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Do you feel like addiction has stolen the peace and purpose from your home, leaving you overwhelmed and unsure of who you are in Christ?
✨ Welcome to Faith Over Addiction! ✨
This podcast is for Christian women who love someone struggling with addiction. Together, we’ll navigate the heartbreak, chaos, and confusion while uncovering God’s bigger plan for your life—and your family.
🌿 What You'll Find Here:
✅ Hope & Healing
✅ Faith-Filled Insights
✅ Practical Tools for Boundaries & Peace
✅ Honest Conversations on Recovery & Identity🎙 Hosted by Family Recovery Coach Tanya Gioia
Tanya helps Christian women reclaim their God-given identity, set boundaries with love, and create a home filled with grace and peace—even when addiction tries to steal the show.💡 You Are Not Alone. Your life, your home, and your faith matter. Let's walk this journey of healing together.
🌟 Want to be a guest? 🌟
Are you passionate about biblical identity, boundaries, and faith-based recovery? Join Tanya Gioia on Faith Over Addiction! Apply to be a guest through PodMatch.
By joining through PodMatch, you’ll connect with a network that supports your message—without the hassle of contracts, performance targets, or restrictive requirements. Plus, enjoy exclusive benefits like automated podcast growth strategies, monetization tools, and free access to courses and trainings.
⚠ DISCLAIMER: Any advice shared is based on personal experience and research. There are no guarantees, as many variables impact success. Please take everything as opinion-based guidance.
💛 To Your Happiness,
Tanya Gioia
Is there a way to break the cycles of addiction and incarceration?
Yes, there is HOPE!! Listen to: “Prison Transformation Radio: Changing Hearts with Christ” Each episode is 25 minutes.
Prison Transformation Radio Program is a joint venture with the Salem Media Group, Prison Mission Association, and the R3 Collaborative serving Recovery, Reentry & Renewal. Co-hosted by Pastor Dwight Anderson and Jim Moore. -
Are you wanting to know how to grow your relationship with God? Maybe you’ve been stuck in the new age and you’re feeling something is off with the spiritual gurus and self-help world? Or, maybe, like me, you’ve been saved by God but you’re struggling in how to live your life day to day?
Welcome to Like the Dove podcast, hosted by Eliza Ceci - a women’s life coach, business owner, blogger, ex new ager, and firmly rooted Christian. After almost a decade of being completely immersed in and teaching new age practices, God opened my eyes and heart to follow Him. This meant giving up my business and all of the ways I was living for my own ambitions and now I’ve re-built my life living for God.
This podcast focuses on supporting the ups and downs you experience as an ex new ager and new Christian. Whether you’re newly saved, Christian-curious, or fully immersed in your walk with God, my intention for this podcast is to support you in growing your trust and love for Jesus. We talk about re-building our lives with Jesus as your cornerstone, entrepreneurship, loving God + studying the Bible, and the journey of what it’s like to listen to the Holy Spirit. My intention with this podcast is that you’ll feel less alone as God does a good thing transforming your heart from one of stone to one of flesh. (Ezekiel 11:19)
Topics we explore often:
- unhealthy family dynamics, mother wound / father wound
- studying the Bible
- scripture memory
- common traps of the new age and how to break free
- what life looks like as a new Christian being obedient to God
- lots of book recommendations and resources for Christian women
- stories and personal reflections to help you feel less alone
- testimonies of ex new agers
- encouragement from Eliza who’s a life coach with 15 years experience supporting women through huge life transitions
Join us every week for encouragement on your spiritual path. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. I’m grateful you’re here! -
Are you anxious, stressed, or burnt out?Or perhaps worse, you feel overwhelmed with depression and melancholy and made to believe you’re not worthy or enough?Do you desire Grace and growth but lack self-confidence?Do you yearn to fill your cup through faith, self-care & self-love?Deep down, you know that one person CAN make a difference, right?!Well, my friend, then you’re in the right place! And the Radiance from Within Podcast is just for you!!My name is Heidi, and I am the writer and creator of Rise Love Live, a blog and more, where I inspire you to Rise to the Occasion, Love Everyone, and Live a Life Worth Living.Hello, my friend. I’ve been in your shoes - it took a long time, but I learned how to take care of myself through a beautiful morning routine of uncomplicated practices of prayer, journaling, meditation, and, every now and again, a little yoga!Inside the Radiance from Within Podcast, I’ll guide you along YOUR journey of removing those negative beliefs and replacing them with positive words of affirmation.You’ll understand the power of words and experience a mindset shift through Prayer, Devotionals, and Meditation; we’ll even talk about how music can move & motivate us!We’ll also walk through the importance of journaling and how we must process the chaos and sh*t within our cluttered minds.Together, we’ll build your self-confidence and self-worth.We’ll uncover the inner strength needed to pull yourself up and out of those ashes so you can reach hope, joy, and peace while supporting your holistic health.You will learn how to care for yourself from the inside out.Sure, it would be great to lose those elusive 10 lbs, but that’s not our primary focus right now.I’m here to encourage you to stop searching for that ”something” on the outside, turn inward, and become closer to God because He loves you and is waiting for you!So, grab that cup of tea AND your journal, and join me on my Podcast to reveal the Radiance from Within you desire and deserve.Peace and Blessings, my Friend. How to Find Me:Purchase Journals & Workbooks Here: the Website: www.riselovelive.comOn Instagram - YouTube - Email - [email protected]
„Za življenje, za danes in jutri“ je sklop svetovalnih in izobraževalnih oddaj, namenjenih staršem, družinam in posameznikom, saj posegajo na vsa področja življenja v družini in v ostalih skupnostih. Za družinsko svetovanje, svetovanje na področju starševstva in vzgoje skrbita p. Christian Gostečnik, vodja Frančiškanskega družinskega centra, in priznani specialni pedagog Marko Juhant, tudi avtor več uspešnih knjig na temo vzgoje. Oddaje, namenjene zakoncem in spodbujanju graditve dobrega zakonskega odnosa, pripravljamo v sodelovanju z družinskimi terapevti. Teolog in vzgojitelj dr. Karel Gržan pa na prodoren in iskriv način svetuje pri medosebnih odnosih vseh vrst. V oddajah imajo poslušalci priložnost zastavljati vprašanja in dobiti odgovore na konkretne življenjske razmere. Vsako peto soboto v mesecu pa se nam pridruži p. dr. Tadej Strehovec, mag. aplikativne etike, asistent pri katedri za moralno teologijo in bioetik, ki odpira vprašanja s področja evtanazije, medicinske in družinske etike ter druga.
"Kadar čoln pluje po svoje, me spomni, Jezus, da si ti tu, na krmi in mirno spiš na blazini. In tvoj mir bo tudi moj mir. In tvoja moč bo tudi moja moč." Stavek je iz knjige 365 + 1 dan (Založba Ognjišče) iz katere trenutno beremo misli avtorja, duhovnika Tonina Lasconija in kar najbolje povzame njegovo delo.
Oddaja je namenjena vsem, ki bi radi poglobili svoje versko znanje. V sodelovanju z različnimi strokovnjaki iz teoloških znanosti, lahko poslušalci pridobijo znanja iz zgodovine verstev, družinskih tematik, občestva in novih katehetskih praks. V oddajah je mogoče tudi sodelovati z vprašanji in jih tako aktivno sooblikovati.
The Soul Craft Your Life Podcast is for purpose-driven humans who want to create and live their best life — redefining what it means to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Hosted by Carmen Marshall — Life Design + Manifestation Expert, 7 figure entrepreneur, wellness educator, and dance teacher.
How do build my dream life? My dream business? Does manifestation work? Is my soulmate out there? What is my purpose, and why the heck am I here?
And the biggest question of all — how do I create a grand, beautifully fulfilling life — full of meaning, impact, joy, inspiration, and love?
Whether you want to discover your purpose, learn how to attract financial abundance, or create more health, balance, joy and connection in your life, The Soul Craft Your Life Podcast has got you covered.
One part strategy and one part soul, each week we explore both the practical and the spiritual with intriguing experts and fascinating human beings — all sharing their wisdom and lived experiences to expand what we think is possible for our lives.
The goal? To help you create a life you love — on your own terms — that stems from your soul.
Let’s dive in and discover what this life has to offer each of us. -
V nov delovni teden se podamo okrepljeni z Božjo besedo, ko premišljujemo ob besedah Svetega pisma. Sveti Frančišek Asiški je v 7. opominu zapisal, da "duh Svetega pisma poživlja". Šolske sestre svetega Frančiška pripravimo premišljevanje z izhodišči za osebno ali skupno molitev.
Poslanstvo oddaje je obveščanje naših poslušalcev o tem, kaj dela papež, Sveti sedež, kaj se dogaja v Vesoljni Cerkvi in krščanski skupnosti nasploh. V njej predstavljamo tudi druge aktualne dogodke s kulturnega, političnega in gospodarskega življenja, ki zadevajo kristjane oziroma človeštvo v celoti. Dinamika vere je namreč zelo pomembna za današnje razumevanje sveta.