We're back and we've watched the Northanger Abbey 2007 Film! T and I were grumpy at the start of this record but we eventually get into it (EEEE TILNEY!)
We discuss the differences between the book and the film, the different dynamics between the Thorpes and Catherine and the Tilneys and Catherine, the family dynamics coming into play, the way the gothic themes were played out in the film, the ridiculousness that we love, and TILNEY! The soup scene made us laugh hysterically. :)
Come join us for some silly fun!
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We're doing the last episode of the 1995 mini series! We're discussing the family dynamics amongst the Bennets, the ways that Darcy is on his hero arc, how Wickham is the worst - WICKHAM IS THE WORST, that this Lady Catherine de Bourgh enjoys the drama and does it so well, and how this ending was sweet and joyful.
Continue listening to hear Theresa's conversion into a Janeite! <3
Thank you for joining us along this re-watch! Thank you for choosing us for your entertainment during this weird time. :)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We're back for episode 5 of the Pride and Prejudice mini series! We're talking about the respectful lusting, Daddy Darcy, and how Darcy and Elizabeth will be as parents. We're talking about why we love Darcy's growth arc, why rescue mode Darcy isn't always the best, and why sibling love still takes centre stage in Austen's work. We're talking about the Bennet family dynamics, why Mrs. Bennet has no chill, and why Mary is queer. We both think Kitty shined in this episode. T does not like the hallucination Darcy. And that this is our favourite episode :)
Come join us for some fan rants and back and forths :)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We've got some new-ish episodes heading your way. We've been taking a little break for a while now, and have had these ones sitting around waiting to be posted. As we head into reading our next book - Persuasion - we'll be posting some of these old records while you wait!
In this episode T is said that there is less gayness, likes Judy Dench better, and compares this episode to Twilight. Kate is still a super fan who is there for all the wet t-shirts and pinky rings. Come join us and have some fun!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're back! Kinda! We watched episode 3 of the Pride and Prejudice 1995 mini-series.
The summary for this episode: IT'S SO GAAAAAAY! We discuss the dynamic between Charlotte and Lizzy, the weirdness of Collins, the awkwardness of Darcy, the cuteness of Fitzy, the sadness of Jane, and the PROPOSAL!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This episode we finish off Northanger Abbey. We discuss a little bit more about the Morland household and how Mrs. Morland is as a parent. We discuss how much we love Henry and the way romance plays out at the end of this book. We discuss how much we LOOOOOOOVE Jane Austen and how she's really smart about her romance writing and letting her audience fill in the blanks with their own imaginings. AND we compare to Pride and Prejudice, discuss future books, and celebrate that we've successfully made Theresa read another Jane Austen novel! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In this episode we discuss our final thoughts on Isabella - is she a victim, a villain, or something in between? We discuss Catherine's anxiety - both how it's relatable and ridiculous. We discuss our love for the Tilney's, their secure attachment, and their love for Catherine. Once Catherine makes it home after her shocking booting from Northanger Abbey, we discuss the Morland household and Catherine's growth. And of course - as always - we discuss why Henry Tilney is the best! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
These three chapters are Kate's three chapters - and we talk about WHY! Catherine has convinced herself that General Tilney is a murderer - and she has to find her way back to Mrs Tilney's bedroom to finish her investigation. But in classic Scooby-Doo mystery fashion - Catherine realizes that she's been making up her own ghost story. We discuss Catherine's fall back to reality - and how being caught by Henry is the one who unmasks the villain! (The villain is Catherine's imagination)
And HENRY! Omg - he is amazing. Not only is he a perfect example of secure attachment - he supports her through the end of her friendship with Isabella and the emotional fall out. We love him soooooo much!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're sorry we've been away! But here we are and we're finally getting to know Northanger Abbey. We both agree that Catherine seems to tell herself stories because not much happens for her day to day. The idea of hiding under the sheets to hide from the scary things your brain has conjured up, doesn't seem that far fetched to either of us. What's in the chest! What's in the cabinet! It just seems like a way an anxious brain sometimes works. T is still trying to figure out General Tilney, but at this point we can conclude they do not like him. "Red Flag! Red Flag! Red Flag!" Catherine is trying to distract Henry with flowers, and his flirting is going straight over her head. MURDER! Someone could have possibly maybe been murdered, and T isn't down for the logical leaps. Catherine Morland - cute goth - She'd really fit into a Scooby Doo Mystery.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're finally making our way to Northanger Abbey... but first we have to endure a little bit more of Isabella Thorpe. Catherine is greatly confused by Isabella flirting with Captain Tilney, but much like Henry neither of us is surprised. We get some decent flirting in these chapters between Henry and Catherine. Henry Tilney continues to be the embodiment of sweet caring secure attachment. Who wouldn't want a boyfriend who drives well and tells you horror stories to get you excited to see his family home. T does try to compare John Thorpe and Mr Darcy, but we will forgive them that because they were trying to make a point. Come on down and have some fun while we make our way through the dark caverns of Northanger Abbey.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Things are heating up! This episode we've got some dialectics, some grey rocking, some amazing flirting, and some sparkle goths. Join us while we complain about Isabella being Isabella, while we gush about how Catherine handles interpersonal conflict so well, and while we (mostly Kate) sing Tilney's praises!
Do you think Catherine would be the most optimistic goth you've ever met? Did your parents arrange your play dates? Are you excited to be getting out of Bath and away from the horrible Thorpes?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're back! We've missed you! Enjoy this episode where we cringe about Mr Collins, we laugh at Darcy, and we fall for Lizzy. Episode 2 of the 1995 Pride and Prejudice! We're getting into full swing! It's the villain episode!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're back! Whoo! Theresa is happier - cause we got more Tilney and less John Thorpe! We love Catherine standing up for herself and setting those boundaries and taking action. <3 We love Tilney! TILNEY! We talk about healthy communication and cute flirting. :) We hate the Thorpes. Seriously... they are the worst! We meet General Tilney.... The Allens step up. We finally get our walk! They talk about BOOKS! Eleanor and Henry are cute and kind and silly siblings. Catherine is sweet and thoughtful.
Theresa has predictions... Is Catherine a murdered? Will Generally Tilney be covering up a murder? They don't know but a murder must happen! Kate is biting their tongue and not giving anything away. Come join us and have fun. Whether you've read Northanger Abbey before or it's your first time, come enjoy some silly sibling mental health chat.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're back... and we still hate John Thorpe. We discuss John Thorpe, Murder Mystery elements, and hating John Thorpe. We love the Tilneys (TILNEY)! Highlights include: Theresa thinking Tilney is a weirdo. Kate loving Tilney. Kate really really loving Tilney. Seriously, he's so swoon. <3
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
LOINS!! We really hate John Thorpe... and we don't really think Isabella is much better! We didn't get enough Tilney! And Catherine is a relatable and grounded character. Did we mention LOINS! And we hate John Thorpe!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're watching the Pride and Prejudice mini series! First of all a PSA: Don't run with fire. Secondly, WTF are those hats? Thirdly, an excellent dance has clapping as part of the choreography. Fourthly, Bingley hates Mr. Hurst. Fifth, I can't. I can't with the mutton chops. We hope you enjoy. (We'll be back next time with Northanger Chapters 6-8)
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Did you miss us? We're back! Your favorite sibling mental health worker Jane Austen podcast has returned! T may have read one Jane Austen, but we've got so much more to go! We are diving into Northanger Abbey! The excitement in the air!!! It's time fooooooooor TILNEY!!!!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
TW for this episode: Some discussion of Domestic Violence.
We're back... kinda! Due to some health and life issues, we haven't set out a recording schedule for Northanger. So this is an extra episode to tie you over. In this episode, we discuss the 2005 film adaptation! Our conclusion, it's weird. It's a good movie, but it's weird. Also - you know what this movie needs, BUTTS! From cat Judy Dench to Darcy being trapped in a statue, we cover it all. Enjoy!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We did it! Theresa has read a Jane Austen novel - and they loved it! Come listen while we discuss the final three chapters of Pride and Prejudice. We get to gush over Darcy and Elizabeth (our favourite awkward turtles)! We get to watch Lizzy try and convince her family that she loves Darcy! We get to watch them flirt! And we get to watch them have their happily ever after!
Thank you for coming on this magic ride! And we hope to see you next season for Northanger Abbey!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We’re back and almost done Pride and Prejudice. This episode had it all! Lady Catherine being entitled, Lizzy taking no shit, Collins being Collings, Mrs Bennet giving us second hand embarrassment, Mr Bennet being his sarcastic self, Jane and Bingley being super adorable, and Darcy! DARCY! We love love!
Why do we love Darcy and Elizabeth? They get tongue tied talking to each other. They will treat each other like equals. They create a strong healthy foundation (SERIOUSLY! SWOONY THERAPIST STUFF!). And, they are so excessively cute awkward turtles! We love love!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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