Anil K Rajvanshi
India · Anil K Rajvanshi
- Religie en spiritualiteit
- Maatschappij & cultuur
- Filosofie
- Spiritualiteit
This is the podcast of Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi (https://nariphaltan.org/shortbio.pdf). He is currently the Director and Hon. Secretary of Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) (https://nariphaltan.org). He has more than 43 years of experience in renewable energy R&D and rural development. He did his B.Tech and M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from I.I.T. Kanpur in 1972 and 1974 respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Mech. Engg. from University of Florida, Gainesville, USA in 1979. He was also on the faculty of University of Florida (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) for 2.5 years before returning to India in 1981 to work at NARI. Besides the technology work he also has interests in spirituality, holistic living and sustainable development as evidenced by his book on the subject and his various writings which appear quite frequently in Speaking Tree (Times of India), Huffington Post, Thrive Global and South Asia Monitor. Dr. Rajvanshi has been writing about the interaction of human thought with matter since 1970s and those ideas (in diary form) have been distilled in his writings (https://nariphaltan.org/writings.htm). He believes that spirituality with high technology (https://nariphaltan.org/spiritech.pdf) should be the mantra of India’s development and practices what he preaches. Thus he lives a simple life (https://nariphaltan.org/simplelife.pdf) in rural Maharashtra while developing high technologies for rural poor.