After six years, the Platform for Progress will no longer exist as a sole political party in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This as the congress of the Platform has decided on the future direction of the party. The first option would be to join with another party or parties to form an entirely new entity. If that does not work out, then continue as a movement rather than a political party. I recently spoke with the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźikadić, about these difficult and trying times.
The Congress of the Platform for Progress will decide upon the future of the political organization when it meets on Saturday, October 26. In my recent conversation with the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźkadić, he shared the options that are being considered moving forward and some of his personal thoughts as he will be stepping down as president after serving six years in that role.
Following the disappointing results from the local elections, some true soul-searching is underway by members of the Platform for Progress. As the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźikadić, recently shared, there are several options that are being considered, none of which will be easy for the party that was formed just six years ago.
The recent local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina did not play out as hoped by members of the Platform for Progress. During our recent conversation, the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźkadić, shared his disappointment and frustration with the ongoing struggles that are faced in the attempt to bring about democratic change to the country.
With the campaign period in full swing, members of the Platform for Progressive are manning information booths throughout the country as they pass out literature and answer questions from curious voters. And what they are hearing is the ongoing story of voter apathy. During our recent conversation the president the Platform, Mirsad Hadźkadić, spoke about his ongoing dilemma and the challenges that lie ahead in the next few weeks.
In just over a month voters from around Bosnia and Herzegovina will head to the polls for the local elections. I recently spoke with the Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadźikadić, about the ongoing preparations. Hadźikadić also took time to reflect on two events that he attended to honor those who lost their lives during the genocide.
Each year for the last 20 years thousands have gathered from around the world to participate in the Peace March in Bosnia and Herzegovina to honor the more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys who were massacred by the Bosnian Serb force. The three-day walk traverses the same route in the mountains in reverse that the men and boys traveled while trying to escape the troops. This year, as he has done every year since 2018, Platform for Progress president Mirsad Hadzikadic participated in the march.
The Platform for Progress is finalizing the list of candidates who will appear on the ballot for the general elections in October. Platform president Mirsad Hadźkadić said the process this time is made even more tedious and complicated because of their recently formed collation. One that has him tempering the egos of some who feel they are not being represented properly on the ballot.
The Platform for Progress has formed a coalition with another existing political party as the local elections in October draw closer. In a recent conversation with the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźkadić, we spoke about the reasoning behind the move and what it means moving forward for both parties.
The pace has quickened as members of the Platform for Progress focus their attention on the upcoming local elections. The list of candidates is being finalized as the Platform continues to mull the idea of forming some sort of a coalition. In my recent conversation with Platform president, Mirsad Hadźikadić, he said they are also faced with the continual dilemma of transforming the enthusiasm they are seeing on the streets into votes at the polls.
As the October local election draws closer The Platform for Progress is again weighing the options of whether to form or join a coalition. The president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźikadić, said there have been countless discussions both internally and around the country to determine the sentiments of doing so, and what if any benefits such a move would have for the The Platform for Progress.
As seems to be the case every election cycle, gray clouds have once again moved in over Bosnia and Herzegovina. There remains tension over the proposed UN resolution regarding the genocide in Srebrenica as the sounds of saber rattling are loud and clear. The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźikadić, says the talk of war is nothing unusual during an election cycle, but the frustration is always there as it distracts from getting their message of change before the people.
A resolution regarding the genocide in Srebrenica will come before the United Nations General Assembly in May. Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadźikadić, says the resolution has many sponsors and there is an ongoing flurry of activity in preparation for the discussion of the resolution. Hadźikadić, says the news of the resolution is causing a lot of turmoil in Serbia as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The lengthy process of joining the European Union has begun in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźikadić, says the preliminary negotiations, as they are called, have begun to start of process of what needs to be done in order to be accepted. A process that he says could take years.
As the messaging from the Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadźikadić continues to take on a much more direct and critical tone, the exposure from the national media is on the upswing. In the last ten days, Hadzikadić has again been interviewed on national TV. When we recently spoke, he shared his insights as to why the newfound interest by the media, after struggling so long to be taken seriously.
Over the past several weeks the Platform for Progress has been receiving much more national media coverage than in the past. A welcome sign as the Platform has undergone some substantial restructuring since the very poor showing during the 2022 general election. I recently spoke with Platform president, Mirsad Hadźikadić, about the reasoning behind the new interest by the media and the upcoming local elections this Fall.
The past week marked visits from diplomats from the Europen Union and NATO, as well as the Assistant Secretary of State of Europe and Eurasian Affairs, Jame O’Brien. The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźikadić, said he was pleasantly surprised by the comments of O’Brien, as he was very direct and forthcoming with his assessment of the ongoing situation in the country.
The Platform for Progress is involved with ongoing discussion regarding the formation of a coalition in Republika Srpska. The president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźikadić, says forming a coalition with like minded individuals and other parties, will help to strengthen the presence of the Platform there. We recently spoke about the process, and the pros and cons of such an endeavor.
The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźikadić, recently shared, “just when you think things have gotten as bad and they can, they continue to get worse.” Such is the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the country prepares for the local election in October of this year. During our recent conversation, Hadźikadić, expressed dismay and concern , as the search for answers and solutions becomes more difficult each passing day.
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