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Podcasts fra FINANS. DET DER TÆLLER udkommer hver mandag, og ser frem mod ugens væsentlige begivenheder i verdensøkonomien. BUNDLINJEN udkommer hver fredag, hvor et skiftende panel debatterer aktuelle emner og historier fra erhvervslivet. FINANS WEEKEND kan høres fra klokken 05.00 hver lørdag - her møder du en af Finans-redaktionens medarbejere og kommer med bag arbejdet med erhvervsstoffet. GRØNNE PENGE er vores podcast om den grønne omstilling. Den udkommer to gange om måneden - det samme gør LEDELSE MED LOUISEN ORBESEN, Finans ledelsespodcast. VALG I USA - vores dækning af det amerikanske præsidentvalg udkommer hver torsdag morgen kl. 05.00 og vores LYN-ANALYSER og PERSPEKTIV dryppes ud på kanalen i et løbende flow.
The Ken McElroy Show is your weekly meet-up where real estate entrepreneur and CEO Ken McElroy shares his personal experiences and the strategies he’s implemented throughout his career, from his first job as an apartment manager to today, having successfully scaled up to over $1 billion in real estate investments. Each week, Ken and his co-host Danille delve into a wide range of topics related to real estate, including entrepreneurship, current events and their impact on investors, the investor’s mindset, and the best practices for a thriving business. Their guests have included a diverse range of authors, entrepreneurs, and investors, such as Robert Kiyosaki, Jaspreet Singh (“Minority Mindset”), and Brandon Turner (“Bigger Pockets”). Their conversations are candid, occasionally irreverent, and always informative. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
A leading global cleantech podcast, exploring the stories that matter in clean energy since 2017. Every two weeks experts and industry leaders join Sylvia Leyva Martinez, solar and clean energy expert from Wood Mackenzie, for a deep dive into the technology, funding and policy that’s driving the energy transition forward.
Who’s innovating in the space? Who’s solving real world problems in clean energy and how are they doing it? Find out here.
Podcastmagasinet er et mediemagasin om alt inden for podcasting. Vi giver dig de vigtigste nyheder og går i dybden med baggrund og analyser på de største podcasthistorier fra ind- og udland.
Produceres og udgives af podcastbureauet Kontekst & Lyd. -
American Healthcare Entrepreneurs and Execs you might want to know. Talking.
Relentless Health Value is a weekly interview podcast hosted by Stacey Richter, a healthcare entrepreneur celebrating fifteen years in the business side of healthcare.
This show is for leaders in pharma, devices, payers, providers, patient advocacy and healthcare business. It's for health industry innovators, entrepreneurs or wantrepreneurs or intrapreneurs.
Relentless Healthcare Value is the show for you if you want to connect with others trying to manage the triple play: to provide healthcare value while being personally and professionally fulfilled. -
Searching for a podcast filled to the brim with the best from thought leaders? Open to reframing the way you think about money, emotions, behavior, and time? Take The Long View® with Matt Hall will help you learn to live richly. Subscribe now for stories and conversations that will put the odds of long-term success on your side.
Aktuelle erhvervsjuridiske emner, der kan være relevante for din virksomhed.I hver episode kan du møde en eller flere af DLA Pipers juridiske eksperter, og vi dykker ned i et aktuelt emne. Vi gennemgår baggrund, implementering og perspektiver af lovgivningen - og vi gør det altid konkret og konstruktivt, så du kan omsætte juraen til handling.
HR in Business er DANSK HR’s podcast om HR og ledelse.
Det handler om HR, der skaber værdi og gør en forskel i din organisation.
Værten har hver gang en gæst i studiet, hvor de taler om et relevant og aktuelt emne. Gæsten deler ud af sine erfaringer og viden, der balanceres mellem teori, strategi og praksis og du får praktiske eksempler og konkrete værktøjer. Når du har lyttet til podcasten, har du fået fornyet inspiration og konkrete gode råd og tips, der klæder dig på til at skabe værdi og gøre en forskel i din organisation.
DANSK HR er Danmarks største professionelle, uafhængige, netværksbaserede HR-organisation for HR-direktører, HR-chefer, HR Business Partners, HR-ansvarlige og HR-konsulenter.
HR-afdelingen skal sikre virksomheder kompetente medarbejdere og skabe grobund for økonomisk og personalemæssig stabil udvikling. DANSK HR er HR-afdelingernes HR-videncenter, som gennem høj faglighed, aktuel viden, rådgivning og netværk understøtter alle medlemmer og deres virksomheder i det daglige HR-arbejde med at forbedre konkurrenceevnen. -
"AI is what XR has been waiting for," says podcast co-host Rony Abovitz, founder of Mako Robotics, Magic Leap, and the AI startup, Synthbee. "AI is what everything has been waiting for," adds co-host Charlie Fink, who writes a weekly column on AI and XR for Forbes. The other co-host is entertainment technology exec, Ted Schilowitz, co-founder of Red Camera. The podcast starts with a hot take on the week's top tech news, followed by industry guests.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
SCM Agendaen er en podcast fra - Danmarks eneste dedikerede medie inden for ledelse af forsyningskæden. udgiver podcasts, hvor vi dykker ned i aktuelle og/eller evigtgyldige temaer inden for vores felt. Indholdet i SCM Agendaen vil typisk blive leveret af to til tre gæster, som har erfaring med emnet, og vi bestræber os på altid at lade både praktikere og eksperter få ordet. Vært: Anders Kampmann, webredaktør for
AI is changing the way we work at an unprecedented speed. How can business leaders stay ahead of the curve and champion emerging technologies to benefit themselves and their teams? On WorkLab, we talk to experts about the work trends you need to know today—from how to use AI effectively to what it takes to thrive in a digital age. Join host Molly Wood as she explores the science of work and ingenuity.
Managing partner of Gallup in Europe, Middle East and Africa, Pa Sinyan discuss some of the major findings from Gallup from 30 years of research and studies all over the world. In the summer of 2022 Gallup presented their newest results from studying the engagement of employees in all regions of the world. Who am I - editor and host of this podcast: Søren Jensen, management coach and communications expert, owner and entrepreneur of the activities in
In March 2023 the International Bar Association will hold the 6th M&A in the Technology Sector Conference in Berlin Germany. In this podcast Martin Schirmbacher of HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte will interview some of the moderators and speakers of the conference to give an overview of what to expect from each of the panels and discussions. Each episode will give an introduction in the topic discussed and should attendees give some guidance as to what panel or table to join.
Builders of Biotech is a show about innovation in the biotech sector, told through the experiences of industry experts and influential scientists. Host Lucas Carter investigates scientific breakthroughs with the people who made them happen, making sure to appreciate the technical wonder and human element of each discovery. Join us for stories from biotech that are informative, personal, and always fascinating.