
  • Putin - The Orthodox Christian Soldier - Atheism UK Podcast #28 -  RECORDED ON Mar 13, 2022
    In this video we look at the deep connection between Putin, The Russian Orthodox Church and the war in Ukraine.

    QUESTION: Is Putin using his faith to cozy up to the Russian Orthodox Church and does the Orthodox Russian Church now support his war on the Ukraine

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    Further reading:

    Putin and the Orthodox Church: how his faith shapes his politics

    Patriarch Kirill, Orthodox Primate of Moscow and All Russians offered prayers on Sunday for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine

  • There Are No Atheists In Foxholes [Debunked]

    "There are no atheists in foxholes" is an aphorism used to suggest that in times of extreme stress or fear, in other words like a foxhole in war facing death, that someone who identifies as Atheist will turn to god to save them. 

    In this podcast we look at the concept and soundly debunk it.

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    Some people find religious faith comforting during stressful or dangerous experiences, others however, lose their faith when undergoing trauma or witnessing immense suffering.

    Suggesting that someone who identifies as an atheist would ditch their deep held belief in times of fear is absurd, but it's built on the mistaken belief that Atheists believe in god, but have just turned their back on god. It shows how little theists understand of Atheism.

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  • Criticising Religious Beliefs - Atheism UK Podcast #26 - In this episode of the Atheism UK podcast we look at criticising religious belief and more importantly the backlash we can get for simply pointing out the problems and issues that arise through religion and religious beliefs and practices.

    Atheist criticisms of religion are often silenced or attempted to be silenced by accusations of Islamophobia, anti-semitism or anti-christian hate speech as if so called sacred beliefs can not be touched, criticized or called out.

    This tactic is designed to shut down criticism - painting those who criticise as people with an irrational fear, whereas criticism is wholly based on very rational issues. 

    Criticism of religious beliefs and practices must be a basic human right (free speech) This criticism may include that religion is outdated, harmful to the individual, harmful to society, spreaders of misinformation, an impediment to the progress of science, a source of immoral acts or customs, a political tool for social control, indoctrination of the young, a breeding ground for sectarian hate etc..

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  • We recently did a podcast on PRATT arguments (Previously Refuted A Thousand Times) and as a result we had comments regarding arguments that theists put forward. A few weeks ago we answered one from theists which was ‘I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist - Debunked’ which van be seen here -

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    We carry on with these arguments from theists and look at there are no positive arguments for atheism and debunk this argument. Some of the things we discuss are:

    1 - Atheism is the default position

    2 - mind is the brain a thing of substance and measure, we have no examples of a mind without a brain

    3 - The argument from evil - focusing on the suffering of people and animals in this world and therefore the existence of an all seeing, all knowing, all loving god is unlikely. 

    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” – Epicurus.. although according to Jason Sylvester it was Sextus Empiricus who actually said this or something very similar 

    4 - The hiddenness of God - no evidence

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  • In this discussion we look at the statistics behind the fact that Christianity is dying and non belief is on the rise.   We looked at the British Social Attitudes Survey by The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in regard to Religion, which covers the Identity, behaviour and belief over two decades of the peoples of the UK  The opening statement on the report says… ‘In this year’s British Social Attitudes report (BSA), we see a continuation of one of the most important trends in post-war history: the steady decline in religion and belief among the British public. 

    This decline is not simply a private matter for individuals and families, but rather a trend with profound implications for our social norms as well as our public institutions’.  

    You can see the full report here: 

    We also discuss some deeper personal aspects of Atheism in the UK  If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience...   


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  • There has always been a steady flow of religious apologists, desperately trying to prove god exists. Much of their efforts are aimed toward those who already believe, but need validation of their beliefs.  Every argument for the existence of god has been debunked, proved fallacious or is simply based on assumption and presupposition.  

    There is a relatively new face in town who uses science as a tool to try and convince us that god has to exist. His name is Dr Hugh Ross and it look like we have found ourselves another failing apologist who uses worn out reasoning, dressed in the guise of science.  He’s fallen headlong into the intelligent design argument, the Teleological Argument For God  This is the same old PRATT (previously refuted a thousand times) argument   Cosmic Fine Tuning - If any of the constants of nature were off by a tiny fraction, then our universe would not permit life. But isn’t that the point, because the laws of physics are what they are, it gives life a chance to begin, maybe not just here but throughout the universe. 

    The fine tuning argument is a philosophical shoehorn that is designed to conclude god without demonstrating him/it  If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience...     


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  • In this Atheism UK discussion, the first in 2022, we look at the way religion has spread it roots through society.  

    Religion affects the decision making process of our leaders and influencers of society. 

    We recently released a podcast which looked at the Bishops in the House of Lords and how these bishops used their religious dogma to inform their decisions on political policy.   

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  • I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist - Debunked.. 

    We recently did a podcast on P.R.A.T.T. Arguments ( which are arguments that have previously refuted a thousand times. One that comes up quote often is ' I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist'   This argument first come to light in the 2004 book by Norman Geisler  and Frank Turek.  

    In this podcast we discuss this heavily fallacious argument and show where it falls down.   

    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience...   

    Debunking The Teleological Argument

    Debunking The Cosmological Argument

    Debunking The Argument Form Morality 


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  • Do atheists celebrate Christmas? Yes, they do. It’s a holiday with friends, family, food, drink, and gifts; what’s not to like?  However, it doesn’t belong to Christians. 

    Populations in the northern hemisphere had a midwinter festival long before the Christians got going. 

    That’s why there’s a decorated tree, holly, ivy, yule log, mistletoe, St Nicholas (Father Christmas, Santa Claus), etc.  Christmas is just a winter festival which we can all share in. You may want to call it Yule, or just the winter festival but whatever you want to call it, its a great time of year for all the family..   

    So, Happy Christmas everyone!  


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  • This podcast was a response to many of the posts that are put on our Social Media channels, one in particular that asked a serious question from a theist which was ‘Do Atheists think the Bible was JUST made up?’

    We have done many podcasts pointing out the inaccuracies of many holy books including the Bible. So we thought we would discuss and respond to this question.

    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience... 

    Debunking The Teleological Argument

    Debunking The Cosmological Argument

    Debunking The Argument Form Morality

    Jason Sylvester's Book - Manifest Insanity

    Manifest Insanity is an irreverent social commentary that traces the history of Judeo-Christian doctrines and how they have evolved over the centuries, impudently contradicting the perception that these established beliefs were original to their traditions, and specifically challenging the evangelical Christian concept of literal inerrancy.


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  • P. R. A. T. T. Arguments - Previously Refuted A Thousand Times

    In today's podcast we discuss P.R.A.T.T. Arguments or arguments we have with theist apologists that have been previously refuted a thousand times although it feels like more.

    Theist apologists stick to an 'argument for god' script no matter how many time it has been proved wrong or fallacious.  

    If you're a regular to this channel you'll know that every single argument put forward for the exitance of God has been debunked, proven wrong or is based on a fallacy or 7.. 

    We discuss a few of the reasons why the god concept is incoherent.

    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience... 

    Debunking The Teleological Argument

    Debunking The Cosmological Argument

    Debunking The Argument Form Morality

    A short clip of Sean Carroll v William Lane Craig


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  • Remembrance Day in the UK is specifically to remember those who died in service, and yet right across the country the Christian church is still an official part of many of the Remembrance Day ceremonies.    

    Remembrance Day should be completely secular. The Cenotaph was designed by Edwin Lutyens as a secular memorial because the war dead were from an array of different people from many faiths, not just Christians such as Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs and those of no faith.  It is no longer appropriate for the Church to presume to lead the nation in such events considering the majority of the UK population is not Christian, and over half the population are not even religious, we believe our civic ceremonies should reflect that.  

    In fact all ceremonies of national importance should be secular in character. This would mean all members of British society should feel equally included.  

    The Guardian Article we referred to in the podcast 

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  • Is it time for the ‘Lords Spiritual’ (The Bishops) to go from the House Or Lords? Our opposition to clergy, an arbitrarily appointed body that has been included to scrutinise and comment upon the legislation of UK politics, is simply not right. More than 55% of the UK population is non religious. UK legislation therefore, should not be influenced by people who base their decisions on the will of, or the supposed word of an unproven god.

    We are now in the 21st Century. We should be looking to a secular society, and these arcane appointments must go.

    Basing moral judgement on Christian values and morals in a modern inclusive democratic society that influences laws to make the lives of the people better through secular non religious judgement has to be the future.

    The Bishop's assessment of this and other bills that go through the House of Lords is based on archaic biblical text and the questionable moral values held within their holy books, and therefore has no place in a forward thinking society.

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  • Apostasy.. The 21st Century Thought Crime - Atheism UK Podcast #15  

    The act of being an Apostate is seen differently throughout religion. It simply means a formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion. The punishment for this formal self removal from a religion is also varied depending on the religion, the social and cultural or the sect of religion but includes shunning, excommunication, verbal abuse, physical violence, or even death.  

    It’s hard to believe that in the 21st Century we have such a concept as Apostasy. It’s essentially a thought crime. If you renounce your religion in thought or through deed, those who follow the religion are expected to offer some punishment.   

    Religious laws upheld and enforced by the state are ridiculous in the 21st Century. This also allies to blasphemy as well as apostasy.  


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  • The Afterlife - Atheism UK Podcast #14 - One of the big philosophical questions  - those existential questions that for some reasons we seem to need answers for includes what happens when we die  Sensitive psychological problem, we somehow want to believe because we don’t want to lose our loved ones forever and I know people who cling on to that for their psychological well being and I would never take that away from them. However - religion has almost weaponized it with the concepts of heaven and hell. 

    For those in religion, the concepts of afterlife are intrinsic to their faith, but the question is that belief justified or is it just another man made belief system based on zero evidence?  In this video we look at the idea of an afterlife and if Near Death Experience [NDE] in any way proves an afterlife is a rational position.  Are we, as Carl Sagan so eloquently put it simply.. ‘the stuff of stars’ - I think that is profound and beautiful.   

    But what do you think?  


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  • Leaving Religion - Atheism UK Podcast #13 - Leaving any religion can be difficult from a couple of perspectives. The first is from belief to non-belief. This can in some be an existential crisis that many suffer alone. There is also the secondary issue that many face which is problems with family and friends.  In this podcast we welcome Esther, The Afro Humanist who speaks about her journey from Christianity. Esther has her own channel which is 

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  • In this podcast we look at Misogyny In Religion and joined this week by Nuriyah Khan who is an ex-Muslim and has a great YouTube channel (Holy Humanist) that highlights the issues facing women in Islam Religious misogyny is hard baked into religion. It, like many institutions is male dominated and places men above women. Unlike other institutions that aim to bring equality and fundamental change as we move into the 21st century, religion can not, and will not change. Misogyny and patriarchal rule is at the heart of religion. This grates so loudly against the aims of modern society that you have to question if the Abrahamic religions have had their time.  


    Holy Humanist YouTube Channel  

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  • The Question Of Morality - Religion seems to claim the moral high ground. We are asked if you don’t believe in god where do you get your morals from?  The question of morality is directly linked with the question of what is right and wrong, what is good and what is evil, and yet we asked to look to religion for our moral guidance. These are the religious institutions that harbour child sex abusers, sanction slavery including sex slaves, that say it’s OK to beat your wife or to murder someone because they are gay or leave your religion.

    The question of morals has always been part of the theist v atheist debates. What’s your opinion?  


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  • Religious Evidence - This podcast focuses on the nature of the evidence given by religious apologists. There seems to be a different concept on what the evidence means to those defending religion and trying to prove that their beliefs are real and backed up.  It's hard to take religious people seriously when they fall back on scripture to prove God's existence, to lay claim to truth or to take the moral high ground stating that it's the divine word of God, whilst at the same time brushing under the carpet the parts that collapse any credibility in the reliability of the text.  If the words laid out in the Bible, Tanakh and Qur'an are the words of God then the God portrayed is morally corrupt.  If you layer upon that the fundamental and literal interpretation of the word of God it gets even crazier. We've had conversations with "young earth creationists" that have shocked us. Their understanding of reality has been eroded (possibly from childhood) to such an extent that it's like listening to someone who believes that the world of Marvel Comics is real.  They reject evolution, because if they believe the world is six to ten thousand years old then evolution has to be wrong, despite the wealth of evidence to support the Theory of Evolution.  They say it's JUST a theory, without an understanding of the weight of what a scientific theory actually means. I just see this as ignorance, and wilful ignorance at that.   So the question is ‘what is evidence when it comes to the existence of god and whether religion in any of its manifestations is in any way true?’

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  • Religious Indoctrination Of Children  In this podcast we look at the indoctrination of children into religion and the problems that arise from that. We wanted to be quite clear that the parents are not to blame, but we ask simply that theist parents just take a step back and think how this religious indoctrination may affect their children.  The future of humanity is fragile. Our world has some spectacular issues. The act of putting God and the superstitions of the past behind us is the first step toward a more civil, rational and connected world.  Teaching our children that it's OK to believe in the supernatural and superstition is setting them up for failure, to be gullible later in life when it really matters, as well as actively enabling the stunting of their education. Robbing them of the ability to use scepticism, and critical thinking is no way to help them approach modern life. Gullibility is how people walk into social indoctrination; it's how freedoms are eroded, it's how the dark regimes are created, survive and flourish.  In the UK we have an organisation called 'Truth In Science' that promotes intelligent design. They are simply a creationist organisation promoting the 'teach the controversy' campaign started by the 'Discovery Institute' in the USA, which wants to drive creationist teaching into the scientific curriculums in schools, initially in America, but ultimately into the education systems across the western world and beyond.  Both of these organisations try to give the false impression that they are legitimate scientific organisations, who are simply asking us to be sceptical, but not sceptical of wild claims such as the existence of god or gods, but the supposed wild claims and misconceptions of evolution.  Giving the impression they are a scientific organisation (which they are NOT) is a desperate and dishonest approach, a devious deception that says everything about the moral and ethical code they have decided to live by. They will lie to manipulate and brainwash people, and the people they really want to manipulate and brainwash are the young.  They want to lie to children, this is what angers many people who oppose having religion, the supernatural and pseudoscience taught as science in our schools.  Let us know how you feel about this subject. Please leave a comment, subscribe to the channel and share this video on your social media.

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