We asked and you delivered! In this episode of the podcast we read a bunch of emails ranging that range from suggestions for future episodes, corrections to our half-baked science knowledge, tons of Westworld bashing, cats, Rick & Morty, Black Mirror, the future of the show, What we've learned over the months of recording, and tons more. Have more to say? Email us at
Digital Avatar Design copyright Bubblecasa aka Thomas Benincase. ( All Rights Reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we discuss the Westworld season 1 finale, The Bicameral Mind. We rip into the show and it's not pretty. It became clearer and clearer as the season moved forward that Westworld is slightly, if not moderately, interesting television but it's terrible science fiction! We dig into the possibilities of the show, our expectations, and the future of this here podcast and how we want to better focus on artificial intelligence, technology and the pop culture that attempts to explore with fascinating and compelling ideas. For our subscribers and future listeners this marks a transition for the Artificially Intelligent Podcast. We want to hear your thoughts so email us at
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa ( "EDM with headphones" is copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss (actually rip into) Westworld episode 9, The Well-Tempered Clavier. We get a bit critical with this one while still recapping the plot and theorizing. Maybe you are equally frustrated? Maybe you are also questioning the intentions or lack thereof with this show? Or maybe you think it's the best thing since bacon? Let us know at
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa ( - “EDM with headphones” is copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss Westworld episode 8, Trace Decay. First, listen to the very beginning for a special announcement for how you, the audience, can help us build a special audience participation episode of the podcast after the Westworld season ends! Then we dig into Westworld episode 8 and all it has (and does not) offer. The discussion ranges from consciousness to pain to past experiences and whether or not the ability to erase past experiences is really what it's all cracked up to be. We philosophize on human nature and evolution and how it relates to artificial intelligence and technology. Email is and Twitter
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa ( - "EDM with headphones" is copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss Westworld Episode 7, Trompe L'Oeil. The discussion ranges from the programming of Maeve and how she is able to blackmail or manipulate humans through fear, William is having an epiphany as is Dolores and the center of these is the ability to live in the moment and/or not have the threat of death surrounding your violent actions, Ford goes straight up Hannibal Lecter, and the twisted reveal that we mostly saw coming. We get a wee bit political and talk the presidential election. That being said, at the very end of the podcast we reach out to you, dear friends, so listen up! Email is
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa - "EDM with headphones" is copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All Rights Reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss Westworld Episode 6, The Adversary. There's a lot going on in Westworld, there's a lot of speculation online and in the media about cracking the code, but what we're upset about is that so little of the show focuses on the technical aspects of the show and the real-life developments or lack thereof with artificial intelligence! There is such an opportunity here to explore further, in depth, artificial intelligence and technology and the theories and arguments, but everything is so tampered down for a general audience (which is fine, but still). During the conversation we also speculate and assess and criticize this television show in comparison to other entertainment. But we want to hear form you, our super smart audience, so email us at
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa ( - "EDM with headphones" is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss Black Mirror Season 3 episode Men Against Fire. We talk about autonomous and semi-autonomous artificial intelligence for military use, new reports about drones, how the United States military engineers are inspired by pop culture, the supposed global robot arms race, why we don't buy the way war is depicted, Futurama, eugenics, Star Trek, The Outer Limits, brainwashing, how sex is used to distract from reality, and more! Email
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa ( - "EDM with headphones" is copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All Rights Reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss Westworld episode 5, Contrapasso. We talk about the very little technical and philosophical talk about artificial intelligence and technology in the show, the reliance on a plot-heavy narrative with many questions (and fewer answers), the vastness of the theme park, what's the world outside Westworld really like, also we discuss the differences of bingeing a season of TV vs. watching it weekly in real time, Star Trek, and much more! Two disclosures: there are a few minutes where "background noises and interference" can be heard, and we were both a bit gloomier than usual. We blame Halloween for both of these and, of course, the weather!
Digital Avatar by Bubblecasa - "EDM with headphones" is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss the Black Mirror Season 3 episode San Junipero. We both really enjoyed this episode so we had a lot to say but the majority of the conversation focuses on nostalgia, artificial intelligence, death and the afterlife, downloaded consciousness, 1987 and the 1980s in general, and much more! Zeb even admits to getting emotional (which is shocking!) and that this is his favorite Black Mirror episode. Reach out to us for questions, comments, corrections (and even praise) at
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa ( - "EDM skull with headphones" image is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss the Black Mirror Season 3 episode Playtest. We talk augmented interactive reality and alternate realities, people seeking out stimulation that freaks them out, our own bizarre (and totally normal) fears, how Americans are depicted in British entertainment, and in the end we convince ourselves that this episode required 2 viewings to appreciate (even if you watch it the first time "under the influence")!
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Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa "EDM skull with headphones" image is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss Westworld Episode 4: Dissonance Theory. We cover a lot of ground, from defining dissonance to theories about Ford's motivations to creating fear in the park for humans as well as free will (and lack thereof), death and grief (pain and loss), the programming of the hosts, the Man in Black. We also speculate on the future of Westworld as a TV show, the amount of TV and entertainment now accessible to nearly everybody in the world, Zeb gets angry about people overly-terrified of lame Halloween mazes, and more!
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa: - "EDM skull with headphones" image is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we discuss the first episode of Black Mirror Season 3, Nosedive. We theorize about the world as it is portrayed (and the lack of sex thereof), future technology, social media, celebrity, where we would rank in this bizarre dystopian social sphere (not particularly high, mind you!), and we also dive into Barack Obama's timely interview with Joi Ito and WIRED.
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Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa "EDM skull with headphones" image is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss episode 3 of Westworld (HBO) and speculate on the motivations of the major characters, the science or lack thereof behind the programming, medicine and disease, and predictions about upcoming storylines. We also dig into topics such as artificial intelligence and its relationship to religion, optimistic vs. pessimistic views of the future, science fiction tropes, robotic cats, and of course we've peppered it with plenty of whacky tangents! Email us as
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa: "EDM skull with headphones" image is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved. -
In this episode of the podcast we recap and discuss episodes 1 and 2 of Westworld (HBO) as well as question our own relationship with AI and technology while occasionally going off on tangents about pretty much anything. Shoot us an email at
Digital Avatar Design by Bubblecasa: "EDM skull with headphones" image is Copyright Thomas Benincase aka Bubblecasa. All rights reserved.