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In this improvised comedy podcast, Liz Cackowski and Emily Spivey satirize the true crime genre as podcast hosts Donna and Jobeth. Each episode, the duo digs into a juicy murder case, interviewing guest witnesses, experts, and suspects to get to their whodunnit. Donna can be convinced of just about anything, but Jobeth is always on high alert for the truth… and Donna’s safety. Guest stars include Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Lisa Gilroy, Will Forte, Paula Pell, and Jason Schwartzman.
Personal freedom, political liberty, and free speech - defended by force of arms, if necessary. Welcome to "The Resistance Library" from, where we believe that arming our fellow Americans – both physically and philosophically – helps them fulfill our Founding Fathers' intent with the Second Amendment: To serve as a check on state power.
“Kje je tu most?” je segment, ki zajema širok razpon vsega, kar dojemamo pod pojmom kultura, in ga meša z veliko žlico, od katere je mogoče marsikaj odnesti, če le odpremo svoje glave. Vodita ga Nika in Miša, ki se v vsaki oddaji trudita prečkati bregove različnih aspektov umetnosti, družbenih problematik, stereotipov, socializacije in navsezadnje - kulture kot omejitve in začetka vsega. Spoznavati, se spraševati in raziskovati je ena ključnih komponent življenja, možnost za slednje pa najdemo v vsakem vogalu obstoja. Tako voditeljici povežeta serije, filme, knjige in ostale koščke in ustvarjata prepletajočo se reko razmišljanj, ki ponujajo kritičen vpogled v kulturo kot celoto.
My Life Is A Joke Podcast is the beginning of Fe The Comedian comedy career. Tag along with her as she talks about interesting topics while giving her raw and uncut comedic perspective Be ready to laugh, get hype and get down to it. Come keke with Fe. You don't want to miss this. Tune into our audio-visual podcast every Friday.
I rant about random things with friends in about a minute. Not all opinions shared are accurate to my thoughts and feelings. Want to rant too? Send me a voice message and I'll include it. Join the official Discord at 1 year old now!
Sunday Homilies and Theological Reflections with Fr. Josiah Trenham - Weekly homilies and theological reflections recorded from the amvon of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California. This podcast is sponsored by Patristic Nectar Publications, a publisher specializing in resources for Orthodox catechesis. We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your spiritual quest, and we hope that your listening experience is an edifying one.