What if making disciples wasnt just for pastors and missionaries, but for everyone? Before Paul became a great disciple-maker, he first had to be discipled by Barnabas. With his help, Paul was shaped into the leader God called him to be, sparking a movement that spread across the ancient world. Join us as we explore how discipleship starts with being discipled and leads to multiplying disciples everywhere.
Anger itself isn't a sin, but uncontrolled anger is dangerous. James 1:20 says, "The anger of man does not produce the righteousness that God desires." Weve all witness the regrettable after effects of an angry outburst, but what does the kind of anger God approves of look like? This series is getting really practical on what our faith looks like in the chaos of real life!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Have you ever noticed that there are some things that sound good in theory, look good on paper, but dont translate so well in real life? Faith isnt theoretical, its highly practical but it isnt developed in ideal conditions. Its tested and refined in the struggles of real life. The good news is that you can have a faith that stands strong, even when life gets messy.
Have you ever been so startled, caught off guard that it caused an unexpected reaction in you? Reactions can be funny because theyre often different from how wed normally act, and prefer to act. Sometimes we react in ways we wish we could take back! Today were looking at an area we often need to react differently - it's one of Jesus hardest teachings, but one that makes us most like him, if well listen!
Were all too familiar with the deficits in our lives - the places we feel empty without anything to give, the gaps between who we are and who we feel God calling us to be; the places of insufficiency and insecurity. The good news is that deficits dont disqualify you from the race God has called you to run, theyre actually the places he wants to partner with us in. God never asks us to give what we dont have, he only asks us to make available what we do. Thats the theme well see this week as we wrap up our 99th anniversary series, ONE MORE.
Sometimes when we dont see progress in our life, we will want to quit. What would it look like to have a faith that pushes you to take one more step knowing that God is with you? What would it look like to take One More step in obedience to God? Today, lets unpack what that looks like on the eve of Bethels 99th Birthday.
Every day hundreds of people in our church do thousands of little things that all add up in peoples lives - they often go unnoticed, even taken for granted, but they make a difference. As we are nearing our ninety-ninth birthday and crossing over into our hundredth year as a church, we are reminded that every act of obedience can lead to a lifetime of miracles.
Powerful moves of God and life transformation often begins with small shifts and seemingly insignificant moments. Learning to discern the promptings and voice of God is crucial to living a full and vibrant spiritual life. In todays message well glean from the prophet Elijah on how to navigate dry seasons and periods where the Lords promises dont seem to be evident.
What was the last thing you lost? If it was cheap and replaceable, you were probably pretty causal about finding it, but if held significance or value, you probably looked a little harder. The greater the value you place on whats lost, the greater your passion for the rescue mission! As we prepare to celebrate ninety-nine years as a church and cross over into our hundredth, this series is focused on the things that will ensure we maintain our vitality, beginning with this weeks topic, one that Jesus is especially passionate about!
We say we love each other and yet, as the saying goes, you hurt the ones you love the most. How can this be? What does it really mean to truly love and how does this translate to our love for God? In this message our guest, Slava Petlitsa, unpacks scriptures description of what it looks like to truly love God.
5 preachers. 5 sermons. 5 minutes.
Life is a journey and at some point well all wonder where it's taking us. As the Wise Men followed the star, as spiritual searchers seekers, they had in inescapable sense their journey was taking them somewhere special, but it wasnt necessarily straightforward or what they expected. Where is your spiritual journey taking you?
When was the last time you missed out on something because you hesitated? A limited time offer, a limited quantity sale. Maybe it was an experience or an opportunity you just missed out on. Marketers know the messaging well: Hurry, dont hesitate, act now or youll miss out! These missed opportunities are rarely life-changing, but what if it's a God-ordained moment you miss out on? In this message, well see how the Shepherds didnt hesitate, and because of it they got to be part of one of the most life-changing moments in history.
Weve all gotten messages that made us stop and ask what does this mean? As we process the information our questions shift to process the implications - what does this meanfor me? As Mary heard that wonderful news from the lips of the angel that the long awaited Messiah, the Saviour of the world was to be born, the information and implications had her questioning how it was all going to work out - an imperfect setting with an unlikely participant and an impossible tasks all had her wondering, but as weve seen in this series, God is all about turning our wonderings to wonder! Today, lets learn the lesson Mary learned, nothing is impossible for God!
Its a Wonder-full life! It truly is! Our lives are full of wondering what is next, what the future holds, where we left our car keys, and whats taking so long for your wife to grab a couple of things at the grocery store. Our lives are also filled with wonder at the beauty of our world, unexpected surprises, and inexplicable circumstances. In this Christmas series well see that Gods story has always been about our wonderings colliding with the wonder of what He's doing in us and around us!
There comes times in every one of our lives that an important, not always easy to hear conversation needs to be had, when we need someone who cares about us, to sit us down and tell us something along the lines of:
I know you dont want to hear this, but you need to hear this. Thats the type of conversation Jesus wants to have with us as we wrap up our series on the beatitudes - you will be blessed, yes, but it wont always be easy - there will be persecution! -
We are in a moment in time when the stress of our culture is almost palpable, the fragmentation and divisions readily apparent. Relationships are strained on many fronts; it's easy to diagnose that there's a widespread lack of peace all around us. And yet, many have discovered a source of peace that persists in every circumstance, overcomes every anxiety, and assuages every fear. Join us today as Pastor Jeremy shows us how we can receive this peace, and how we can share it with a culture in desperate need.
"The age old debate: pure maple syrup or table syrup? We easily settle for "good enough" because it seems easier, it's more accessible, and doesn't cost us much. The same is true when it comes to our character. We often settle for appearing to be pure in heart than actually being pure in heart. Jesus has something to say about that, and offers a way forward."
The beatitudes tell us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. But what is righteousness? What does it look like to hunger and thirst after it? What is the promise of pursing righteousness? This morning we will unpack this verse so that we can know exactly what Matthew was saying and what Jesus is asking of His followers.
"If you hurt me, I will hurt you! Give generously to me, I will give generously to you." - Thats the give and take system our culture operates under! In a culture that keeps scores and prefers things even, Jesus radically flips this social norm on its head when He says, God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. In one sentence, Jesus proposed a completely new way of interacting with the people around us.
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