God cares about where our heart lies. The two great commandments to love God and our neighbor, is not about doing a duty or going through the motions of service but of a true sincerity and intention. God will lead us by His Spirit to guide us in how to serve. We must reserve judgment of others but prove all things with church order allowing for spiritual adaptation and not rigid legalism.
Grow in your knowledge of who the Lord is and why He came to be your Savior so you can humbly learn to trust Him. Trust is required for taking your first steps in learning to hear and follow the Holy Spirit's guidance, to find consolation and peace with God, and to also find your assigned mission of service on this earth. Stay focused on Him, and learn, as Gideon did, how to truly know His voice, to keep on the right path to eternity and victory over sin and godless teachings.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Those who are chosen by Him, reconciled to God by obeying the serious promptings of the Holy Spirit to be repentant and receive His forgiveness, and are truly born again spiritually by surrendering their will to Him, now become One with Jesus. Christ is the Head of His body: the Church. We now receive power, protection, guidance, and authority from Him, to act as He would in love upon the earth. Apart from Him we can do nothing. Live as children of Light and be a pillar of hope in the world, to draw others upwards towards Him.
Enjoy a ride through the tunnel of love as we delve into an overall exploration of the Biblical concept of love. Become love, equally yoke with each other and Christ. A message of hope. *14 different scriptures related to love on this special day.
Journey with us through time, revisiting the great split of division between God and mankind at the Garden of Eden, seeing firsthand our need for reconciliation, fulfilled by the suffering and sacrifice of our One and only Mediator, Jesus Christ. Learn to enter into a posture of a worshipful heart before the Lord God, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform you into a new creation in Christ, restoring peace anew between God and man, and also between men and women.
Praise God for sending Spirit-filled mentors into our lives to help lead us on our journey of spiritual growth, growing in our knowledge of Christ and understanding His forgiveness and personal love for us. Mentors help us to rely on the Holy Spirit to now live our life according to new spiritual laws within our heart, following a new and higher calling, unto Oneness with Christ, our Savior and Lord. Avoid the snares of our enemy, the Devil, who seeks to distract us, discourage us, and destroy us. Don't waste this present precious time we have to grow in your relationship with Christ. Trials lay ahead. Will you be ready to stand firm against the pressures of godless people?
When the Holy Spirit gives you the green light, do you idle and delay from obeying the Lord's will to spread His hope-filled message which will help to rescue the despondent from the wicked plans of the evil one? Be careful not to be influenced by the mindset of those who refuse to allow Him to be their Lord, even though they may claim to be your brother or sister in Christ. Warn them in love, and keep your mind eternally-focused on the goal of your heavenly prize, the joy of glorifying God and the Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ.
Follow the command to stand firm in that day of trial and testing that is to come upon the earth as the "anti-christ" man of lawlessness is revealed. Pray for mercy and help from the Holy Spirit to build you up into a strong faith and a firm foundation in Christ so you can hear His voice of truth and guidance. Receiving the comfort and hope only He can give, God will light up your soul with for others to see the way to Him through Christ Jesus, the world's true Saviour and Redeemer.
Enter this new year with great expectation and hope, seeking the Lord to do a mighty work within your heart and life. Search for the one true path to Christ, found only in God's merciful plan of salvation. Follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He nudges you to discover the blessings of humility, sorrow, repentance and obedience, as you die to self will and become born again into newness and joy. Allow Him to enable you to fulfill your spiritual calling to be a blessing to the world, as you glorify Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and assist others to find their way to Him to personally receive eternal life.
Now is the time to escape the coming wrath and predetermined time of trials and testing that is to come upon those who have pushed away the Holy Spirit's voice of warning. Escape by accepting His redemptive help, to surrender fully to Jesus Christ as Savior, accepting all He says to do, so you may be made holy under His Lordship and blossom safely within His instructions, living as true children of the Light, in the coming days of darkness. Build up the weaker, younger ones in the faith. Rejoice in all circumstances, knowing God is in ultimate control and loves you deeply. You will be saved! Praise be to God!
Follow the still quiet voice of the Lord's Spirit within you to be guided into truth, repentance, holiness and safety during these difficult and challenging end times. Remain faithful unto Him alone, persevering against the temptations and persecutions of the world, and the evil one's schemes, to try to draw you back into selfish independence and sins that will harm you. Hold onto the hope of your salvation from the wrath to come upon the rebellious in heart, knowing surely that you will someday soon be drawn up unto Him, out of the chaos that will ensue.
God sends both the sun and the rain into the lives of both unbelievers and believers in Christ. We must stand firm in our faith in the Lord, accepting His comfort and timely teachings, to successfully endure the seasons of hardship in our life that He sends our way. Allow Him to do His transforming work within your heart and mind so you may be used by Him to help others fill the gaps in their faith understanding and someday be able to stand holy and blameless together in His sight, as He returns to gather those who persevered to the finish line and have gained the victory of being spiritually One with Him.
We all reach a point of decision in life of whom we will serve, bow down to, live life to please and let rule our life decisions. In times of persecution, will you persevere in loving ministry and cherish those who are still hard of heart, as the Holy Spirit begins His early effective work upon their hearts, to bring them to their eventual day of repentance, salvation, and one day being face to face with you and Jesus Christ in eternity? Trust the Great Overcomer in the spiritual battles for your very soul. He reigns supreme and is victorious in every battle!
Surrender your heart willingly unto full service to the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ's gospel message. Be blessed with the joy of the Holy Spirit moving powerfully through your words to fulfill God's redemptive plan, bringing them to true repentance, and helping them to understand the truth of Christ Jesus' atoning sacrifice personally for them. Be willing to share in the sufferings of Christ so as to save His chosen people from the coming wrath which is to come upon the hard-of-heart and resistant-spirited, who reject their one and only Saviour.
Feel the joy and excitement, bewilderment and shock, of the great unveiling of the truth, that Jesus the Messiah has truly risen indeed! He is Victor over death! His life purpose given personally for you so you may choose to receive the gracious gifts of faith, forgiveness, cleansing from sin, reconciliation with the Father, and Holy Spirit sanctification, as They live within your heart as a burning flame of sure hope. He is alive now and forevermore!
God's love for us is astounding! Look at the depths Christ Jesus has gone through for your rescue from the dark side into the light of His redemptive love. Cry out to Him today to hear His voice within your heart (His faith prompt), hearing His invitation to you, then accept His sacrifice at Calvary personally for you (act upon what you "hear"). He will lead you safely home to eternity with Him. Follow Him and persevere. Live by faith and not by sight. Look beyond what you see.
The Lord daily examines the condition and state of our hearts. He is more concerned with the real truth of what is really going on inside our hearts and minds compared to the false truth that we physically try to present outwardly to those around us. Are you ready for His sudden return? Do you feel the deep impact of what He has sacrificed for you to provide access to eternity with Him? Are you watchful against the temptation to fall asleep and thus ignore the signs of time running out, to make your decision for Christ as your Saviour, Lord, Leader, and King?
Do you have a heart of trust and willingness to do whatever the Lord asks of you, even if it endures going through times of suffering, want, and persecution? The widow's mite example can help us to prepare for the end times that lay soon before us. Be ready for your time of enlarging your spiritual territory as the Lord prepares you to be a mouthpiece for Him. Stand firm in His truth and you will endure to the end.
The Lord who knows our hearts was able to see through the strategic schemes of the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the elders of the temple. Following the Holy Spirit's guidance, He knew how to successfully answer each trap to create a parable-style response, showing them their own sinful situation and their impending future judgment. Let us also speak boldly as the Holy Spirit leads us in these challenging end times.
How deeply the Lord wishes we would take seriously His call to us personally, to understand the message of peace and reconciliation which the Holy Spirit speaks to us, as He moves within our hearts to draw us to the One and Only Way to enter into eternal salvation with Jesus Christ. He sees and knows all concerning the state of our heart. Will we allow Him to reign as our King and trust Him to completely forgive us, fill us with His Holy Spirit, and sanctify our soul?
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