Today we have on the hilarious Sarah Hester Ross! We chat about living in Las Vegas, the bear vs. man dilemma, how men should not give their opinions on feminist issues and finally, your questions! How do I deal with my overbearing father? I hate my job, do I quit? Tune in!
For more you can find Sarah Hester Ross on socials @sarahhesterross and tune into her new comedy special, Don't Mess with a Redhead here!
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Today, we talk to the one and only, Sam Doll! We discuss everything from social media, misogynists, and, of course, your issues: How do I date if I don't have access to dating apps? How do I set boundaries with my parents?
You can follow Sam Doll on socials @sam_d0ll on TikTok and @samdoll everywhere else!
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It's Talia's first solo episode! Today, we talk through Talia's embarrassing moment at a basketball game and then dive into your questions (& we have 4 juicy ones this week): What should I do if I have a crush on my friend's crush? Should you tell your friends about your relationship problems? How do I improve my dating app...And can I send my profile to you? (Please send us your dating profiles). And lastly, how do I deal with my best guy friend who has a crush on me? Tune in!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
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Today, Kelli Williams of Beyond the Blind fame joins Talia to chat pop culture hot takes from Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce (And Karlie Kloss) to the enigma Ryan Phillippe and finally, Robert Durst. We then get into your questions: How do I meet men in NYC? What do I do if I hate someone in my friend group? Is it weird for men to wear socks in bed? You're not going to want to miss this one!
You can hear more from Kelli on her socials, @laguna_biotch, and on her pod Beyond the Blinds!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
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Genevieve Hannelius joins us today to talk about how she and Talia met, Taylor Swift, her acting career on Disney Channel, and, of course, to answer your questions! Today we cover: What do I do if he tells me he is not looking to be anyone's BF? I broke my best guy friend's heart, what do I do? How do I approach my friends who keep canceling on me? Tune in!
You can find Genevieve on socials @ghannelius!
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Talia starts off with the explanation you've all been waiting for! Then, Fluently Forward's Shannon McNamara joins as today's guest host to answer your questions: How do I deal with my boyfriend's crippling anxiety? Is it fair for my friend to breakup with me over a TikTok? What do I do if I am super nervous to have sex with him? Tune in!
You can find Shannon on socials @fluentlyforward!
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It’s the update episode, and we have some news for all of you.
We hear from some of our most iconic callers like:
The girl who got the three page letter from her ex
The girl whose in-laws called her annoying
The girl who had a crush on a Trader Joe’s employee
The girl who kind of (?) got rejected by her crush
We have no advice — we’re just here to listen.
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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This week we’re talking sick days, Talia’s growing list of intriguing crushes, and cat diabetes. Then things (somehow) get more exciting: What do you do about a friend who hooked up with your crush and made it seem like no big deal? Any tips for body acceptance as a member of the gay community? Is it a bad idea to keep your lease with an ex if things are going fine? Should you shoot your shot with a guy you’ve dated in the past, saw with another girl, and have feelings for again?
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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Milly Tamarez and Alise Morales from the Go Touch Grass podcast join us to chat vaginismus, the viral 50-part TikTok series, and scamming. Then we cover your burning questions: Should you tell your ex’s new girlfriend he sent you a three page letter? Should you prioritize boundaries or sacrifices for your friends when you don’t want to do the same activities? What do you do about a distant (married) cousin who’s hitting on you? This one’s good (and weird!).
You can find Milly and Alise @gotouchgrasspod!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
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Talia has a *list* of topics she’s ready to cover, and we hit the ground running with everything from transportation fun facts to cat diabetes. Then, we move over to you: Should you confront your boyfriend if you mysteriously got mono…and he’s acting suspicious? How do you deal with loneliness? How do you avoid being jaded after getting played by a guy? Plus, unsolicited advice one of you calls in to give us!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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Amelia Ritthaler and Evan Lazarus of The HBO Girls Rewatch Podcast fame join us to give the best advice the show has ever received. We love them! And we love you! Even though you’re unwell this week! We cover: Do you give up a crush who has a bad response to your nudes? Should you tell a partner you’re probably not going to org*sm in their presence? Can you tell your friends they should break up? Should you reach out to a guy who said he’s ‘flattered’ when you told him you love him?
You can find Amelia and Evan on socials @hbogirlsrewatch and @ameliaplease and @elazie !!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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We’re firing on all cylinders this week: Talia announces she has a new cat, Jake reveals his curse, and you guys are dealing with some serious sh*t! We’re answering: What should you keep an eye out for when looking for a new restaurant job? How do you deal with coworkers who are gossiping about your online presence? Should you be alarmed that your boyfriend admits he thinks he was addicted to porn? And how do you set boundaries with a rude AF (!!) brother and sister in law?
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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We’ve got a hearty episode on our hands — we’re covering everything from TikTok ethics to our should-you-tell-her-he’s-cheating checklist (at last!). Plus, your calls: Can you tell your girlfriend her family is controlling? Should you tell your boyfriend’s roommate’s girlfriend that she’s being cheated on? How do you narrow in on just a few goals in life? And do you make a move on a longtime crush?
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960 or email us at
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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Jake has some f****** s*** to say, and Talia gives us a full performance this week! Then, we turn things over to you: How do you open up about sex and your sexuality? Can you ask out your casual hookup’s friend? What do you do about your coworker who’s trying to hook up…and has a girlfriend? Press play.
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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Talia is fresh off of her Vegas residency, and we’re coming in hot. This week’s questions run the gamut: Should you make a move on a guy you shared a bed with on NYE? What’s the proper social media etiquette after a friend breakup? Should you go to HR if your co-workers comment on your body? And what’s the best way to make friends in a new city? Let’s get to it…
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
Follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
And on YouTube: @BasicTrainingPodcast
Produced by SickBird Productions
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We’re hot off of a Sweetgreen conundrum (sold out? of wild rice?) and feeling ~controversial~. Dive into our latest movie takes (spoiler alert: Talia doesn’t like any of them) before shifting gears to you: How do you confront a friend who left you outside of a club at 4 am? What’s the best way to appropriately flirt with your work crush? What’s the secret to turning a great date into a legitimate connection? We love these q’s !!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
And follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
Produced by SickBird Productions
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It’s 2024, and we have big revelations to share. Jake has a caviar allergy, Talia knows what heaven’s like, and your interpersonal issues *can* be resolved. We’re here to help: Should you confront friends who never show up to your party? Should you reach out to an old crush who’s *maybe* moving to the same city as you? You shouldn’t tell a client her husband is cheating on her…right?
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
And follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
Produced by SickBird Productions
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Happy New Year!! We’re talking everything from shitty NYC apartments to opulent parties and hair transplants to celebrate. Plus, we’re covering your amazing questions: How do you break up with your first boyfriend? Should you ask out a sexy rabbi (if you’re not Jewish)? What do you do if your perfect boyfriend can’t last longer than 10 seconds? Let’s get this party started.
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
And follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
Produced by SickBird Productions
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No calls — just us. A Christmas treat! We’re talking Christmas traditions, New Year’s resolutions, and everything in between (poop, smoking, Prenuvo scans, ramen noodle coleslaw, etc.). Happy holidays + thanks for listening — we love you!!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
And follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
Produced by SickBird Productions
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Talia has a boyfriend, Jake’s on Raya, and our first caller is international! Here’s what we’re covering this week: How do you feel less awkward about going on dates? Should you make your Hinge photos uglier to reverse catfish people (spoiler: no)? How can you tell if someone is into you? Is it worth shooting your shot with a subordinate at work? Let’s discuss!
Call us for advice! (929) 269-4960
And follow us on social: @talialichtstein @jakewcornell @basictrainingpod
Produced by SickBird Productions
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