The following podcast is from a school project that I am working on in pursuit of a doctoral degree in counseling. This will likely be a pilot episode of a future podcast that is planned to release sometime in the Fall of 2023, but potentially under a new name. Stay tuned, or write with questions or updates.
Today we discuss whether or not Christians can be depressed and discover a whole slew of famous people - Christian and otherwise - who have struggled deeply with depression. We also discuss ways to wrestle with and overcome depressive episodes. -
Abortion: the most controversial issue in America. Though the Bible doesn't use the word "abortion," the Bible most certainly speaks to the topic. Does the Bible teach that the unborn are persons? Is there scientific or philosophical evidence that could indicate the unborn are persons? Today we look at abortion through the lens of the Bible.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In part two of our interview with Mike Licona, we discuss his seven hour debate with religion scholar and skeptic Dr. Bart Ehrman. What caused Ehrman to abandon his faith and become an aggressive critic of Christianity? Dr. Licona also shares how he discusses faith and the resurrection of Jesus with skeptics and strangers.
Today we interview best-selling author Dr. Mike Licona - a Youtuber and college professor who specializes in the resurrection of Jesus. Dr. Licona went through a long period of doubt - while in seminary! - and came through the other side convinced that Jesus historically rose from the dead. How did that transformation happen? Dr. Licona also discusses his relationship with his mentor Dr. Gary Habermas, probably the foremost expert on the resurrection in the world.
What is the most important way to live your life, according to Jesus? In this episode, we look at the life and habits of Mary of Bethany - a woman commended by Jesus. We contrast her with the irritability and anxiousness of her sister, Martha. How is it that Mary was praised by Jesus, while Martha was so disturbed and short-tempered?
Over the last ten years, the United States has averaged MORE than one mass-shooting event PER DAY. How should Christians react to such violence? Should Christians loudly show their support for guns and gun ownership, or does God's Word call us in a different direction?
Does unanswered prayer prove that God doesn't care? How is it that a good God, who listens to and loves His people, sometimes doesn't answer their prayers? Unanswered prayer is an issue addressed throughout the Bible, and we will discuss several reasons prayers go unanswered. Today we also discuss how noted Bible scholar Bart Ehrman lost his faith, the origin of Thor's enemy Gorr, and what both have to do with unanswered prayer.
One question that Christians don't talk about enough is HOW should we actually study our Bibles? Should we read them cover to cover, starting at the beginning? Should we follow a Bible reading plan? Should we spend more time in the Old Testament or New Testament? Today we discuss Dr. Sean McDowell's Bible reading plan and its merits. We also discuss what percentage of the Bible is Old Testament vs New, and how that should inform our Bible reading decisions.
Today we discuss a question that probably isn't asked enough: Do all parts of the Bible have equal importance? Are there some chapters, or verses, or even books that are more important than others? Interestingly, as Jesus Himself will tell us - some parts of the Bible are indeed more important than others, and knowing this will better prepare us to study the Bible in a more advantageous way.
Apologist and author Lonny Robison joins us to discuss interacting with skeptics, atheists and anti-theists (?) on the internet. Is that a fruitful and wise activity? We also discuss Dr. Craig Keener's massive work on miracles, recounting testimonies of people healed of migraines, holes in their hearts, and even an older lady who was enabled to walk again after years in a wheelchair! What do all of these miracles mean, and can they be used as evidence to prove biblical accounts to skeptics?
In part 2 of our interview with New Testament scholar and best-selling author Craig Keener, we discuss how modern-day miracles demonstrate how reliable the Bible is. Dr. Keener shares with us the mind-blowing story of how Barbara Cummiskey was healed of multiple issues after doctors sent her home to die. Multiple doctors and nurses are eyewitnesses of this incredible healing, and Dr. Keener will tell us all about it. We also discuss how Christians today might themselves experience more miracles.
On this first episode of the Deep Questions Pod, our guest is Dr. Craig Keener, author of Miracles Today, and a two-volume (1200 page!) scholarly work on Miracles. Dr. Keener is a New Testament scholar, prolific author, and without a doubt, the foremost authority in the world on miracles in history, and modern miracles. Dr. Keener shares some amazing miracles stories today, including some that he personally witnessed and experienced! He also shares about his writing career, how he wrote his four-volume (4,400 page!) commentary on the book of Acts, and how he met his wife Medine, who was a refugee in Congo for 18 months. An absolutely fascinating interview - be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you can hear part two, coming in the next episode.
This is a short trailer for the Deep Questions podcast - visit the show's website at!
This is the Deep Questions Podcast, and I’m your host, Chase Thompson, a pastor and writer in Salinas, California. On the Deep Questions pod, we want to dive into the deepest Spiritual questions that humans have: Is the Bible reliable? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Why are some churches and Christians toxic? Was there a conspiracy in the early church to change the Bible and transform a humble carpenter into the Son of God? Is the Shroud of Turin a Hoax, or the genuine burial Shroud of Jesus? That’s just a sample of the questions we will tackle. Like I said, I’m Chase, and I’ve been podcasting since 2005. I’m also a writer, and the pastor of Valley Baptist church, in Salinas, California. I’ve got five kids and a lovely wife named Janet, and all of us originally hail from Birmingham, Alabama. If you want to get in touch with me with a question for the show, or a comment, then please go to our website, and hit the contact form there. I especially love to hear from critics, atheists and skeptics - even snarky ones, because I love critics, skeptics and atheists! You can also find me on social media - chaseathompson on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
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