This is the podcast of Dr. Anil Rajvanshi interview in English/Hindi on a platform to engage youth in a meaningful dialogue on various issues of the country.
Dr. Rajvanshi was interviewed on 27th December by Nancy Narang - a talented and dynamic moderator of Khulke. The interview covered topics like how to motivate students to stay in India; what made Anil Rajvanshi come back to India; what are the challenges that Anil faced while working in rural India and what message Anil has for the youth of today.
This is the podcast of the Institute Lecture given by Dr. Anil Rajvanshi at IIT Bombay on 4th December 2023. The lecture was titled: Innovative Water Technologies - Possibilities for Rural Applications. The introduction was by Dr. Shobha Shukla.
The lecture was organized in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Water Technologies organized by IIT Bombay. Dr. Anil Rajvanshi also gave the inaugural address at the conference. The conference was organized by Dr. Shobha Shukla and Dr. Sumit Saxena.
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Dr. Anil Rajvanshi, a distinguished alumni of IIT Kanpur gave an Institute lecture on Patanjali Yoga Sutras at IIT Kanpur on 9th November 2023. During his visit to the campus he was interviewed by Media Cell of IITK regarding his work and proposed Center of Excellence for high tech systems in rural areas.
This is a podcast of that interview. The video of the interview is here.
Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi was invited as chief guest to HAL, Nasik in Otober 2023. The ocassion was the Vigilance Awareness Week program at HAL.
The talk was entitled : Ethics of Work - How to be a Good Citizen.
The talk was well received and Dr. Rajvanshi had the ocassion of visiting the HAL facilities and interacting with the officers and staff.
This is a podcast of discussion that Dr. Anil Rajvanshi had in October 2023 with the students of Kirori Mal College, Delhi University.
The original podcast is available on their website TRT Unspoken.
This is a podcast by Anil K Rajvanshi in which he has shown how Patanjali's sutras mirror the knowledge of modern science and technology. According to him Patanjali was a true scientist who gave the first knowledge about the control of thought and mind and about universal laws governing time and space. Unfortunately till now none of the commentaries on Yoga Sutras have explored them through the lens of science. He feels this podcast will help overcome that lacunae.
It is really remarkable that in his Sutras Patanjali talks about Universe, space-time continuum, movement of planets among others and this was much before the time of Copernicus, Plato, Socrates, Newton and Einstein.
Rajvanshi says that Sage Patanjali has been his teacher. Whatever little he has written in the last 20 years on spirituality or thought about the interaction of mind-matter and higher things have been inspired by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and feels that his spirit has guided him in this journey.
The article on which this podcast is based is at:
This is the inaugural talk that Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi gave at Techkriti 23 at IIT Kanpur in March 2023.
Dr. Rajvanshi talks about the challenges of providing high technology in rural areas and how with technology we can improve the quality of life of rural population and in the process show the world a new paradigm of development. Dr. Rajvanshi also talked how spirituality + Technology could be new paradigm of development.
This podcast is about discovering the deep science in Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Dr. Anil Rajvanshi talks about how Sutras match the modern science and technology. He has given various examples of different sutras having uncanny resemblances with Einstein's gravitation theory and how some sutras show that Patanjali knew the details of human body.
The talk is based on the Dr. Rajvanshi"s article "Understanding the Science of Patanjali Yoga Sutras".
Please follow the links in this article to understand the deep science embedded in these sutras.
I will be delighted to hear back from the listeners.
This is a podcast of National Science Day public lecture delivered in Delhi by Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi on 28th Februray 2023. The lecture was organized by Indian National Academy of Science (INSA) and INYAS. The video of this lecture is here.
The lecture was well received and there was a lively question answer session after the lecture.
In this lecture Dr. Rajvanshi tried to inspire the young audience to follow science so that they can make India a great Nation.
This is the recording of Dr. Anil Rajvanshi's interview (in Hindi) on Gandhiji on 30th January 2023. The interview was broadcast by All India Radio, Nasik and was carried by all stations in Maharashtra.
This is a podcast of presentation made by Dr. Anil Rajvanshi, Padma Shri Awardee of 2022 on his work at NARI to Members of Parliament. He together with 18 other Padma Awardees was invited by the Speaker of Lok Sabha, Shri Om Birla ji to present their work on 27th January 2023 in PRIDE Secretariat. The presentation transcript is at this site and the webcast is here.
This podcast is about how to keep your sinuses clean by the Yogic method of Neti. Clean sinuses help you remain healthy and also help in humming. Humming is an enjoyable and is good for body and mind.
Dr. Rajvanshi shows scientifically how humming helps in vagus nerve stimulation for healthy body and mind.
The transcript of this podcast is at. How Sinuses Help in Humming. This article was published in South Asia Monitor on 6 January 2023.
For becoming an Atmanirbhar Bharat India needs excellent engineers. However the present education in undergraduate level is simply geared to passing exams which are unrelated to real life situation. The higher education for M.Tech and Ph.D. is even in worst situation with students working in theoretical problems. Essentially they become applied mathematicians.
Some possible solutions are proposed in this talk. Suggestions from listeners are most welcome.
The URL of this essay is:
The COP conferences are really a sham and a show of hypocritical behavior which brings out the real face of the selfish and the control freaks of the world. In the recently concluded COP 27 the much touted creation of loss and damage fund was nothing but hot air. With no details about who will provide money for the fund and which country will get how much this remains only platitudes.
The tycoons, heads of states and big industry leaders fly in their expensive personal jets and stay in total luxury in the resort places which are the venues of the conferences. There were reports that about 400 private jets landed in Egypt carrying the delegates! The amount of energy use and carbon dioxide production by these events is enormous and all the trappings of unsustainable lifestyle are on display by people who are talking and preaching about sustainable lifestyle!
Dr. Anil Rajvanshi has given suggestions on how to make them productive and what should be done to help go on the path to sustainability.
In this podcast Dr. Anil Rajvanshi talks about the neurobiological basis of fear, how it is formed and possible ways to overcome it and reduce it.
If we can reduce it then we can do wonderful things. History of world is history of fearless people who charted new paths and developed new thoughts, inventions and innovations.
This is the audio of the talk that Dr. Anil Rajvanshi ( gave at Pune International Center on 1st October 2022.
The talk was on Dr. Rajvanshi's latest book Ëxploring the Mind of God - How Technology Guided by Spirituality can produce Happiness". The book is available at Amazon and other book stores.
The video of the talk is available at YouTube.
This is an audio of Institute lecture that Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi ( gave at IIT Kanpur in September 2022. The title of the talk was Nation Building, Junoon and Happiness.
The YouTube video of the lecture is available at.
The talk focused on how bright students of IIT Kanpur (IITK) can help light up the lives of the rural population and in the process help in Nation Building. By doing so they will contribute to the betterment of society. The talk showed how giving back to society produces happiness.
Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi an alumnus of IITK talked about his journey from IITK to USA and to rural India and what inspired him to do so and the junoon and forces which shaped his life. The talk also touched upon the challenges facing rural India and how high tech solutions from bright minds in IITK might be able to overcome them.
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