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The tv show Silicone Valley” follows a group of hyper intelligent people that create code and search engines while living in the house of their millionaire friend. And this show is actually based on a real location named “Silicon Valley” in California where the most intelligent and successful go to live. It very hard to get a home or a job in Silicon Valley due to the highly competitive real estate and job market, And one of the towns rejects was a man named Jack Lasoda who considered himself to be the smartest, most attractive and refused to have conversations with people who “were under his IQ”. But when Jack was rejected from Silicon Valley, a place he always dreamed of living and prided himself a lot on his intelligence, he realized he needed to prove himself. He then lived on a boat outside of Silicon valley and lived there for 9 months where Jack would begin to manipulate and isolate a group of people to do whatever he wanted them to do while all 6 of them, living in this boat.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
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On August 10th 2024 at 6:45am there was a 3 car accident in the middle of an intersection in miami. The three cars were a silver suzuki, a black range rover and a white mercedes. The crash was so intense it required 5 ambulances on the scene and 2 police officers. The person in the black range rover was rushed to the hospital but turned out okay physically and in the silver suzuki there were 3 victims in the vehicle but unfortunately 2 of them were declared dead on scene. But when police walk over to the white Mercedes, weirdly there was no one inside. Police then find the owner of this white Mercedes on the block over, trying to break into someone's car before failing then lying down in an intersection, blocking traffic and high on pink cocaine.
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Brian Cohee was a 19 year old from Colorado and was described to be a little off. And by a little off, I mean Brian would proudly profess to his friends his endeavors with killing and skinning animals he finds on the side of the road and his thoughts about murdering someone. All of Brians friends thought that Brian just had a dark sense of humor and whenever he said things like this they were simply just jokes. Until on March 1st, 2021, Brians mother would be putting away laundry in Brians room then came across 2 garbage bags filled with maggots in his closet. But upon further inspecting the bag, Brians mom would then find the human head and hands of a 50 year old local man that had been missing for 2 days.
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We live in an era where everyone is on live all the time, from people making money to emotes in the streets, non-stop recording their lives. But although these people get a lot of views, what about the lives that are done with only 13 viewers, It's dark, you can barely hear anything and that's pretty accurate to a facebook live that 19 y/o Anthony Gelia made back in November of 2016 where although he only had 37 viewers in the live, when resurfaced it would alter be seen by millions. Because in this live he was seen breaking into the home of his ex, open firing around her house and ended up shooting and killing one of the people in the home. But before i show you the full facebook live, lets get into full story first…
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Last year, it was recorded that 28% of people who got married in 2024 met on dating apps. In this day and age it’s a big part of how people meet and gives people an easier way to communicate and get to know a person before meeting them in person. But on dating apps, they are open to the public gives access to anyone who wants to make an account. And on a popular dating app called Grindr, is where 56 y/o Mark Lutanski would spend most of his time. He was married to his husband, had 4 kids but had been fantasizing for years the idea of murder. And in 2019 on Grindr, is when Mark would meet 26 y/o Kevin Bacon.
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So if you guys don't know what creepypasta is or maybe you heard of the phrase and don't really know what it is. Creepy pasta is a website where its mostly horror themed, people like to put their fictional horror stories. You may have heard of a lot of big creepy pasta stories that originated on creepypasta like momo, the backrooms, slenderman, etc. and another famous creepypasta story was the picture of jeff the killer which is an anonymous brightly lit photo of a man with dotted eyes and a red smile. And it was this Jeff the Killer folklore that would lead 14 y/o Donavan Nicholas to murder his step-mom, claiming Jeff the Killer was “inside him, ready to kill”.
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Laurie and Micheal Shaver have been together since they were 12 years old. They met in 7th grade in their small town in New York and remained in love ever since. The couple ended up getting married in their early 20s and even went on to have 2 kids together. But after 24 years of being together, fights became more frequent and they no longer saw eye to eye. Both were curious about what the world had to offer so they decided to split. And even though they were split and Laurie had moved on with another man, when she found out about Micheal's new relationship she freaked out. She began harassing them and their workplace and Laurie felt that if she couldn't have Micheal, then no one could.
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Brittany Ujkay was described as a free-spirit, Loved to go horseback riding in the fields behind her house to clear her mind, go on hikes and played rock music with her dad. She even had plans of going to the navy after high school and also wanted to become a therapist to help soldiers with their PTSD from war. But all of these bright future plans would come to a halt when at 15, Brittany was out at a rodeo and met 20 y/o Bryce Dickey. Bryce was currently in a 2-year relationship but quickly fell in love with Brittany and developed a secret crush over the span of their year-long friendship until she was 16. And when Bryce went to Brittany and confessed his love for her, she didn’t feel the same way, but hoped they could still be friends. Bryce pretended as if it didn't bother him. Until 2 weeks later Brittany's body was found in the woods with a puncture to her neck, a used condom near her body, and Bryce as the last person to see her. Bryce grieved with Brittany’s family, planned a memorial for her death and even worked with search parties to try and find her. But as this case started to unfold, police would find all the dark and evil ideas that Bryce had for Brittany ever since she said she didn't want to be with him.
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33 y/o Jonathan Jones started off well in his life. He got good grades in school, attended sports and clubs, and interacted with his community. Then after high school, he went into the military where he served in Afghanistan for a coupl ofe years. But when returning from the military, people noticed a shift in John. He began doing hard drugs, drinking, and having multiple girlfriends and multiple children with different mothers. But through it all he had his mother, 53 y/o Nicole Jones. Nicole was by John's side through thick and thin. Until Caitlyn came into the picture. A 17 y/o girl that Johnathan met online and was in a relationship with even when the relationship landed him in an ankle monitor and endangering a minor charges. Nicole tried to split the couple up, knowing that only terrible things were to come. But Caitlyn was not going to let Nicole take Johnathan away from her, not without a fight.
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21 year-old Cody Lot was described by others as dysfunctional and disturbed. Cody at this point had dropped out of school, got fired from all his jobs and spent most of his day doing hard drugs with his friends. At 20, Cody was diagnosed with a psychoactive disorder and around this time is when he set his eyes on 13- year old Lauren Landavazo. Lauren would walk past Cody's home everyday, her usual route home from school and from the time Cody saw her, he fell in love. He began learning Lauren routine, when she walked home from school, what school she went to, her friends, her family, her social media and interests. Cody had been stalking Lauren for a year with no contact and kept his obsession a secret but felt that she belonged to him. But all this love would turn into rage when one day Cody sees Lauren walking home from school holding hands with another teenage boy. Cody then started dedicating all his time to “work and talk with the devil” to create a plan on how to kill Lauren and “Save her”. Cody believed if he murdered Lauren he would be able to save her from the evil in this world if she were to grow up and felt Lauren was also his sacrifice to the devil, and he would be given an amazing afterlife in return.
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Check out my new Podcast That's What She Said! First episode releasing tomorrow!!
The Sills family was described as a power unit family. Dr. Scott Sills was a fertility doctor that dedicated his life to help women have children and offer them treatments to aid in the process. He was passionate about his work and even wrote successful medical papers and appeared on the show “The Dr.s” for his incredible research into fertility. Scott shared his life with his beautiful wife Susan and their 2 children and together the family was a picture perfect happy family. Susan herself was a successful business woman and worked hard to help others get their small businesses off the ground. But in November 2016, police would show up to the family home to find Susan dead at the bottom of the steps with a strangulation mark around her neck. Scotts explanation of what happened? The dogs had tied a scarf around her neck, strangled her, then killed her. The police weren’t buying it and it wasn't until they went into the daughters bedroom, where they would uncover the bloody scene of what actually happened to Susan Sills.
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Michelle Hughs grew up being the prettiest woman in the room. She had a charm that made people feel special and when you spoke to her she could make you feel heard and like you were the only one in the room. And while working at a nightclub, Michelle would use this charm to manipulate 3 men, Kent Leppink, John Carlin and Scott Hilky into giving her money, expensive gifts and proposing to her. Michelle juggled 3 fiancés but as time went on her lies caught up to her and specifically Kent Leppink was no longer falling for it. Her fake stories, manipulation tactics and most of all, Kent refused to make Michelle his main beneficiary before they got married. Kents family wouldn't see the terror of his relationship until they would receive a cryptic package from Kent with a note claiming that if they are reading this, then he was murdered by either Michelle, Scott or John. And when Kents family tried to call him multiple times, they were met with no response. Because Kent was found dead 90 miles away from his home. Michelle would always wiggle out of her mistakes with her looks and charm. But how far could her looks and charm take her when it comes to manipulating one of her fiances, to murder her other fiance for her.
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On Thursday, July 19, 2007, police arrived at the San Diego home of Tim MacNeil. It was here where police found Tim’s body lying in his game room lying in a pool of blood. The back door was wide open, there was a gun on the back porch and Tim's daughter, 17 year-old Bray was tied up with zip ties, hysterically crying. Bray told police that a masked man had broke into the home, tied her and her father up then shot and killed her father. Just a mile away from the home police would find a black ski mask in the trees and when tested, there was DNA belonging to Bray's 19 year-old brother, Nathan Mcneil. When Nathan was questioned, he claimed it was Bray's idea and she forced him into it. But ironically, when Bray was questioned, she said it was Nathan's idea and HE had forced HER. But when the police looked through the teen’s phone they would find that not only were both of them equally involved, but they also had been planning this murder for months.
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Logan Clegg was a man of mystery. A man that had seven-thousand dollars in the bank but lived in a tent covered with Mountain Dew code red cans in the woods. He was a con artist that also went by the name Arthur Kelley and while some people described him and funny, quiet and easy to get along with, never made problems. Others would describe a totally different person. He was always yelling, always complaining, getting mad over small things. Logan spent most of his life traveling around the world with only his backpack and his tent, living a nomad lifestyle. Traveling from Paris, to Chicago to New York to Berlin. But how could a man with no job, living out of a tent have luxury items like a Macbook, Iphone and 7K dollars in the bank? Logan Clegg spent most of his life being on the run, and getting away with crimes he committed from around the world. But no matter how long you run for, you're bound to trip at least once.
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In the Summer of 2011, in a small town in Southern Ohio, a weird craigslist ad was posted. The ad was posted by a man named Jack who was looking for an older man, single, and willing to move onto his property for a few months to keep up with the maintenance of his land and animals. The ad even stated %E2%80%9CIt%E2%80%99ll feel like a vacation if you enjoy nature and country life.%E2%80%9D while also including you would get paid weekly for your services. This ad sounded like a dream come true, getting to enjoy the slow country life and tending to the farm while getting paid to do it. This ad would receive hundreds of replies from applicants interested in the position. But what these applicants didn't know was that the person on the other side of the screen, was a serial killer.
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Bianca Edmunds grew up getting everything she wanted. She was a master manipulator and could trick any guy into doing whatever she wanted and wiggled her way out of any trouble she was in. At 27 years-old, Bianca would meet a man, 25 year-old Michael Caposiena. The two quickly fell in love, moved in together, got engaged and expected their first child all in the first year of meeting. However, Bianca would start to show her true colors and became very manipulative, controlling, and abusive. Micheal decided to leave Bianca and no longer responded to her manipulative tactics and called her out when she was doing them. Bianca pretended to be over Micheal by dating a new man, 42 year-old Glenn Casidy, another man Bianca was able to control and manipulate. But Bianca still resented Micheal because he was the first to ever walk away from her and her mind games no longer worked on him. This lack of power made Bianca furious and only grew more angry when Micheal was able to gain visitation of their son, Lucca. But on March 12, 2016, all that would change when Micheal and his girlfriend were at home watching tv and heard a knock at the door. Micheal peeked outside and was met with Glenn at his porch, holding a gun.
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Bart and Krista Halderson were living a quiet life in Windsor, Wisconsin. They had a beautiful home and were the proud parents of two sons. Mitchell, 24, worked in tech and was engaged to be married. Chandler, 23, was attending Madison College studying for an IT degree and had a job lined up at SpaceX. But on July 2, Krista did not show up for work and her coworkers began to worry. They tried calling Krista, but there was no response. On July 7th, Chandler reported his parents missing to the local police telling detectives his mom and dad were picked up and driven to a cabin by a couple he didn't know on July 1st. But police would later find out the parents had never gone to the cabin that weekend. And slowly the world of lies Chandler had been creating for years started to unravel. From creating fake college administration email accounts to email his dad to pretend he was still in college, all the way to faking an apartment in florida and a job at spacex. All this would be brought to the parents attention, the day before they were never seen again. All Chandler's life he was able to lie and cheat to get out of accountability, but how far could his lying and cheating get him when faced with 2 counts of murder?
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High school for most is either the best years of your life or the worst years of your life. High school and teens years are usually a time for self discovery trying to figure out who you are you want to be, and the people you want to surround yourself with. And in 2012 a group of three girls named Skylar, Rachel and Sheila were no different. The three were a trio that everyone wanted to be a part of. They were the party girls that did things like smoked drinked and skip class. But that would all change one day when Rachel and Sheila started hanging out more and more and began excluding Skylar from the friend group. And although Skylar began distancing herself from the girls as well, distancing wasn't enough because Skylar knew secrets about Sheila and Rachel that they knew no one else at school should know. So instead of going their separate ways, sheila and rachel would team up to conspire against skylar and do the unthinking when On july 6th, 2012 skylar neese would go missing in her home in star city west virginia
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