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    In this conversation, Thomas discusses the importance of instructor preparation in Jiu-Jitsu classes. He emphasizes that instructors have a responsibility to benefit their students and that being prepared is crucial for students to make progress. Thomas also highlights the distinction between knowing Jiu-Jitsu and knowing how to teach it, emphasizing the importance of teaching skills. He encourages instructors to reflect on what they will teach and how they will present the information to ensure student success. Thomas concludes by discussing the impact of unprepared instructors and the benefits of structured teaching methods.

    Instructors should be prepared for their classes to benefit their students and ensure they are not wasting their time.
    Knowing Jiu-Jitsu does not automatically mean knowing how to teach it. Teaching skills are separate and essential.
    Instructors have a responsibility to project information effectively and keep students engaged and interested.
    Unprepared instructors can negatively impact students' learning and overall experience.

    00:00- The Importance of Instructor Preparation
    01:20 - Teaching Jiu-Jitsu vs. Knowing Jiu-Jitsu
    02:18 - The Responsibility of Instructors
    03:14 - Questioning the Facility and Organization
    04:12 - Reflecting on What to Teach
    05:10 - The Role of an Instructor
    06:37 - The Impact of an Unprepared Instructor
    07:37 - Structured Teaching vs. Chaotic Teaching
    08:06 - The Different Ways of Presenting Information

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    The conversation explores the reasons behind different rule sets in tournaments and emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to these rule sets. It also discusses the differences between various martial arts and the challenges and benefits they bring. The key takeaway is that success in any scenario depends on understanding the rules and environment and adjusting one's approach accordingly.

    Different tournaments have different rule sets to make them more appealing and to differentiate themselves from the competition. Understanding the rule sets of the tournaments you enter is crucial as they create the environment and circumstances for the competition. Comparing different martial arts is like comparing apples to oranges because they have different rule sets and environments. Adapting to different environments and rule sets is essential for success in different scenarios and competitions. Knowing the rules and limitations of each scenario or training session is important for planning and reacting effectively.

    00:00 - Different Rule Sets in Tournaments
    01:00 - Understanding the Rule Sets
    02:19 - Comparing Different Martial Arts
    03:13 - Adapting to Different Environments
    04:12 - Success Through Understanding
    05:11 - Different Scenarios, Different Approaches
    06:11 - The Importance of Knowing the Rules

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    The conversation explores the importance of repetition in achieving success in Jiu-Jitsu. It emphasizes the need to repeat techniques and concepts until they become automatic and executed without conscious thought. The conversation also highlights the significance of understanding conceptual Jiu-Jitsu and how it leads to greater success. Additionally, it discusses the concept of creating a flow state through repetition and draws parallels to the sport of Judo. The conversation concludes by emphasizing the value of drilling as a means to improve in Jiu-Jitsu.


    The Importance of Repetition

    Achieving Smooth Execution

    Understanding Conceptual Jiu-Jitsu

    Creating a Flow State through Repetition

    The Example of Judo

    The Value of Drilling

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    In this episode, Thomas discusses the importance of training standards and how they contribute to improvement in Jiu-Jitsu and in life. He emphasizes the need for continuous learning and growth, regardless of one's goals or level of competition. Thomas also highlights the impact of purposeful routines and approaches to training, as well as the importance of setting objectives and maximizing training time. The episode concludes with a reminder to be intentional and goal-oriented in training, especially when making New Year's resolutions.


    Training standards are essential for improvement in Jiu-Jitsu and in life.Continuous learning and growth are important, regardless of competition goals.Purposeful routines and approaches to training lead to higher standards and better results.Setting objectives and maximizing training time are key to achieving goals.


    00:00 - Standards of Training

    03:15 - Training Standards in Life

    04:13 - Purposeful Approach to the Day

    05:09 - Personal Training Standards

    07:01 - New Year's Resolutions

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    In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), the concept of "position over submission" is a fundamental principle that emphasizes the strategic importance of achieving and maintaining dominant positions before attempting a submission. Rather than solely focusing on finishing an opponent with a submission hold, practitioners are encouraged to prioritize positional control first. This approach stems from the understanding that a solid foundation of control increases the likelihood of a successful submission.

    In BJJ, positional dominance refers to achieving superior control over an opponent by securing advantageous positions such as mount, back control, or side control. These positions not only provide better stability but also limit an opponent's movement and defensive options. By establishing control, a practitioner can methodically wear down their opponent, making them more vulnerable to submission attempts.

    Positional control also promotes a patient and strategic mindset, discouraging reckless attempts at submissions that may compromise one's own position. In high-level BJJ, practitioners recognize that rushing for submissions without proper control can lead to escapes and counterattacks. Therefore, the emphasis on position over submission encourages a more calculated and methodical approach, fostering a well-rounded and effective grappling game. Ultimately, in the pursuit of victory, BJJ practitioners are taught to prioritize control, ensuring a solid foundation for successful submissions.

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    A skilled Jiu-Jitsu instructor embodies a combination of technical proficiency, effective communication, and a genuine passion for the art. Firstly, expertise in the techniques and principles of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is fundamental. A proficient instructor possesses a deep understanding of the sport's intricacies, enabling them to teach with precision and guide students through various positions and submissions.

    However, being a good instructor goes beyond technical prowess. Communication skills play a pivotal role. An effective Jiu-Jitsu teacher can articulate complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring that students comprehend and execute techniques correctly. Patience is crucial, as Jiu-Jitsu is a discipline that demands persistence and gradual skill development. A good instructor understands that each student learns at their own pace and tailors their teaching approach accordingly.

    Moreover, a passion for Jiu-Jitsu is contagious. An enthusiastic instructor inspires their students, fostering a positive learning environment. They instill discipline, respect, and a love for the art, creating a sense of camaraderie within the dojo. A good Jiu-Jitsu instructor not only imparts technical knowledge but also serves as a mentor, guiding students on their martial arts journey with encouragement and wisdom. Ultimately, the combination of technical expertise, effective communication, patience, and passion defines what makes a Jiu-Jitsu instructor truly exceptional.

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    Ever wondered how much weight you should place on competition versus training in Jiu-Jitsu? Brace yourself for an enlightening discussion as we break down this heady topic. We delve into the irreplaceable experiences competition can offer, and how these can surge your skill progression. However, we also offer a fresh perspective for those who do not align with the competitive aspect of the sport, stressing that this experience may not be as beneficial or desirable for some.

    Transitioning into the second segment of our chat, we dissect the contrasting benefits derived from training and competition. Likening training to a lab - a place for experimentation, learning, and readjustments, and competition to an ultimate test - an irreversible experience that propels you to your edge. The show further underscores the mental aspect of Jiu-Jitsu, the trials that come with performing under duress and scrutiny, and how these encounters are exclusive to a competition situation. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, the emphasis is on everyone attempting competition at least once, to leverage the invaluable insights and mental evolution that come with it. Have more queries on this topic or want to delve deeper? Do not hesitate to reach out. Keep training, and remember, peace.

    Ask me questions on IG @rozdzynskibjj, I will personally respond to you and record the episode with an official answer.

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    Imagine stepping into a room shrouded in darkness, stumbling over unseen obstacles. Now envisage that same room with a faint glow from a corner, providing just enough illumination to guide your steps. That's the difference preparation can make in your Jiu-Jitsu training journey - we promise. Our guest, Dramik, shares his insights on the critical importance of being prepared and setting goals. He emphasizes that Jiu-Jitsu is more than just a martial art; it's a skill, akin to any other form of education, requiring focus, study, and strategy.

    Dramik brings to light the unique teaching methodology adopted at his academy, where students are given a glimpse of what they will learn before their classes. The academy leverages Roll TV, making learning more strategic and effective. He encourages learners to utilize the vast resources available today, from online platforms to YouTube. He insists that with consistent 1% improvements every day, one can achieve extraordinary progress in Jiu-Jitsu over the years. So, let's gear up and train smarter, not harder, guided by the illuminating insights from Dramik. With the right preparation and goal-setting, we can navigate the journey of mastering Jiu-Jitsu with less stumbling and more strides.

    Ask me questions on IG @rozdzynskibjj, I will personally respond to you and record the episode with an official answer.

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    Imagine yourself in a thrilling Jiu Jitsu match, but you're pinned to the ground, on the bottom. Sounds like a nightmare? Not necessarily! Let's flip the script. In this revealing discussion, we explore the rewarding challenge of being on the bottom. Drawing parallels with a World War II submarine Admiral's daring tactics, we stress how this position can actually help you discover your limits, control your anxieties, and emerge as a stronger strategist and a more resilient individual. Far from being a dreaded spot, being on the bottom can be a game-changer, enabling you to master defense and escape skills, key to every successful attack.

    Turns out, being on the bottom is not as boring or unexciting as most might think. In fact, it could be your secret weapon! In the second part of the conversation, we delve into the art and strategy of Jiu Jitsu. We debunk the misconception that being on the bottom is mundane and instead highlight its crucial role in building a solid Jiu Jitsu foundation. From sharing insights on making right decisions under stress to improving your Jiu Jitsu game, we arm you with the knowledge and confidence to turn the tables, literally. Overcoming discomfort can transform not just how you play Jiu Jitsu, but also how you navigate life's challenges. So buckle up, it's time to embrace the bottom.

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    Ever wondered why sometimes it feels like you're glued to the mat, unable to get that fluid movement you've been aiming for? The answer lies in understanding the balance between control and mobility in Jiu-Jitsu. This episode unravels this unique principle, drawing parallels to hugging someone tightly versus being able to freely move around them. We talk about how recognizing when to attach yourself to your opponent can give you an immense advantage and slow them down, and similarly, understanding when to be fluid, like while passing a guard, can significantly change the dynamics of a match.

    Taking a deeper dive, we discuss how attachment and mobility are interconnected in the Jiu-Jitsu world. We explain how shifting from one position to another necessitates letting go of certain attachments and how beginners often struggle with this concept, trying to maintain pressure while also attempting to move. This episode is a deep reflection on this critical aspect of Jiu-Jitsu, and we guarantee that it will change how you view transitions and control itself. So, get ready to transform your Jiu-Jitsu game. It's time to understand how to optimize control and mobility to truly be in command during a match.

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    What if you could boost your Jiu-Jitsu skills, not by training harder, but by training smarter? This episode was sparked by a question from Marlon, one of our listeners, who noticed someone at his academy training as if every day were a war. Spoiler alert: we don't think that's the best approach. Drawing parallels with other professional sports, we delve into why strategic rest, skill development, and understanding your body's mechanics are just as crucial as high-intensity training, if not more so.

    We engage in an enlightening conversation about the common mistake of attending a class with mismatched goals and how this hampers progress. Whether you train two or four times a week, we discuss how to optimize your schedule for maximum benefit. We also explore the importance of drilling and comprehension in Jiu-Jitsu, and the value of structured practice. Tune in and arm yourself with the right tools to elevate your game. Because remember, it's not always about the intensity of the war - sometimes, it’s about the strategy of the battle.

    Ask me questions on IG @rozdzynskibjj, I will personally respond to you and record the episode with an official answer.

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    Ever experienced that frustrating moment in a Jiu-Jitsu match when you attempt to escape a hold, only to find yourself submitted? It may be because you are skipping a critical phase in the DECA principle - Defend, Escape, Control, Attack. In this captivating discussion, I unravel this instrumental Jiu-Jitsu principle that completely transformed my approach to the sport. By encapsulating the DECA principle within the analogy of four distinct rooms, I delve into the pitfalls of bypassing stages, a common blunder amongst beginners.

    Illustrating the concept of DECA in Jiu-Jitsu, I stress the paramount importance of identifying which stage you're in during the match and acting accordingly. With a keen focus on defensive actions, I emphasize how crucial it is to ensure your opponent can't advance before planning your escape. On the more offensive side, I discuss the necessity for control before launching an attack. This thought-provoking episode is a treasure trove of strategic insights for all Jiu-Jitsu practitioners eager to enhance their skills and game strategies. So, get ready to reframe your perception of Jiu-Jitsu and step up your game with the DECA principle.

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    What if you could optimize your time to not just practice Jiu-Jitsu, but truly master it, regardless of your hectic schedule? In this in-depth conversation, we uncover the secret to making every moment count and how to implement structured 'homework' for exponential improvement. We dig into the real questions about time - do we really lack it, or do we simply mismanage it? While acknowledging the importance of other priorities in life, we make the case for a deeper commitment to Jiu-Jitsu because it’s not just a sport, but a journey of self-discovery.

    We walk through practical steps for self-reflection, recounting past lessons, and preparing for future training. As we discuss, this isn't about ticking boxes or doing chores, but willingly seeking out tasks that lead to better understanding and performance in Jiu-Jitsu. So, if you've been grappling with time management issues or feel stuck in your progress, tune in and discover how you can transform your training efficiency, celebrate your successes and view every setback as an opportunity for growth in the exciting world of Jiu-Jitsu!

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    Ever considered walking away from jiu-jitsu due to overwhelming stress? This episode is for you. We dive straight into the heart of this topic, exploring how to deal with the feelings of being overwhelmed in your jiu-jitsu journey. We start by discussing the importance of taking a pause and reaching out to your instructors and training partners to gain a better understanding of why you're feeling this way. We delve into how jiu-jitsu ought to be a fun, engaging, and stimulating experience, but when interlaced with other life responsibilities, it can easily turn into a draining chore.

    We dissect the potential sources of your overwhelm, be it physical exhaustion or mental fatigue, and provide strategies to handle it. We share an enlightening story of a student in his 50s who felt burned out by attending three classes a day. By tailoring his training to his needs and modifying his schedule, he regained his love for jiu-jitsu. We also address how external pressures from family and work can impact your performance on the mat. Remember: jiu-jitsu should be a fun escape. If you're feeling overwhelmed, there's no shame in reaching out to those around you. Your instructors, coaches, and training partners can help you tackle your stress levels and continue your jiu-jitsu journey.

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    Ever felt like the pursuit of Jiu Jitsu ranking belts is leaving you anxious, burned out, and perhaps on the brink of giving up? It's time to shift focus. This episode uncovers the pitfalls of belt chasing, exploring how this mindset creates unrealistic expectations, leading to a significant dropout rate within the Jiu Jitsu community. Delving deeper into the origins of this sport in Brazil, we highlight the essence of Jiu Jitsu where the joy was in training rather than belt accumulation.

    Our discourse offers insights shared by seasoned black belts and academy owners that could revolutionize your Jiu Jitsu experience. We advocate for the abandonment of belt chasing and encourage enjoying the journey. Join us as we discuss the senselessness of comparing our progress with others and the beauty of embracing personal growth at our own pace. Remember, the true essence of Jiu Jitsu is not in the belt you wear but in your love for the art and sport. Let's return to the roots, forget the belt, and pivot your Jiu Jitsu journey towards a more enriching and rewarding direction. So, train on and savor the ride!

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    Are you ready for a transformative journey from white belt to blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu? We're about to reframe your approach to acquiring skills and ascending ranks, highlighting the essentials of mastering a complex discipline like Jiu-Jitsu. This episode is a goldmine of practical insights, enlightening discussions, and personal anecdotes that will redefine your perspective and give you a fresh take on this challenging journey.

    Moving from a white to a blue belt isn't just about grappling techniques—it's about the mental resilience to overcome the confusion, chaos, and complexities that come with learning Jiu-Jitsu. We'll reveal how to develop a healthy relationship with the sport, focusing on understanding balance, distance control, and leverage rather than chasing belts. We'll also shed light on how instructors can better support students, and why it's crucial for you to learn at your own pace. By the end of this episode, you'll see why it's not the shiny belt that makes a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, but the love and understanding of the art itself. So join us, keep training, and let's start this journey together.

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    What if you could transform your view on the most dreaded day of the week, Monday, and see it as the exciting start of a new week of training? What if the secret to consistent, impactful training wasn't just about the grind but how you structure and approach it? We're exploring these questions and offering some insights from our own experiences.

    Our discussion revolves around the importance of having a well-planned training schedule. Whether you train once or seven times a week, having a structured schedule can enhance efficiency, reduce stress, and positively impact all areas of your life. It’s not just about the physical training; the mental approach plays a significant role too. After all, if you're not excited about training, what's the point? We share our personal experiences and advice on creating an enjoyable routine and reshaping your perspective to treat every day as a unique opportunity. This episode will challenge your conventional thinking and hopefully leave you inspired to view each day as a fresh opportunity towards your training goals.

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    Have you ever been in a situation where negativity just seems to seep into every corner? Picture this: you're at an academy, or perhaps in your everyday life, and there's that one individual whose bad attitude is spoiling it for everyone. We're all about the power of positivity and the damaging effects of a negative outlook in this episode. With the help of a thought-provoking question from Johnny B, we venture into the cultures of various academies, stressing the importance of a sunny disposition, regardless of the circumstances. Spoiler alert: a bad attitude won't get you far - in fact, it could even get you expelled.

    Drawing parallels from my own academy, I delve into the role attitude plays in learning and teaching Jiu-Jitsu, leadership, and life strategies. While I also share some personal insights about my academy, the main focus is the significance of self-management and seeking help when negativity rears its ugly head. I urge you, listeners, to maintain an open dialogue, to reach out to your friends, training partners, and instructors, or to seek professional help when needed. Remember, one conversation could be the game-changer. Don't let a toxic environment of negativity ruin the fun and progress for everyone. After all, you can't change others, but you can definitely change your own attitude. Listen in for some revealing insights from this enlightening discussion.

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    Are you getting your money's worth? Are you truly maximizing the return on your investment when you purchase a Jiu-Jitsu instructional video? We recognize that these videos don't come cheap, sometimes costing up to $500, and we want to ensure you're not just pouring money down the drain. So, let's talk about the real value - not the price tag - and how you can make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck.

    In this episode, we don’t tiptoe around the subject. We get down to the nitty-gritty of what to look for when buying an instructional video. From analyzing the quality and structure of the content, to evaluating the size of the instructional, to discerning if the instructor's style matches yours, we've got you covered. Yet, maximizing your return is about more than just choosing the right video, it's also about the time and effort you invest. We'll inspire you to hit the mat, fully equipped with knowledge from the very best instructionals, and ready to elevate your Jiu-Jitsu game. Let's roll and make your Jiu-Jitsu better, together.

    Ask me questions on IG @rozdzynskibjj, I will personally respond to you and record the episode with an official answer.

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