untapped potential, Garret shares his expertise on leveraging the platform for thought leadership and business growth.

    In this insightful episode of Agency Journey, Garret breaks down the strategy behind effective LinkedIn content creation for agency founders and executives. He emphasizes the importance of developing a clear point of view and consistently sharing valuable insights with your target audience.

    Whether you're looking to establish yourself as an industry thought leader or generate more leads for your agency, this episode will give you plenty of inspiration and actionable advice to make LinkedIn a key pipeline driver for your business.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Create a "thought leadership map" outlining your core beliefs and perspectives on industry trends. Use this as a foundation for your content strategy.

    💡 Aim for 4 LinkedIn posts per week, focusing primarily on text-based content that showcases your unique point of view.

    💡 Analyze engagement to ensure you're reaching your ideal customer profile (ICP), not just your existing network. Quality of engagement matters more than vanity metrics.

    💡 Be patient - expect to see "green shoots" of results within 90 days, more consistent lead flow by 6 months, and significant impact by 1 year.

    💡 Use proprietary data and unique insights from your client work to differentiate your content and showcase your expertise.

    💡 Consider incorporating personal elements into your professional content to make it uniquely yours, without relying solely on selfies or personal anecdotes.

    💡 Leverage your team's expertise by having them interview you about your POVs to generate content ideas.

    💡 Write concisely and conversationally, leading with your main point or value proposition in each post.

    Resources Mentioned:

    🌐 Garret's LinkedIn:

    🏢 Garret’s LinkedIn agency, Influent:


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

  • Is it ever possible to track 40 hours of work in a given week?

    If not, what should the benchmark be?

    What is time tracking for, anyway?

    And how to talk about it with your team members in a way that makes them motivated, and gives you good insights?

    In this episode of Agency Journey, Gray and Kuba discuss the challenges and best practices of time tracking in agencies. They explore how to communicate its purpose, implement effective processes, and use the data to drive business decisions.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 The real purpose of time tracking is to shape business decisions and help managers guide team members' focus

    💡 Clear communication about why you're tracking time is crucial for team buy-in

    💡 Using tools like RescueTime can provide more accurate data on how time is actually spent

    💡 Weekly reviews of time tracking data can help coach team members to be more efficient

    💡 Time tracking data should inform decisions on pricing, packaging, staffing, and process optimization

    💡 Reframe time tracking as managing "units of energy" or impact rather than just hours

    💡 It's important to share back with the team how time tracking data is being used to improve the business

    Resources Mentioned:

    🌐 Gray’s LinkedIn:

    🌐 ZenPilot Profitability and Utilization Reporting:

    ⚒️ ClickUp:

    ⚒️ RescueTime

    ⚒️ Harvest

    ⚒️ Everhour

    ⚒️ Toggl


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

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  • In this episode of Agency Journey, Gray and Kuba discuss the pros and cons of daily standup meetings and explore alternative approaches for remote teams. They break down why many companies still rely on standups and offer strategies to instead build trust, maintain momentum, and improve planning asynchronously.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Daily standups are often a crutch for poor planning or lack of clear expectations

    💡 Trust is built when expectations are consistently met over time

    💡 Asynchronous tools like ClickUp can replace many standup functions if used properly

    💡 Celebrating wins and progress is crucial for remote team momentum

    💡 Consider if standups are truly necessary or if they've become an inefficient habit

    💡 Clear communication and transparency about expectations are key in building trust

    💡 Journaling and self-reflection can help identify areas for improvement in team processes

    Resources Mentioned:

    🌐 ZenPilot:

    🌐 Gray’s LinkedIn:

    ⚒️ ClickUp:

    ⚒️ 15Five:

    ⚒️ HubStaff

    ⚒️ Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS):

    📦 ZenPilot’s Agency Client Health Tracker:


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • "From the very start, when I launched Galactic Fed, some of my friends (former entrepreneurs) gave me really good advice, which is that you want to be removing yourself from as many processes as you can. You do not want to create what some people call a key man or key woman scenario."

    Zach Boyette is the co-founder and Managing Partner at Galactic Fed, a full-service growth marketing agency with a team of 150 people across 25 countries. Zach has an unconventional background, having worked at Google and P&G before becoming a digital nomad and building Galactic Fed.

    In this episode of Agency Journey, Zach shares insights on scaling an agency while maintaining a strong remote culture. He emphasizes the importance of documentation, promoting from within, and choosing your team over rude clients.

    Zach also discusses his perspective on the future of remote work and why he believes younger generations will drive a shift toward more location-independent companies.

    This is a great conversation for agency leaders interested in building a large remote team while maintaining work-life balance.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Document everything to create a consistent client experience as you scale. Have each team member spend a couple hours per week documenting processes.

    💡 Build culture in a remote agency through casual Slack channels, quarterly all-hands meetings focused on personal updates rather than just company info, and leading by example with communication style.

    💡 Hire self-starters who are comfortable with written communication. Use written assessments and thorough reference checks early in the hiring process.

    💡 When leading leaders, have a regular cadence of written updates prior to meetings. Show you are present and remember details about their teams and challenges.

    💡 Have an org chart planned out far in advance and hire proactively for the structure you want to build. Avoid building the org chart reactively around specific people.

    💡 Don't personally attach your name to the agency brand. Build a company brand that can exist beyond just you.

    💡 Be willing to choose your team over abusive clients, even if they pay well. Prioritize a healthy culture.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Zach's LinkedIn:

    Galactic Fed agency website:

    Zach's personal website:

    The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber (book recommendation for designing an org chart)

    ClickUp for project management:

    Google Suite


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “​​In all aspects of your work and your business, you have systems. Why is networking, which is just as important as any one of those singular things, not managed with such ferocity?”

    Kurt Schmidt is an agency founder, podcast host, author, and agency coach with 25 years of experience growing agencies from just a few people to over 500 employees and tens of millions in revenue. He started his career as a designer and developer before catching the entrepreneurial bug and becoming a "pirate" as he puts it.

    In this value-packed episode of Agency Journey, Kurt shares his hard-earned wisdom on business development, networking, and delivering client results. He emphasizes the importance of taking a problems-first approach rather than just showcasing capabilities.

    Kurt is also the author of “The Little Book of Networking”, and in this conversation he explains the system he uses to consistently provide value to his network and build community.

    Whether you're looking to jumpstart your agency's growth or build a thriving professional network, this episode is a must-listen.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Go back and audit your current and past clients to see which ones are in a growth stage and may have additional problems you can solve. Most clients have no idea about your full capabilities.

    💡 Focus on the problems you solve and the outcomes you create rather than just showcasing the executional work in your portfolio. Clients care about how you can help them, not how pretty your designs are.

    💡 When networking, clearly state what you do and what you're looking for. Be equally intentional about understanding and recording others' needs. Systematize your follow-ups and always look for ways to provide value and make connections.

    💡 Study how other professional services firms like lawyers and accountants acquire clients and manage their businesses. Don't limit your learning to just agencies in your specific niche.

    💡 Explore different billing models like productized services and outcome-based fees. Discuss what's working with agency peers to find the best fit for your clients and business.

    Resources Mentioned:

    🌐 Kurt's LinkedIn:


    🌐 Kurt’s website:


    🏢 Kurt’s consulting business:


    🏢 Kurt's agency, Foundry:

    📙 The Little Book of Networking by Kurt Schmidt:

    📙 The 10-10-10 Blueprint by Kurt Schmidt - coming soon

    🎙️ The Schmidt List Podcast:


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • John Corcoran is the co-founder of Rise25, an agency that helps B2B companies get clients, referrals, and strategic partnerships through done-for-you podcasts and content marketing. John has been podcasting since 2010 and his business partner Jeremy has been doing it since 2008. Together they've built a team of over 50 people to support B2B companies in leveraging this powerful medium.

    John has a fascinating and diverse background prior to Rise25. At various points in his career, he was paid by President Bill Clinton as a White House writer, worked for Steven Spielberg at DreamWorks, and did some work for Warren Buffett. He was also a lawyer for a period before discovering the power of podcasting to have high-caliber business conversations and decided to make that his focus.

    In this episode of Agency Journey, John shares his knowledge on using podcasts strategically to deliver value to your ideal clients and referral partners. He emphasizes that download numbers and vanity metrics matter far less than having the right conversations with the right people.

    We also dig into John's involvement with Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) and get an inside look at different high-level business peer groups.

    This is a great episode for agency leaders interested in the power of podcasts and surrounding yourself with other successful entrepreneurs.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Interviewing people for a podcast is a far more effective way to build relationships than typical coffee networking meetings. It allows you to provide value and have higher caliber conversations.

    💡 Focus on creating podcast content that delivers value to your ideal clients and referral partners. Don't get caught up in vanity metrics like downloads - it's about having the right conversations with the right people.

    💡 Joining a peer community for entrepreneurs, such as EO, can provide invaluable support, camaraderie, and learning opportunities to help you through the unique challenges of building a business.

    💡 Explore different business groups to find the right fit for you.

    💡 Use your podcast as a strategic tool to have conversations with people who wouldn't otherwise carve out time to meet with you. It's an amazing way to connect with hard-to-reach, high-caliber people.

    Resources Mentioned:

    🌐 John’s LinkedIn:

    🎙️ INspired INsider podcast hosted by Jeremy Weisz:

    🎙️ Smart Business Revolution podcast hosted by John Corcoran:

    🏢 Rise25 agency website:

    👥 EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization):

    👥 Vistage

    👥 YPO (Young Presidents' Organization)

    👥 Strategic Coach

    👥 Tiger21

    👥 Hampton


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • In this episode, Kuba generates a list of client success tips using AI—and Gray critiques them and goes way deeper based on his hard-won experience in the agency space.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Understanding client goals is crucial for improving client success. Ask questions and listen carefully to their answers to gain a deeper understanding.

    💡 Regular communication is key. Set clear expectations around how and when you'll communicate with clients, and provide updates on progress and challenges.

    💡 Be proactive in identifying and preventing issues before they arise. Addressing problems openly and honestly builds trust with clients.

    💡 Personalize the experience by treating each client as unique and customizing services to fit their specific needs. Show that you are paying attention and value their individuality.

    💡 Clarity is kindness. Be clear and firm in setting expectations and communicate openly when issues arise.

    Resourced Mentioned:

    🌐 ZenPilot:

    🌐 Gray’s LinkedIn:


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Read our in-depth, 8000-word How to Use ClickUp Guide:

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “All of my successes massively outpace my capabilities. Like when you meet me, you're like, ‘I can't believe that guy did all the shit that he did’. Because I look homeless and I'm not really as bright as I pretend to be. I'm not self-deprecating—it's a fact. My success outpaces my capability because I found other people that were more capable than me."

    Kasim Aslam is the CEO of Solutions 8, co-founder of Driven Mastermind, and co-host of the Perpetual Traffic podcast. He has built four multi-million dollar agencies and had two exits, one of which was an eight-figure deal. Kasim's success in the agency world, particularly in the Google Ads space, and his ability to scale businesses with minimal initial capital make him an impressive figure in the industry.

    He’s also one of the most energetic and insightful guests this podcast has seen thus far.

    This episode of Agency Journey will be a perfect listen for agency owners and entrepreneurs looking to remove themselves from the business, identify and keep their most valuable team members, and build the mindset that will take your operation to the next level.

    Kasim shared a whirlwind of inspiration, including but not limited to: the crucial differences between employees (farmers) and entrepreneurs (hunters); the power of offering equity to top performers; the importance of hiring people who can outperform you in their roles; and the benefits of seeking out hard challenges for personal and professional growth.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Seeking a business mentor can provide valuable guidance and support in personal and professional growth.

    💡 Asking for help is essential and should not be seen as a sign of weakness. But you need to be humble and willing to do the hard work for others to decide to help you.

    💡 Seek out hard things for the sake of doing hard things.

    💡 People are the most important aspect of agency operations and can be the key differentiator in a competitive market. Incentivize and retain peak performers by offering profit share equity.

    💡 Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more capable than you in their respective roles to build a successful agency.

    💡 AI is a force multiplier of people—which can be both good and bad, making people even more important in business.

    💡 Understand that employees (farmers) and entrepreneurs (hunters) have different motivations and expectations, and build your business model accordingly.

    💡 Tying employee compensation directly to their output and the value they bring to the agency can help balance growth and profitability.

    💡 Success often outpaces an individual's capabilities because of the power of finding and cultivating talented people.

    Resourced Mentioned:

    📚 "No Locked Doors" by Gregory Smith

    📚 "You Versus Google" by Kasim Aslam

    📚 "Driven" by Douglas Brackmann and Randy Kelley

    🏢 Driven Mastermind, co-founded by Kasim Aslam:

    🏢 Solutions 8, Kasim's agency that he recently sold:

    🏢 Pareto Talent, Kasim's new venture focused on finding and training executive assistants and other roles for entrepreneurs

    🎙️ Perpetual Traffic, co-hosted by Kasim Aslam:

    👤 Gregory Smith, Kasim's long-time business mentor:

    👤 Erik Huberman, founder of Hawke Media



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    About ZenPilot:

    As ClickUp's first and highest-rated solutions partner, we've helped over 2,700 agencies streamline their operations in ClickUp.

    📕 Get our ultimate "How to Use" ClickUp guide:

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    ⚡️ Want to see how your agency operations stack up against 2,000 other firms? take the 20-question benchmark:

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  • “Candidate expectations have certainly accelerated. There's a difference today versus 10 years ago in terms of what people's expectations are and how fast other processes are going. And so moving quickly is an advantage in a hiring process—and figuring out how to move quickly without sacrificing on the process is a little bit of an art.”

    In this episode, our very own Gray McKenzie discusses the process of hiring the right people for an agency. He shares his recent experience of hiring an Integrator and COO for ZenPilot, and all the small and big decisions that shaped the recruitment process. Gray explains the hiring framework we followed, the stages of the hiring process, the approach towards sourcing and screening candidates, and much more.

    A great listen for anyone looking to expand their team—it will help you craft a fast process that surfaces the best talent and captures it before it goes off the market.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Hiring the right people is crucial for agency growth and success.

    💡 “Who: the A Method for Hiring” is a framework that can help agencies find and hire the best candidates.

    💡 It’s important to promote your job postings selectively to have a higher quality pipeline.

    💡 Clear communication and transparency about the role and expectations are key in attracting the right candidates. Have a defined hiring process to provide clarity and confidence to both candidates and the hiring team.

    💡 Move quickly in the hiring process to meet candidate expectations and avoid losing top talent.

    💡 Reference checks are crucial to gather additional insights and validate a candidate's performance.

    💡 Group interviews can provide different perspectives and help candidates and team members build rapport.

    💡 Consider a co-working session as part of your hiring process to assess candidates in action.

    💡 Make connections with unsuccessful candidates to maintain positive relationships and potential future opportunities.

    Resourced Mentioned:

    🌐 ZenPilot

    🌐 Gray’s LinkedIn

    📚 "Who: The A Method for Hiring" by Geoff Smart and Randy Street

    📚 "Topgrading" by Bradford D. Smart

    ⚙️ EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System)

    🤝 EOS Self-Implementers Group

    ⚒️ Loom


    Brought to you by ZenPilot, ClickUp’s #1 Solutions Partner with 2,700+ agency ops makeovers under our belt.

    📕 Get our free, 56-page ebook: "How to Use ClickUp – The Ultimate Guide":

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • "I think the hardest thing that all HubSpot agencies are trying to solve for is… 500 product updates this year. How do you keep it all straight? How do you share that knowledge? How much knowledge do you have to know as a team, to what level? One thing that I practice and preach is: not everybody's going to know everything, but that collectively as a team and as an agency, we've got people in certain areas that are experts in those areas that we can rely on."

    Adam Sharrow is the founder of Process Pro Consulting, a HubSpot Diamond Partner agency specializing in technical implementation, optimization, and support for businesses using HubSpot.

    Drawing from his experience in building and scaling a successful HubSpot agency, Adam shares about navigating the challenges of growth, managing a team of experts, and staying ahead of the curve even as HubSpot releases 500+ product updates each year.

    This episode of Agency Journey will be perfect for agency owners looking to specialize in a specific niche, such as HubSpot consulting, and build a sustainable, scalable business model.

    You'll learn about the importance of conducting thorough client assessments, balancing quick wins with long-term strategic planning, and fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and expertise within your growing team.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Challenges and strategies for running a HubSpot-focused agency—from a HubSpot Diamond Partner

    💡 The trajectory of HubSpot: where it’s going in the future, and how it relates to how Salesforce grew

    💡 The importance of a paid discovery/assessment—and seeing it through even when clients want to jump to solving specific issues

    💡 The capacity planning challenges created by month-to-month retainers (and how to mitigate them)

    💡 Staying on top of 500+ HubSpot product updates per year and managing collective internal expertise as you scale

    💡 Addressing the challenges of scaling from 5 to 10 to 15 people—and how it impacts which metrics you track

    💡 Specializing in your wheelhouse of expertise vs trying to solve everything + the benefits of partnering with other agencies for complementary needs

    💡 How to build sales pipeline as a HubSpot agency

    Resourced Mentioned:

    📚 Process Pro Consulting website

    📚 Adam Sharrow on LinkedIn

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “In today's day and age people are scared to be measured. But your athletes, they love it because that's how they grew up. How do you know who are the best players on the team? You look at the box score, you look at the stat sheet. So I like bringing a sports mentality to everything I do.”

    Casey Cavell is a serial entrepreneur. He’s built a $40,000,000 portfolio from a $9,000 investment by founding, buying, or investing in dozens of small businesses over the last two decades.

    He also has personal experience with the kind of burnout that results from the business growing and relying too heavily on one person.

    Which is why he now focuses on helping companies simplify, focus, and get the business owner out of the day-to-day.

    This episode of Agency Journey will be perfect if you’re an entrepreneur thinking about investing in and increasing the value of other businesses; bringing in A-players; and mindfully delegating tasks until you’re left working on what you do best and love most.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 How Casey found underperforming businesses to acquire, and how he turned them into more systematic, process-driven organizations

    💡 Buying businesses outright vs coming in as an investor

    💡 Structuring equity/profit-sharing deals with clients—including earning trust with a 90-day initial engagement

    💡 How to prevent burnout by delegating tasks, hiring A-players, and removing reliance on the owner

    💡 The specific tasks entrepreneurs should delegate first

    💡 Defining what you want your business to do for your life

    Resourced Mentioned:

    📚 Casey’s consulting business

    📚 Casey’s LinkedIn

    📚 The Dugout CEO podcast

    📚 The Friday Drive newsletter

    📚 Books: Good to Great; Rich Dad Poor Dad; The E-Myth

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “I had bought into this idea that you had to sacrifice everything you had to kill yourself for growth. And it cost me dearly. I made some really poor decisions.”

    Carlos Hidalgo is co-founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust, a Utah-based data-driven, AI-enabled agency with a belief that "growth is a state of being, not just a goal to be achieved".

    But he's also a man with a dramatic story of putting his business ahead of his other life priorities—and learning some very hard lessons from that.

    This episode of Agency Journey will be a perfect reality check for agency owners, and an opportunity to re-assess the importance you should put on your agency relative to the current stage of your life journey.

    It will be especially relevant if you're balancing being a business owner with being a spouse, a parent, and a person driven by faith.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 The pivotal moments that reshaped Carlos's perspective on work-life balance and led him to reassess his priorities—including stepping down from one of his previous agencies.

    💡 Practical wisdom on setting non-negotiable boundaries, prioritizing well-being, and staying true to your business ethos.

    💡 Specific practices and habits Carlos introduced with his wife and himself to build a balanced and fulfilling life as an agency owner.

    💡 The virtues of being selective about what you're willing to invest yourself in, and how much.

    Resourced Mentioned:

    📚 Digital Exhaust

    📚 The UnAmerican Dream by Carlos Hidalgo (book)

    📚 Carlos' LinkedIn

    🛠️ AI tools: Otter, ChatGPT, Jasper

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “I have long seen myself as: I’m a very good marketer. I'm a very good communicator. I'm a good content creator. That's my lane. I know how to drive in that lane very, very well. And this has been a challenge for me to say: how do I become the best president, owner of a services business? Versus the best marketer anybody knows.”

    Ali Schwanke is founder and CEO of Simple Strat—a Diamond HubSpot Solutions Partner and premium B2B content marketing agency.

    You may know them from the HubSpot Hacks YouTube channel, the #1 unofficial source of HubSpot tutorials with over 20k subscribers to the channel.

    This episode will be a perfect listen for agency operators looking to find their perfect niche; discover content topics and formats that work on YouTube; and become a better leader by leveraging their unique leadership style.

    It’s also full of inspiration for owners considering making an exit from their agency.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Simple Strat’s journey towards becoming experts in the HubSpot ecosystem through content creation and strategic focus

    💡 How Ali and her team approach content production and finding ideas for their HubSpot Hacks channel on YouTube (leveraging TubeBuddy, AirTable, and HubSpot rep feedback)

    💡 Moving from solving problems on her own to empowering team members to learn and grow

    💡 Ali’s advice on leadership styles, the shift in mindset from a marketer to an agency owner, and the importance of systems and processes in scaling an agency

    💡 Ali’s thoughts on how to prepare for a future exit from an agency, including the importance of mindset but also legal compliance, data preparation, and more

    Resourced Mentioned:

    📚 Simple Strat

    📚 Ali Schwanke’s LinkedIn

    📚 HubSpot Hacks YouTube channel

    📚 TubeBuddy (for YouTube keyword research)

    📚 "Work Less, Earn More" by Karl Sakas (book)

    📚 "Built to Sell" by John Warrillow (book)

    📚 "How to Win Client Business When You Don't Know What You're Doing" by Doug Fletcher (book)

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “If you don't like managing people, one of the things to consider is: do you want to run an agency? The management portion will never go away. But it also doesn't have to be so hard.”

    Karl Sakas, agency advisor and founder of Sakas & Company, has served as “agency therapist” for over 600 clients in 36 countries. He was also our recent guest on Agency Journey. His fourth time on the show!

    You can guess why we had Karl on so many times—his insights are always on point.

    If you want to work less and earn more, and be a better leader for your agency through cultivating personal relationships and intentional leadership training, this episode will be well worth a listen.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 The four stages of day-to-day involvement agency owners progress through on the way to becoming optional

    💡 Managing expectations as you plan your agency succession

    💡 Karl’s process and challenges narrating the audio version of his book, “Work Less, Earn More”

    💡 The importance of warmth vs. competence as a manager

    💡 Practical tips for building personal relationships with team members and network contacts

    💡 Karl’s personal investment in leadership development, including his own coaching and participation in intensive leadership programs

    💡 The importance of 360 evaluation as a leader

    💡 The leadership development programs Karl recommends

    Resourced Mentioned:

    📚 Sakas & Company:

    📚 Karl’s book, “Work Less, Earn More” (plus companion workbook):

    📚 The Manager Tools training program Karl recommends:

    📚 Karl’s Agency Leadership Intensive (sign-ups open until end of February):

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • “We all consider ourselves humble experts. So we all know that we're good at what we do, but ego does not get in the way around our workplace.”

    Arianne Foulks, CEO and founder of Aeolidia, a one-stop shop agency for creative ecommerce brands with 20+ years of market presence, was our recent guest on Agency Journey.

    If you want to build an efficient, adaptable agency that builds strong relationships with clients and employees—this episode will be perfect for you.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Transitioning from a solo operation to managing a 20-person creative team

    💡 The philosophy of nurturing a 'humble expert' team culture

    💡 Leveraging tools like ClickUp for effective project management

    💡 Arianne’s decision-making process regarding partnership with other agencies

    💡 The evolution of Aeolidia's pricing and service offerings during the pandemic

    Resources Mentioned:

    📚 Aeolidia:

    📚 "Profit First" and "Clockwork" by Mike Michalowicz for business management

    📚 "4000 Weeks" by Oliver Burkeman for a perspective on productivity and time management

    📚 ClickUp for project management and tracking

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • [This is a special feature of Gray's recent appearance on Perpetual Traffic—reposted on the Agency Journey feed so you don't miss this informative discussion!]

    Kasim chats with Gray MacKenzie, the co-founder of ZenPilot, a company that helps agencies master project management. Gray reveals why project management is more than just software, and how to create effective processes and habits. He also shares how to set up your scorecard, track your client health, and deliver an awesome experience for your team and clients. Plus, he gives you the three secrets to project management success and how to avoid the most common mistakes.


    00:00:00 - Introduction and Welcome00:01:59 - How to Calculate the ROI of Project Management00:07:20 - How Zenpilot Evolved Over 10 Years00:19:08 - How to Measure and Improve Client Health00:24:42 - The Three Keys to Making Project Management Work Well00:26:19 - How to Use ClickUp and Teamwork for Project Management00:28:16 - How to Define Your Scorecard and Track Your Progress00:30:25 - How AI Can Enhance Project Management00:33:18 - How to Design Your Data Architecture for AI00:37:17 - How AI Can Automate Task Creation and Summary00:39:30 - How Gamification Can Motivate and Engage Your Team00:40:38 - How AI Can Optimize Capacity Management00:46:15 - How to Create Structure and Clarity for Your Team00:48:25 - How to Use Time Tracking for Capacity Management


    ZenPilotGray MacKenzie on LinkedInClickUpEOS® V/TO™ Template - V/TO™ TemplateEOS - Entrepreneurial Operating SystemTraffic & Conversion SummitTier 11 JobsPerpetual Traffic on YouTubeTiereleven.comSolutions 8 Perpetual Traffic SurveyPerpetual Traffic WebsiteFollow Perpetual Traffic on TwitterConnect with Kasim on Twitter and Connect with Ralph on LinkedIn

    👋 See you next time for a regular Agency Journey episode!

  • "Small groups of highly skilled, highly motivated, well communicating people can just achieve more than you can at a large organization."

    Jesse Resnick, co-founder of Ei Digital, a full-service digital agency, was our recent guest on Agency Journey.

    This episode is a must-listen for agency owners and managers looking to build a high-performing team culture.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Jesse's journey from working in larger agencies to establishing EI Digital.

    💡 The journey of EI Digital from a modest start to a full-service agency

    💡 How EI Digital's pod-based team structure enhances efficiency and client service

    💡 Jesse's perspective on the intersection of brand and performance marketing in the digital age

    💡 Strategies for nurturing and developing talent within a digital agency

    💡 Utilizing strategic vision to maintain a high-quality user experience while scaling

    💡 The importance of EBITDA and other financial metrics in agency decision-making

    Resources Mentioned:

    📚 Ei Digital:

    📚 Jesse’s LinkedIn:

    📚 Principles by Ray Dalio: Jesse's recommended reading for agency principles

    📚 Accrual Accounting: Understanding its importance in agency operations

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot

  • Is your agency prepared for the cookieless future that threatens to “tank” advertising performance?

    Paris Childress, CEO of SaaS-focused performance marketing agency Hop Online, was our recent guest on Agency Journey.

    He shared insights on crafting first-party data strategies that can help agencies avoid disrupted campaigns when third party cookies expire.

    Paris also discussed expanding service offerings with data science capabilities; making use of new privacy-focused technologies like his AI platform pLTV; specific and actionable personal branding tips; and optimizing operations with tools like ClickUp.

    Tune in if you want to ensure your agency has a plan to preserve ROI as the digital advertising landscape evolves.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Why third party cookie loss will cause ad performance to “tank”

    💡 The pressing need for agencies to focus on first-party data strategies

    💡 Why agencies should start expanding into data science capabilities

    💡 How Paris’ pLTV platform leverages AI to predict customer lifetime value

    💡 Successfully Hop Online’s entire CRM over to ClickUp

    💡 The importance of personal branding for agency leadership

    💡 Hiring data scientists as a key recommendation for agencies

    Resources Mentioned:

    📚 Paris’s agency:

    📚 pLTV – Paris’ Predictive Lifetime Value platform:

    📚 ClickUp as a CRM! Watch our full bonus video with Paris about this here:

    If your agency is unprepared for the major privacy shifts underway, don't miss exploring Paris’ actionable insights around optimizing for the cookieless future.

  • Want to take your agency to the next level? Learn how Matthew leveraged EOS, strategic partnerships, and custom ecommerce solutions to optimize operations and expand offerings over 9 years in business. His proven strategies can help your agency demonstrate ROI and pave the path to sustainable growth.

    Matthew McIver shares his journey evolving Commence Studio from a service-based creative agency into a productized business selling themes on Shopify.

    Learn how EOS and Traction shaped their growth, why they partner with larger firms, and how custom ecommerce sites demonstrate clearer ROI for clients.

    Matthew also explains how virtual tools like Float enable better financial visibility and why you should standardize systems instead of reinventing the wheel.

    Tune in for a transparent peek behind the scenes at an agency optimizing their operations and expanding their offerings over 9 years in business.

    Episode Insights:

    💡 Implementing EOS framework for meeting cadences, planning, and clearer roles

    💡 Transitioning from service-based revenue to product-based revenue with a Shopify theme

    💡 Leveraging expertise into products/services others can use

    💡 Partnering with larger agencies to provide specialized services

    💡 Using custom Shopify themes over off-the-shelf themes to showcase branded experiences

    💡 Proving ROI for clients easier with ecommerce sites vs. B2B sites

    💡 Embracing a "collaboration over competition" mindset with agency partners

    💡 Learning from other successful service firms to constantly improve your own customer experience

    Resources Mentioned:

    📚 Matthew’s agency:

    📚 EOS (Entrepreneurs' Operating System)

    📚 Traction by Gino Wickman

    📚 The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

    📚 Float app for cash flow forecasting

    📚 Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO)

    📚 Shopify Partners

    If you're a creative agency looking to expand your offerings or prove ROI for clients, don't miss this episode.

    👉 Don’t forget to follow and rate us on your preferred podcast platforms. We’re also on YouTube: @ZenPilot