A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
BEVA Congress 2025 - 10th-13th September in Birmingham
RCVS Finance Team: or 020 7202 0722.
AMTRA surveyFEI HorseApp Vaccination Module
National Equine Forum (NEF)
BEVA Trust volunteering opportunities
February EVJ In Conversation Podcast
Kate Allen's article: Ethical issues concerning UK veterinary surgeons practicing in equine sports medicine
Hilary Clayton's article: Facial pressure beneath a cavesson noseband adjusted to different tightness levels during standing and chewing
February EVJ On the Hoof podcast
Ogden, Winderick and Stack's article: Computed tomography of the equine caudal spine and pelvis. Pathological findings in 56 clinical cases (2018–2023)
Hamish is clearly not afraid to challenge his expectations, nor take a punt on an opportunity when it arises... but he's made sure he realises the advantages whilst accepting the challenges and has seen all walks of equine veterinary life, from multi-million pound racehorses to working equids. Far from narrowing down his career choices, this has driven him to maintain the spread of opportunities in front of him and to never pass an open door without at least looking in.
Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust
BEVA Trust
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
Voconiq Report
National Equine Forum 2025
CCU: Bridle Fit with Russell MacKechnie-Guire
EVJ’s January On the Hoof podcast
BEVApod Life: Menopause: supporting the women in our profession with Liz Barton and Gemma Dransfield
BEVA Trust volunteering opportunities
Menopause is an increasingly hot topic for the general population, but there are aspects of equine veterinary work which can make elements of this normal ageing process more challenging for those affected and the people around them. Liz talks us through the basic understanding which we all need in order to fully support our workforce during those times, and Gemma relays how far-reaching the impact of menopause is, from the very subtle to the more obvious!
Wellvet resources
‘Medical misogyny’ is leaving women in unnecessary pain and undiagnosed for years
BVA menopause hub
Veterinary Menopause Chats
Wellvet menopause video
Dr Morton's
Newson Health
Balance app (symptom tracker)
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
RCVS workforce model highlights need for more vets working in public health
VMD seizes over 13,000 unauthorised horse medicines sold illegally online
Report suspected breached of the AMRs here: 01932 338338 or online.How British racing’s data-driven Racing Risk Models are being used to improve outcomes for racehorses.
The BHA has announced changes to the Rules of Racing, which have been approved by the BHA Board.
VetCT X-pert Radiation Safety Centre
National Equine Forum 2025
BEVA's Junior Vice President, Kate Blakeman, talks us through the the new Infectious Diseases hub on the BEVA website. Celia Marr chairs the BEVA Equine Infectious Diseases Group, which worked on this treasure trove of resources which helps vets and nurses out in practice. There are resources for clients also, which vets and nurses can share with the touch of a button. More resources are being worked on and the hub will evolve over time to b your one-stop-shop for clinical sign radars to consensus building tools, endemic to exotic, and biosecurity to vaccines.
BEVA Equine Infectious Diseases hub
This year Professor Chris Proudman published the first paper to demonstrate associations between a foal’s gut microbiome and its future athletic performance and its future respiratory health. The emerging fields of the "omics" has been one of the most exciting branches of science in recent years. Whilst we're a little way off understanding exactly how to capitalise on this in practice, it's already evident that interventions such as antibiotics and probiotics could potentially have far-reaching impacts on future health and performance.
Early-life gut bacterial community structure predicts disease risk and athletic performance in horses bred for racing (Leng, J., Moller-Levet, C., Mansergh, R.I. et al. 2024)
Horse Microbiome Research Group
Alborada Well Foal Study
Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB)
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
EVJ Virtual Issue - Antibiotics: Our part in their downfall
BEVA primary care clinical guidelines: Equine parasite control
Environmental impacts of equine parasiticide treatment: The UK perspective
BEVA protectMEtoo guidelines
CANTER Guidelines (First Edition) 2024
Austin Davis Laboratories: What's your worm risk?
BEF and member bodies monitoring EHV reports in France – extra vigilance required
BEVA Trust
BEVA podcasts:
November EVJ In Conversation podcast: BEVA Congress 2024 John Hickman Plenary Lecture - 'They Shoot Horses, Don't They? The Past, Present, and Future of Fracture Management' by Dean Richardson
November EVE podcast: Case Report: Complete abdominal wall rupture in a late-term pregnant mare with pre-existing prepubic tendon rupture with Alex Gillen
BEVApod Focus: Hold your horses! Have you completed BEVA's new course?
RCVS Specialist in equine behavioural medicine, Gemma Pearson, talks us through the background story of this new course, available free to BEVA members. Gemma has compiled a bite-size, digestible course with the busy practitioner in mind, which includes new material, on equine behaviour and learning theory. Once completed, members will be added to a list on the BEVA website, demonstrating their knowledge and skills in this increasingly important aspect of clinical practice. Not only will you be able to work more safely and efficiently, but also with the calmness and ease that both horses and owners will benefit from and be grateful for.
BEVA members can access the course here.
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
Standards & Advice update: Advice published on amended Veterinary Medicines Regulations
Read the RCVS guide to the VMR changes
RCVS Registration categories webpage
Fellowship Day page on the RCVS website
BEVA warn of risk of sycamoresRoyal Veterinary College’s fact sheet on Atypical myopathy and the British Horse Society a fact sheet on Acorn Poisoning
Clinical Practice Committee update - October 2024
Equip Artervac supply issueBEVA podcasts:
BEVA Sustainability Working Group at the the Dung Beetle Conference
EVJ Special Focus Edition: Interdisciplinary approaches to equine soft‐tissue surgery
October EVJ In Conversation: Peter Rossdale Clinical Evidence Lecture from BEVA Congress 2024: Improving evidence for orthopaedics by Andy Carr
EVE October podcast Chessie Greenham and Gemma Pearson discuss her article ‘Welfare considerations for management of horses on prolonged periods of box rest
BEVApod Life: I never thought it would happen to me... but it did with Becky Price, Steph Gillespie and Andy Elkington
BEVA member PG Mutual Income Protection discounts
BEVApod Life: Pregnancy, parenting and equine practice with Gemma Dransfield and Kate Blakeman
BEVA's Christmas Cracker
Browse all of our courses -
Gemma and Kate have both experienced the challenges faced by pregnant women and working parents, which are somewhat unique to those working in the equine veterinary industry. Where Vicki Nicholls' MumsVet initiative served to help, Gemma and Kate carried out the sizeable task of reviewing and updating the information provided. By working as a supportive community to help each other practices benefit from a happier workforce with increased trust and empathy across the team.
Access our pregnancy and parenting resources
Illness and injury can happen to anyone, but as equine vets and nurses we're at increased risk of being rendered unable to work. Two BEVA members have come to share their experiences of being off work and how income protection helped them through that time. BEVA members are eligible for discounted cover from PG Mutual, so CEO Andy Elkington joined us to explain how it works.
Get a quick quote from PG Mutual
For equine veterinary professionals "being kind to ourselves" can sound a bit soft. Clinical Psychologist Dr Wakelin shares with us how actually it's quite the opposite and how it can support our performance in the workplace as well as life outside of work. Dr Wakelin tells Council member Sophie Eaden more about what compassion is, how it can help and when it might be especially needed.
Support and advice for improving your mental wellbeing can be found at:
Vetlifemind matters -
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
BEVA Nurse Members gain right to vote
BEVA Infectious Disease hub
Equine castration app
VMD medicines update
BEVA's Christmas Cracker
London International Horse Show Programme
September EVE podcast: "Respiratory emergencies in adult horses" (Bettina Dunkel)
September EVJ On the Hoof podcast: "Heritability of sudden cardiac death in Thoroughbred racehorses" (Vicky Colgate)
BEVApod Congress: The Foot with guardian of the foot, Dr Simon Curtis
BEVApod Life: Residencies and all the ways to do one with Phil Cramp, Paul Martynski and Rhiannon Morgan
BEVA CPD courses -
There are so many options out there if you want to specialise as an equine vet... almost too many to choose from. What area to specialise in, university or private practice, UK or USA, European Diploma or American... the world is pretty much your oyster but timing may play a part and what role you're best suited to also... consider the options, as it could be your ticket to anywhere!
European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS)American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM)European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM)European College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (ECVSMR)European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI) -
Farrier and Honorary Associate of the RCVS, Simon Curtis, talks to us about 'The Foot' stream at Congress this year, which takes place on the Saturday. The wealth of knowledge and skill which will be brought together looks to revolutionise how we tackle not only clinical conditions but how we view farriery as a way to help prevent various common causes of lameness. With vets and farriers singing from the same hymn sheet we can see significantly improved welfare and performance.
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional including:
Important changes to Export Health Certificate attestation requirements
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Veterinary Clinical Careers Pathway (VCCP) Project focus groups
RCVS AI Roundtable Report
BHA announces changes to Proton Pump Inhibitors regulation
Ragwort article from BEVA Sustainability Working Group
BEVA Pregnancy & Parenting
Early-life gut bacterial community structure predicts disease risk and athletic performance in horses bred for racing - Leng et al 2024
Naturally occurring horse model of miscarriage reveals temporal relationship between chromosomal aberration type and point of lethality - Lawson et al 2024
Vetlife Neurodiversity booklet
Equine Quarterly Disease Surveillance Report Q3 2024
Strangles vaccine article
BEVA CongressUpcoming CPD coursesFrom the Journals:
EVJ in Conversation: Celebrating 10 years of the EVJ podcast! features Christian Byrne discussing 'Interobserver agreement during clinical magnetic resonance imaging of the equine foot’ and Josie Faulkner discussing 'Low-field magnetic resonance imaging of sagittal groove disease of the proximal phalanx in non-racing sport horses’ and 'Auxiliary osseous findings in fetlocks of non-racing sports horses with sagittal groove disease of the proximal phalanx on low-field magnetic resonance imaging’
EVE podcast this month features Fabrice Rossignol discusses 'Distal radial fracture repair in adult horses’
Nurses have been BEVA members for a long time, but as the professions progress and the industry changes we have seen the creation of the BEVA Nurse Committee and promotion of nurses' skills with the Schedule 3 guidance. Now nurses will be eligible to stand for BEVA Council, with two elected positions available going forwards. Bruce and Marie talk about why this development is so important for all of us in the industry.
A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as a veterinary professional.
Find out more about the top stories:
RCVS President's first speechNew digital SIC service: VMD Connect websiteBVNA Mental Health ToolkitGerald Leigh Lectures 2024BEVA Congress hubRCVS Knowledge Awards for 2025RCVS FellowshipSports horses are key to the future of equine practiceEIDS alertsEGS biobankDon't forget to book your Congress ticket, prices increase after Wednesday 7 August! Book now at
In this epsiode, Tim Barnett chats to world-renowned head and neck surgeon Geoff Lane about his impressive career in equine medicine.
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