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Педагог Дима Зицер отвечает на вопросы родителей, учителей, детей — всех, кому важны и интересны детско-взрослые отношения.
О том, как получать от этих отношений настоящее удовольствие, как сделать совместную жизнь с детьми комфортной, яркой, тёплой, счастливой для всех, как не мучать их и самих себя, как вести себя в самых разных ситуациях.
«Любить нельзя воспитывать»: где будет стоять запятая, зависит от нас. -
Family is more complicated than ever. Episodes of “It’s a family matter.” features Dr. Michael C. Blackwell, noted family advocate and president/CEO of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, as he interviews guests on the leading edge of relationship issues involving parenting and family. Whether you are looking for guidance or just want to hear some great conversation on families, this is the podcast for you.
Berbat Bir Anne podcastinde, annelerin, öncelikle birer insan olduğunu savunurken, bilimden azade tespitler ve toplum baskısına yönelttiği kafasına göre serzenişleriyle eteğindeki taşları da gediklerine doğru kibarca serpiştiriyor. Bazen bir ağlama duvarı, bir günah çıkartma ayini, bazen bir anı defteri ya da bir altın günü tadındaki bölümlerde buluşmak üzere.
Instagram: @berbatbiranne
Mama💜 You are magic.. 🪄
Merhaba.. Ben, Müberra. Annelik yolculuğunda soğuyan yüzlerce kupa kahvenin anısına; iyi, kötü ve karmaşık tüm duyguların anneliğe dair olduğunu anlatmak, çocuk hakları konusunda farkındalık oluşturmak ve hayat yolculuğunda minik bir mola vermeni hatırlatmak için buradayım.. hoşgeldin☯️ -
veysel dinçer ve gökçen çetiner.
birimiz sınıf öğretmeni, birimiz psikolog.
hemen hemen 30 yıldır arkadaşız.
lanet olası federaller ve mesafeler bile dostluğumuza engel olamadı.
yıllara inat görüşmeye ve hunharca gülmeye devam ettik.
en önemli ortak yönümüz, yıllarımızı okul öncesi ve okul çağı çocuklarıyla geçirmiş olmamız.
özetle; instagram'da yaptığımız canlı yayınları podcast platformlarına da taşıyalım dedik.
haklısınız ses kalitesi kötü, ama daha çok yeniyiz, zamana ihtiyacımız var :))
bize ulaşmak isterseniz: -
Podcast show for dads about dads being dads.
The show features incredible guests ranging from celebrities to pro-athletes to entrepreneurs. On the show we discuss their experiences in parenting and how they have managed raising kids all while being successful in their careers.
We not only get into the nuts and bolts on parenting with tips, tools and strategies they have used, but they share personal stories that they have experienced as parents.
Each episode is packed with nuggets that you won’t want to miss. Please check it out! You won’t be disappointed. Let’s go Dad Up! -
A podcast about families and children, created for the grownups in their lives. Big & Little explores relevant topics ranging from play, learning, creativity, resilience, and health through interviews with people from varied professions and who have different perspectives and experiences.
Toyzz Shop’un ebeveynlere rehber olacak podcast serisi Toyzz Pod’un ilk sezonunda Cem Pekdoğru ve spor dünyasından konukları, çocuk gelişiminde sporun önemine odaklanıyorlar. Başarılı bir sporcu kariyerinin nasıl başladığını, çocukları spora yönlendirmekte ailenin rolünü konuklarımızdan dinlediğimiz sohbetler içerisinde, ilham verici spor hikâyelerine de yer veriliyor. Türkiye’nin ilk sporcu kuluçka merkezi Max Potential’ın destekleriyle… | Prodüksiyon Partneri: HOOD Base, Artwork Tasarım: Emre Sönmez
A community of mothers coming together to support eachother in the grieving process of losing our children. This podcast is for mother who have experienced loss through still birth or miscarriage. This podcast will also help guide family and friends on how to support a family who is going through this.
How do I know if my child is ready for kindergarten? How can children learn through play? Does nutrition, sleep, and activity really matter when kids are so young? I think my child might be neurodivergent. What should I do about it? What are magnet, charter, and private schools? And how do I choose what’s best?
In this series, we include interviews with experts in early childhood education, psychology, and pediatrics to discuss topics including the importance of play, managing toddler behavior, language and motor development, Kindergarten readiness, how to set up routines, and parent mental wellness.
Hosted by Dr. Emily King. -
My name is Susie. I have three children, the youngest of whom struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. I never thought this could happen to me, and I missed the signs. Being a parent is really hard, and I'm here to help! I'm talking to parents and experts to help you with the issues your kids may face. I want you to know that you are not alone and there is hope.
Are you a musician mama struggling with working mom guilt? Does leaving your kids for a performance make you feel out of sync? Do you just love music and want your kids to reap the benefits of learning to play or using it to learn?
In this podcast you’ll learn how to share your love of music with your kids to create a deeper connection with them (even if you don’t know how to sing or play.) You’ll even get tips for your own musical endeavors and find ways to manage your time effectively as a musician.
My mission is to help musical mamas manage their time and mindsets so that your skills and children are growing at the same time. This will ultimately create a melodious life filled with excitement that will inspire your kids. Even if you don’t know how to sing or play music, there is still a way for you to share the gift of music with your kids!
I am convinced that Musically Minded Mamas should raise their voices and instruments because your God-given potential should not be wasted!
Hello! I’m Jo-Anne. A wife, mom, teacher, and daughter of the King! For years I struggled to pursue my passion.
When I became a mother, “no time” became my biggest excuse and I hid my gift of music behind my gift of motherhood. I was afraid of what people would say and believed the big mom lie that I didn’t deserve to take time to develop my music or share my love for it with my kids.
I finally have realized that by sharing my passion for music with my kids and letting them be an inspiration to me, I am finding fulfillment!
If you’re ready to finally pursue your family passion by using your musical passion, you’ve found a friend. It’s time to say yes to using your love of music and connect with your kids, so warm up your voice and start practicing those scales FRIEND!
It’s time to waltz with me through all things family management, mindset, mentoring, and music.
Let’s make memories and music together! -
This podcast is about three fathers in our most comfortable and fashionable socks getting together and sharing our journey in parenting and life. There will be relatable and candid discussions about real life issues that fathers face in parenting, and through marriage and singleness. Watch as we learn, laugh, and grow, with you as men, husbands, leaders and sons in this journey.
A podcast with research-based parenting information from a real-world perspective of two moms just trying not to lose their shit.
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Questions? Comments. Topic ideas! Contact us at: We would love to hear from you!
Like what you hear? Buy us a beer to support the habit!!! Donate at Donate 10 beers and ge an original song in your honor (or a friend's honor-you decide) to be played at the end of the next episode!
Thanks for listening!