![Awaken The God Emperor [GURPS]](https://is1-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Podcasts116/v4/87/f5/e9/87f5e9d0-5bf6-5106-d55a-0bb504a59a12/mza_17420115010593689936.jpg/250x250bb.jpg)
Hey! This is a tabletop campaign ran on GURPS. Join us during our journey!
Nearly 250 years ago a young man walked the lands. There are no records of his existence before he entered the Gray Wolf Tavern in the year 43 B.S. and proclaimed himself as the “Mad’har Ari” to the patrons of the tavern. He drunkenly preached of his great wisdom and skill, stating that he was destined to lead humanity into a new era. He claimed to be the greatest warrior alive, but none of the patrons or staff took seriously to his claims, until a large guard was ordered to escort the man outside for he was causing a disruption. With naught but his bare hands Mad’har Ari dispatched of the soldier, crushing his armor, but sparing his life.
He claimed to have been born out of the sun and sky, the destined “Mad’har Ari” (meaning God of the Future) as foretold by the Prophecy of the Westerlings.
For nearly a year Mad’har Ari wandered the countryside, preaching his religion, gaining followers, and forging an army of peasants which he, with supreme military tactics, used to conquer several villages. The “Turor’har Ari” (meaning Conquests of the Future) continued for twenty years in which all of the various governments and nations of Eslandri fell to the might of Mad’har Ari’s armies or diplomatic skill.
Mad’har Ari then reorganized Eslandri into the island continent we see today, with four “Steward Houses” designated as the Stewards of the land, each in charge of one of the four sections of the island: North, East, West, and South. Beneath them lay their Minor Houses, responsible for paying tribute to their Stewards and keeping the peace. Mad’har Ari also forbid Eslandrians from entering the Westerlands, mandated schooling for the children of Eslandri, declared rules of war, established the Clerical Order to advance humanity’s knowledge and the goal of peace, and ordered the construction of “Y’uutar Akar” (meaning Dark Tower) in the center of Eslandri, over where the ruins of the Old Castle lied, where the Emperor of Old once resided over the Eslandrian Empire. This tower became the God Emperor’s seat of power over the continent. He proclaimed himself “God Emperor of all Eslandri,” and ruled for another twenty three years, until, in 0 B.S., a letter was sent throughout all the lands.
All entry and exit from Y’uutar Akar is hereby forbidden. The God Emperor shall be entering a deep slumber. If need of him were to again arise, the below Prophecy of Awakening shall be invoked:
Five Heroes, one of each Steward, and one from the Tar Yest
Born in the Wolf of Gray, given a true Test
Permitted at last to follow the path West
And wake the God Emperor from his Rest
It is 31 May, 204 A.S. and you are all, for one reason or another, at the Gray Wolf Tavern.
(Originally recorded in 2022)