The book of Job is a long one, but full of raw and relatable thoughts. I've enjoyed getting a deeper look at the dialogue between Job and his friends. Job doesn't hold back. Many of you are also in your Job season like I am. Pray for wisdom, for strength, that we will learn quickly if God is trying to teach us something, and that God will use us... even while suffering. Let's thank Him for the story of Job, that allows us to see that greater things are coming!
We are reading Job 15 through 22.
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Well, family, we are going to read the entire book of Job! In part 2 we will hear more dialogue between Job and his friends. Job feels very alone in his suffering and his friends are only upsetting him more. How frustrating! And I know many of you have felt that exact way before. Thankfully, we have a Savior who understands us--we don't even have to explain it to Him!
We are reading Job 8 through 14.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
The book of Job is very near and dear to my heart. The past two years of my life have been the hardest and scariest years I've ever experienced. Many times I told God I couldn't handle it anymore. I can relate to much of what Job says. For that reason, I'm so thankful that the book of Job was included in the Bible. When hard times come upon us, it's such a source of encouragement. God promises that the pain we are feeling now cannot compare to the joy that is coming. Praise God for that promise!
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The people of Israel had God as their King, but they demanded an earthly one. The donkeys of a man named Kish went missing, and he sent his son, Saul, out to look for them. Sometimes God may send us on what may seem like a wild goose chase. But He ALWAYS has a plan. Listen to hear about the first king of Israel.
We are reading 1 Samuel 8, 9, and 10 in the NIV version.
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Tonight's episode will consist of beautiful words from Jesus in the book of John. I was skimming through the gospels, and John 3:16 jumped out at me. It felt right for the season. God's only begotten son, the bread of life.
We are reading John 3:1-21, John 4:1-42, John 5:16-47, and John 6:22-69.
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The story of Sodom and Gomorrah may not have a very happy ending, but it has several important lessons. I mention one during the episode introduction. Another lesson was pointed out by my pastor this week. Once you choose Jesus... don't look back. "Remember Lot's wife" is a warning in Luke 17:32.
We are reading from Genesis 13, 18, and 19.
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We finish up Galatians with chapter 4 through 6! Paul continues encouraging the people of Galatia to rely on faith in Jesus for their salvation instead of the law of Moses. He reminds them that they are children of Abraham and heirs to God's kingdom. He also lists out the desires of sinful nature, contrasted by the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
In order to remain eligible for the ads program, I need to use at least one ad in one episode. I will place the ad at the beginning of the most recent episode only, and hopefully this way, it won't interrupt relaxation or sleep if you like to leave the episodes playing. This may just be temporary. Thank you for your understanding!
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**Limited Time** Cozy Earth 45% off! Use code: HEATHER1486
We have had several requests for the book of Galatians! There will be two parts to cover the entire book. Paul visited Galatia when he traveled, sharing about Jesus. Now he is writing to the church there about several topics, including circumcision and the true source of salvation--faith in the Messiah.
We are reading Galatians 1 through 3.
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**Limited Time** Cozy Earth 45% off! Use code: HEATHER1486
Friends, I'm excited about this episode. It's a gripping one. You never win when you try to go against God! The Philistines learned this the hard way when they stole the Ark of the Covenant. This is also when Samuel becomes Israel's judge.
We are reading 1 Samuel 4 through 7.
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The past few weeks I've been able to return to church--praise God! I've been watching from home for two years because of my health. The last sermon's main verse was from the book of James. It really caught my attention and I knew in that instant that I wanted the next episode to be the book of James. There is a lot of good advice here, including suggestions for healing, which I have been considering. As always, thank you for your patience!
We are reading the entire book of James.
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Tonight we continue on in the books of Acts. The apostles are spreading the good news and healing the sick, but they are met with opposition. They decide to appoint seven men to assist with some other duties. Stephen is one of those men. We do not get the typical happy ending with this story. I can't imagine going through what he did. Here we are also introduced to Saul who later becomes Paul. To continue the story, go to the episode called Saul of Tarsus.
We are reading Acts 4:32 through 7.
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**Formerly known as The Twelve**
I'm not sure why but I felt really encouraged to read the beginning of Acts about the disciples being sent out into the world to heal and preach about Jesus. Maybe it's because I've gotten so into The Chosen, which helped bring all of them to life. It's interesting that they didn't just stick with eleven apostles. Numbers mean something to God and twelve is seen quite a bit throughout the Bible.
I speak some Spanish and years ago, when my husband and I were traveling in Colombia, we took an Uber to the airport. Our Uber driver turned out to be a Christian who was no longer attending church, but he expressed that he felt bad about having drifted away from God. We had just heard an amazing sermon on following God and being obedient, even if you don't necessarily have the WILL to do it. We may not always have the will, but what we do have is a CHOICE. We can choose to do the right thing, and then the will will follow. I explained this concept to him and the Spanish was fluently flowing out of me. I know it was God giving me that ability. It was such an unreal feeling. The driver got very emotional while we were speaking, and we prayed with him once we arrived to the airport. I praise God for that divine appointment and the gift He gave me in the moment to help that man.
We are reading Acts 1 through 4, stopping at verse 31.
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**Trigger warning for this episode: asthenophobia**
Tonight, we finish up the book of Daniel. We read about his final vision. I'm so thankful for the prophecy that God has provided us with. Hopefully, you have enjoyed these past two episodes, even though a little more serious than usual.
We are reading Daniel 10 through 12.
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**Trigger warning for this episode: asthenophobia**
I apologize that we don't have a good Mother's Day story tonight, but Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing moms out there!
We have officially hit 50 episodes, and are returning to the book of Daniel--chapters 7 through 9--covering the first three visions. It may not be the most relaxing story... but it's definitely an important one. The books of Daniel and Revelation provide so much insight to the end of time. Let's all pray for wisdom and understanding when reading and hearing these books.
ClevrBlends Sleeptime Latte:
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Tonight, we finish up the beloved story of Queen Esther. She is putting her life on the line for her family and her people, the Jews. What will the king do? What will become of Mordecai and Haman? Listen to find out.
We are reading Esther 5 through 10.
**I mistakenly say Bigtha instead of Bigthana.
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If you like fairytales, then this is the story for you! A king, a queen, and a beautiful young orphan who becomes a heroine. Together, Esther and her cousin are given a huge opportunity to save their people. God knows what He is doing, and He created us "for such a time as this." We each have a special purpose. Listen to hear about Esther's.
We are reading Esther 1 through 4.
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Jamie Winship testimony - -
We have a very special episode tonight. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year. We get to focus on and remember the incredible sacrifice that our Savior made for us. What a mixture of emotions. Intense sadness for the pain and agony he went through. It's really tough on my heart to hear that part. But imagine the JOY on Sunday. He is RISEN!
We are reading from the New Living Translation:
Luke 22:1-6
Matthew 26:17-29
Luke 22:31-71
Luke 23
Luke 24:1-12
Matthew 28:11-15
Luke 24:13-49
Mark 16:19-20
John 21:25
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We continue the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Thank you to my mother for suggesting this story! There is a big celebration. The Israelites are confessing their sins and promising to follow the Laws of Moses and of God. They are feasting and singing. But then, Nehemiah leaves, and it seems like everything crumbles. Listen to what happens when he returns.
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Nehemiah was known for his strong faith in God and his devotion to his Jewish heritage. When he heard of the damage in Jerusalem, he was very concerned about the Jewish people and the city itself. He received God's calling to oversee the rebuilding of the city walls. This story shows us the incredible impact that one person can have.
We are reading Nehemiah chapters 1 through 6. - limited time code HEATHER3946.
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Becoming king at the young age of 25, Hezekiah did what was good and right before the Lord. He was quite the opposite of his wicked father, King Ahaz. He reopened the temple and destroyed any existing idols, and he faithfully kept the commandments that the Lord gave to Moses.
We are reading 2 Kings 18 through 20.
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