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Podcast zo sveta digitalizácie, kybernetickej bezpečnosti a vzdelávania. Microsoft Česká republika a Slovensko pripravilo pre vás tento podcast, v ktorom sa dozviete viac o stratégií “Shape the Future”, ktorá stojí na týchto troch pilieroch: Kybernetická bezpečnosť, Vzdelávanie a Inovácie. Tento podcast bude tvorený z minisérií, ktoré budú obsahovať niekoľko epizód. Môžete sa tešiť na zaujímavých hostí a témy, ktoré vás budú inšpirovať do vašich životov. Podcastom vás bude spravádzať Lukáš Okál a Vladimír Hruban, ktorí si pozvú k sebe zaujímavých hostí, ktorí vám prinesú myšlienky hodné vypočutia.
The Science Behind the Bike is a series of films that investigate how science and technology have transformed the sport of cycling. We talk to Olympic gold-medallists Chris Boardman and Rebecca Romero, and Paralympian gold-medallist Sarah Storey, take a trip to a wind tunnel, consult with Team GB physiologists and hear from design experts and cycling legends such as Graeme Obree and Francesco Moser. In this series you will find out about the legendary Hour Record (the record for the longest distance cycled in one hour), learn about technology, discover the forces that have to be overcome to ride fast and understand how the body deals physiologically when riding at Olympic level.
This material was produced to support the Open University module S172 Sport: the science behind the medals. -
Welcome to the Pocket Casts release notes podcast! Join us as we explore the latest updates and features of Pocket Casts! Our team will dive deep into each release note and provide insights on how to get the most out of the app. We'll share tips and tricks, answer user questions, and give you a behind-the-scenes look at the development process. Whether you're a long-time user or new to the app, our podcast will keep you up-to-date and entertained. Tune in to stay on top of the latest Pocket Casts news and updates!
Patríte medzi milovníkov zvierat a chceli by ste vedieť čo najviac „pikantérii“ z ich života? Započúvajte sa do podcastu, vďaka ktorému sa okrem množstva iných zaujímavých informácii dozviete aj to, či sa oslovujú menami, aký je ich vzťah k alkoholu a drogám, či je penis naozaj len výsadou samcov, aký je ich postoj k homosexualite a potratom, ale aj to, či používajú toaletný papier a dentálnu niť.
Welcome! Maybe you are already learning Turkish with us on Youtube? On the Easy Turkish Podcast, we discuss topics from Turkey and around the world. In our episodes we will discuss a topic we choose, explain an idiom or an expression, recommend a movie, a TV series or a song and we will answer your questions. Members get full transcripts and our exclusive vocabulary helper for each episode.
Hamza Ahmed shares his personal growth story to help young men with their self-improvement. Hamza Ahmed has a remarkable self-improvement story. He's been down in the depths of self-improvement depression just like you, and yet, he climbed out...
Now Hamza Ahmed teaches what worked for him to millions of young men around the world.
Do the hard work, especially when you don't feel like it.
Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact -
A league of lady lawyers empowering women to be legal savvy. Knowing your rights and how to navigate the law isn’t easy to do on your own, which is why the lady lawyer league is here to help. Hosted by Tracy Hightower-Henne and Susan Reff, who lead as partners of the law firm Hightower/Reff Law in Omaha, NE, and are supported by an incredible team of attorneys who are here to help you through life's most challenging times.
I was always under the impression that we were all subject to a predestined fate; I would simply go to school, get a job, get married & have some kids, slave away till I'm 65 only to gain my freedom then. That idea didn't satisfy me. So I set off on my own journey after graduating college and declining a cushy, soul-sucking corporate career. Since then I've been able to break free from societal shackles by learning how to shift my identity & master reality creation, & have been able to help over 1000 clients. In this podcast, I interview other interesting people who've done the same.
Internet je plný odporných věcí, na které při klasickém brouzdání nenarazíte. Pojďme se společně podívat na temnou stránku internetu, sociálních sítích a všem, kteří na něm fungují. Tyto témata pro vás mohou být opravdu nepříjemné.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jessica Livingston and Carolynn Levy are The Social Radars. Carolynn and Jessica have been working together to help thousands of startups at Y Combinator for almost 20 years. Come be a fly on the wall as they talk to some of the most successful founders in Silicon Valley about how they did it.
These talks and sermons were given by Priestmonk Kosmas of the Orthodox Monastery of the Archangel Michael, Sydney, Australia. The Monstery is under the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Topics include: basics in Orthodoxy, Ecumenism and Covidism, reading the lives of the saints, married life, the upbringing of children, death and the afterlife, spiritual life in the world, advice on prayer, saints and elders, magic and sorcery, and miracles and deception.
For more details, go to -
The EU History Podcast explores the most cutting edge research on the European Union's long history. Hosted by Irish native, Prof. Michael J. Geary, Jean Monnet Chair in EU History at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU). The Jean Monnet Chair is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Plán pre budúcnosť je séria podcastov Progresívneho Slovenska. Jednotlivé epizódy sa zameriavajú na budúce generácie a vzdelávanie v 21. storočí. Kandidáti a kandidátky PS predstavia víziu dostupného a kvalitného školstva, v ktorom sa dbá na rozvoj a duševné zdravie každého dieťaťa a mladého človeka.
Produkcia podcastu: -