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Adfærdsledelse på lyd er Danmarks første podcast om adfærdsledelse. Det handler om, hvordan du går fra intention til handling og får forandringer til at ske i dit liv og din organisation. Henrik Dresbøll er vært og inviterer nogle af Danmarks bedste, sjoveste, skøreste og mest effektive mennesker i studiet for at høre, hvordan de får det til at ske. Varige og effektive forandringer er målet. Ændring af adfærd og design af mikrohandlinger er midlet. Og sammen får vi det til at ske. Det her er adfærdsledelse på lyd. Velkommen til. Musik: Peter Aagard Krabbe: Komponist/keysGuy Moscoso: Sax/BasHenrik Dresbøll: Trommer
If you are a young lawyer in Texas looking for ways to help you achieve your career goals, this podcast is for you. We'll talk with some of the top attorneys in Texas and find out what has been the key to their success. As a bonus we'll have fun by taking deep dives into our favorite legal movies!
For nogle er succes at dedikere sig selv til det, de brænder for. For andre er det at opnå en bestemt titel, løn eller status, eller måske er det selve processen og læringen undervejs. Hvornår føler du dig succesfuld i dit arbejdsliv?
I den nye sæson af Succesfuld taler journalist og iværksætter Pernille Brunse med blandt andre Brian Lykke, Karsten Lauritzen og Bente Klarlund om, hvad succes er for dem, og om hvordan de håndterer fejl og fiaskoer i arbejdslivet. Podcasten er udgivet af Akademikernes A-kasse - produceret af Storyhouse Egmont/Story Lab. Ny sæson får premiere 1. februar 2024. -
Skal man være advokat? Jurist i det offentlige? Inhouse? Eller noget helt fjerde?
William Skov, William Pihl og Daniel Durán er alle ved at nærme sig enden på deres studietid. Men hvad derefter? I denne podcast sætter de tre herrer sig for at kigge tilbage på den uddannelse, de er ved at afslutte og ser frem mod den karriere, der venter på den anden side. Ærligt, uformelt og fuld af stikpiller til hinanden leder de tre kommende jurister in spe efter deres vej i juraens verden.
Podcasten produceres af K-NEWS og Karnov Group -
MERE tager dig med dybt ind i hjernerne og vanerne hos anerkendte entreprenører, ledere og eksperter. Med deres liv og erfaringer som laboratorier for succes åbner podcasten op for gæsternes vigtigste startegier i en hverdag, hvor livet hele tiden banker på. I ærlige og menneskelige samtaler giver serie-iværksætter Mike Radoor og journalist og brand specialist Jonas Sølberg dig redskaberne til ikke bare at overleve, men til at leve et intentionelt liv, hvor du selv sætter baren og definerer din succes, hvad end den er. Subscribe og lyt med hver uge.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Struggling to manage your career or job search with so much uncertainty and crisis in the world? You're not alone.
Join Work Wonders Careers founder, career strategist, and resume writer Jenn Walker Wall for practical and easy-to-apply career advice and inspiration that will help you reduce overwhelm and stress, detach from hustle culture, and work and live in alignment with your values and goals.
Careers at the End of the World is for mission driven people who care a lot about the world around them - and want support and strategies that help them operationalize those priorities along the way. -
Lead with Less is THE podcast for People Leaders.
Hosted by Tash Pieterse, Certified People Leadership Coach, Business Owner, and mother.
Lead with Less is a podcast for people leaders who want to learn the skills they need to lead in way that people actually want to follow.
With over 13+ years experience in Human Resources, leading her own teams, running her own business, and being a mother, Tash brings all of that experience and knowledge to the podcast so you can get everything you need to become a leader focused on adding value, making an impact, and empowering the people around you.
This is the perfect spot if you're an established professional, new to leadership, business owner, or executive and want to Lead with Less overwhelm, confusion, and struggle so you can become a Leader people actually want to follow. -
Defined by your career? Ready to try a new hobby or job? Looking to be inspired? This weekly podcast shares stories of people who have found work-life balance and self-worth beyond just their job title. Rabiah Coon, a marketing manager, standup comic, writer and non-profit volunteer talks with guests about the pursuit of passions and hobbies, or work that reflects our values. Through guest's stories, listeners are reminded that life is more than work.
Your guide to navigating career milestones & moments of failure, as you climb your way to the top, however you define it.
Join host Madeline Riley every month for unprofessional conversations, with professional people. We go behind the glossy tales of career success and delve deeper into the rarely discussed topics like getting fired, negotiating your salary, how to get promoted and coping job search rejection. Through authentic interviews with people who have successful and enviable nine to fives, we embrace honesty and discomfort, guiding you with how to navigate the career ups and downs as you climb the corporate ladder.
Join our community:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lead With Who You Are is a show that explores what it means to harness your most powerful, compelling, and aligned self. Unlike other shows about leadership, we’re on a journey to learn from mentors, experts, and badass people who are transforming the world – and their world – through the simple and radical act of choosing not to hide from who they are, and instead, leverage the wisdom of their true selves as a pathway to action.
I'm Dia Bondi, and for the last 20 years as a communications coach and catalyst, I've helped world class leaders, entrepreneurs and social impact innovators inside companies like Salesforce, Dropbox, and Google speak powerfully at the most critical moments of their career and businesses. I’ve learned that when the chips are down – your best bet is to lead with who you are. -
Velkommen til Podcasten Karrierekagen! Udforsk de lækre lag af forskellige karriereretninger med Sarah Zahle Borgensgaard og Mie Riis Mouritsen som værter.
Vi ved om nogen hvor svært det kan være at vælge uddannelse, job eller karriereretning og derfor har vi lavet en podcast hvor vi kommer rundt om alle de forskellige muligheder for at skabe din karriere, både med og uden uddannelser.
Lyt med, når vi dykker ned i spændende karriererejser med inspirerende gæster fra diverse brancher. Vi serverer indsigtsfulde historier og velsmagende karrieretips.
Tag en bid af karrierekagen med os og bliv inspireret i det store karriereunivers.
Har du spørgsmål, kommentarer eller noget du ønsker vi dykker ned i? Så kontakt os på [email protected] eller skriv til os på instagram. -
Are you a woman in leadership who is tired of feeling stuck in your career? Like your work isn’t getting the recognition it deserves? Like your voice doesn’t have the influence it needs to contribute to better solutions? Like no matter what you do, you can’t get promoted?
While these challenges don’t discriminate against gender, women need different solutions to overcome them.
It’s not enough for women to simply get leadership training and career advice. They need to learn how to lead with their feminine energy and use it as their biggest advantage.
On this show, career success coach Jill Avey and her guests explore how women can rise from director to vice president and beyond by fully leaning into their feminine energy as their biggest advantage.
In each episode, you’ll understand how women need to lead differently and how by doing so, women leaders gain influence and respect among their colleagues, restore balance to their role, and receive the recognition and promotions they deserve.
Each episode will highlight real-life stories, offer practical advice, and the science of feminine leadership so you can see how women are rising up as far as they want to go, without playing by the old rules that built these male-dominated industries and systems.
It took Jill 10 years to get promoted from director to vice president. She’s here to extend her hand to other women leaders to move past that rung of the ladder in months — or even weeks — instead of years — so we can create more gender balance within leadership positions and feel the effects of women’s influence on the world.
Jill is the founder of SisterSmart where she offers group and private coaching to help her clients find deep fulfillment in their careers, both personally and financially. You can learn more at -
Økonomi spiller en kæmpe rolle på både godt og ondt i vores liv. Men alligevel har rigtig mange af os svært ved at tale om penge. Vi rykker ud med økonomi-ambulancen for at hjælpe dig, der lytter med, til at tage sagen i egen hånd og finde din egen vej til økonomisk frihed.
Female Invest har samme med Maria Jencel lavet podcasten ‘112 for din økonomi’ hvor hun sammen med formuerådgiver og finansiel ekspert Helle Snedker inviterer en gæst i studiet hver uge og dykker helt ned i deres økonomiske historie.
For at give dig de bedste forudsætninger for at komme i gang, kan du lige nu spare 50% på et års medlemskab hos Female Invest med koden “Maria”. Det eneste, du skal gøre, er at besøge -
Sari de la Motte is the host of "From Hostage to Hero" and has been dubbed the "Attorney Whisperer" because of her unique ability to help attorneys communicate their real selves. Join us weekly as Sari shares tips that will help you up your game at trial and connect with your jurors.
The National Association for Sales Professionals podcast, Leads to Growth, provides in-depth interviews and discussions sharing the best sales training techniques, sales, and prospecting skills, as well as influence and communication skills to take your professional sales career to the next level! Join Chris McCoy as he creates engaging conversations with the sales industry's top talent.