
  • PSA:

    The opinions/experiences shared in this content are all personal and not targeted at anyone. Kindly, take this piece of content not seriously, since it is meant for entertainment purposes only and not to hurt anyone.


    From kissing teachers to breaking their hands, these two discuss it all with the two old returning guests to fact check Manas and his exaggerated stories (like for real, how tragic can one's life be?)
    Since they are all stuck in childlike stunted brains, these seemingly "adults" and Manas discuss school days and fights because that was the peak of their lives (clearly and that's sad but not their stories. THANK GOD.)

    See y'all next season.

    Email us: [email protected]

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    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:

    Kritika Raj:

    Megha Punia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • And finally they are nearing the end of this season with the second last episode because they didn't seem to take the hint about ending this season earlier when they were beginning to pull their hair out spending time in each other’s uninspiring company! This episode is graced by the presence of Simar who came to this episode uninvited again because he didn't have anything better to do with his time! This is a fun segment that has a Q and A format where the trio talk about the weather, hypothetical life trajectories and plans, food , love and everything in between. This episode is completely unfiltered, animated and all heart!
    Email us: [email protected]

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    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

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  • PSA: We are not actually hating on anyone or anything. This piece of content is meant for entertainment purposes only. Kindly, do not send hate of any kind towards anyone mentioned in the video.


    They have been eating all their life while Nitya has feasted on some lives. According to Manas, most of her family resides within her! This line should send chills down your spine rather than emotionally move you. Joining the food photography enthusiast and part-time cannibal is a special guest, school buddy and self-taught professional baker Nikita who was invited to this special segment on food only because she promised to send Manas homemade cupcakes afterwards and share her journey on starting her own little baking venture from home. Food can truly stir your emotions, Manas and Nitya also recollect certain dishes and dining experiences that left one of them with a sweet aftertaste and the other with bitter memories! Watch this episode to find out who felt the latter.

    Nikita Khaturia's Info:

    Order food from her website:
    Food Account:
    Personal Account:

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • They are probably second-guessing the responses and views this episode will receive but in the meantime, they have decided to turn their disappointments into content anyway and use them more efficiently! Manas and Nitya uncover some personal anecdotes and embarrassing reasons they have used Instagram which still makes them crack up in hindsight, they willingly confront and admit to what extent they are willing to fake it till they make it on social media and open up about how the followers to likes ratio challenged their sense of self-worth and started dimming their creative identity trying to blend in with the trends!

    Nitya's DD News Segment:
    Email us: [email protected]

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    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

    The following content contains some mental health topics/issues (e.g.: suicide) which some viewers might find disturbing.
    Participants in the video are not experts/professionals of any kind. Kindly, don’t take any advice coming from them (especially Manas) seriously.
    This piece of content is meant for entertainment purposes only.

    Viewer Discretion Is Advised.


    In this episode of Aur Bata, Manas invites his dear college buddy, Simar on to the podcast to have a deep conversation about one of the most trending yet overlooked topics when it comes to personal awareness "mental health" because he was too afraid of admitting the daunting reality of having lost his sanity when he started this podcast! June, also being men's mental health awareness month, the three friends together dissect all the stereotypes attached to how men are perceived in society and how they become emotionally stunted because crying and being emotionally expressive is seen as a sign of weakness and threatens your masculinity. Describing their low days, they open up about their journey by confronting their inner demons and understanding the importance of seeking help regardless of societal judgements and embracing their vulnerabilities unapologetically.


    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • June is pride month! and L- love, G-gives, B-birth, T- to, Q- Queer! This special episode is a little gesture of love and support for the LBBTQ+ community. After Manas shared how he managed to injure himself the previous week and Nitya obsessed over her new equipment and shared some unforgettable anecdotes of how she spent her 50th, the duo delves deeper into why we still haven't completely normalised and accepted the pride community wholeheartedly in the 21st century, playing devil's advocate and breaking misconceptions about how the LGBTQ+ community is still perceived and how our minds are still conditioned to label and stereotype certain professions, colours and career choices with gender.
    Links for things mentioned in the episode:

    The Village, Song by Wrabel:

    Lilly Singh:
    Matt Bernstein:
    Megan Jayne:
    Sufi Malik:
    The Travelling Gays:

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • Mopping and dusting is the new cardio! This episode is an unheard prayer of every housekeeper whose tireless efforts went unnoticed till Manas and Nitya were given a broom and a mop to keep them company and clean their mess. While Facebook gave Manas a false sense of fame for a second when he was greeted by 500 notifications and Nitya literally felt like she is walking on eggshells on her journey scouting for reliable house help, join the homebound duo comparing their cleaning routines, discussing effective methods of punishing ignorant guests who don't wipe their plates clean and finding instant self-gratification after neatly arranging a batch of freshly washed dishes!

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • Someone dreams of spine chilling and extremely thrilling near-death experiences and wakes up feeling exhilarated the next morning! That "someone" is the host of our podcast who consciously plans the horror films he wants to consume hoping to store some scenes in layers of his subconscious and direct his dreams because reality seems bland and pretty boring for him. Nitya recollects the odd patterns of her dreams and strange visions that have given her sleepless nights. Catch the sleep-deprived gang deconstructing their dreams, trying not to injure themselves while asleep and not turn incoherent while switching between multiple dimensions!

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • And they return with a kick after a week's break because the host of our podcast has been freshly vaccinated, has grown bald patches overnight and redefined the laws of physics with his new face shield. And the post-vaccine effects were pretty evident while they were recording this episode as Manas was going off-topic and losing his sanity in the previously wasted recordings and Nitya realised she's hit the rock-bottom when she decides to use one of her parents for content on the podcast.
    Join Manas and Nitya in conversation with someone who, like thousands every year slogged and finally lived the IIT dream, not once but twice while the closest they could get to engineering was watching Alma Matters on Netflix.

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Our Special Guest, Mr Deepak Bhatia:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • They couldn't afford botox so they decided to get braces instead! In this episode of AurBata, Manas spills his insecurities about his physical appearance and shares a wishlist of all the parts of his body he wants to unscrew and change, while Nitya feels shattered when a sudden realisation greets her that she cannot colour her hair blue without using bleach, join them trying to figure out a way for Manas escaping baldness, still colouring his hair pink and maybe finding a cure for hyperhidrosis by getting botox on his hands without raining streams of sweat from the remaining parts of his body.

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • This is the season of DIY weddings and the pandemic season calls for covid themed wedding ceremonies in PPE kits! In this episode, Manas and Nitya obsess over what a marriage would look like for each of them hypothetically during a pandemic. While Manas thinks it's a blessing in disguise to get married during a period when you have the perfect excuse to not invite insignificant relatives but Nitya cannot digest the idea of getting married on zoom. Catch the single gang trying their luck at online dating after reading about the very recent separation of the billionaire couple Bill and Miranda Gates (that's how our neighbours pronounce it sometimes) Nitya has changed the age filter on Bumble to sixty and above and Manas plans on sending his proposal to Bill through reporting multiple errors on windows let's figure out which one of them is more likely to get arrested first! Email us: [email protected] Follow them on Instagram: Aur Bata Podcast: Manas yadav: Nitya Bhatia: Music: Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • As we have entered the birthday month of our beloved host, wait do we really care about that day of the year? Depends, either you're the "can't keep calm it's my birthday person" or the perpectual kill joy who considers birthdays as just another day of the year!
    In this episode, Manas and Nitya share their difference of opinion about how they feel about birthday rituals and their preferences in what the ideal celebration looks like, is it an indoor intimate chill day with friends or an outdoor gathering in fine dining? Join them reliving some of their most and least memorable experiences of hosting a birthday bash.

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • Two podcasters who have never experienced a real relationship sure dwell upon the subject of dating quite a lot lately, trying to accept the fact that they are not cut out for being the partner, mother and friend all blended into one person in a relationship when they are committed to life-long friendships that even supersedes ideal couple goals.
    In this episode, join Manas and Nitya delve deep into how they would approach a romantic equation in their life, realising the importance of real friends, who shake you out of your fantasies, giving you a reality check when you are unable to sense red flags and discuss the big cultural contrast between dating in India versus dating abroad.

    Email us: [email protected]

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • What is the significance of a relationship that is more priceless than just a friendship and yet not a romantic relationship? This special episode catch Manas and the women in his life. Yes, this was not a typo error! There are more than one👀. Make some noise for Megha and Kritika, the only souls who dared to sign the contract of lifelong friendship and partnership with Manas. Join the singles club discussing the importance of platonic friendships in their lives which outweigh other relationships, the advantages of a relationship blooming out of a friendship and breaking the cliche stereotype of a guy and girl can never be "just friends"!

    Follow them on Instagram:

    Aur Bata Podcast:

    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • Having been in their twenties for a while now but still oblivious to the vibrant world of dating Manas and Nitya together discover how they would approach and use a dating app, navigating their preferences from matching with someone to discussing their ideas of an ideal first date, catch two complete newbies trying to analyse whether they are suitable candidates to fit into the current dating scene or if their horoscopes will determine their eligibility for entering a relationship?

    Follow them on Instagram
    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • While they didn't pull each other's hair out by not podcasting for 6 months, Manas and Nitya are back to narrate their anecdotes of how they killed time and how the unrelenting arms of karma didn't spare Nitya for a lie, and accepting a peculiar reality that greeted Manas that provides him more believable evidence on his half-baked theory of never having experienced evolution and feeling a deep connection with monkeys all the time. Join them in trying to accept their bizarre flaws and completely embracing themselves more fully as they welcome the first episode of Season 2! Follow them on Instagram Manas yadav: Nitya Bhatia: Music: Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • Thank you everyone who gave this podcast a chance.
    Aur Bata will return in 2021 with season 2.
    Untill next time.

    Follow them on Instagram
    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • It is criminal to only rant about all the habits and activities that give you the thrills and overlook your pet aversions! If you think we have eccentric pleasures, our triggers that cause irritability are probably off the charts!
    In the last episode of season one of AurBata Manas and Nitya have decided to finally shed light on their latent annoyances and unleash them publically because they know you will have a few months to recover from their outrageous but valid reasons for being intolerant about certain behaviors unapologetically. From cancelling sleepovers because of unhygienic toilet habits, to cringing over why people postpone plans twenty minutes before meeting, to running away from the rotten smell of hypocrisy and instant judgement, find the daring duo sharing all the tendencies, responses and ideas that tickle their nerves!

    Follow them on Instagram
    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • They are probably binging on Roadies and teleshopping post 12 while this episode is being released!
    In this episode of AurBata catch Manas and Nitya finally tired of each others company realise, it is time to slowly taper off the effects of the dry wit and strange spoofs that they watch on loop, the duo make the wise decision of inviting a guest on to the podcast and touch greater horizons of exploring unusual pleasures they derive doing certain comical stunts. Welcoming Arjun this episode a dear friend of Manas who leaves everyone in splits after sharing some vibrant anecdotes and admitting all the strange shows and cartoons like Shinchan and Doremon that still awakens his inner child and together this crazy bunch entertain each other after confessing all the addictive tendencies that they are not embarrassed of anymore like YouTube recommendations that pollute their watch history, strange shows that give them bizarre thrills and successfully thriving in their fantasy world which they are not planning to leave anytime soon.Join them in trying to evaluate their existing doubts about anyone that still perceives them to be mentally sound after shedding all their idiosyncrasies in this episode!

    Follow them on Instagram
    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.

  • Do you ever feel like certain actions and behaviours displayed by your family or other relations feel more toxic and unhealthy than even abusing tobacco?
    In this episode of AurBata Manas and Nitya explore the talk of the town, trending shows like "Indian Matchmaking" and "The Suitable Girl" that highlight the regressive traditions of finding a match still followed by the average indian in the 21st century where so much of importance is given to physical appearance and wealth. They also discuss highly acclaimed films like Dil Dhadakne Do, Udaan and Shakuntla Devi which portray different aspects of toxicity disguised under the tag of tough love and other societal eccentricities like glorifying men for "allowing" women to work or the love hate relationship shared between a mother and daughter where a brilliant mathematician couldn't withstand the success of her own daughter, and understanding that dysfunctional and unhealthy attitudes are completely gender neutral and capable of affecting any relationship. Join them in this episode where Manas opens up about a time when he was surrounded by toxic people in his life and how he was on the verge of turning into one of those he dreaded the most and how critical it is to not let the virus of hanikarak behaviours infect our mindsets.

    Follow them on Instagram
    Manas yadav:

    Nitya Bhatia:


    Thank you purple planet for making our podcast sound so beautiful. Go check them out.