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On the podcast, I interview experts, founders, business owners, bloggers, nutritionists, doctors and people like you and me; to discuss everything from clean beauty, to healing our bodies, changing our mindset and habits, establishing and flourishing our brand and career, and being the best versions of ourselves.
The pioneering surgeon Dr. Joseph Murray received the 1990 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his accomplishments in transplant surgery, including the first transplant of a human kidney from a living donor, an event that opened the door to the entire field of transplantation surgery. He was first inspired to become a surgeon by his childhood experience with a family doctor. He graduated from Harvard Medical School, but his residency was interrupted by service in World War II. During the war, he learned the techniques of plastic surgery; he later applied the methods of skin grafting to the transplantation of organs. For many years, Dr. Murray was Professor of Surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. He is now retired from active practice. In this podcast, recorded at the Academy of Achievement's 1991 Summit in New York City, Dr. Murray recalls his career as a surgeon, including his early experience with kidney transplants and his pioneering work correcting congenital facial deformities in young children. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between work and family life and reminds the students that "service to society is the rent we pay to live on this planet."
Curious about what plant-based eating is all about? If you’re thinking of incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet or are looking for more plant-based recipes, this podcast is for you.
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Somewhere between a pinch and a dash is a smidgen, and when it comes to good cooking, a smidgen can make all the difference! Smidgen is the podcast of Red Stick Spice Company. Join host Anne Milneck as she talks with a variety of interesting people from the food world, plus real-world cooking segments prepared live from the Red Stick Spice Test Kitchen.
Арттерапията е метод, който позволява една непосредствена комуникация с вътрешния ни свят. Посредством рисунките всеки един от нас се изправя пред едно въображаемо огледало, а от там ни наблюдава не някой друг, а нашето собствено Аз. Карл Густав Юнг свързва Аз-а със съзнателни процеси и подчертава, че нашата психика се състои от множество елементи, в това число и несъзнавани съдържания. За това бихме могли да твърдим, че творческият диалог се води не само с Аз-а (Ich), но и с цялостната личност (Selbst), която като една окръжност обхваща съзнавано и несъзнавано в себе си.
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20 30 40的我們,只聊姐妹話題的地方。關於感情、職涯、生活、美妝...分享美麗的小秘密,享受當女人的樂趣。Nancy IG: FB: YT:合作邀約:[email protected] provided by SoundOn
成人有声小说 未成年人勿入
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歡迎來到 Sex Chat 談性說愛,我是揚。
這是一個平凡女子為了找個好藉口學習性知識同時探索自我而開的 podcast 節目。
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