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フードエッセイスト・平野紗季子がお届けするおいしい Podcast。毎週異なる食 (メニュー) をテーマに様々なトークを繰り広げていきます。食に対して全力で愛を注ぐ彼女にしか表現できない描写や発する言葉で、日頃私たちも食している「ごはん」の楽しみを新しい切り口で紹介していきます。この音声を聞きながら登場する料理を実際に食べると、料理がもっとおいしく、もっと魅力的になる?おしゃべりなごはん好きが繰り広げる、新しいフードトークをお楽しみください。
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店主 平野紗季子が毎週ポッドキャスト内で紹介する美味しいモノ・楽しいモノを販売中!
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"Exposed" is an interview series that focuses on prominent voices in the LGBT world from drag queens, actors, musicians, comedians, and more. It is not the traditional over the top style interview. Instead, it is more of a one-on-one style interview where guests are given the platform to talk about their career, how far they've come, struggles, successes, and more.
Japanese traditional style comedy~is a program featuring Shinoharu Tatekawa,a famous Rakugo performer. He will introduce to us what Rakugo is, the history, and how to enjoy it. Once in a while he will even perform us a Rakugo episode. RAKUGO ~Japanese traditional style comedy~は、落語家立川志の春さんが日本の伝統的な大衆芸能である『落語』の歴史、魅力、楽しみ方、などを紹介する番組です。ときには、英語で落語も披露します。
Welcome to The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Podcast - a show devoted to revisiting and honoring the world's greatest portrayal of the world's greatest detective.
From 1984 to 1994, Granada Television produced what is arguably the best (and most complete) depiction of the legendary detective’s Adventures, Memoirs, Case-Books and many Returns. Spanning 36 episodes and 5 movies, producer Michael Cox created a Sherlockian experience like no other. This podcast will examine that timeless series with a specific eye on Jeremy Brett in the role he was destined to immortalize. -
Cinema Italiano is the first podcast dedicated to Italian film. In each episode, we discuss a specific film or topic, and explore how it ties back to Italian geography, heritage, and culture.
In this series, we’ll bring in guests to discuss classic Italian cinema, lesser known gems, and share our favorites and recommendations. -
Please follow us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music.
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Join host Kris Krüg on an enigmatic journey of disruptive ideas, gripping interviews, and mind-bending explorations. Welcome to MØTLEYKRÜG the cyberpunk symphony that challenges the status quo and unites rebels of art, technology, and alternative living
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